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Leonora posted:
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

this is what I talking about...why can't Lenora not say anything about PPP without being told that that it is none of her business.

Does Bibi represent what the PPP is like?

See the woman's inflammatory comments to me, like a vulture on the warpath. She's certainly not attracting PPP votes. Someone should warn BJ!

She gettin ready for a "catfight"...hold on to your hair sister  

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

The PPP is seen as a Indo party.

To win the confidence of non Indians, they have to change their Presidential eligibility..they have more to gain by putting a effective AFRO as its Presidential candidate. It will also demonstrate to Guyanese and the world, there efforts to be multicultural. 

The aspiration of the PPP is to be in government. There chances of success at the poll with a Indian President is not a guarantee. 

If the PPP is to win the “ next” election it will be a minority victory. The chances of Voilence is greater against their supporters. 

What the PPP has to loose if a AFRO goes as President, nothing.

Their Indians supporters accept a AFRO President currently.. so what the heck. 

VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

A clear example of insularity coming from a PPP insider

You are doing a poor job trying to distract from your hapless government.  Who told you I am a PPP insider?  

You of all people here seems to know a lot about PPP inside information...information most people here could not have possibly known

Not because I’m more educated than you that makes me a PPP insider.  You are an attention seeker.  Does that make you a PNC insider.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
I am not here to attract PPP votes.  I’m a private citizen.  Are you here to attract PNC votes?

You would certainly be an apt brujha to cast spells and drive people away. 

The lady never presented herself as a supporter, aficionado or in any way inclined to the PNC. Her criticisms of some PPPites and you do not make her a PNCite...and she has been here some 21 years representing the PPP. 

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here have made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the party. If anyone says anything against the party or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

A woman acts as if she owns the party....Big Lips Bibi???

It's a bully team...KP and SkeldonMan???

None of them seems to be able to answer a questions I posed earlier...

1. What makes this party multiracial?

2. How do they plan to hold on to power and govern effectively if the party is a party of Indos?



At least I am not a mole or a news carrier. You are just a like a labaria just waiting to inject your venom in an innocent victim. What a low life snake. KP and SkeldonMan will give you a heart attack and a stroke. Watch out.

....I hope when dem women beating up innocent Indos in GT you will be there to lend a helping hand...

You should appreciate the fact that the PPP has done a terrible job at protecting its own supporters, everytime they are in power...look at your history...

Unlike you and your people, coolies are peaceful people.

Tamil Tigers?? Gurkhas??  Bhagat Singh?? 

"Peace" is a learned behavior, not genetic...

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

A clear example of insularity coming from a PPP insider

You are doing a poor job trying to distract from your hapless government.  Who told you I am a PPP insider?  

You of all people here seems to know a lot about PPP inside information...information most people here could not have possibly known

Not because I’m more educated than you that makes me a PPP insider.  You are an attention seeker.  Does that make you a PNC insider.

"Insider" is not the same as being "educated" ...I pick my words carefully.

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
I am not here to attract PPP votes.  I’m a private citizen.  Are you here to attract PNC votes?

You would certainly be an apt brujha to cast spells and drive people away. 

The lady never presented herself as a supporter, aficionado or in any way inclined to the PNC. Her criticisms of some PPPites and you do not make her a PNCite...and she has been here some 21 years representing the PPP. 

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Not because I’m more educated than you that makes me a PPP insider.  You are an attention seeker.  Does that make you a PNC insider.

Being more educated does not make you any less a moron than let's say,mmmm, yugi.( always bragging of his wealth and castle an other useless shit)

If you have a problem with yugi’s wealth go and fight that battle with him.  I don’t know him other than my interaction here on GNI.

Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

The PPP is seen as a Indo party.

To win the confidence of non Indians, they have to change their Presidential eligibility..they have more to gain by putting a effective AFRO as its Presidential candidate. It will also demonstrate to Guyanese and the world, there efforts to be multicultural. 

