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Gilbakka posted:

Not true. Every word is mine. You insult my intelligence if you think I am not capable of writing such. Furthermore, I ceased being a PPP MEMBER since 1992. I am simply a SUPPORTER now. Big difference. I was a member for 20+ years so I know the party system inside out.

Lastly, if you keep attacking me, I shall refuse to interact with you. I don't attack your comments.


If you are so intelligent then why dont you address the reasons why the PPP is despised by the vast majority of the black population and also by large parts of the mixed identified.

You refuse to address this and I will remind you every time you babble about the PPP "outreaching" to blacks. We dont respond when the GOP "outreaches" because we know that many anti black racists reside in that entity and we view the PPP in the same light.

This isnt a personal attack.  If your return to the PPP makes you think that we must accept the nonsense that you all peddle then just understand that makes the PPP UNFIT to govern Guyana!  

Macron ignored the French and look at what is happening to him now!

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.

Tweet tweet. Have nest, will travel.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


The PPP is poised to govern for another 25 years if they play their cards right. Who would have thought that Jagdeo would buss the PNC balls in three years ? The PPP has an excellent captain, the PNC is like a ship sailing in the Atlantic Ocean without any captain or compass.

Let dem rass sink. Let Racist Volda save them.


Hmmm.  When Indians are only 30% of the population as they are likely to be in 10 years you think that Anil, Irfaan and others of his ilk can run Guyana and exclude others?

The black and the mixed population will be over 55% by then.  Let me remind you that Mark Benschop and Raphael Trotman identify as mixed, as do Granger's children and the former mayor of GT.

NONE of them are going to vote PPP if it is led by racists who despise blacks as much as you do.

Even YOUR Jagdeo had to admit that blacks told him that they weren't going to vote for him even as they didn't plan to vote for the coalition in the LGE.

Oh and btw look at Paris and see what happens when large swathes of the population feel excluded.  Macron jumping up and screaming when large numbers of French want him gone!

If Shyte had wings it would fly.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


The PPP is poised to govern for another 25 years if they play their cards right. Who would have thought that Jagdeo would buss the PNC balls in three years ? The PPP has an excellent captain, the PNC is like a ship sailing in the Atlantic Ocean without any captain or compass.

Let dem rass sink. Let Racist Volda save them.


Hmmm.  When Indians are only 30% of the population as they are likely to be in 10 years you think that Anil, Irfaan and others of his ilk can run Guyana and exclude others?

The black and the mixed population will be over 55% by then.  Let me remind you that Mark Benschop and Raphael Trotman identify as mixed, as do Granger's children and the former mayor of GT.

NONE of them are going to vote PPP if it is led by racists who despise blacks as much as you do.

Even YOUR Jagdeo had to admit that blacks told him that they weren't going to vote for him even as they didn't plan to vote for the coalition in the LGE.

Oh and btw look at Paris and see what happens when large swathes of the population feel excluded.  Macron jumping up and screaming when large numbers of French want him gone!

If Shyte had wings it would fly.

If shute had wings you'd be the Concorde 

Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.

She went after you because you exposed her fake ness on the Odeen thread!  You, being family, trumped her in the information department!

Leonora posted:

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.

Tell Bibi that she is a big girl. What she dishes she will get back. She is quite aggressive and is noted for discussing people's PRIVATE business on GNI.

Bibi pulls the alpha female act and then runs weeping that she is a "girlie, girl" and people are too hard on her.

You were a PPP supporter and now apparently you no longer are.  Its not for me or anyone to query why the change.  

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:

Oh and btw look at Paris and see what happens when large swathes of the population feel excluded.  Macron jumping up and screaming when large numbers of French want him gone!

If Shyte had wings it would fly.

Macron said that and look at him now!

Oh. I forgot. You most likely didn't know who Macron is.

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Oh. She hit on you too?  

Well, I was kind of alone in NJ and fell for it.  Being away from the community, I never realized how nasty some of them are.  She used me for her dream vacations with promises of this and that in the loyalty department.  When the excitement was over, she looking for a new candy flavor.  That’s how she sees men, disposable slabs of meat.  There is even an attempted suicide on her notch.  Poor kid 11 years her junior!  Used and dumped him like a spent tampon!

The woman is plain nasty.  A lot came to me after we broke.  She sleeping with me on vacation and texting another man in NY boasting of her new sex life.   The man told my relatives she is crazy ass nasty woman and I will run far when I see her true colors!  That’s a monumental understatement!

