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I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.



Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Guyana Afros have a psyche, a default position, when in doubt, go after the Indian.  This mentality is alive and well even to this day, because you got away with it before.  This is why Fineman felt free to slaughter people in Lusignan as revenge for his missing girlfriend!  I don't know, so blame the PPP and go kill some Coolies.

This is the one area where I will always side with BJ and his group for kicking you in the teeth!  I do believe they waited to long!

this revelatory screed of baseman about the murderous "psyche" of "Guyana Afros" leads directly to the 'any crime is permissible . . .' mentality that fortified the descent of Bharat Jagdeo's PPP

we are watching and taking notes . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.



Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

Dave posted:

Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

you do know the difference between a "detonator" and "dynamite". . . rite?

alyuh beyond ignorant


Dave posted:

There is a link to the article that mention 6 sticks of dianamite. 

ok . . . now, what's that got to do with the Sun Chapman?

are you illiterate?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

There is a link to the article that mention 6 sticks of dianamite. 

ok . . . now, what's that got to do with the Sun Chapman?

are you illiterate?

Jackass did  you read the article, I guess not.

"I have received information that dynamite is being stolen from Mackenzie and is being sent to the PNC in Georgetown by a launch owned by someone called Chapman or by a private truck. I understand, also, that certain police constables or officers help in transporting it to Georgetown.

I understand that a set of four boxes came down on Monday, 1st July 1963 by Chapman's launch. Please take necessary action."

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

There is a link to the article that mention 6 sticks of dianamite

ok . . . now, what's that got to do with the Sun Chapman?

are you illiterate?

Jackass did  you read the article, I guess not.

"I have received information that dynamite is being stolen from Mackenzie and is being sent to the PNC in Georgetown by a launch owned by someone called Chapman or by a private truck. I understand, also, that certain police constables or officers help in transporting it to Georgetown.

I understand that a set of four boxes came down on Monday, 1st July 1963 by Chapman's launch. Please take necessary action."

point me to the "six sticks" of dynamite reference


and isn't your proffered "reference" here a total contradiction?

hint: the "dynamite" going in the wrong direction!


Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.

now, lessee here

May 25, 1964: East Indians ethnically cleansed from the area - Wismar in ashes . . . matches and gasoline used to devastating effect

now comes some klown signing as "A. Nedd" peddling some ill conceived PPP stupidness that on July 6, 1964 the PNC was sending hi-tech detonators (with dynamite?) to Wismar on the Sun Chapman to blow up Indian property already burnt down, and kill Indian people no longer there!


Baseman, Dave and "A. Nedd" mussbe attend the same Freedom House seminar for confused, racemongering retards . . . the 'panicked' battyshaking of these intellectually barefoot spear carriers is pitiful and disturbing to behold

watch the cockroaches run and hide

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.

now, lessee here

May 25, 1964: East Indians ethnically cleansed from the area - Wismar in ashes . . . matches and gasoline used to devastating effect

now comes some klown signing as "A. Nedd" peddling some ill conceived PPP stupidness that on July 6, 1964 the PNC was sending hi-tech detonators (with dynamite?) to Wismar on the Sun Chapman to blow up Indian property already burnt down, and kill Indian people no longer there!


Baseman, Dave and "A. Nedd" mussbe attend the same Freedom House seminar for confused, racemongering retards . . . the 'panicked' battyshaking of these intellectually barefoot spear carriers is pitiful and disturbing to behold

watch the cockroaches run and hide

Why don’t you have an intellectual discussion on the  topic, than displaying your foolish self. 

No one hides from you, but we enjoy watching you roll in your own feces  .

Last edited by Former Member


The story of the Wismar Massacre is well annotated by the Report of the Wismar, Christianburg and Mackenzie Commission which was established by the British colonial Government and published on January 25, 1965 (

The Report states: “We have come to the conclusion that the disturbances which took place in the Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie area on May 25th, 1964 were politically and racially inspired….and the fact that the security forces were in no case able to apprehend arsonists forces us to conclude that the destruction was not ‘spontaneous’, but was organised, and well organised.”

The plot started to take shape on Wednesday, May 20, 1964 when the home of Pandit Ramlackhan was bombed. There was a strike at Demba on Thursday, and on Friday, May 22nd, Daniel Persaud’s house was set on fire and there was an explosion at Ibrahim Khan’s home. Three people were injured in that blast.

