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There is a thing called a β€œblessing in


October 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Perhaps no other profession comes into full contact with the rate at which time flies than media commentators. If you are a columnist then the first thing you strike on the keyboard is the date on your piece. Once you press the November button, you are entering the Christmas hallway
Once Christmas comes around, you know another year has gone and there is the inescapable thought of what the new year will bring for you as a person and your country.
This month marks two years since we achieved the historic election results of a two-way sharing of power. The combined opposition won Parliament, the PPP secured the Executive.
The child of one of the most powerful leaders in the PPP said to a relative, β€œThat may not be a bad thing after all.”
For most Guyanese, not only was it not a bad thing after all, but it was a good thing that may have ended our sixty-year old misery and set us on a path not only the Caribbean but the world will recognize Guyana for.
There are four large names in the CARICOM family, three of which the entire world knows about in the following order – Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad.
While the world has known about Jamaica and Barbados a long time now, Trinidad’s First World status has pushed it into eyes of the world the past ten years.
It was Trinidad that spent nearly US$250 to host the last Summit of the Americas where the world’s gaze was on Trinidad because the world wanted to see how Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama would approach each other.
Of that Big Four, Guyana continues to be a very poor country by even Third World standards and to think of it Guyana is potentially richer and larger than the Big Three combined.
The wealth of this country is simply staggering in comparison with the islands of CARICOM. Yet we haven’t moved and are not moving into a securable future.
And the reason for this is our politics. No other example stands out like a sore thumb than the anti-money laundering Bill. If not passed it lacerates the economy in ways that will impact all classes but outside of the opposition no honest stakeholder wants to even approach the government to do the right thing.
From all that I know through my contacts with both APNU and AFC, they are not going to vote for the Bill in its present form.
So unless the government compromises then there will be international sanctions. No citizen wants that but maybe it will be a blessing in disguise.
Maybe as a nation we have to endure social devastation before some of our stakeholders come to their senses.
Maybe a disastrous crisis arising out of the sanctions is what is needed before some stakeholders can recapture and restore their sense of integrity. We do not want a country reeling from instability but maybe it will be a blessing in disguise.
Hasn’t that been our history since the PPP came to power in 1992? Each time the monster tears us apart, there is some attempt at political unity then time passes and it is back to power domination. We saw it when Desmond Hoyte was opposition leader.
The PPP came to the table and dialogue was born. Hoyte died and Corbin began a suspicious journey and it was back to square one.
We went through the Lusignan massacre and the government summoned a national stakeholders’ meeting.
The aftermath of Lusignan died with the passage of time and power madness became more insane. Now we are at the financial precipice with the anti-laundering legislation.
There are times you wonder if the business community in this country would sell its own close, loved one for those Biblical pieces of silver.
Is there another group like these people in the world? You can show them where a policy is so retrograde and indecent and not in the spirit of justice, freedom and democracy and they will still support it. I have no expertise in financial science.
I took time and went through all the details of the Amaila Hydro Power investment and I know in my heart that electricity rates could not have gone down even in twenty years from the pay back terms that I had seen.
I read the anti-money laundering legislation. It puts too much power in the hands of a government I do not trust period! It must be amended to reduce such power.


The Freudian content of the PPP’s


October 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 



Let me ask you some questions. Why do you think Robeson Benn went to NCN to get the calypso removed from the airwaves even though he was not the subject Minister and he didn’t go through the subject Minister? Why do you think at a press conference a Minister could say, β€œI thought it was me y’all talking β€˜bout when y’all talk about a minister doing illegal things because I is a Minister who is do illegal things.”
Why do you think a PPP parliamentarians could say that the public swimming pools cannot be made open to the general public because people must realize that they have to bathe before they swim? Why do you think that β€œKillaman” skips from one sordid scandal to the other? Why do you think that the de facto ruler of Guyana told a public meeting in Essequibo that the reason why a newspaper owner does not like him is because the publisher had a woman and he β€œtook away” the lady?
Do politicians engage in such scatology when speaking to their supporters? Should public politics involve such degrading grammar? How can a lawyer of all people, openly praise the police for killing three youths and say that it is a waste of money to do a post mortem?  In front of the media, a Minister turns her backside in front of her Ministry to a group of protestors in a manner that is clearly vulgar.
I could go on and on. I could tax my memory and take you back to more incredibly shocking semantics from all PPP leaders, including numero uno. Of course by saying numero uno, you may not know who I mean, because lots of Guyanese are saying that Guyana has two presidents. Which one is numero uno?
What are your answers to all these questions? I will give you mine. They are in the philosophy of that great thinker, Sigmund Freud. Deep in the sub-conscious of all PPP leaders, without exception, is the acceptance that East Indians are to the PPP what water is to a flower. Out of that Freudian permanence comes an ironic contempt, in that PPP leaders see Indians as trapped souls. There is no sensitive awareness when dealing with Indians, because PPP autocrats know they can talk down to them and they have to accept.
Here is just one example of unbelievable disdain the PPP has for people they perceive as their property. At a Hindu wedding, a neighbour of mine went up to the de jure (legal) president and implored that the Government fix the road where she lives (it is in extremely terrible condition). Guess which Minister she was advised to see? The Minister of Housing and Trade. The Minister directly responsible for the road projects all over Guyana is the Minister of Works. When she told me this, I told her he was downright rude; he knew he misled you.
Indians have nowhere to go except the address of the PPP head office on Robb Street, ironically named Freedom House. Indians then have no alternative. When they look at Guyana, they see a coin. On one side is themselves, the other side are African Guyanese. Since Indians do not want African Guyanese to be in power, then Indians have to keep their PPP embrace, and that is a permanent fixture on the Indian mind. This understanding of course is a permanent fixture in the psyche of all PPP leaders, be they at the apex or on the lower rungs.
A senior journalist at Kaieteur News told me that he overheard two PPP kings talking during a large demonstration against the upsurge in crime, and one of them flippantly referred to the illusion of the AFC in thinking that Indians would ever stray from the PPP. Herein lies the answer to all those questions asked of you above. It will not stop with the Robeson Benn incident at Parika in which a member of the People’s Parliament was detained at a police station. It will not stop at Kwame Mc Koy’s antics.
These horrible attitudinal displays have no limits, simply because the people whose mouths they come out of believe at a deep, Freudian level that they do not have to endure embarrassment and will not face castigation, because Indian Guyanese will not remonstrate with them. The analogy of a boss and the coffee lady is apt. The coffee lady is not going to mind if she is seen taking home the milk. The boss is sexing her up and she can get away with anything. This analogy is a brutal fact of life.


