On page 15 we shall deal with how Jagdoe gives away the Assets of Guyana on a platter to his friends and cronies for little and nothing.
How the PPP/C have raped Guyana:
Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.
Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.
We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.
We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.
If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.
Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, βIf you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anythingβ.
Members of the Joint Opposition are urging the public to carefully file the series of articles that are being published in Kaieteur News called, βThe Heist of Guyana.β The full-page column details in a sequential format how Guyana has been βparceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Bharat Jagdeo.β
The series unveils the βrampant corruption, preferential treatment and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration.β It also explained that it will reveal how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends and what we have today, is an economy that is controlled by a small group of influential persons with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. Members of the Joint Opposition have supported the cause and they are strongly suggesting that members of the public βkeep these reports of unbelievably poignant and accurate accounts of the truth which bring to light β The Jagdeo deception.β Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, βI believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the structures being built all over. It is all a deception. It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.β Carl Greenidge, the Shadow Minister of Finance for the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, also believes that it is critical that citizens pay attention to the βHeist of Guyanaβ series. The Member of Parliament said, βIt is natural for there to be comments on performance of any Government for they collect our monies and how they spend it, can adversely affect our lives.β βGuyana faces some serious problems of morality and state lawlessness and this makes it imperative that civil society and political parties address the problems which give rise to such behaviour.β βThe press has a key role in this regard and as responsible citizens we have to recognize and protect them in this pursuit.β Greenidge asserted that there has been a massive upsurge of corruption under the Peopleβs Progressive Party (PPP). He noted too, that the regime and its reaction to that development, βis specialβ because almost uniquely in this region, the Government instead of making an effort to bring it down; βworks hand in hand with those very criminals once they are prepared to fund the PPP because it sees white and blue collar crime as acceptable just as it sees a Minister having a right to have his wife audit the books of the entities overseen by the Minister.β βInstead of fighting corruption, the Government viciously attacks those who dare to highlight the problem. One of the main features in Guyana which has allowed these phenomena to gain such a foothold is a weak civil society and a consequential inability to force Governments to live by an acceptable standard. Part of that weakness has been reflected in the fact that outcries and complaints about outrageous behavior are raised and quickly forgotten and patterns of behaviours are not traced or brought to the publicβs attention in any systematic manner.β βHowever, the attempt by Kaieteur News to publish its perception of what is happening under the rubric of βHeistβ is most welcomed for its continuity and persistence even in the face of unacceptable Government and PPP retaliation and defamation, and for its investigative work. I would encourage them to continue which is necessary in defense of our fundamental rights.β
July 10, 2009 Peeping Tom
Why are persons being critical of press freedom in Guyana? Why? Guyana has the freest press in the world. The press is so free in Guyana that some of them are operating virtually free of expenses.[Come on Rev, Ewe-gee, Kwame & the Other Batty Boys & Crab Louseβ¦. lets hear it from the boysβ¦β¦and lets Give the Boys a Hand]
One company is being floated by government ads even though its circulation is less than two thousand per day. These two thousand copies, it is estimated, would cost the company a variable cost of about $100,000 per day but with the close to one million ($1,000,000) in ads that it gets from the government each day, it is able to not only cover its variable and fixed costs but also to make a whopping profit. [Is this the Company that was started up by Jagdeo Personal Friends, is it the same company involved in the Illegal Purchase of Govt Property which was Exposed by Yesu Persaudβ¦.. Remember the Comander βin βthief Cuss out Yesu for exposing the Illegal sale to his Friend β¦β¦ then Jagdeo Railroaded the sale in Parliarment to make it seem legal or Kosha.]
On top of that, the company enjoys a great deal of printing jobs from its friends in high places thus allowing the company greater profitability. A great many printing jobs are going its way. This company is doing well. It is a success story. No media outlet in the world can boast that it has such a supportive environment. [ Jagdeo say PNC thief nonstop for 28 yearsβ¦β¦ under him itβs just Business as Usual with a PPP or PNC Govt]
And this is why the Alliance For Change should seriously withdraw its charge about the lack of press freedom in Guyana. It is simply not true. Where else in the world would you find media houses being so unashamedly subsidized?.........[Exactly, this is Rev & Kwameβs Logicβ¦β¦..further AFC lucky Jagdeo only thief one seat from them in the 2006 Electionsβ¦ them should shut them mouth and keep quiet]
Where else in the world would you find media houses being so buoyed by support such as what exists in Guyana?.....................[ Only in Guyana Under Jagdeoβ¦..and thatβs what Friends are forβ¦β¦.Keep smilingβ¦..Knowing you can always count on Govt as long as Jagdeo Large-and-In-charge.]