The arson escalated on Saturday, May 23rd and Sunday, May 24th, and the Report states: “Between 7 and 8 o’clock on the morning of May 25th, the situation deteriorated rapidly. There was widespread violence, arson and looting. The stage was set for a day of unmitigated tragedy. At about 8.00 a.m. it was rumoured that an East Indian man had kicked an African boy. The Police subsequently investigated this but found it to be untrue. If any was needed, this was the casus belli….

“The majority of the Africans laughed and jeered at the East Indians as, blood stained and battered, raped and naked, shocked and destitute, they helplessly went their way to the only place of refuge, the Wismar Police Station. African women played their part in these events to the fullest extent.

“Your Commissioners are convinced that ‘this was a diabolical plot, ingeniously planned and ruthlessly executed.’ ….

“On the day of the disturbances at Wismar-Christianburg, there were 57 cases of assault, including rape. Two persons were killed, and at least 197 houses were destroyed in addition to several cases of looting.

“On the 26th May, the R.H. Carr and the M.V. Barima were made available for the transportation of evacuees to Georgetown; some went by air. The presence of African policemen and volunteers at the point of disembarkation in Georgetown caused some fear on the part of the evacuees, which was only assuaged when assurances were given by officials of the B.G. Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha ….

“The advent of the British troops and the imposition of a curfew helped to restore order out of chaos, but as darkness fell, fires could still be seen in the area. Sporadic attacks on Indian life and property continued, however. On the 26th May, Isaac Bridgewater, the father of Senator Christina Ramjattan, was murdered and his place burnt. Arson took place on the Mackenzie side on the 27th May, 1964, and on the 2nd June, 1964, when Indian houses at Cara Cara were burnt. Toolsie Persaud’s gasoline installation at Section C, Christianburg was destroyed on the 25th July, 1964….

“On the 6th July, 1964, an explosion occurred at Booradia on a launch named “Sun Chapman”, which was taking goods and passengers, the majority of them Africans, from Georgetown to Wismar. About thirty-eight (38) persons perished in this disaster. The echo of the Sun Chapman disaster was immediately felt at Mackenzie when five East Indians were murdered and seven seriously injured. Before the official report of the Sun Chapman tragedy reached the Police and British army, Africans were on the rampage; and in the space of two hours — 5.00 to 7.00 p.m. — more people were killed than on the whole day of the 25th May, 1964.”

When the PNC commemorate the Sun Chapman explosion each year, they mourn their dead without any reference to the five Indian Guyanese who were murdered in the rampage that followed. Though the implication is that the explosion was PPP retaliation for the Wismar Massacre, police investigations found no evidence of this.

In “The West on Trial”, Cheddi Jagan wrote about his objections to the May 26th date being chosen by Prime Minister Forbes Burnham for Guyana’s independence. He felt it was insensitive and unconscionable. Burnham, of course, had no such compunctions. President Cheddi Jagan omitted the date from the national calendar of holidays during his time in office, but it was reinstated by a subsequent PPP/C Administration.

If it is to be a national holiday, May 26th can stand as a day of remembrance only for the victims and survivors of the Wismar Massacre — lest we forget this instance of Man’s gravest inhumanity to Man that was visited on our country.


Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.

now, lessee here

May 25, 1964: East Indians ethnically cleansed from the area - Wismar in ashes . . . matches and gasoline used to devastating effect

now comes some klown signing as "A. Nedd" peddling some ill conceived PPP stupidness that on July 6, 1964 the PNC was sending hi-tech detonators (with dynamite?) to Wismar on the Sun Chapman to blow up Indian property already burnt down, and kill Indian people no longer there!


Baseman, Dave and "A. Nedd" mussbe attend the same Freedom House seminar for confused, racemongering retards . . . the 'panicked' battyshaking of these intellectually barefoot spear carriers is pitiful and disturbing to behold

watch the cockroaches run and hide

Why don’t you have an intellectual discussion on the  topic, than displaying your foolish self. 

No one hides from you, but we enjoy watching you roll in your own feces  .

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

Last edited by Former Member



I. Conclusions

(a) We have come to the conclusion that the disturbances which took place in the Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie area on May 25th, 1964, were politically and racially inspired. Although there is a difference of opinion among the security officers who gave evidence before us on the point, the thorough-going destruction of East Indian property, and the fact that the security forces were in no case able to apprehend arsonists, force us to conclude that the destruction was not "spontaneous" but was organised, and well organised.