The snap poll quagmire

October 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 



Is the PPP planning a snap poll? Ask that question six months ago, and most people would’ve said they doubt it. But the pressure by the international community for local government elections has created a huge quagmire for the PPP.
To call the local contest two years (it has to be held either in 2014 or 2015) before the next general elections is not a prospect the PPP is interested in. On the contrary, the party is afraid of it. It is not only the defeats that will occur in major towns, but there will be ignominy in many NDCs.
To enter into a general election after that, has to be a scary venture for the PPP. What it means then is that the PPP may want to call a snap election before the local government fiasco. Why would the PPP rush into another national poll?
Here are some reasons. First, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stop the crescendo of horribly bad publicity against the PPP that comes from every working session of Parliament. The PPP doesn’t care how effective is the opposition in Parliament. It could not be bothered with its incessant dismissal of the decisions of the House.
The main consideration is that each time Parliament meets there is a torrent of exposure of bad governance that takes a heavy toll on the PPP’s declining credibility. We are nearing the end of 2013, and if Parliament continues for the next thirty months, it will not be in the PPP’s interest to endure such biting exposure
In other words the PPP is in a no-win situation. The longer Parliament goes on the worse it is for the PPP’s image and the 10th Parliament will come to an end just before the 2016 election season begins. One way out of this hell-hole is to call a quick election and hope for a majority. Can the PPP win a majority? My opinion is no. It doesn’t have the demographic numbers.
The young population (over sixty percent is under 21, making Guyana one of the youngest countries on the globe) cannot be relied upon to demonstrate unyielding tribalist feelings. Thirdly, some terrible behavioural patterns by the ruling party will doom it. Fourthly, the strong support base in Berbice that it enjoyed for over sixty years has vanished.
Fifthly, the results of the last elections could have been better for both AFC and APNU. Their campaigns were not relentlessly energetic. They will not make that mistake this time around.
One of the first disappointments David Granger voiced after the election in 2011 was the colossal abstention (more than 100,000 eligible voters did not cast ballots). Granger knew that a sizeable chunk of that number would have gone to APNU.
The rational mind will think that the PPP cannot win. But the last thing dictatorships have is rationality. The PPP believes it can win. Two reasons drive it. It has a superabundance of resources, a tenth of which the opposition does not possess. Just one of the PPP’s ultra-wealthy backers could finance the PPP’s entire campaign. The party thinkers believe lack of resources will undo the opposition. It is really a silly analysis.
In 2011, for every dollar the opposition spent, the PPP spent a hundred, yet the PPP could not secure a majority. They are fooling themselves to think money can buy a victory.
The second motive has to do with psychology. Jagan is long gone but he left an imprint in the mind of every PPP leader, be that person old, young, male or female, in or out of Guyana – Indians are the exclusive ownership of the PPP.
Once Guyana has a PPP, no matter in what form or no matter how bad it behaves, Indians will embrace the party. For the PPP, the electoral behaviour of Berbicians (they switched to AFC and they also stayed home – 47 percent didn’t vote) in 2011 was just one of those things that will not re-occur.
The PPP will go back with Ramotar and Hinds because they know that among Indians, it doesn’t matter who you put, Indians are tied to the PPP. Throw in some nasty, racist propaganda and Indians will remain loyal. They have no choice, a PPP leader will tell himself or herself.
Readers looking at this column will know that it is a mirage. The young Indians are not so gullible. The young Indians will listen to Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran, Charrandas Persaud, Dr. Ramayya, Gerhard Ramsaroop and Rajendra Bisessar, among others.
Only the PPP cannot see this and they cannot see it because dictatorship and reality are antithetical. The opposition should not discount the possibility of a snap poll.


Not only asj would tell you that the Corrupt PPP/C is scared for any Elections


It is President Ramotar’s only game

of survival, so it has to be played


October 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

It is coming on to 21 years since the PPP is in power. If a citizen is twenty-one years old (Peter Ramsaroop told me two weeks ago about sixty percent of the nation is below 21) then that person has no firsthand knowledge of the government of President Forbes Burnham.
The PPP knows this and in every election, on every state occasion, the PPP milks its depraved historiography by telling us about the wrong things President Burnham did. Why say it when more than eighty percent of the country does not know about it because either they were born just as Burnham was moving off the scene or they emerged after Mr. Burnham was gone?
So why on every occasion, without exception, what Burnham did is brought up for the audience to digest? Because it is the only game a twenty-one-year-old regime knows. In those twenty-one years, the regime clings to Burnham’s mistakes to keep the flames alive because the gasoline has created far more mistakes than Burnham.
The latest act in this game is President Ramotar telling the audience at UG’s 50th anniversary the bad things Burnham did and he cited the refusal by the PNC Government to employ Walter Rodney at UG.
On reading that, immediately I said to myself I cannot let Ramotar get away with that vulgarity. I will ask for readers’ indulgence while I pen a brief note on Ramotar and his party and his government on me at UG. After twenty-six years of service, my contract was terminated without any complaint from any section of the University and without a hearing. The termination was done by the PPP-dominated Council. That is all I want to say.
What needs to be said about UG under the PPP, the party of Mr. Ramotar, is that a lecturer accused of graphic sexual descriptions in his classroom of the different acts of sex was allowed a hearing and permitted to have legal representation.
Let us go off of UG, a topic most Guyanese are familiar with. Let’s look at what happened in the twenty-one years.
So Mr. Ramotar spoke of the bad guy, Burnham, who didn’t give Walter Rodney a job. A foreign company came to this country and employed a learned young lawyer. Because the lawyer was once involved with a civil society group, Transparency Institute, the foreign company was told either you part company with this lawyer that the Guyana Government sees as an anti-government critic or we will not give you a licence.
For more details see my column of Friday, September 6, 2013 captioned, β€œA story in 2013 that Guyanese do not know about.”
Mr. Ramotar can tell a nation that has no firsthand knowledge of Mr. Burnham’s government, but Mr. Ramotar’s regime did exactly to me what Burnham did to Rodney, The PPP did to this lawyer what Burnham did to Rodney. It is not only the weird and warped psychology of the PPP that was on display when Mr. Ramotar spoke, but the depraved approach to historiography by most if not all PPP leaders.
If there is any scholar I felt sorry for as Mr. Ramotar spoke, it was our brilliant historian, Catholic nun, Sister Mary Noel Menezes. She was invited to be part of the panel, but did not deserve to listen to that crude propaganda of Mr. Ramotar. Mr. Ramotar and all his acolytes and colleagues in the PPP will go on to propagate such crude propaganda. They have to. It is the only game they know. It is the only thing they have going for them – tell the Guyanese people how bad were the opposition when they were in power.
The naked attempt to rewrite history by the PPP will go on, as the PPP’s inglorious role gets more stained and sordid, and as history records it. And history is recording it. History knows that Forbes Burnham denied Walter Rodney employment at UG. But now many of our young folks know that. But much to the exasperation of Ramotar, these young people know about who is doing what to the Guyanese nation these past twenty-one years.
They know who don’t care that Guyana has become the most fetid city in the entire world. And yes, I say without fear of reproach, the worst in the world. But wait a minute! Most Guyanese know who the PPP blames for the rotten environments of Georgetown. Why of course, you guessed it – President Forbes Burnham. Fact Number One – he died since 1985. Fact Number Two – Mr. Ramotar’s party is in power 21 years now.