I regretted every moment interacting with her. I got nothing but stress and heartache. She got many exotic vacations, now she can boast to her friends what a world traveler she is. 

I am not that does chamkay a lil bit pun de right den pun de lef and say "no" "no "nooo" then.... "alright"

Seriously, no. She asked on an open thread,  that is here somewhere for those who care to go and find it, that we have lunch. It was not a real thing. We argued about restaurant she want to go to, I suggested one I would go to If I cared to meet,  and she said I was too cheap and pedestrian for her taste and that was it. 

Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.

Every time you come on here repeating Baseman lies and cussing down my family, I will put you in your place.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.

Every time you come on here repeating Baseman lies and cussing down my family, I will put you in your place.  

Could you please point where I ever mention any family!

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Haha.  Another lying piece of shit.  

Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

@Former Member

The PPP supporters here are out and out racist, how can the party be inclusive?. Look no further than the thread where yuh co admin called a black woman a baboon and a PPP standard bearer called a  black man an ape. Daily racist bleatings from Yugi, Nehru, KP and the other cast of characters. All PPP people.

But you know that, because you tip toe by it, smiling and laughing with them as they piss on black people, Amerindians and anyone who is not Indian. They love the PPP because the PPP represents their racist views. Same as why the rednecks love Trump. Birds of a feather flock together.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:

Oh and btw look at Paris and see what happens when large swathes of the population feel excluded.  Macron jumping up and screaming when large numbers of French want him gone!

If Shyte had wings it would fly.

Macron said that and look at him now!

Oh. I forgot. You most likely didn't know who Macron is.

You are noting but a piece of scrap paper blowing in the wind. You keep repeating the same nonsense day in and day out at GNI. Get a life and try to bring some fresh ideas to GNI. You are like GNI’s dhall ghotney. 

All day long you are Indos gun kill Abbie. I pity you because Jagdeo buss you and your friends balls. Go stitch your buss balls and came back before you mess up here at GNI. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Oh. She hit on you too?  

Well, I was kind of alone in NJ and fell for it.  Being away from the community, I never realized how nasty some of them are.  She used me for her dream vacations with promises of this and that in the loyalty department.  When the excitement was over, she looking for a new candy flavor.  That’s how she sees men, disposable slabs of meat.  There is even an attempted suicide on her notch.  Poor kid 11 years her junior!  Used and dumped him like a spent tampon!

The woman is plain nasty.  A lot came to me after we broke.  She sleeping with me on vacation and texting another man in NY boasting of her new sex life.   The man told my relatives she is crazy ass nasty woman and I will run far when I see her true colors!  That’s a monumental understatement!

I regretted every moment interacting with her. I got nothing but stress and heartache. She got many exotic vacations, now she can boast to her friends what a world traveler she is. 

I am not that does chamkay a lil bit pun de right den pun de lef and say "no" "no "nooo" then.... "alright"

Seriously, no. She asked on an open thread,  that is here somewhere for those who care to go and find it, that we have lunch. It was not a real thing. We argued about restaurant she want to go to, I suggested one I would go to If I cared to meet,  and she said I was too cheap and pedestrian for her taste and that was it. 

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Oh. She hit on you too?  

Well, I was kind of alone in NJ and fell for it.  Being away from the community, I never realized how nasty some of them are.  She used me for her dream vacations with promises of this and that in the loyalty department.  When the excitement was over, she looking for a new candy flavor.  That’s how she sees men, disposable slabs of meat.  There is even an attempted suicide on her notch.  Poor kid 11 years her junior!  Used and dumped him like a spent tampon!

The woman is plain nasty.  A lot came to me after we broke.  She sleeping with me on vacation and texting another man in NY boasting of her new sex life.   The man told my relatives she is crazy ass nasty woman and I will run far when I see her true colors!  That’s a monumental understatement!

I regretted every moment interacting with her. I got nothing but stress and heartache. She got many exotic vacations, now she can boast to her friends what a world traveler she is. 

I am not that does chamkay a lil bit pun de right den pun de lef and say "no" "no "nooo" then.... "alright"

Seriously, no. She asked on an open thread,  that is here somewhere for those who care to go and find it, that we have lunch. It was not a real thing. We argued about restaurant she want to go to, I suggested one I would go to If I cared to meet,  and she said I was too cheap and pedestrian for her taste and that was it. 