(b) We are of the opinion that the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Owen, acted injudiciously in deciding that until he had received an assessment of the situation from Mr. Neil Isaacs he would not requisition British troops for service at Wismar. In consequence, the arrival of British troops was unnecessarily delayed until most of the damage to life and property had been complete. We are convinced that he had enough information from a number of sources about the extent of the disturbances in the area at least by 10.00 a.m. on the 25th of May, to justify a requisition for the immediate dispatch of British troops. Had this been done the major portion of the tragedy might not have occurred.

(c) We consider that the Commissioner of Police acted unconstitutionally in not acceding to the request made by the Minister of Home Affairs at 2.00 p.m. on May 25th to requisition British troops for service in the Wismar area.

(d) We are satisfied that Assistant Superintendent Hobbs, the Police officer in charge of the Wismar area, did keep Police Headquarters in Georgetown fully apprised of the developing situation by way of transit messages and telephone calls. It was in fact the information obtained primarily from Mr. Hobbs which was the basis of Mr. Isaac's report to the Commissioner at 3.00 p.m. on the 25th May.

(e) We consider that the limited embodiment of only a sergeant and 24 men from "D" Company, B.G.V.F., requested by the Police on Sunday May 24, considerably reduced their effectiveness as a force complementary to the small Police force at Wismar. We agree with Major Langham, Officer Commanding "D" Company, B.G.V.F., that the full embodiment of the Volunteers at Mackenzie on Sunday May 24th, might well have reduced the scale of the Monday disturbances. Even after full embodiment was requested by Mr. Hobbs at about 8.45 a.m. on Monday 25th, authority for this was not received from Col. DeFreitas until noon. This delay meant that the majority of the Volunteer Force was immobilised during the peak of the disturbances.

(f) Although the overall conduct of the security forces was not impressive, some members of the Police and Volunteer Forces, in what was without doubt a most difficult and frustrating situation, nevertheless, managed to perform their duties conscientiously, efficiently and humanely. In our opinion, however, the strategic use of tear smoke for the dispersal of the large crowds which seemed to gather everywhere at Wismar on the 25th of May would have assisted the Police and Volunteers in containing the situation. Throughout the day of the disturbances, members of the security forces must have been continuously aware of their pathetically small numbers compared with the large population they were expected to control. It is regrettable that it had not been found possible prior to the outbreak of the disturbances - probably because of lack of funds - to increase the numbers of Police at Wismar-Mackenzie as the Commissioner of Police had advised in his review of 1963.

(g) British troops requisitioned acted promptly and firmly with the minimum of severity against the population. Their presence in the area on the 6th and 7th July, l964 prevented the loss of many more Indian lives.

(h) The Demerara Bauxite Company, in spite of the ever-present threat of a strike by the majority of its employees who are Africans, nevertheless gave substantial assistance to all those who suffered during these disturbances at Wismar-Mackenzie. For those employees who might care to return when conditions settle down, Demba has kept their jobs open and has paid a gratuity to some employees with a long record of service who had resigned. We feel that the company ought to find it possible to pay some sort of gratuity or severance pay in the case of every worker who has resigned because of these disturbances.

(i) The religious and charitable organisations rendered a yeoman service in the alleviation of the sufferings of the unfortunate victims of these disturbances and in their rehabilitation.

(j) Although only one of the properties which were destroyed was insured against riot, we feel that in view of the extraordinary situation, some measure of financial relief should be granted to all those whose properties were destroyed.

(k) The recent disturbances in Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie have been examined by your Commissioners in the context of the wider pattern of planned violence, murders, arson, bombings, reprisals and counter-reprisals that characterised life in British Guiana during 1964. Although the number of deaths caused by violence and the amount of property destroyed was greater in the rest of the Colony, Wismar does, however, bring the months of violence into sharp focus.

There, within the brief period of 48 hours, a total section of a community was attacked, outraged and subsequently had to he evacuated. Nearly all their property was maliciously destroyed, while the majority of their erstwhile friends and neighbours either took part in the destruction or stood idly by.

II. Acknowledgements

We should like to express our thanks to all those persons who assisted the Commission by giving evidence or by submitting statements or memoranda. Our thanks are due also to the staff who worked, and sometimes under trying conditions, in order that the work of the Commission should he completed. The Secretary, Mr. Beekie, spared no effort in order to assist the Commission, especially after counsel to the Commission became ill.

1. S. ROPAN SINGH - Chairman


3. A.S. MACDONALD - Member


Dated this 29th January, 1965.