Originally Posted by baseman:

ASJ, what made you so anti-PPP so suddenly?  I remember you were very pro in last elections.  Are you sure you don't suffer from bi-polar disorder?

Bai, yes I was very pro in the last Elections, I took so many heat of being with the PPP/C, I take so many persons to the polling station just to vote for the PPP/C.


But to make a long story short, My hatred eminated direct from the Office of the President, where there was a meeting. (There is pictures in my position)


Suffice to say that Donald Ramotar is not a man of his word. Promises were made, and was not honored.




The struggle for accountability is still

on – Granger


β€œWe need to know what is happening with the tax dollars of the hardworking Guyanese”


The politician said that Guyanese stand to benefit collectively from a type of scrutiny that will allow a government to be on its toes. β€œSo the struggle needs to be pursued and all must join.”
He said that the People Progressive Party (PPP) administration needs to realize that accountability will make a people more confident in their government.
Granger noted that accountability is what makes the system work. He added, β€œThat’s the need for the opposition,   and an accountable government will become a good government.”

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Is this Donald Rumsfeld? The man asks a question and then answers his question.

People Progressive Party (PPP) administration needs to realize that accountability will make a people more confident in their government.
Granger noted that accountability is what makes the system work. He added, β€œThat’s the need for the opposition,   and an accountable government will become a good government.”


The man is giving the Corrupt PPP/C some free advise.


Jagdeo’s master plan is to dominate

the communications industry –


November 3, 2013


β€œThe master plan is to take over the minds of Guyanese and to control the communications industry.”


Khemraj Ramjattan

AFc Leader Khemraj Ramjattan


This is the view held by Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, who was at the time speaking to the fact that many of the radio stations in operation now have been lambasting his party and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
This lambasting is more evident when it comes to matters such as the amendments to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Laws.
β€œJust as they control the financial structure, they now want to control the minds of people,” said Ramjattan.
He said that the β€œthey” he was speaking of was largely Bharrat Jagdeo and his β€œcohorts”.
Recently, operators of several television stations announced that they were moving to court to challenge a hefty hike in the broadcast fee. The amount is a minimum of $2.5M.
Operators, signaling intentions to file court action to challenge what they describe as a 1,000 percent increase, have been accusing the administration of wanting to close them down.
Commenting on the licence fees, Ramjattan said that this is but another aspect of the ploy by the administration to take over the industry and run certain operators out of business.
He said that even some of those that would have been issued with licences would soon find it hard pressed to


Managing Director Glenn Lall

Managing Director Glenn Lall


be able to stay in business and would have to end up selling their licences to the wealthy.
Dr. Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop is a close friend of Jagdeo who was allocated five frequencies along with his permission to broadcast.
Ramjattan likened the monopoly in the airwaves by the administration as similar to the control of the financial structure of the country and the economy in which a few wealthy elites benefit. The Member of Parliament was also convinced that it was a deliberate ploy by Jagdeo to approve licences to a number of others knowing fully well that they will not be able to stay in business for a very long time and will have to end up transferring their businesses to the wealthy.
β€œThe master plan is to control the entire country and its landscape,” said Ramjattan.
Asked about supporting the proposed amendments to the Broadcast Act that has been suggested by APNU’s Joseph Harmon, Ramjattan answered in the affirmative.
β€œWe will definitely support it,” said Ramjattan.
Less than a week before he left office, Jagdeo greenlighted several new radio stations and two cable operations to his close friends.
The issuance of the licences and the manner in which they were done have since attracted court action by several private media operators as well as protest actions.


Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo


Legal challenges were filed by the National Media Publishing Company, publishers of Kaieteur News, and the Guyana Media Proprietors Association Limited (GMPA).
It named Attorney General, the Minister of Broadcasting, National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU), Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) and the recipients of the licences.
Several prominent media houses were inexplicably overlooked for licences, including Capitol News, Stabroek News, CNS Channel 6 and Kaieteur News.







APNU not concerned about Public

Procurement Act now

November 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Granger

A partnership of National Unity (APNU) has said that contrary to what Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon announced about APNU’s support of the Alliance for Change’s (AFC) position that a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) must be established before the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) bill is supported, is not the same position APNU shares.
Opposition leader David Granger at his press briefing on Friday, said that while the establishment of the PPC is important, it is not a concern that his party shares at this time, more so with respect to tying it with the passing of the AML legislation.

β€œThe concerns about the Public Procurement Act have nothing to do with APNU at this point in time or our attitude towards the AML/CFT Bill.
APNU does not see the need for the PPC to be established before the passing of the AML legislation, since the party believes that there is no connection between the two.
Granger said, β€œThey are two different matters, there is no nexus between the two, we want a good anti-money laundering Bill and whether or not the Public Procurement Commission comes along is a different matter and we will deal with that when the time comes” Granger posited.
According to the Opposition Leader, β€œRight now our focus is on ensuring that the people of this country get AML legislation which will actually prevent the laundering of money and the enforcement to go with that.
β€œRight now we have no confidence that the bill as it stands should be approved and that is why we recommended that it go in a special committee in the first place.”
The Alliance for Change (AFC) position is that for them to assent or give support to the AML/CFT bill, a Public Procurement Commission must be established, since they both operate synonymously.
That party’s position is that you can’t have a money laundering legislation passed without having the PPC established, since most of the money is laundered through corrupt public contracts that Government has power and control over.
The PPC, an independent autonomous body which is constitutionally mandated, is needed to go along with the money laundering legislation, said the AFC.
AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan said, β€œWhile anti-money laundering measures are needed, passing the Bill without having the Procurement Commission in place is akin to locking the barn door while the fattest pig is still out in the yard.”

Leader of AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

Leader of AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

Leader of the Alliance for Change Khemraj Ramjattan during his recent press briefing articulated that β€œin direct and indirect ways, the absence of the PPC has resulted in why so much substandard infrastructure work has been done regionally and nationally, why public servants and workers generally cannot have better wages and salaries, and why a sultanate of extremely rich persons has been created.”
According to Ramjattan, β€œPeople want us to pass the AML Bill without the Procurement Commission. He said two of them came to my chambers to offer monies to me personally to have it passed without the Procurement Commission pleading that I change my position.
β€œI literally had to chase them out my office. That is not how Ramjattan operates or how any leader operates in the Alliance for Change.”
The AFC leader made his position clear that his party will only support the AML/CFT Bill if the PPC is established as it was intended to be without the amendment that the government wants to make which would place power back into the hands of Cabinet to have control over large contracts.
β€œGuyanese are entitled to and must have both the Public Procurement Commission and Anti Money Laundering legislation. One is not enough,” he pronounced.