But this is not the only positive thing that is happening in Guyana. There are a great other many good things also happening in Guyana. We have some very good Ministers in the country and they are doing a fantastic job with the very limited resources at their disposalβ¦β¦β¦β¦..[ Rohee & Nanda-lall, Benn & Brassington, Man-ni-ram & Webster , Kill-o-wan-large & Kwame, La-mum-ba & Lamb-bad-da β¦.. all them bhai Bad fuh Days ]
This is why it is surprising that the Office of the Auditor General would highlight minor issues in his audit about bank accounts being overdrawn. Why should this be a problem? The reason why these accounts are overdrawn is because enough funds were not allocated in the first place to cater for the great amount of work that had to be doneβ¦β¦β¦β¦.[ We have to Agree with Rev, Kwame and them β¦β¦β¦Jagdeo, Ramotar and his Ministers were never charged by the Policeβ¦β¦ Forget about the Auditor Generalβ¦. He wicked ]
We have Ministries that are spending a great deal of money and they are busy doing so. They are serving the people of this country and because there is so much work being done, it is to be expected that in some instances there will be minor administrative details that will be left unattended to.
Come on Mr. Auditor General, you have to show more understanding!................[ Mr Auditor General how come you miss Jagdeo Fruad Wedding which he pull pon de Hindus in Guyanaβ¦..dem Muslim Bhai would have`sling him up fuh disrespecting them sister like thatβ¦β¦Just Imagine how Butty-Bhai Lucky, them hindu really understanding and forgiving]
Each day we wake up we learn of the wonderful work that the government is doing to help the people of this country. Money is being spent to improve health care, education and buy the pumps to bring an end to the sewage problems. These pumps could not be brought in earlier because if you have to buy the pumps individually, it would be more costly than if you have to buy them in bulkβ¦β¦β¦β¦..[ Judge fuh yuh-selfβ¦β¦where de money goingβ¦..Rev & Kwame say nuff pumping going onβ¦..]
Money has to be found also to host all those consultations of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy. With this strategy Guyana will make money. So we have to spend money to make moneyβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦[and den spending it, left, right and centerβ¦. Rev & Kwame saying β¦aya mustβ¦.just stop asking question]
One Ministry that understands the importance of investing to make money is the former Ministry of Agricultureβ¦..Now Minister of Oil & Pumpingβ¦ That Ministry is investing in our futureβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦..[and more so his future, the Baby MBAβs were born in USAβ¦β¦..AMERICAN CITIZENβ¦β¦.and Aunty-man say Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyanaβ¦.3 year ago ]
One presumptuous person dared question the success of the Grow More Food Campaign using figures supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture, but forgot to mention that had it not been for climate change the numbers would have been differentβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦.[ Dem bhai got answer fuh every-thing]
The Grow More Food Campaign is successful but is being affected by the climate change and all the carbon that is being given out which is damaging the crops and causing it to appear as if production is not increasingβ¦β¦β¦β¦[so donβt talk about corruption, thiefing and mis-management under Robert and Uncle Bharat]
Billions are being spent on the agricultural sector. But these lazy reporters we have in this country are not reporting on how this money is being spent to benefit the people of this countryβ¦β¦β¦β¦.[ de problem is the Free Press and them Lazy reporters]
All they want to do is to go to the press conferences and stay silent. How are Guyanese then to know about all the seeds that are being distributed andβ¦β¦ the pumping that is taking place to drain the farmlands of excessive water?...................[ Nuff PUMPING going on between Robert and Jagdeoβ¦β¦Rev & Kwame]
These reporters need to go out and find out how these billions are being spent so that the Guyanese people can celebrate that they have a hard-working and caring government that is accounting for every cent that is spentβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦[Rev & Co tell abee where them Pumping again]
Instead of concentrating on these efforts, the media seems obsessed with where the Lotto Funds are and why it is not being paid into the Consolidated Fund. The reason is simple.