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

And this is why Guyana's politics is where it is right now. You see a man on fire, put the fire out first then worry about personal feelings or party affiliation.

Dave posted:

Baseman has Leonora and Bibi as his Drake and his Fiddle .. ayo two gal team up and bust his “ shorty “ ass 

I used to think she was an intelligent woman.  Then she bought into his lies and is now carrying his mantle.  Somehow he managed to drag her into the gutter with him.  I have nothing against her.  We are both hardworking single moms and I respect her for that.  I happen to know a lot of family from WCB.  They are simple decent people.  I would never attack her family the way she attack mine here on a public forum.  

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

The same claims the PPP makes to being inclusive is the same claims the PNC makes to being get the point yet???

Both parties need to accept the fact that they are not multiracial...which one has done so, so far?




I have been telling these PPP nuts this for years.  They refuse to accept that their narrative about black abuse of Indians is offset by another by blacks of being abused by Indians.

So they scream that there was post election violence in 1997 and in 2001.  They dont understand that blacks see economic violence perpetuated against them by the PPP and the Indo segments of the private sector.

So each ethnic group can justify their narrative. What is important is that each are so busy yelling that they dont listen to the other.  You need to know how many arguments I get with people who scream that Burnham wasn't anti Indian and then  mention people like Ramphal, Shahabudeen and the fact that the PNC even had an Indian chairman (Cammie) for a bit and almost had an Indian presidential candidate (Winston Murray).

These PPP folks live in their bubble of ignorance and really do believe that blacks should just accept their losses and be quiet when the PPP wins, and then excludes them.  Of course they will ignore the fact that there was a cabal of Indians responsible for the NC and Peter Ramsaroop was involved.  It was a well planned coup.

It should be evident to BOTH that they cannot govern if a substantial part of the population feels excluded.  Even Baseman boasted about threats made by certain Indo and Portuguese oligarchs the day after the PPP lost, promising to economically sabotage the country to ensure that the Coalition fails.

So yes BOTH groups use the muscle that they have to commit sabotage.

Hugh Jorgan posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

This is a man posting as Bibi. A Lady and especially a Queen would not be speaking like a drunk sailor just off the boat heading for Gaumont.

Another one throwing his hat in the ring?

Yes.  He sent me a PM a few days ago.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

This is a man posting as Bibi. A Lady and especially a Queen would not be speaking like a drunk sailor just off the boat heading for Gaumont.

Another one throwing his hat in the ring?

Yes.  He sent me a PM a few days ago.


caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

whats a "bubby"?

You really aren't a Guyanese.  There used to be a female in GT called Bubby Island.  Her front arrived minutes before the rest of her body.  

Had different postal codes?

Yes. There was another bubby island who had no "beetee" so when she walked people used to call her "ballast". Pure Guyanese sarcasm of course because people used to wonder how come the bubbies didn't pull her over, given that the beetee was flat so couldn't offset the gravitational pull.

Did she fall over ...given the chest size??

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

Baseman has Leonora and Bibi as his Drake and his Fiddle .. ayo two gal team up and bust his “ shorty “ ass 

I used to think she was an intelligent woman.

Bibi if Ray doesnt give you all a thread for you to engage in your brawls, and I mean all three of you, then PM each other.

Really none of you do yourselves any good especially as it is clear that there are people here who seem to know who you all are, and might repeat this behavior to others.

Just word of advice from a fellow Guyanese!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

This is a man posting as Bibi. A Lady and especially a Queen would not be speaking like a drunk sailor just off the boat heading for Gaumont.

Another one throwing his hat in the ring?

Yes.  He sent me a PM a few days ago.

So all this time Mits was just pretending not to like you? Mits, you dog.......

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Haha.  Another lying piece of shit.  

Lady, the thread is right here I stated exactly what happened. 

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Yes. There was another bubby island who had no "beetee" so when she walked people used to call her "ballast". Pure Guyanese sarcasm of course because people used to wonder how come the bubbies didn't pull her over, given that the beetee was flat so couldn't offset the gravitational pull.

Did she fall over ...given the chest size??

Idle people used to wait on the  bicycles (yes in the days when most GT people rode them) to see if she would topple over.  She didn't as far as I know.  Yes I recall her other name was "topple over".

Really cruel when looked at through our 21st century eyes.

caribny posted:

I have been telling these PPP nuts this for years.  They refuse to accept that their narrative about black abuse of Indians is offset by another by blacks of being abused by Indians.