[Source: Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, Georgetown, Guyana] -

Published by GNI Publications

Copyright© GNI Publications, 2004

Editor: Odeen Ishmael



This is the real conclusion,

not the one made up by "nameless one" you posted.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

You knuckleheads on both sides of the fence need to chill and drink some mauby....and try to find ways to bring people together rather than finding ways to ethnically cleanse Guyana of the other race.

Rehashing the past will not build a better future, especially since the two major races are now poised to enter an election in 2020 that might prove to be more problematic and violent than any one before this. 

Those folks in Canada dont look like they are professional researchers but we should recognize their right to want to know what happen because it seems to me like they have some close connection to the event. Seems like their motive is one based on therapy rather than a desire to record history. Gilly is right, the word "massacre" can be seen as a willingness to blame others and play the role of victim...

I vaguely recall also that one of the first things Granger did was to pledge to build a memorial to the Sun Chapman tragedy. But, If Carib and others feel this way then that is their truth, just like the people in Canada.


ress yuh dundahead self! We ain't de knuckleheads, the Indian guys in Canada who rehashing this are. As I said before, I am not sure what the exact reason was for the events at Wismar. But I DO KNOW the violence was on both sides and not just Indian victims.

Mars post on Jagan's Hurricane of Protest is instructive for dem card carrying racists like Skeleton man, Nehru, 'dave", the yugli man etc. Oh, and de old cussbird Seignet might know some ah dem dead black people from dat era.

The effort to rehash this now roughly 2 years before the 2020 elections might be strategic on the part of the PPP. 54 years later they are doing "research" and by the time they are done you will hear 6 million indians were killed in a holocaust! smfh

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.

now, lessee here

May 25, 1964: East Indians ethnically cleansed from the area - Wismar in ashes . . . matches and gasoline used to devastating effect

now comes some klown signing as "A. Nedd" peddling some ill conceived PPP stupidness that on July 6, 1964 the PNC was sending hi-tech detonators (with dynamite?) to Wismar on the Sun Chapman to blow up Indian property already burnt down, and kill Indian people no longer there!


Baseman, Dave and "A. Nedd" mussbe attend the same Freedom House seminar for confused, racemongering retards . . . the 'panicked' battyshaking of these intellectually barefoot spear carriers is pitiful and disturbing to behold

watch the cockroaches run and hide

Why don’t you have an intellectual discussion on the  topic, than displaying your foolish self. 

No one hides from you, but we enjoy watching you roll in your own feces  .

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

Thats your opinion fool. You are one old miserable human. 

Now gawn so you retard clean your stink mouth.

ronan posted:

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

..he thought owning a building with a bank as a tenant entitled him to the assets of the bank. Doesn't get more stupid dan dat.

btw...dem bhais imitating yuh. Notice how "dave" using words like "introspection", "enjoy watching yuh roll..." and suh on. Yugli man talking about "slip showing" etc. LMFAO.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

I Hold the PNC Resposnible for Sun Chapman Demise

In a recent article (GC, June 4th , 2003) Mayor Hamilton Green stated that the “Sun Chapman”, a river launch owned and operated by Norman Yacoob Chapman, was blown out of the water at Hurudaia, near Wismar, on July 6, 1964, and that this incident led to the Pogrom against Indo-Guyanese living in Wismar.

What Mayor Green failed to state, and I know that he knows the true Story as he was intimately associated with the UF-PNC’s campaign of destabilization in 1962, 1963 and 1964, was that the explosion was caused by the accidental explosion of a number of detonators that were carelessly stored near the heated engine room of the “Sun Chapman”. These detonators, as the good Mayor must undoubtedly remember, were bound for PNC operatives in the Mackenzie-Wismar-Christianburg area for use in X-13 operations against perceived PPP supporters.

I know all of this because while I was employed at DEMBA in Mackenzie I had many close relatives who were active PNC members and operatives in the area and, as a result of intelligence supplied by them, I knew that the detonators were coming down on the “Sun Chapman”. Following the incident it was reported to Dr. Jagan that the explosion of the “Sun Chapman” was caused by accidental detonation rather than by any act of sabotage.

To this day I hold the PNC responsible for the deaths of those
Afro-Guyanese aboard the “Sun Chapman”.

Yours sincerely,
A. Nedd
Alberta, Canada
JUNE 6, 2003

Found this on the internet, anyone have evidence to prove this is wrong.

now, lessee here

May 25, 1964: East Indians ethnically cleansed from the area - Wismar in ashes . . . matches and gasoline used to devastating effect

now comes some klown signing as "A. Nedd" peddling some ill conceived PPP stupidness that on July 6, 1964 the PNC was sending hi-tech detonators (with dynamite?) to Wismar on the Sun Chapman to blow up Indian property already burnt down, and kill Indian people no longer there!