Quote "Mr Ramkarran  further asserted that because of commingling of these corrupt groups with the PPP and their inter-dependence the government was not interested in building fundamental checks and balances institutions like the Public Procurement Commission which had been promised by the PPP over a decade ago." unquote





The PNC did not embrace the blatant

massive corruption that exists today

November 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

We continue to be extremely disappointed by the rabid and in some cases untrue statements coming from the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh. In his latest release, he stated β€œIf we examine the facts, during the 1970s and most of the 1980s, the PNC destroyed and decimated Guyana’s private sector.
They expropriated the private sector’s assets, intimidated and effectively banished the entrepreneurial class, and completely destroyed the environment for doing business. Their attitude today reveals that, although they are attempting to hide behind the thin veil of a new name, their hostility towards the private sector is much the same, and they remain diametrically opposed to private sector led development.”
For the Minister to say that the PNC had decimated the private sector is stretching the truth and he ought to know better. We will not allow the minister or anyone else in the PPP to distort the record of the PNC in order to score cheap political points or to spread their barefaced propaganda to distract the nation from the massive corruption that is taking place daily in every government department and high crime that they are unable to solve.
We would like to inform the minister that the PNC did not embrace the blatant massive corruption that exists today in every level of the PPP government and no minister in the PNC government has built mansions like those in Pradoville one and two. The PNC under the late President Forbes Burnham did not approve a pension of $3 million per month and an unlimited number of security and other personnel for a President after he demits office. The PNC did not squander US$230 million of the taxpayers’ money on the white elephant sugar factory at Skeldon and billions more on the idle Enmore sugar packaging plant and on the unfinished Marriott Hotel and the dried up Amalia Falls. The PNC did not give contracts to friends and relatives to build or paved roads that washed away three weeks after construction or sold state lands and properties to friends for a far cheaper price than the market value. In building the Demerara Bridge, the PNC put the interest of the people first by charging them the cheapest toll possible whereas, the PPP built the Berbice Bridge and put their friends first by allowing them to reap hundreds of millions in financial profits and not the people who have to pay the highest toll in the world to cross the bridge. This is more than enough evidence that the PPP has abandoned the poor and the working class in Guyana for their wealthy friends.
Furthermore, it was the PNC Government and in particular Mr. Carl Greenidge and President Hoyte who saved this country’s economy under the Economic Recovery Program (ERP). The foundation for the period of continued growth under Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Dr Asgar Ally was laid by Carl Greenidge in 1989 which saw growth in GDP under a PNC Government in 1991 and 1992 of 6 percent and 7.8 percent respectively. In terms of history, the Minister of Finance in his selective mind has ignored these solid achievements of the PNC by using the PPP play book to spread propaganda.
We want Dr. Singh to know that these high growth rates did not happen by accident or not by state intervention but by an active buy-in from the respectable private sector which invested billions into the Guyanese economy under the post pro-private sector Government ever in the history of Guyana – the Hoyte Government.
But Dr Singh quite skillfully chooses not to remember these facts in his rabid propaganda campaign.  Dr. Singh also chooses not to remember that as a result of the solid economic work of Carl Greenidge, Dr. Jagan’s Government saw an average growth in the economy between 1993-1997 of 7.4 percent. Dr. Singh and the twisted minds in the PPP are selective in what they want the people to know about the PNC achievements, but facts are facts and the truth must be revealed to the public, hence the debunking of the PPP propaganda, distortions and untruths.
These are the hard facts, but as every day goes by, Dr. Singh and others in the corrupt PPP regime continue to ignore the truth as they clothe themselves in the illusionary world of political deception and subterfuge, just like how they believe there is no corruption and no conflict of interest between the Office of the Minister of Finance and the Audit Office, even though one is the spouse of the other.
It is quite sad that supposedly ministers who are sworn to uphold the constitution and tell the truth can reduce themselves to such fabrication and β€œmud marching” politics in the 21st century.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Chandra Deollal, Esq.


Can Minister Manickchand answer

these questions about her Pradoville

2 residence?

November 1, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I am confident that Ms. Priya Manickchand will answer honestly and promptly the questions raised by Mr. K. Khan in his letter appearing in the Kaieteur News of October 30, 2013.  I say so because the Minister is never shy in her engagement with the press; sweet to those who sing her praise and ready to confront those who try to tarnish her good image.
Because I am sure the Minister would want to avoid any undue aspersions about her good character, I am giving her the opportunity to provide additional information on the entire transaction for the house she sold in Sparendaam known as Pradoville 2. Can she state for the public:
a) the name of the contractor who built it and the contract sum.
b) whether the contractor is a recipient of government contracts.
c) thename of the attorney-at-law who acted for her in the transaction.
d) the price stated in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and whether the stated price was the same as the actual price she received.
e) the capital gains tax she paid on the transaction.
f) whether she is aware that real estate transactions come within the scope of the Anti-Money Laundering Act and did she consult with the FIU to ensure that the transaction was not laundering.
f) whether she knows that the definition of corruption used by The World Bank is β€˜the abuse of public office for private gain’.
I look forward to Ms. Manickchand’s response.
R. Rockliffe


GuySuCo sliding to worst performance in 20 years

November 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

  - Foreign manager at helm of troubled Skeldon

With less than two months remaining for the year, the country’s sugar industry is slowly grinding its way to its lowest production in two decades and there seems to be no clarity on the way forward.

As a matter of fact, it will negatively eclipse last year’s dismal 218,069 tonnes.

The 2012 production has been described as the worst in the 20 year reign of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

GuySuCo’s Chairman, Dr. Raj Singh

GuySuCo’s Chairman, Dr. Raj Singh


Production targets have been revised downwards from the 260,000 tonnes set at the beginning of the year to 203,000 now.

The year’s first crop fell short of the 70,000 tonnes by an alarming 22,000. Industry officials, over the weekend, admitted that the situation over production has plunged the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) into a point of uncertainty where unless all stops are pulled out, the slide will continue.

The administration has been saying that the industry is too big to fail but could find little answers.


At the flagship Skeldon factory, production for the year is slated at 34,000, far below the targeted 43,000 tonnes.


The strain from Skeldon’s poor showing has been taking a toll on the overall operations of GuySuCo.