........(OMITTED PARAGRAPHS]  Even Baseman boasted about threats made by certain Indo and Portuguese oligarchs the day after the PPP lost, promising to economically sabotage the country to ensure that the Coalition fails.

So yes BOTH groups use the muscle that they have to commit sabotage.

Sorry, I cut paragraphs from your post for brevity on this reply. First, you are dialoging with morons - Nehru, Yugi, cousin dave, etc. who you are telling this to have the mental capacity of infants, or worse.

Secondly, Baseman is an opportunist, so not a good example. He is simultaneously calling on his friend Brahma in Guyana (him and "Dave" boast openly about their "link") while extolling the virtues of Granger. Now he says Harmon is "good for Guyana", I guess because Harmon's way of doing business suits Basey. 

Suh Baseman is all over de place. One thing consistent about him is his hatred for black folks, which he manages to swallow if he thinks they can benefit him.

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:

Macron said that and look at him now!

Oh. I forgot. You most likely didn't know who Macron is.

You are noting but a piece of scrap paper blowing in the wind. 

Macron said the same thing and now look at him.  Now I know that this enrages you but people just dont like to see others excluding them.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

Baseman has Leonora and Bibi as his Drake and his Fiddle .. ayo two gal team up and bust his “ shorty “ ass 

I used to think she was an intelligent woman.  Then she bought into his lies and is now carrying his mantle.  Somehow he managed to drag her into the gutter with him.  I have nothing against her.  We are both hardworking single moms and I respect her for that.  I happen to know a lot of family from WCB.  They are simple decent people.  I would never attack her family the way she attack mine here on a public forum.  

I hardly know the woman.  She was on my FB page for 2 days when I knew you and you demanded I delete her.

I don’t feed her anything, everyone sees your posts here and judge for themselves.  You are your own baggage and you flapping lips 👄 your own worse enemy!

You should not talk of attacking people on a public forum.   YOU and your sniffers have attacked me and my family as charity frauds for 3 years now.  YOU brought personal attacks on this forum to new heights and new lows!   This site has never been like that prior to you joining!

Mind you, I left this forum for good, deleted my profile.  You started slandering me and I returned.  YOU are the biggest fraud and hypocrite on this site!!

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

Damn! A smorgasborg of smittens

...first time I see Leonora going off rails here...

Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

I have been telling these PPP nuts this for years.  They refuse to accept that their narrative about black abuse of Indians is offset by another by blacks of being abused by Indians.

........(OMITTED PARAGRAPHS]  Even Baseman boasted about threats made by certain Indo and Portuguese oligarchs the day after the PPP lost, promising to economically sabotage the country to ensure that the Coalition fails.

So yes BOTH groups use the muscle that they have to commit sabotage.

Sorry, I cut paragraphs from your post for brevity on this reply. First, you are dialoging with morons - Nehru, Yugi, cousin dave, etc. who you are telling this to have the mental capacity of infants, or worse.

Secondly, Baseman is an opportunist, so not a good example. He is simultaneously calling on his friend Brahma in Guyana (him and "Dave" boast openly about their "link") while extolling the virtues of Granger. Now he says Harmon is "good for Guyana", I guess because Harmon's way of doing business suits Basey. 

Suh Baseman is all over de place. One thing consistent about him is his hatred for black folks, which he manages to swallow if he thinks they can benefit him.

Baseman is not quoted as a reliable source. Just as an indicator about what some were saying.

Yes its been established that he is a mischief maker.  Do you know that there was a time when he even accused me of being a PPP mole and asking me how much I was being paid?  Yes Me!.  This when he figured that the PPP  might lose and jumped to the AFC, departing as soon as the PPP won.  His excuse being that the AFC was not cooperating with the PPP when they won more seats in 2011, becoming the swing vote.

His connections to dangerous people is interesting, and I admit not all that surprising, given how corrupt Guyanese are. 

You see Guyanese corruption isnt just about politicians and civil servants "tekking".  Its about people cooperating with corrupting elements because they want to slurp down a little soup.  This began under Burnham and accelerated to a high velocity under Jagdeo, and now is embedded in the psyche of the people.

Harmon was allegedly "benefitting" during the PPP era and continued his "business" arrangements even now.  This why he was boxed out of PNC chairmanship. I suspect this is why none of the PPP felons have been jailed, maybe because they would open their mouths on him.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I hear you bro. When Harper was the PM candidate in 2015, it didn’t do much cause PPP supporters were wounded by FH and they were comforted by AFC who betrayed them. 