Baseman, Dave and "A. Nedd" mussbe attend the same Freedom House seminar for confused, racemongering retards . . . the 'panicked' battyshaking of these intellectually barefoot spear carriers is pitiful and disturbing to behold

watch the cockroaches run and hide

Why don’t you have an intellectual discussion on the  topic, than displaying your foolish self. 

No one hides from you, but we enjoy watching you roll in your own feces  .

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

Thats your opinion fool. You are one old miserable human. 

Now gawn so you retard clean your stink mouth.

i hope you learn not to tek ignar lead up from Freedom House next time

now . . . scurry scurry

Django posted:



I. Conclusions

(a) We have come to the conclusion that the disturbances which took place in the Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie area on May 25th, 1964, were politically and racially inspired. Although there is a difference of opinion among the security officers who gave evidence before us on the point, the thorough-going destruction of East Indian property, and the fact that the security forces were in no case able to apprehend arsonists, force us to conclude that the destruction was not "spontaneous" but was organised, and well organised.

(b) We are of the opinion that the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Owen, acted injudiciously in deciding that until he had received an assessment of the situation from Mr. Neil Isaacs he would not requisition British troops for service at Wismar. In consequence, the arrival of British troops was unnecessarily delayed until most of the damage to life and property had been complete. We are convinced that he had enough information from a number of sources about the extent of the disturbances in the area at least by 10.00 a.m. on the 25th of May, to justify a requisition for the immediate dispatch of British troops. Had this been done the major portion of the tragedy might not have occurred.

(c) We consider that the Commissioner of Police acted unconstitutionally in not acceding to the request made by the Minister of Home Affairs at 2.00 p.m. on May 25th to requisition British troops for service in the Wismar area.

(d) We are satisfied that Assistant Superintendent Hobbs, the Police officer in charge of the Wismar area, did keep Police Headquarters in Georgetown fully apprised of the developing situation by way of transit messages and telephone calls. It was in fact the information obtained primarily from Mr. Hobbs which was the basis of Mr. Isaac's report to the Commissioner at 3.00 p.m. on the 25th May.

(e) We consider that the limited embodiment of only a sergeant and 24 men from "D" Company, B.G.V.F., requested by the Police on Sunday May 24, considerably reduced their effectiveness as a force complementary to the small Police force at Wismar. We agree with Major Langham, Officer Commanding "D" Company, B.G.V.F., that the full embodiment of the Volunteers at Mackenzie on Sunday May 24th, might well have reduced the scale of the Monday disturbances. Even after full embodiment was requested by Mr. Hobbs at about 8.45 a.m. on Monday 25th, authority for this was not received from Col. DeFreitas until noon. This delay meant that the majority of the Volunteer Force was immobilised during the peak of the disturbances.

(f) Although the overall conduct of the security forces was not impressive, some members of the Police and Volunteer Forces, in what was without doubt a most difficult and frustrating situation, nevertheless, managed to perform their duties conscientiously, efficiently and humanely. In our opinion, however, the strategic use of tear smoke for the dispersal of the large crowds which seemed to gather everywhere at Wismar on the 25th of May would have assisted the Police and Volunteers in containing the situation. Throughout the day of the disturbances, members of the security forces must have been continuously aware of their pathetically small numbers compared with the large population they were expected to control. It is regrettable that it had not been found possible prior to the outbreak of the disturbances - probably because of lack of funds - to increase the numbers of Police at Wismar-Mackenzie as the Commissioner of Police had advised in his review of 1963.

(g) British troops requisitioned acted promptly and firmly with the minimum of severity against the population. Their presence in the area on the 6th and 7th July, l964 prevented the loss of many more Indian lives.

(h) The Demerara Bauxite Company, in spite of the ever-present threat of a strike by the majority of its employees who are Africans, nevertheless gave substantial assistance to all those who suffered during these disturbances at Wismar-Mackenzie. For those employees who might care to return when conditions settle down, Demba has kept their jobs open and has paid a gratuity to some employees with a long record of service who had resigned. We feel that the company ought to find it possible to pay some sort of gratuity or severance pay in the case of every worker who has resigned because of these disturbances.

(i) The religious and charitable organisations rendered a yeoman service in the alleviation of the sufferings of the unfortunate victims of these disturbances and in their rehabilitation.