Since being commissioned in August 2009 by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the Chinese built US$200M project, which includes the factory and expanded cultivation, has been bleeding the Corporation.

Almost US$15M ($3B) has been sunk to repair several faults. South African-based Bosch Engineering was hired earlier this year to fix some of the problems. These include issues with the co-generation power plant.


However, still to be resolved are issues with the cane shredder and the punt dumper. The latter is critical to the efficient transfer of canes from punts in the waterway to the actual factory.

Bosch has been paid over US$4M for its work and after two weeks, left around mid-year.

There are no immediate indications when the shredder cane dumper will be fixed.

According to GuySuCo officials, the irony of the situation is that the weather has held up in recent weeks despite threats from sporadic showers. β€œSo what we have is lots of cane in the field at Skeldon but the factory is still unable to take it off the field,” an official confirmed yesterday.


While the factory has been built to process 250,000 tonnes per hour, its intake because of technical issues, have been limited to around 180,000, a hugely worrying factor.


New manager In an attempt to steady Skeldon, Government has reportedly hired Tate and Lyle, its European sugar buyer, to manage the factory. Richard Orr has been operating as the new estate manager since earlier this year. But while Government had signaled intentions to seek overseas help, there had been no official announcements that management has changed from local hands.


Part of the restructuring of GuySuCo has also been the reported hiring of Dr. Raj Singh, its current Chairman, to take over as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Paul Bhim. Bhim, himself the former Chief Financial Officer, was reportedly set to become the Deputy CEO.


In trouble: Skeldon sugar factory.

          In trouble: Skeldon sugar factory.

A few months ago, GuySuCo, in the beginning of what seemed to be a major shakeup in management, give notice to Rajaindra Singh, the Deputy CEO, of its intentions to cut his contract short. Singh left last month.


Current Chairman, Dr. Raj Singh, was reportedly set to take up the appointment as the new CEO last Friday, November 1st.

However, there have been no movements as yet, union officials confirmed yesterday.

Questions had surfaced about whether he was qualified for that position. GuySuCo is reportedly flying him in from his United States residence and paying for his accommodation here.


The industry, at one time the biggest earner for Government, has become a major headache for them. Saddled with a phased price cut by Europe, its biggest buyer, GuySuCo has been battling labour shortages as well as poor weather conditions.

A $2B investment, using Europe’s cash that was designed to help the sugar dependent countries recover the price cuts, into a packaging plant at Enmore, has failed to change the situation.

The reason was simple – there were just not enough canes to meet the 190,000 tonnes quota that Europe wants. That story has been repeating itself in recent years.


This year, as part of assistance to help the ailing industry, Government earmarked $1B for GuySuCo. This was $4B more than last year.


Writing about the industry earlier this year, former sugar official and Member of Parliament, Tony Vieira, said that indications were that the industry, in 2012, showed the factories stood idle, out of cane and not grinding, during the first and second crops a total of 10,527 hours.

β€œThe actual time the factories worked during the year was 21,623 hours this means that due to an acute shortage of labour to cut the cane the factories were standing idle 50% of the time during the crops waiting for the cane to be delivered, needless to say that during a substantial part of this time the factory’s workers had to be paid for standing by doing nothing.” Government had said that the European price cuts had seen Guyana losing around $10B annually in revenue. However, the Opposition has accused the Government of contributing to the slide of the industry as the assistance coming from Europe was not used to help GuySuCo cope. Earlier this year, Guyana signed a 23M Euros ($6.4B) financing agreement as part of Europe’s continuing assistance programme for sugar. It would have meant that Guyana drew down 115M Euros since the programme started back in 2006. The measures were developed by the European Union to help Guyana and other sugar-producing nations deal with the fallout from the price cuts. The factory, said to be Guyana’s most expensive project, was constructed with a combination of self-generated funds and loans from the Caribbean Development Bank, the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Guyana.



The PPP leaders have not done the right

thing and are not prepared to do it

November 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
The nature of the news making the headlines in Guyana in the past few days/weeks reveals many unhappy things about the state of the PPP regime. Addressing a small group of only PPP supporters in Richmond Hill, New York, President Ramotar said β€œThe attack on Winston Brassington is obscene. Anyone who works professionally for the government is coming under intense personal attacks.”
We strongly disagree.
What can the people discern from this callous statement? It is too much to individually explore, but what was most striking is the sense that the PPP regime is imploding in front of our eyes. It is crumbling inwards as its leaders fold over themselves as if the party is experiencing a massive earthquake shaking it to its core.
A close scrutiny would probably find the roots of the internal upheaval located in the power struggles between the Jagdeoites and the old PPP guard at Freedom House.  In their quest for grandeur and the illusory trappings of power, the PPP cabal appears like cockroaches in a fowl party, which means that they are in serious political trouble.
We believe that it is ludicrous and insulting to Guyanese for President Ramotar to defend the head of NICIL who has been a complete failure in the management of taxpayers’ money.  As the overseer of several major projects, he has failed miserably in this regard. In all of these contracts, it is the private companies that are the major beneficiaries.
Is the president not aware of these major financial blunders by NICIL’s boss? Or is he in denial?
Further, the regime has not done anything to reduce corruption and crime despite Mr. Ramotar’s campaign’s promises. There is still no Procurement Commission, no Integrity Commission, no Ombudsman, no accountability and transparency and no policy to end corruption and the spate of crimes by the PPP regime.
We believe that President Ramotar has to be considered naΓ―ve when he says that Mr. Brassington is extremely competent. It is Mr. Brassington who invested more than 51 percent of state funds to build the Berbice Bridge but settled for less that 20 percent of the shares. It is Mr. Brassington who negotiated the contract for the Marriott Hotel that allowed only foreign workers to work on the site. It is Mr. Brassington who approved Sithe Global’s high rate of return of 19% on its investment when commercial lending interest rates are between 7 percent and 10 percent. Is this being competent, Mr. Ramotar?
People are fed up and frustrated with the corrupt PPP cabal and have lost faith in any project that the regime undertakes and Mr. Ramotar’s poor understanding of competency has added to their frustration. Instead of making sure that the taxpayers get value for their money; Guyanese are faced with a barrage of PPP propaganda, untruths and distortions designed to hide the corrupt practices that are taking place every day.
In truth, the society is so overrun by seedy fingers that theft has now become the normal state of affairs. Those who bear the marks of honesty, integrity and decency are deemed enemies of the state and are immediately ostracized, vilified and dismissed. Nowhere is there evidence that the PPP cabal has upheld the laws of the land and has prosecuted anyone for corruption. When pressed as to why they have not prosecuted anyone, they offer the sad refrain: The opposition talks about corruption but they have not proven that corruption is taking place.
There is no integrity and decency left in this regime. In several of the cagey deals made by Jagdeo and his cohorts, the PPP cabal has adopted a brilliant strategy to hide them from the public until it is expedient to release them. Everything the cabal touches turn into ka ka and everything they say publicly has to be taken with a grain of salt because even if it rings true, one has to wonder what else they are hiding.
The PPP leaders have not done the right thing and are not prepared to do the right thing because they believe that they are wiser than the people and are above the law. In other words, they have become the β€œuntouchables” and have been somehow ordained to be the everlasting rulers of Guyana.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


APNU wants β€œfully staffed”

Ombudsman’s office

October 30, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

By Abena Rockcliffe
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is calling for a fully staffed office of the Ombudsman to be reintroduced as opposed to the previous set up that existed.
That call was made by APNU’s Dr. Rupert Roopnarine as he responded to a question about the Party’s interest in seeing a functioning Office of the Ombudsman.