The Consolidated Fund is already consolidated and cannot hold any more money. This is why the Lotto Funds are not being put in to the Consolidated Fundβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦[ What A Jerk off the Nation witnessing with Jagdeoβ¦β¦.. Insulting de Hindus and Pumping them fuh keep them quiet]
Jagdeo & Rev know how fuh pump dem Hindu.
Dem say dem is "House of Isreal Hindu"...
Rev say Jagdeo is dem Pundit....
Dear Editor, That video from Channel 8 News, Berbice with the voice of a sugar worker explaining the plight of the people clearly highlights why many of us are in politics; notwithstanding we suffer personal attack quite illegitimately by the compromised forces in the PPP. This video can be found atβJZqrg and the real message starts at about four minutes into the video. In the past decade, technology has reshaped so many economies, yet the sugar belt seems to be stuck in pre-historic days. As the global market takes shape, Guyana always seem to have too little money for critical valued-added items such as wages for its workers, the re-shaping of the planting beds to adopt new technologies and research into scientific techniques to make the industry more efficient. But As Mr. Paulton Austin, the GAWU Rose Hall representative highlighted, they have millions for the likes of Raj Singh who manages Guysuco by remote control from New Jersey, USA. If these trends persist, Guysuco will have far too few workers on their payroll to meet production targets and the industry will suffer even more, all because the PPP just does not get the basics as outlined by Mr. Austin, βthe roots of the sugar industry, just like a tree, is what holds the sugar industry up; trim the top!β I have been writing on this message for years and thus it is not that the PPP is ignorant of the facts; they are just plain wicked as they remain committed to compromise vested interest, political friends and business interests. Real Guyana is the least of their concern. It was in service to those vested interests, political friends and business interests that a Chinese firm was commissioned to spend some G$44 billion to build a white elephant at Skeldon, when an Indian, Brazilian or South African firm would have done a much better job for less money. That is why the majority opposition has to remain firm and unyielding on the Public Procurement Commission; it is time to put a cap on the PPP gravy train and all those billion dollar beach front properties owned and controlled by the white collar criminals who stole them from the people. Sasenarine Singh
Robert Persaud Admit the PPP took some good blows at the last elections.
He further admit the PPP is losing political support daily and he was their Campaign manager.
Who is Rev, Ewe-Gee, Big-Seed, Skeldon, Kwame or Councie to tell us differently.
Local govt poll delay costing PPP- Robert Persaud
Minister of Natural Resource Robert Persaud flanked by senior officials of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Guyana Forestry Commission and the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce at the Stakerholders Forum
βPolitically, we lose every single day with the current state of local government bodies in terms of their lack of effective functioning,β he said.
- We will move to change this criminal nonsense β Ramjattan
Legislators, studying measures that will allow new operators to enter the local telecommunications
market, have vowed to make critical changes before new proposed changes are voted on.
This is following shocking revelations over the weekend that Telecommunications Licences will be handed to four companies, three of which share close ties to former President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The three companies, Quark Communications Inc., Global Technologyβs i-Net Communications and E-Networks armed with such a licence would be able to compete directly with Digicel and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), once the laws are passed in the National Assembly and assented to by President Donald Ramotar.
More glaring is that the three companies would have been rapidly expanding their distribution network knowing that the proposed changes in the law mandates that they would be given a licence while others interested in the market would have been restricted.
Following complaints that telecoms players were kept in the dark about the proposed licences, Kaieteur News in its investigations and subsequent exposure over the past few weeks made some startling revelations.
Registration documents filed with Government found that all three companies were filled with shareholders who have known ties with Jagdeo with at least one person being directly related.
With Government unveiling an aggressive project to connect 90,000 poor families with internet, any company receiving a telecoms licence will be poised to capitalize also on the mobile phone market, an area
that is jealously guarded by the current companies and worth billions of dollars.
Recently, after several months in limbo in the National Assembly amidst ongoing negotiations with both GT&T and Digicel, Government re-tabled legislations to break the formerβs 20 year-old monopoly on landline and international calls.
The Opposition, however, sent the proposed changes to the law to a Special Parliamentary Select Committee saying that it wanted to study it further.
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, yesterday told this publication that his party, which controls seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, had found it strange that Government had decided upfront who are the four companies that will be receiving licences.