The aspiration of the PPP is to be in government. There chances of success at the poll with a Indian President is not a guarantee. 

If the PPP is to win the “ next” election it will be a minority victory. The chances of Voilence is greater against their supporters. 

What the PPP has to loose if a AFRO goes as President, nothing.

Their Indians supporters accept a AFRO President currently.. so what the heck. 

My point is simply this:

Both major parties are not willing to find common ground, admit their past transgressions and set in place policies and institutions that will contain the racial problem. Instead, when they out of power, its about power sharing, when they get elected its about "who cares about the opposition". The triumphalism on both sides (whether its Volda, or others) is dangerous for this country...especially at a point when the nation is blessed with its hugh oil find...its all about a zero sum politics. This election will not bring us closer to social harmony...

Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

this is what I talking about...why can't Lenora not say anything about PPP without being told that that it is none of her business.

Does Bibi represent what the PPP is like?

Bibi is a nut job. Lenora is body ans soul PPP. You should know that since we harassed her here endlessly since 98. ANd that was not easy since the board had at least three times as many active members

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
I am not here to attract PPP votes.  I’m a private citizen.  Are you here to attract PNC votes?

You would certainly be an apt brujha to cast spells and drive people away. 

The lady never presented herself as a supporter, aficionado or in any way inclined to the PNC. Her criticisms of some PPPites and you do not make her a PNCite...and she has been here some 21 years representing the PPP. 

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

You can tell her yourself. 

Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

I got the notification when you ran the Background Check on me. So who is obsessed with who?

You got to be kidding !!!

PM me you name. Me guh run wan background check pun you rass.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

I got the notification when you ran the Background Check on me. So who is obsessed with who?

You got to be kidding !!!

PM me you name. Me guh run wan background check pun you rass.

You free to run it bhai, permission granted. Some posters figure out my name here

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

I got the notification when you ran the Background Check on me. So who is obsessed with who?

You got to be kidding !!!

PM me you name. Me guh run wan background check pun you rass.

You need someone social security # to do a background check.  Don’t listen to Leonora and her lies.  She is a dangerous woman.  

Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

this is what I talking about...why can't Lenora not say anything about PPP without being told that that it is none of her business.

Does Bibi represent what the PPP is like?

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Not because I’m more educated than you that makes me a PPP insider.  You are an attention seeker.  Does that make you a PNC insider.

Being more educated does not make you any less a moron than let's say,mmmm, yugi.( always bragging of his wealth and castle an other useless shit)

If you have a problem with yugi’s wealth go and fight that battle with him.  I don’t know him other than my interaction here on GNI.

This is exactly what I meant by, "being more educated does not make one any less a moron"  SWOOOOOSH! over the head.

Last edited by cain
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

I got the notification when you ran the Background Check on me. So who is obsessed with who?

You got to be kidding !!!

Lenora work in a high security area and definitely has high level clearance. Search on her name and SS will flag and a warning sent. Chickory got the FBI chasing him once least he said that is what they told him. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

She has a very bizarre obsession with me.  Can you please tell her I am not a lesbian?  And even if I was, I would stay far from that.

I got the notification when you ran the Background Check on me. So who is obsessed with who?

You got to be kidding !!!

PM me you name. Me guh run wan background check pun you rass.

You need someone social security # to do a background check.  Don’t listen to Leonora and her lies.  She is a dangerous woman.  

You just don't know!!!!

Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

See my first post on this thread -- didn't everything come true about the claws coming out, biting our heads off, etc.???    

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.


Gal Al YUh rest up nah. Dont take this place too seriously. We all care for the POOR Guyanese and want to speak on their behalf BUT the reality is that the Guyanese People like people everywhere has to DEMAND DEMOCRATIC Govts. The PNC was given a second chance to show they have changed. THEY FAILED MISERABLY, IN FACT THEY GOT WORST!!!

Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

Last edited by Former Member

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