(j) Although only one of the properties which were destroyed was insured against riot, we feel that in view of the extraordinary situation, some measure of financial relief should be granted to all those whose properties were destroyed.

(k) The recent disturbances in Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie have been examined by your Commissioners in the context of the wider pattern of planned violence, murders, arson, bombings, reprisals and counter-reprisals that characterised life in British Guiana during 1964. Although the number of deaths caused by violence and the amount of property destroyed was greater in the rest of the Colony, Wismar does, however, bring the months of violence into sharp focus.

There, within the brief period of 48 hours, a total section of a community was attacked, outraged and subsequently had to he evacuated. Nearly all their property was maliciously destroyed, while the majority of their erstwhile friends and neighbours either took part in the destruction or stood idly by.

II. Acknowledgements

We should like to express our thanks to all those persons who assisted the Commission by giving evidence or by submitting statements or memoranda. Our thanks are due also to the staff who worked, and sometimes under trying conditions, in order that the work of the Commission should he completed. The Secretary, Mr. Beekie, spared no effort in order to assist the Commission, especially after counsel to the Commission became ill.

1. S. ROPAN SINGH - Chairman


3. A.S. MACDONALD - Member


Dated this 29th January, 1965.

[Source: Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, Georgetown, Guyana] -

Published by GNI Publications

Copyright© GNI Publications, 2004

Editor: Odeen Ishmael



This is the real conclusion,

not the one made up by "nameless one" you posted.

I haven't seen the word "massacre" in the extract above. Two persons were killed in May and 5 in July. 

Iguana posted:
ronan posted:

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

..he thought owning a building with a bank as a tenant entitled him to the assets of the bank. Doesn't get more stupid dan dat.

btw...dem bhais imitating yuh. Notice how "dave" using words like "introspection", "enjoy watching yuh roll..." and suh on. Yugli man talking about "slip showing" etc. LMFAO.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Django posted:



I. Conclusions

(a) We have come to the conclusion that the disturbances which took place in the Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie area on May 25th, 1964, were politically and racially inspired. Although there is a difference of opinion among the security officers who gave evidence before us on the point, the thorough-going destruction of East Indian property, and the fact that the security forces were in no case able to apprehend arsonists, force us to conclude that the destruction was not "spontaneous" but was organised, and well organised.

(b) We are of the opinion that the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Owen, acted injudiciously in deciding that until he had received an assessment of the situation from Mr. Neil Isaacs he would not requisition British troops for service at Wismar. In consequence, the arrival of British troops was unnecessarily delayed until most of the damage to life and property had been complete. We are convinced that he had enough information from a number of sources about the extent of the disturbances in the area at least by 10.00 a.m. on the 25th of May, to justify a requisition for the immediate dispatch of British troops. Had this been done the major portion of the tragedy might not have occurred.

(c) We consider that the Commissioner of Police acted unconstitutionally in not acceding to the request made by the Minister of Home Affairs at 2.00 p.m. on May 25th to requisition British troops for service in the Wismar area.

(d) We are satisfied that Assistant Superintendent Hobbs, the Police officer in charge of the Wismar area, did keep Police Headquarters in Georgetown fully apprised of the developing situation by way of transit messages and telephone calls. It was in fact the information obtained primarily from Mr. Hobbs which was the basis of Mr. Isaac's report to the Commissioner at 3.00 p.m. on the 25th May.

(e) We consider that the limited embodiment of only a sergeant and 24 men from "D" Company, B.G.V.F., requested by the Police on Sunday May 24, considerably reduced their effectiveness as a force complementary to the small Police force at Wismar. We agree with Major Langham, Officer Commanding "D" Company, B.G.V.F., that the full embodiment of the Volunteers at Mackenzie on Sunday May 24th, might well have reduced the scale of the Monday disturbances. Even after full embodiment was requested by Mr. Hobbs at about 8.45 a.m. on Monday 25th, authority for this was not received from Col. DeFreitas until noon. This delay meant that the majority of the Volunteer Force was immobilised during the peak of the disturbances.

(f) Although the overall conduct of the security forces was not impressive, some members of the Police and Volunteer Forces, in what was without doubt a most difficult and frustrating situation, nevertheless, managed to perform their duties conscientiously, efficiently and humanely. In our opinion, however, the strategic use of tear smoke for the dispersal of the large crowds which seemed to gather everywhere at Wismar on the 25th of May would have assisted the Police and Volunteers in containing the situation. Throughout the day of the disturbances, members of the security forces must have been continuously aware of their pathetically small numbers compared with the large population they were expected to control. It is regrettable that it had not been found possible prior to the outbreak of the disturbances - probably because of lack of funds - to increase the numbers of Police at Wismar-Mackenzie as the Commissioner of Police had advised in his review of 1963.