βA telecoms licence is not a joke that is handed willy-nilly to anyoneβ¦We are supposed to have an open, transparent system allowing everyone to have a chance to compete.β
Ramjattan said that βto decide beforehand who you want to operate in the market is indeed strange and worryingβ¦We can draw some conclusions from thisβ¦We will move to make some changes to change this criminal nonsense.β Ramjattanβs worry is not unfounded.
Jagdeoβs best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi βBobbyβ Ramroop, is a director in Global Technology. Quark has its operations running out of Ramroopsβ property at Versailles, West Bank Demerara.
Winston Brassington, a controversial figure who spearheaded a number of large scale projects for Government including the Marriott Hotel and the troubled Amaila Falls hydro facility, is a central figure in Quark.
Quarkβs main founder is Brian Yong. He is known to be a close friend of Jagdeo and was even on his partyβs elections campaign as a candidate in 2011.
Vishok Persaud, a main principal in E-Networks, is also a close friend of the former President and the son of a former party stalwart, the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud.
Already, both E-Networks and Quark have been awarded licences for operating cable TV. The controversial approvals were made days before Jagdeo ended his Presidential term of office in 2011 when he also greenlighted the operations of several radio stations, most of them going to persons and companies with close ties to the ruling party.
Several established media houses who had applied for licences, including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News
and CNS 6, were overlooked in the 2011 decision by the former president.
βTo place this much power under unclear circumstances in a few personsβ hands is highly dangerous, and not only to national security. We already know how much resentment this has generated in the minds of Guyanese.
βI do believe that these actions by the former President were never intended to come to light; it is only through the good works of Kaieteur News that we know now.β
According to Ramjattan, the control of the state media by Government has increasingly become a dangerous one as the Opposition is sidelined from airing their views.
βWe are allowed little or no access to send our message to the people who are the real owner of the state media.β
The MP made it clear that Government nor any companies should not consider it a done deal that any licence is automatic.
βI want to make it clear that is highly irregular. It is not a done deal and is evidence of the eye-pass and totally disregard of the Guyanese peopleβ¦This administration have been operating as if they are a law unto themselves,β
said Ramjattan
Earlier this year, Opposition Leader, Brigadier (retβd) David Granger, prepared a report of almost 100 cases of bias by the state-owned Government Information Agency (GINA).
For the second consecutive year, the Opposition reduced the budget of GINA, citing unhappiness over its operations.
Black House of Isreal Hindu Killer
allowed to run free in Guyana
-watchdog body calls for Procurement Commission, new Integrity Commission,
βWhen desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.β- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon
Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.
According to rankings released yesterday by watchdog corruption body, Transparency International (TI), the 2012 Annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has placed Guyana at a lowly 133 out of total of 174 countries. Guyana managed a miserly 28 points out of 100.
And in the presentation of the Transparency International findings, head of the local chapter, Attorney at Law, Gino Persaud, and Secretary Frederick Collins, both lauded Kaieteur News which has been highlighting corruption in Guyana.
The newspaper has been investigating the various contracts issued under questionable circumstances and examining the numerous projects, many of which were believed to be overpriced.
TIGI officials: From left is Vice-President, Dr. Anand Goolsarran; President, Gino Persaud and Director, Frederick Collins.
The results were released by Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. (TIGI), the local contact of TI.
TI would have conducted its surveys gauging perceptions to corruption by examining relations in the public sector, the local police, Customs, procurement and doing business.
The index has become a signature tool widely used around the globe to measure the perceived levels of public sector corruption in countries and looked at keenly by investors and multilateral lending agencies.
Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tie for first place with scores of 90, helped by strong access to information systems and rules governing the behaviour of those in public positions.
Guyana tied Comoros, Honduras, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
βThis ranking places us at the bottom of the English Speaking Caribbean with only Haiti below us at 165. It is noteworthy that in the Caribbean, Barbados ranks at 15 with a score of 76; both St. Lucia and Bahamas rank at 22 with a score of 71 and St. Vincent and the Grenadines rank at 36 with a score of 62,β TIGβs President, Gino Persaud said during a press conference at the offices of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Waterloo Street.
Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia once again cling to the bottom rung of the index. In these countries, the lack of accountable leadership and effective public institutions underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption.