Anyhow PPP the fighting warriors rebound and topple APNU/ AFC. 

Look back at the old days ... it was PPP vs PNC. 

Today after 29 years it’s PPP/ civic VS PNCR, APNU/ AFC and they getting a cuss ass. 

Interesting. When a black woman who had no involvement in the community is selected by Jagdeo because he wants a black token and blacks didn't buy this, given their years of oppression under the PPP the blacks were clannish.

When some Indians, tired of the PPP voted Coalition they were "traitors".

Interesting that blacks must sell their souls to Indians but any Indo who doesnt vote for the "coolie people party" as Rohee described them during the 2015 campaign, is a traitor.

This is for you.

This one for you

Who is dat banna "roaring? at???

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Oh. She hit on you too?  

Well, I was kind of alone in NJ and fell for it.  Being away from the community, I never realized how nasty some of them are.  She used me for her dream vacations with promises of this and that in the loyalty department.  When the excitement was over, she looking for a new candy flavor.  That’s how she sees men, disposable slabs of meat.  There is even an attempted suicide on her notch.  Poor kid 11 years her junior!  Used and dumped him like a spent tampon!

The woman is plain nasty.  A lot came to me after we broke.  She sleeping with me on vacation and texting another man in NY boasting of her new sex life.   The man told my relatives she is crazy ass nasty woman and I will run far when I see her true colors!  That’s a monumental understatement!

I regretted every moment interacting with her. I got nothing but stress and heartache. She got many exotic vacations, now she can boast to her friends what a world traveler she is. 

I am not that does chamkay a lil bit pun de right den pun de lef and say "no" "no "nooo" then.... "alright"

Seriously, no. She asked on an open thread,  that is here somewhere for those who care to go and find it, that we have lunch. It was not a real thing. We argued about restaurant she want to go to, I suggested one I would go to If I cared to meet,  and she said I was too cheap and pedestrian for her taste and that was it. 

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

The peculiar thing is you were not remotely in the class of any of the women would go out with. You are squat and old and definitely not for me. I an not ugly, never had problems with women sufficiently so that if I hit on a girl and she did not respond I forget her by the time I hit on the next. You not wanting to piss on me is your contempt  and imaginings. Not remotely possible. And what did I lie about.



D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Oh. She hit on you too?  

Well, I was kind of alone in NJ and fell for it.  Being away from the community, I never realized how nasty some of them are.  She used me for her dream vacations with promises of this and that in the loyalty department.  When the excitement was over, she looking for a new candy flavor.  That’s how she sees men, disposable slabs of meat.  There is even an attempted suicide on her notch.  Poor kid 11 years her junior!  Used and dumped him like a spent tampon!

The woman is plain nasty.  A lot came to me after we broke.  She sleeping with me on vacation and texting another man in NY boasting of her new sex life.   The man told my relatives she is crazy ass nasty woman and I will run far when I see her true colors!  That’s a monumental understatement!

I regretted every moment interacting with her. I got nothing but stress and heartache. She got many exotic vacations, now she can boast to her friends what a world traveler she is. 

I am not that does chamkay a lil bit pun de right den pun de lef and say "no" "no "nooo" then.... "alright"

Seriously, no. She asked on an open thread,  that is here somewhere for those who care to go and find it, that we have lunch. It was not a real thing. We argued about restaurant she want to go to, I suggested one I would go to If I cared to meet,  and she said I was too cheap and pedestrian for her taste and that was it. 

Look at these lying shitholes.  I wouldn’t piss on any of you even if you were on fire.

The peculiar thing is you were not remotely in the class of any of the women would go out with. You are squat and old and definitely not for me. I an not ugly, never had problems with women sufficiently so that if I hit on a girl and she did not respond I forget her by the time I hit on the next. You not wanting to piss on me is your contempt  and imaginings. Not remotely possible. And what did I lie about.



At least you know what she WOULDN'T do. In my case she'd probably donate a few gallons of kero.....

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:

This one for you

Who is dat banna "roaring? at???

Dave the whole thesis of this is the blame game. Well if blacks shouldn't blame Indians then Indians should also not blame blacks, because both have engaged in similar patterns of behavior when they had the power to do so.

You see you want to blame blacks but then dont want to hear what blacks have to say on this topic.


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