(g) British troops requisitioned acted promptly and firmly with the minimum of severity against the population. Their presence in the area on the 6th and 7th July, l964 prevented the loss of many more Indian lives.

(h) The Demerara Bauxite Company, in spite of the ever-present threat of a strike by the majority of its employees who are Africans, nevertheless gave substantial assistance to all those who suffered during these disturbances at Wismar-Mackenzie. For those employees who might care to return when conditions settle down, Demba has kept their jobs open and has paid a gratuity to some employees with a long record of service who had resigned. We feel that the company ought to find it possible to pay some sort of gratuity or severance pay in the case of every worker who has resigned because of these disturbances.

(i) The religious and charitable organisations rendered a yeoman service in the alleviation of the sufferings of the unfortunate victims of these disturbances and in their rehabilitation.

(j) Although only one of the properties which were destroyed was insured against riot, we feel that in view of the extraordinary situation, some measure of financial relief should be granted to all those whose properties were destroyed.

(k) The recent disturbances in Wismar-Christianburg-Mackenzie have been examined by your Commissioners in the context of the wider pattern of planned violence, murders, arson, bombings, reprisals and counter-reprisals that characterised life in British Guiana during 1964. Although the number of deaths caused by violence and the amount of property destroyed was greater in the rest of the Colony, Wismar does, however, bring the months of violence into sharp focus.

There, within the brief period of 48 hours, a total section of a community was attacked, outraged and subsequently had to he evacuated. Nearly all their property was maliciously destroyed, while the majority of their erstwhile friends and neighbours either took part in the destruction or stood idly by.

II. Acknowledgements

We should like to express our thanks to all those persons who assisted the Commission by giving evidence or by submitting statements or memoranda. Our thanks are due also to the staff who worked, and sometimes under trying conditions, in order that the work of the Commission should he completed. The Secretary, Mr. Beekie, spared no effort in order to assist the Commission, especially after counsel to the Commission became ill.

1. S. ROPAN SINGH - Chairman


3. A.S. MACDONALD - Member


Dated this 29th January, 1965.

[Source: Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, Georgetown, Guyana] -

Published by GNI Publications

Copyright© GNI Publications, 2004

Editor: Odeen Ishmael



This is the real conclusion,

not the one made up by "nameless one" you posted.

It has a source. 

There is no conclusion as everyone one has different opinion. 

Non on this forum was around, including you.. 

instead of the nincompoop bashing the poster of article, why not having a healty discussion. No one on this forum can change what happened. 

Gilbakka posted:

I haven't seen the word "massacre" in the extract above. Two persons were killed in May and 5 in July. 

One of the reasons thread was started to expose the mindset of the group.

Me thinks they started on wrong footing to further investigate the incident of Wismar.

Dave posted:

It has a source. 

There is no conclusion as everyone one has different opinion. 

Non on this forum was around, including you.. 

instead of the nincompoop bashing the poster of article, why not having a healty discussion. No one on this forum can change what happened. 

No doubt,

the conclusion by the nameless writer isn't true reflection of the Inquiry .Who is the names less person ? why was it removed ?

I believe in "Conclusion by the Inquiry" and the Transcripts any day than the made up ones by folks who have an agenda.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

Go ahead!

The Son Chapman attack was well orchestrated, meticulously planned and executed.  It was carried out by professionals who had some degree of command and control.  It was intended to cause mass casualty and instigate a race war.  Who ever did it calculated it's impact.

People like Jagan's well trained militants in the PYO could have been just as responsible. See the Hurricane Protest report Mars posted for the caches of weapons they had etc. Yuh lil half back turn ain't wukkin' hay bai.

Guyana Afros have a psyche, a default position, when in doubt, go after the Indian.  This mentality is alive and well even to this day, because you got away with it before. 

This is the one area where I will always side with BJ and his group for kicking you in the teeth!  I do believe they waited to long!

Nex time yuh hug up Granger in yuh basement muss tell he about he proclivities to "go after the Indian". Tell the former GDF guys yuh huggin' up in Brooklyn when yuh visit dem "reunions" and "fete" and suh on how dem kyant wait fuh rape Indian woman and murder Indian man.