At the press conference also were former Auditor General, Dr. Anand Goolsarran, who is TIGIβs Vice President; and Director, Frederick Collins.
Persaud, a lawyer, said that the advocacy body will be writing government on the findings of the index.
Integrity Commissionβ¦
TIGI listed a number of measures that Government will have to implement to raise Guyanaβs rankings. These include the appointment of competent and independent members of the Integrity Commission to scrutinize the financial disclosures of politicians and bureaucrats and with adequate staff and resources to ensure the Commission can adequately fulfill its mandate.
Persaud noted that Prime Minister Sam Hinds in June had promised to have new members of the Integrity Commission sworn within a week.
Among other things TIGI is also calling for the urgent appointment of members of the Public Procurement Commission to regulate government contracts and minimize their involvement; the implementation of modern anti-corruption legislation; implementation of whistle-blowing legislation; the enforcement of existing anti-corruption laws by investigating and prosecuting the corrupt and the strengthening of existing anti-corruption institutions such as the Guyana Police Force and the Financial Intelligence established under the money laundering legislation.
βThese institutions are weak and unable to counter serious white collar crime and corrupt activities,β Persaud said in his read statement.
Guyana should also appoint an Ombudsman to address grievances from members of the public; ensure that all public monies are placed to the credit of the Consolidated Fund, and no public expenditure must be incurred without Parliamentary approval.
TIGI also called for all appointments to public offices to be advertised and made with due regard to technical competence, and not loyalty; and for the Access to Information Act passed in Parliament to be strengthened and made operational.
TIGI also called for the strengthening of civil society and for organisations such as the Guyana Bar Association, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Private Sector Commission, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and the Guyana Press Association to become more involved in combating corruption by speaking out against corruption and being proactive within its own membership on tackling corruption and by partnering with us for collective efforts.
βWe call on the press corps to be more vigilant in acting as a professional, impartial and responsible watchdog body against corruption.β
Corruption exists
According to Goolsarran, most countries are doing everything possible to βget to the top of the tableβ of rankings. He urged, as a start, that government accept the index in good faith and do something about it.
The officials drew reference to a judge in Brazil who targeted a number of politicians close to former President Lula and who was the laughing stock of many. The politicians were brought to trial.
Asked to comment on the impact of the findings, Dr Goolsarran said that serious investors use the findings by Transparency International to determine whether they would invest in a country. Many have opted to cancel plans for investment in Guyana.
TIGI is seeking funding now to educate Guyanese and will seek to meet with government and Members of the Parliament to discuss the issue which ultimately affects the way Guyana is perceived.
The TIGI officials refused to be drawn into answering questions whether President Donald Ramotar had done enough to tackle corruption in Guyana.
According to Collins, newspaper reporters and even the Auditor Generalβs annual report have been indicators of the situation of corruption in Guyana.
TIGI also disclosed that it has been asked by the Minister of Natural Resources to work with his Ministry on mining, an area which has been besotted with issues of corruption and lawlessness in recent years.
According to TIGI, the index demonstrates that corruption continues to ravage societies around the globe. Two-thirds of the 176 countries ranked in the 2012 index score below 50, on a scale from 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 100 (perceived to be very clean), showing that public institutions need to be more transparent, and powerful officials held more accountable.
According to Huguette Labelle, the Chair of Transparency International, βGovernments need to integrate anti-corruption actions into all public decision-making. Priorities include better rules on lobbying and political financing, making public spending and contracting more transparent and making public bodies more accountable to people. After a year of focus on corruption, we expect governments to take a tougher stance against the abuse of power.β
UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon has said that corruption afflicts all countries, undermining social progress and breeding inequality and injustice.
βWhen desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services. All of us have a responsibility to take action against the cancer of corruption.β
The private sector, too, stands to gain enormously from effective action, he said. βCorruption distorts markets, increases costs for companies and ultimately punishes consumers.β
According to the BBC, corruption was the worldβs most talked about issue in 2010 and 2011.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
The Muslim Community will continue to resist any decriminalization of homosexual laws and practices locally. This is according to President of the Central Islamic Organization (CIOG) Fazal Feroze, which represents a large section of the Guyanese Muslim population.