APNU’s Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

APNU’s Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

An Ombudsman is an official usually appointed by the government or by Parliament but with a significant degree of independence. One such official is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of maladministration or violation of rights.
The typical duties of an Ombudsman are to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve them. Ombudsmen sometimes also aim to identify systemic issues leading to poor service or breaches of people’s rights.
While executives of some developed and developing countries across the world have designated several Ombudsmen, Guyana has remained without one for the last seven years.
Guyana has been without an Ombudsman since the retirement of Justice Sheik Mohamed in 2005.
This situation captured the attention of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament James Bond, who posed questions in relation to the non-appointment of an Ombudsman to the Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall in the National Assembly earlier this year.
Last Friday, Dr. Roopnarine said that the Office of the Ombudsman is an extremely important Constitutional protection for citizens in Guyana. He highlighted that an Ombudsman is supposed to deal with faults in administration and stated β€œas we know those are not going away, they are increasing; so we definitely are in need of an Ombudsman.”
Further, Dr. Roopnarine asserted that it would be a waste of time to just appoint an Ombudsman and a secretary which was the case when Justice Mohamed was in that office.
β€œIt is not simply the appointment of an Ombudsman, but a real staffing to go with the office. He has to have more than a secretary…which is all Justice Mohamed had. He has to have investigative capacity and so on. Without a fully staffed and empowered Office of the Ombudsman, merely appointing an Ombudsman will do very little.”
APNU Leader David Granger said that he has been advocating for the appointment of an Ombudsman as APNU sees the importance of it. Granger also pointed to the absence of a tribunal for workers. He said that APNU would like to see the activation of both.
He also made mention of the plight of the Police Complaints Authority. According to Granger, that entity appeared before the Disciplined Forces Commission to complain about the financial limits and the lack of investigative capability.
β€œSo we would like to see these so-called independent or autonomous commissions working, as we feel like that would strengthen democracy,” Granger stated.
Meanwhile, People Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee told the media that the Party is interested in having an Ombudsman soon.
He said however, that even though it is in the interest of the PPP, it is β€œmore squarely” the responsibility of the government to appoint appropriate candidates β€œwe have influence on the government, but the final call is with the government.”
Asked if the PPP is going to push for the speedy appointment of an Ombudsman, Rohee responded β€œWe don’t seek to push the government, which we are a part of, to do anything…We seek to influence the government.”
He said that the PPP will be influencing the government on that matter β€œamong other things.”
The Office of the Ombudsman is stated as a human rights institution in Guyana.
At the national level, most Ombudsmen have a wide mandate to deal with the entire Public Sector, and sometimes also elements of the Private Sector.
An Ombudsman has the power to sanction if a citizen feels he or she has been treated unjustly by a high profile member of society, even a Minister. If the courts have a hold-up in trying the case, the Ombudsman can sanction, after consideration, in accordance with the laws.


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....





REV it looks like Ramotar & Jagdeo

will lose another 100,000 votes

because of wha dem do here...




Will APNU buckle under PPP/C Pressure, and surprise everyone by signing the Anti Money Laundering bill? I doubt whether that they will, come next year when the Country's Budget will be presented, APNU/AFC will again, cut money allocated for the differently Ministry.


There is a solution to this dilema, that is call a snap elections, but the problem is that the PPP/C is very much scared, as their supporters are fraustrated, and are likely to stay away in numbers for the next coming being scared and know what the out come will be, I would not be surprised if the PPP/C in any other elections garnered less votes than the last Elections.


APNU rightfully points out that



Leader of the Opposition, Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger, told the Chronicle that the amendments on the table have to be justified. He said the Opposition is astonished that Government had proceeded on its own with the Bill.
β€œWe made it clear that our MPs could not meet, so (we) were quite astonished that the Government is proceeding with the Act on its own….the Amendments have to be justified…. This one is too porous, it is too weak, it is too flimsy,” he said.
Granger said the principal Act was passed more than four years ago, and while the CFATF had criticised the enforcement of the bill and the function of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), which he termed critical to the Act, no case has been brought under the Act.
Granger said, β€œNo reports have been submitted to the National Assembly by the FIU, and no prosecutions have been brought under the Act, as far as I know.
So it was quite laughable that (for) four years we had this Act, and the business community knew it was not functioning and the Government knew it was not functioning, the international community knew it was not functioning…. Only when threatened by sanctions the Government decided to bring the Act back.
β€œThe Opposition’s position is that we want to give stakeholders (opportunity) to provide advice and opinions on the Act, and as far as I know, this is what we have been doing.”



Deborah Backer, also spoke to this newspaper about the issue.

She said, β€œI think it is as clear as day [that] the Government has put us in a position that the Opposition will not support the bill when it comes to the floor.
β€œWe cannot support this, it is impossible…,” Backer declared.
Backer acknowledged that, with the impending sanctions, it is a tough call, but she maintained that the bigger picture has to be considered. She said, β€œTo an extent, with the sanctions, it is a tough call….We are satisfied that, from our research, the small people, those receiving money from family through Western Union and so, will not be affected. It is the big people, who will have to do much more.”
The Deputy Speaker also noted that changes to Guyana’s legislation cannot be made without proper consideration. β€œWe will also be writing to CFATF about (the) shortsightedness of such a move…. We cannot change the Act just to meet the requirements of CFATF,” Backer said.


Radio licence court case … Govt. asks

for more time to file defence

October 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Graphic1Lawyers representing Government and a number of companies that were granted approval for radio and cable licences by outgoing President Bharrat Jagdeo back in 2011, has asked for more time to file its defence.
Chief Justice (ag), Ian Chang, who is hearing the matter, has now set the next court date for November 14, as the case continued yesterday in the High Court.
The legal challenge was filed by the National Media Publishing Company, publisher of Kaieteur News, and the Guyana Media Proprietors Association Limited (GMPA). It named Attorney General, the Minister of Broadcasting, National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU), Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) and 12 recipients that were approved for licences by Jagdeo shortly before he ended his term in office in November 2011.
Attorney General Anil Nandlall was in court yesterday.