Muss kick dem GDF man in Brooklyn in de teeth and all dem black sistas yuh hugging up at QC reunion, trying fuh get lil visibility wid de PNC fuh God knows what nefarious purposes yuh gat!

Ah wonda if they know how you REALLY feel about them. They gon soon find out. Is high time they did. Black people are too trusting . Smiling in we face whilst plotting we demise. Dat is we problem!

Baseman, see bold red above.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
ronan posted:

well . . . then, stop shaking yuh batty and ADDRESS the multitude of ILLITERATE posts you have made on this subject

you are a confounded DUNCE . . . nothing "intellectual" about you

race-addled coward!

..he thought owning a building with a bank as a tenant entitled him to the assets of the bank. Doesn't get more stupid dan dat.

btw...dem bhais imitating yuh. Notice how "dave" using words like "introspection", "enjoy watching yuh roll..." and suh on. Yugli man talking about "slip showing" etc. LMFAO.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Bank, I see how it bothering your poor soul. 

Get a life and stop envy others. 

Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why was the killings of 8 or 9 people at Lusignan called a massacre?

It was wrongly called so. Many Guyanese use words loosely. 

Comrade Gil, we need to petition and have the meaning of massacre change 

  1. an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
    "the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"
Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why was the killings of 8 or 9 people at Lusignan called a massacre?

It was wrongly called so. Many Guyanese use words loosely. 

Comrade Gil, we need to petition and have the meaning of massacre change 

  1. an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
    "the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"

Where is meaning #2 or #3? You give only #1.

Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why was the killings of 8 or 9 people at Lusignan called a massacre?

It was wrongly called so. Many Guyanese use words loosely. 

Comrade Gil, we need to petition and have the meaning of massacre change 

  1. an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
    "the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"

Where is meaning #2 or #3? You give only #1.

  1. 1.
    an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
    "the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"
    synonyms:slaughter, wholesale/mass slaughter, indiscriminate killing, mass murder, mass execution, annihilationliquidationdecimationexterminationMore
  1. 1.
    deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people).
    synonyms:slaughterbutchermurderkillannihilateexterminateexecuteliquidateeliminatedecimate, wipe out, mow down, cut down, put to the sword, put to death; 
    "thousands were brutally massacred"
Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

you do know the difference between a "detonator" and "dynamite". . . rite?

alyuh beyond ignorant


Had to be some kind of explosive ordnance there too for an explosion of that magnitude. Detonators have just enough power to initiate an explosion. Unless, it was fuel.

Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why was the killings of 8 or 9 people at Lusignan called a massacre?

It was wrongly called so. Many Guyanese use words loosely. 


Only 69 people were killed by police in the Sharpville massacre of 1960.  This occurred just three weeks after 9 police officers were killed by protesters in Cator Manor.  How do we determine what constitute a massacre with regards to number of people killed and motives behind the killings?

Billy Ram Balgobin
GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

you do know the difference between a "detonator" and "dynamite". . . rite?

alyuh beyond ignorant


Had to be some kind of explosive ordnance there too for an explosion of that magnitude. Detonators have just enough power to initiate an explosion. Unless, it was fuel.

You are on to something,the detonators were stored near the Engine Room where there are fuel,according to the writer.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:

You guys can go on to 100 pages and still we will never know who or what really started this, we do know the results were horrible...all sides share the blame...move on.

They need to present their cases in front of a tribal judge since our judiciary is a joke. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
cain posted:

You guys can go on to 100 pages and still we will never know who or what really started this, we do know the results were horrible...all sides share the blame...move on.

The what is known,

political strife to topple a Commie from getting to power.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

you do know the difference between a "detonator" and "dynamite". . . rite?

alyuh beyond ignorant


Had to be some kind of explosive ordnance there too for an explosion of that magnitude. Detonators have just enough power to initiate an explosion. Unless, it was fuel.

You are on to something,the detonators were stored near the Engine Room where there are fuel,according to the writer.

Change your mind 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Dearest Carib, were you one of them waiting at the other end to receive the dinamite, for the purpose of killing Indians. 

you do know the difference between a "detonator" and "dynamite". . . rite?

alyuh beyond ignorant


Had to be some kind of explosive ordnance there too for an explosion of that magnitude. Detonators have just enough power to initiate an explosion. Unless, it was fuel.

You are on to something,the detonators were stored near the Engine Room where there are fuel,according to the writer.

Change your mind 

In what way ?  Just taking a hunch from GTAngler,haven't accused any one.

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