According to the CIOG President, while he has not been presented with any formal proposal from the Guyana Government as it relates to amending the Laws, he is aware of a promised consultation on the matter. He said that he is cognizant of the fact that Guyana has signed on to several international conventions that would speak on the matter of homosexuality and the death penalty among others.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
According to Feroze, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CIOG had been informed sometime back of a promised consultation on the matters at hand. He was quick to point out that while the Muslim Community will speak out against any such proposal he cannot make any more definitive statements yet.
Feroze told this publication yesterday that at present the CIOG is not aware of the βfull ramifications of what is being proposed.β According to the CIOG head, while the Muslim Community would not support such homosexual postures, it will not discriminate.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
He says that the Islamic teachings would not allow the community to discriminate. In seeking to expand on his position despite not being in possession of the full implications of what is being proposed, he said that any such changes to the legislation would have to be accompanied by a public education campaign.
He said that the Muslim community would be opposed to persons going to schools teaching children that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Feroze reminded also of the previous instance in 2003 when the Government had made similar intimations. According to Feroze, should the administration pass a law where a legal union between two men or women is condoned then a Muslim Marriage Officer could be found in breach of the law for refusing to partake in such practice. βWe still donβt know the full ramifications,β said Feroze, who added also that on the issue of the death penalty, Islamic law does provide for interpretations.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
He said that he is fully cognizant of the fact that Guyana is not an Islamic State and reminded that the Muslim community will wait and see what proposals are being made by the Guyana Government. There has been intimation on the part of the administration, to commence some sort of consultation process with a view to soliciting the views of Guyanese on the matters. The United Nations has over the years been pressuring the country to repeal its homosexuality laws as well as the death penalty provisions. Human Services and Social Security Minister, Jenifer Webster says that the matter will be dealt with at the level of a Special Parliamentary Select Committee.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Dear Editor,
Is there anything that the PPP can do without committing racketeering? Skeldon Factoryβfraud; Kingston Hotel β fraud, Fip vis a vis the Amaila Road β fraud; Specialty Hospital β fraud; procurement of medical supplies β fraud and now the alleged investment by Minister Websterβs daughter into a Ghost recycling Company called Natural Globe, Inc.
We have been reliably informed that its CEO, Mohamed Osman has embellished his qualifications and work experience in order to get the contract. This is another major failure at due diligence by Roger Luncheon and his corrupt PPP cabal.
Like Fip Motilall who did not have any experience in road building but was given a US$15 million to build the Amalia Falls road, the same is true for Mohamed Osman who has no experience in the technical aspects of recycling. We have also been reliably informed that Mohamed Osman and some of his friends in Toronto were a major contributor to the PPP in the 2011 elections.
So what Roger Luncheon and his crooked friends at the Robb Street big house have done is to pay back their friend with a huge contract at the expense of the poor and the working class. This is a blatant form of corruption and we call on all the members of the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and the ambassadors of the American, Canadian and European embassies to publicly condemn the PPP for this nefarious act.
They have been notorious for pressuring the opposition to vote for the Anti-money Laundering Bill but not for the Procurement Commission, now we want to hear from them on behalf of the people, especially the taxpayers who have to foot the bill.
Can the PPP regime give the people a break and stop plundering the pockets of the taxpayers of Guyana for personal enrichment. Shame on the regime!
Now we are reading about this Ghost waste recycling plant that is being procured in the name of a company that the procurer does not even own and the real owner has labeled him a βliarβ that no such company exists and this deal between the Government of Guyana and this phantom company owner is bad for the people of Guyana.
Plus there is the pricing. The experts say the price for a plant to service Guyana will cost the taxpayers US$5 million, while the PPP has signed a contract for US$30 million; another fraud. Who is getting the US$25 million.
To the sugar workers of Enmore, Rose Hall, Blairmont, Albion and all the other estates, are you prepared to work for the rest of your lives to pay taxes so that the PPP bigwigs can swindle this nation US$25 million? Well Mr. Austin from Rose Hall estate had the right answer β he asked what are we the workers going to do and his answer to his brothers on the picket line was he see βall of we (workers) will be hungry, and we will wukβ hard until we dead out.β
It is time for a revolt against the PPP because the party members are just too greedy and crooked and do not care for the economic welfare of the poor and the working class.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S.Singh
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
βSomething has to be done about this wholesale heist of the telecommunications sector by a few persons to control this major growth sector. This lawlessness must never happen againβ.