The applicants for the licences were Radio Guyana Inc- owner of Guyana Times and TVG 28; Telcor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc.; NTN Radio – owner of Channel 69; New Guyana Company Limited-owner of The Mirror newspaper; Rudolph Grant; Wireless Connection; Hits and Jams Entertainment; Alfro Alphonso and Sons; Haslyn Graham and Little Rock Television Station. E-Networks Inc and Quark Communications Inc, two companies approved for cable licences, were also named as the Respondents.
According to court documents signed by Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, and filed by his lawyer, Roysdale Forde, the licences were issued under the old Post and Telegraph Act and were done in bad faith, are discriminatory and not legal.
The media houses and Lall said that the licences breached their legitimate expectations and constitutional rights. It pointed to an agreement dated May 5, 2003 between Jagdeo and former Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin, where it was agreed there would be a freeze on all new commercial frequencies for radio and television until a new Broadcasting Act came into effect.
Jagdeo’s exercise of his discretion to approve new radio, TV and cable operations was abused and unreasonable also.
graphic 2The media houses asked for court orders to quash the licences.
Regarding the cable TV licences to E-Network and Quark, reportedly owned by Vishok Persaud and Brian Yong respectively, friends of the former President, the media houses also want these to be quashed on the same grounds.
Valmiki Singh, head of the NFMU, is also being asked to produce a statement to the court of all available radio, television and cable frequencies in Guyana.
Lall and GMPA, in asking for the court to issue an order for TV and radio broadcast licences to be granted to them, also want a declaration that the frequency spectrum is a national resource.
They are also asking in excess of $1M for aggravated damages and an unspecified amount for exemplary damages.
In the affidavit supporting the constitutional challenge, Lall said that in December 2008 he applied to Prime Minister Sam Hinds to operate a cable TV network; a radio station and a TV station.
He sent copies to NFMU and on February 26, 2009, received an acknowledgment. The court documents also listed the case of C.N. Sharma who applied for a radio licence but was turned down.
Veteran journalist, Enrico Woolford, of Capitol News, has also filed similar court action back in April.
There has been widespread condemnation from Guyanese and both local and international media associations on circumstances surrounding the granting of the licences by Jagdeo. The timing and the fact that he did not wait on the Broadcast Authority to do its work were also heavily criticised.
Not only was Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop, approved for five frequencies but Telcor is linked to sitting Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud, who also was approved for a similar number. New Guyana Company also was approved a similar amount.


Asj .....Rev can keep make up numbers until

"Jagdeo, Ramotar & De Black House Of Isreal Thugs"

get kicked out of office as soon as they call elections.


These Funny Fellas like experiment

Turning things over,

Backside, Inside-out,

Upside-down,and any Funny Position....

But however dem turn

the facts do not change...


PPP lose Votes because of

Jagdeo & Ramotar Corruption



PPP lose Votes because of their links to

Bkack House Of Isreal Thugs



PPP lose Votes because the

Indians decided they will not

waste their vote on the PPP like before.




AFC gained Votes because of

Moses Nagamootoo...



AFC Gains became....

PPP Loss




WPA joined PNC to form APNU.



PNC lost a lot of Votes too

This caused no effect for APNU



Because Every Vote Lost by PNC

was picked up by WPA.




Afro Guyanese Saw Rodney Party

teaming up with the Head of the GDF

to bring changes......



Dr Walter Rodney show Afro Guyanese

how easy this is done before he was murdered...



Cliff Anderson Sports Hall also an abbatoir

The chevon after the goats were slaughtered

The chevon after the goats were slaughtered

Several goats were slaughtered at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, Carifesta Avenue, causing several children who were there for the National Schools Table Tennis Championships to be traumatised, according to a usually reliable eyewitness.
Killing of the goats was seen about 2:30 PM Monday. The meat was later transported in a vehicle bearing registration number PGG 9139.
The eyewitness said the Director of Youth and Sports, Neil Kumar and President of the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) were on the premises at the time of the goats were being slaughtered
β€œWhile we were at the sports hall for the schools tennis tourney, some people were killing goats in a room. The horrifying sound from the animals while being killed went on for a while. At least three animals were killed,” said the eyewitness who was there with her son.
The mother observed that the slaughter had a negative effect on the children and most parents there.
Sources learnt that the killing of goats there might be a regular activity with the knowledge of the person in charge of the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.
Efforts were made by an official of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport to locate a Citizen Reporter who had photographed the activity. Another parent had tried to contact the Meat and Food Inspectorate of the Mayor and City Council but with little success.
The parent expressed disgust that the killing of the animals was being done without consideration for the event taking place at the Hall and its effect on participants. β€œFurther I don't have to mention the smell we were forced to endure while waiting on our children,” said the concerned parent.
The goats were killed just off the stands in the north east corner of the building in full view of persons who were sitting there. The meat was then slung on hooks before it was taken to the vehicle.
β€œPoor goats were in agony! It sounded as if they were chopping off parts before killing them,” added the parents.


-1 #15 Jonny 2013-11-05 23:17
I am sure this was for Neil Kumar son's wedding for this weekend.
-1 #14 A. MOORE 2013-11-05 21:54
This is more proof that this lawless and wayward administration is doing everything it can to turn Georgetown and Guyana into a cesspool. They not only have no respect for the athletes and sports that use the facility. But it is also quite disrespectful to the fans that go there. These people are nothing but LOW CLASS individuals that want to bring down the whole nation by any means necessary. The minister of Sports and his low class underlings must explain this behaviour and show where else have their seen a nation's only indoor sports arena being used as an abattoir. They knew fully well what they were doing and what they really intend to prove. Why else didn't they do this at one of their homes at mosque,or Temple or even at the ministers of sports or agriculture. It clearly shows that the reason they didn't would be that those locations are too sacred, too important and too respectable.
But the worst part though is that thesefools wont be arrested ,charged or fined because this was sanctioned by the authorities and it was done on government property. And secondly ,the M&CC is so paralysed and dysfunctional that it not only has no jurisdictions over that location but there is no operational legal system in guyana that is willing to hear a case brought by the M&CC against anyone.
This action was an complete insult to every member of the GUYANA sports fraternity. One can only imagine what will be going on at the athletic track at Leanora. GUYANA HAS BECOME SUCH A DISGRACE.
0 #13 Hinds 2013-11-05 21:35
Quoting forro:
This high class lawlessness to the fullest and to boot the Minister were there and nothing was done the  police weren't called in.
That sounds like is stolen goats
0 #11 Hinds 2013-11-05 21:32
" It sounded as if they were chopping off parts before killing them,” added the parents.  
-1 #9 Brian 2013-11-05 21:10
I totally put the blame on the goats. These were the very goats that refused to bite a certain senior politician . Now these non violent, non biting goats made the ultimate sacrifice. Let this be a warning to all goats.
0 #7 KahfiAmBiskit 2013-11-05 19:44
Proper timing for the slaughter would have been a much more viable option, as it would have been done in absentia of the unsuspecting visitors.
That this venue is used for activities not related to sports, as it was created for, is still beyond me.
0 #6 PPP supporter 2013-11-05 19:31
Angry parents ? I believe it was hungry parents who are upset they're didn't get any goat for a meal
Their thought upon hearing of was probably hmmm Goat for lunch ,
what a wonderful Minister only to their disappointment it was thrown in the truck for the big boys Angry parents Haha
-1 #5 Jack Black 2013-11-05 19:30
Farro, George, Guyamerican, ditto to your sentiments. However, where have you been over the last 10 years?
Why does this surprise you?
Stop talking and start doing if you care about Guyana.
Otherwise, shut up and sit down.
Some if us have been throwing money and sweat and time on the ground trying to get rid if thus cancer calked PPP from Guyana.
We need help.
Is APNU such a bad option? Why not give them a shot? Can it get worse?
+1 #4 forro 2013-11-05 18:23
This high class lawlessness to the fullest and to boot the Minister were there and nothing was done the  police weren't called in. That sounds like is stolen goats
+1 #3 dayclean 2013-11-05 18:04
Quoting guyamerican:
this is a new low and a disgrace to the name of one of our sports hero ,what is really going on who permit this to be done there, is there not a slaughterhouse on upper water street for that propose progress PPP style.
Guyamerican, do you have to paint everything with your prejudiced political paintbrush?
+2 #2 George Anderson 2013-11-05 17:59
Can anyone tell me what is happening in Guyana.
What has happens to morals in this country?.
Can you tell me if this thing is happening where are the people who are responsible for the running of this sports hall.
Let me asked this question would this had happened under the Burnham administration?
Well i have the answer NO WAY.
This PPP Government has lost the plot.
+9 #1 guyamerican 2013-11-05 17:16
this is a new low and a disgrace to the name of one of our sports hero ,
what is really going on who permit this to be done there,
is there not a slaughterhouse on upper water street for that propose progress PPP style.

 People like Rev..... take the position

that any member of the East Indian community

who joins or associates with the Opposition

loses their β€œIndianness”.


Show us the Law which say

You lose your Indianness

if you Vote for AFC



β€œAnd apparently you (the East Indian)

need their (the PPP’s) permission to do so

(ie, join the Opposition)


β€”a permission which they would not give,”


Show us the Law which say

Indians Need Permission

From Kwame, Rev or Jagdeo

to Vote for AFC



β€œWhat they don’t understand

is that AFC Members fought for changes

in our Constitution and

has enshrined in it freedom of association,

which is a right inherited

by every single citizen in this country.

So members of any ethnic group

don’t need the permission of any person

to associate with any group or individual.”


Show us the Law which say

 Kwame, Dem_Guy & Jagdeo

must decide who we vote foe



Here are the Laws of Guyana


Please see for yourself,

we are not making this up...


LAWS OF GUYANA....(go to page 19/146)

Criminal Law(offences)      Cap.  8:01       21


TITLE 25  Offence against Morality


351   Selling, Publishing or Exhibiting Obscene Matter

352   Committing acts of gross indecency with male person         

353   Attempt to commit unnatural offence  

354   Buggery  

355   Doing indecent act   



The Guyana law say Hang those

who Practice, Committ, or Encourage  

Buggery & Buggering .......

This is the Law

Rev, Kwame, Ewe-Gee or Bharrat

          Who Vex ....Vex            


So...People like Rev,  Kwame or Jagdeo

need to respect the constitution

 and Quit being Racist

who talk about "Dirty Indians"

Show us the Law which say

Berbicians must Vote for Buggery


If they want to tell us about

the Constitution or the law...

Speak the Truth....

and Tell us @unty-men should be hanged.


Show us the Law which say

Indians must Vote for B@tty-Boy


Why Rev, Kwame or Jagdeo...

do not tell us the truth...

and what the Constitution say

we must do to Dem type of fellas????


Show us the Law which say

Clie must Vote for @unty-man



quote "2 #2 George Anderson 2013-11-05 17:59

Can anyone tell me what is happening in Guyana.
What has happens to morals in this country?.
Can you tell me if this thing is happening where are the people who are responsible for the running of this sports hall.
Let me asked this question would this had happened under the Burnham administration?
Well i have the answer NO WAY.
This PPP Government has lost the plot.



Burnham would have taken the Minister responsible for a helicopter ride over the Atlantic.


With the PPP/C......they have no shame and no care, they would sell their mothers for a few shilling


Dem boys seh…Nigel seh he gun kiss

Bobby, Jagdeo fuh money

November 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


A US Congresswoman did tell dem boys that Guyana reach de lowest of de low. She said that under Jagdeo morals sunk to the lowest of the low. And this is true because lawlessness tek over. When Jagdeo was president, honest people get sackedβ€”sent packing fuh no reason and some fuh de season.
Some people get de boot fuh talking de truth.
Well dem boys find out de hard way that some people still got moral and pride. Three reporters display moral and pride when dem tell Bobby, Nigel, Daniel and Jagdeo fuh carry dem lawless, dutty and stinking behaviour to dem friends family and dem children if dem got.
Dem boys use to think that nutten good coulda come out of anything that Bobby and Jagdeo got dem hand in. Dem was wrang. Dem reporters wha walk off de wuk is good people. Bobby and Jagdeo started a campaign against de owner of de Waterfalls paper because he x-pose de billions wha dem thief from de Waterfalls boss man and all de Guyanese people.
Dem ain’t respond to anything wha de boss man x-pose. Instead dem resort to cuss down like dem shameless β€”. That is de same Jagdeo de nation seeing all over again. Dem see his reaction to corruption when he was president. Dem see how nobody get suspend or dismiss fuh corruption under he watch. Nowhere in de world this does happen. He was protecting scamps and fraudsters.
Now he can’t protect nobody, not even heself. Dem boys seh suh. He got to go to jail and carry Bobby and Brazzy wid he. De creator seh suh.
All wha Jagdeo and Bobby been talking bout in dem newspaper and pun dem radio and TV de last few weeks, is now people see that was Jagdeo and Bobby was writing dem things and asking decent people fuh read de scurrilous comments.
Nigel got fuh stay because he seh that he gun do anything fuh money, even kiss Bobby and Jagdeo.
Talk half, lef half, wait fuh more exposure and then more gun walk off.


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