This is the view expressed by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian, Joseph Harmon, who supports the views held by leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan, who had denounced the fact that three of the four companies named in a proposed law to be handed Telecommunications Licences are closely aligned to the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. Harmon told this publication yesterday, that given the nature of, and projected growth of the communications sector in Guyana, those who have been identified for licences will literally hold the fate of the country in their hands. He said that by arbitrarily putting all this power in the hands of a few, it will allow them to have control over the future of the country. Harmon said that no matter which Government is in power, it will be these few non-elected persons who will decide and βcontrol the future of Guyana for the rest of our lives.β This, he said, cannot be allowed to happen, and the Opposition parties will have to ensure that the playing field is once again leveled so that all can have fair access to be able to compete in the sector. Kaieteur News in recent weeks has been publishing a detailed series, illustrating how a few persons would have essentially been positioned to take over the communications industry in Guyana. Three companies, Quark Communications Inc., Global Technologyβs i-Net Communications and E-Networks have been identified to receive Telecommunications Licences under the proposed changes to the Telecommunications Law. Armed with such a licence, the companies would
be able to compete directly with Digicel and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), once the laws are passed in the National Assembly and assented to by President Donald Ramotar. More glaring is that the three companies would have been rapidly expanding their distribution network knowing that the proposed changes in the law mandate that they would be given a licence, while others interested in the market would have been restricted. Registration documents filed with Government found that all three companies were filled with shareholders who have known ties with Jagdeo, with at least one person being directly related. Harmon told this publication that APNU would be looking to work along with the AFC on the way forward. He said, too, that it is not only the Telecommunications Law that needs to be addressed, and he will also bring amendments for the Broadcast Act.
According to Harmon, too much power is placed in the hands of the Minister of Information, a portfolio that former President Jagdeo had arrogated unto himself. The status quo remains, with the sitting president holding the portfolio of Minister of Information. It was this overarching power in the hands of the Minister that allowed Jagdeo to name the three companies to receive licences, according to Harmon. He said that the power has to be devolved from the Minister and placed into bodies such as the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority, which then has to be accountable to the Parliament. While the select committee is yet to be named to address the amendments to the Telecommunications Bill, Harmon has made it clear that changes have to be made to ensure that the βdictatorial and arbitraryβ practices do not continue. Ramjattan on Monday told this publication that his party, which controls seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, had found it strange that Government had decided upfront who the four companies that will be receiving licences would be. βA telecoms licence is not a joke that is handed willy-nilly to anyoneβ¦We are supposed to have an open, transparent system allowing everyone to have a chance to compete.β Ramjattan said that βto decide beforehand who you want to operate in the market is indeed strange and worryingβ¦We can draw some conclusions from thisβ¦We will move to make some changes to change this criminal nonsense.β Ramjattanβs worry is not unfounded.
Jagdeoβs best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi βBobbyβ Ramroop, is a director in Global Technology. Quark Communications Inc. has its operations running out of Ramroopβs property at Versailles, West Bank Demerara. Winston Brassington, a controversial figure who spearheaded a number of large scale projects for Government including the Marriott Hotel and the troubled Amaila Falls hydro facility, is a central figure in Quark. Quarkβs main founder is Brian Yong. He is known to be a close friend of Jagdeo and was even on his partyβs elections campaign as a candidate in 2011. Vishok Persaud, a main principal in E-Networks, is also a close friend of the former President and the son of a former party stalwart, the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud. Already, both E-Networks and Quark have been awarded licences for operating cable TV. The controversial approvals were made days before Jagdeo ended his Presidential term of office in 2011 when he also green-lighted the operations of several radio stations, most of them going to persons and companies with close ties to the ruling party. Several established media houses who had applied for licences, including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and CNS 6, were overlooked in the 2011 decision by the former president. βTo place this much power under unclear circumstances in a few personsβ hands is highly dangerous, and not only to national security.β
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Anyone know if they stoned the Iman to death who sodomized those little boys? I haven't heard anything more about the story.
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Anyone know if they stoned the Iman to death who sodomized those little boys? I haven't heard anything more about the story.
He was Charged by the Police,
Hauled before the Court....
but is free on bail,
with no a word from
CIOG, DPP, Police, Court, AG or Govt
So technically the Imam is Free
So far...He was not found Guilty by the Courts.
And if you are Accusing CIOG for Coverup.
You should ask your beloved Leader right here
how an Imam/Teacher at the CIOG School
who was caught and accused of
Raping a little Black Girl at school
and he was Quickly & Quietly
smuggled out the country by his Brothers
while the police was investigating
and about to lay Rape Charges.
What you are saying is exposing
the level of Corruption in Guyana
by this Govt under Jagdeo & Ramotar
where serious crimes are committed
and CIOG, DPP, Police, Courts, AG & Govt
come together and protect criminals.
Jagdeo & Ramotar fellas
Councie, Kwame, Rev and Ewe-gee
need to come clean
They keep switching positions
Like Councie & Kwame doing here
Poor observer aint seeing
wha really going on...
He can easily be caught eating too...
not knowing what ee eating....
Rev posing as a Decent Man
Who Vex ....Vex
Rev admit Jagdeo & Ramotar thiefing
like dem PNC Bhai under Burnham & Hoyte
Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex
Ewe-gee say Jagdeo & Ramotar don't thief
Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.
Rev say all them minister is thiefman
and they should be jailed
Who Vex ....Vex
Ewe-gee saying
"De current minsta's ...dem is not thiefman"
only thiefman minister eee know bout
"is De Past minista's under PNC"
and down de road....
"De Future AFC minista's"
Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.
Rev painting PNC as Bad
and Ramotar & Jagdeo Stink
but nat as bad as PNC
Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex
Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.
Ewe-gee on the Other Hand
Painting a different Picture of Guyana Govt
According to ewe-gee....
Burnhan & PNC is Rotten
Jagan ....fair to average
Jagdeo & de Best
and AFC is de worst...
All Dem Donkey know AFC not in Govt
and AFC cannot thief State money...
But as mitwa and redux would say
this one Jackass in de World think different
Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex
Ewe-gee is eee Brother...Dem is de same
These Donkey den decide to
label all Indians who support
"Dutty Indians"
Now Rev....the same fella
who was posing as a decent....Man
Start sucking everything
flowing from the ass
Ewegee and "Rev De Side Kick"
Now Braying..... Moses, Ramjattan, Ralph,
Ramphal, Insanally, Sahabadeen,
Luchoo, Ramsahoy, Kenard,
Beharry, Tulsie, Mazharally,
Roopnarine, Kissoon, Goolsarran, Ram
Boyo, O'lal, Fazal ........
and the thousands who follow them
are all "Dutty Indians"
Ewe-gee & Rev ........singing "Dutty Indians"
Two disgraceful $hit-face.
Now when we point out if you can call Indians
who refuse to Support Jagdeo & Ramotar
"Dutty Indians"
others.... on GNI must be free to call "De Black Thugs"
who now working for and Supporting Jagdeo & Ramotar
"PPP Black House of Isreal Hindus"
Both Donkey start cry and run complaining.....
The Laws of Guyana states
Buggering is a Crime
and when caught you must face Death....
When we on GNI say
Councie, Kwame, Bharat & Manny
Break the Laws of Guyana....
REV say ....them is Nasty Dutty Lowlife
and as the law say...they should be Hanged
Ewe-gee start cry fuh Kwame'
and eee shame fuh mention Bharat Name....
But eee crying non stop....
Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.
When we explain on GNI
Muslims and Islam against
Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..
Dem try fuh tell us that....
All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar
will tolerate and accept
Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..
When we ask them about
the Black House of Israel Thugs
now with Ramotar & Jagdeo in
Office of the President & Freedom House...
Rev & Ewe-gee say
De PPP Hindu's like and accept them....
Dem two tell us on GNI....
No Problem....
All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar
tolerate, accept, practice & Love
Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..
So our Question
to Rev and Eve-gee here and now on GNI
is if what they say is true
about The PPP Hindus love and Relationship
with The Black House of Isreal Thugs....
Why are you upset......when we say.....
"All Black House of Israel Thugs......
are now PPP Hindus"
Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.
Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex
As Mitwa & Rudux would say
Dem two Jack-ass
need fuh stop being $upper $uckers
Stop eating from the other BT
come with a clean face
and tell abee about dem
"Dutty Black PPP House of Isreal Hindus"
after we understand that....
we can discuss anything........
Come on ....Don't be shame
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