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caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:


Look I have said before that the PPP have issues with the Constitution and their current leadership but to say that the PPP is not multiracial is pure bullshit. Who did the PPP name as the first black woman on the CCJ, who did they name as head of the GDF, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Public Service and head of many other Agencies. Who gets the roads built first, is it in Indian areas or black areas? More attention should have been paid to the Amerindians and other races in Guyana, however the Party was inclusive. So go run and read your damn history and stop your daily crap.

Some might claim that putting the black judge on the CCJ was about removing her from the Guyana judicial system where she could have hampered the PPP in its rampage, so that one doesnt work.

The PPP named blacks to head the GDF and GPF as Indians refuse to join these entities.  They however selected those blacks that they can control. People like Henry Greene, who was a servant of the drug cartels.  

Who got the contracts and the jobs to build those roads through black villages?  After all the black villages are conduits to Indian areas as well do it isnt evident that its only blacks who benefitted.

So here is the deal. A party wins trust when people see people known to them, who they see as credible, with strong roles within their structures. Neither the PNC nor the PPP can boast diversity in their leadership structures.  This is why both the PNC and the PPP are seen as being tribal parties.

And yes the PNC can also trot out their Indos and I bet can itemize what they have done in Indian areas too.  The PNC support base were in open rebellion in the last LGE because they claimed that the Coalition was ignoring them and prioritizing Indians.

So here is the irony of Guyana.

1. Indians and blacks vote race because the major parties are tribal and only include people of one race in dominant positions, reducing the others to tokens.  These tokens aren't allowed to openly discuss issues of race so they are seen as stooges.

2. Someone said its about jobs, contracts and scholarships. Well blacks look at the PPP and see only Indians in major decision making roles and conclude that blacks will be excluded.   Indians look at the PNC and see a mirror image of ethnic domination and so conclude that they will be excluded.

3. Because Indians vote in PPP they expect priority in a PPP gov't so get angered anytime some piddling thing is done in a black area. Blacks view the PNC in a similar way so are angered if they see Indians winning contracts or benefitting in any way.

We have a nation where the tribal masses dont trust their tribal leaders, but fear the other tribe more.

Then why dont they split the damn country like the South Sudanese people????

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

whats a "bubby"?

You really aren't a Guyanese.  There used to be a female in GT called Bubby Island.  Her front arrived minutes before the rest of her body.  

LOL....what would happen if her back arrived before her front...

I am sure Skeldon-Man would like to meet her

That would mean she walking backwards and might stumble and fall without the benefit of anything to cushion her......

Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

See my first post on this thread -- didn't everything come true about the claws coming out, biting our heads off, etc.???    

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.

I didn’t just stood and watched. I used to try to separate them by pulling them apart. In all that struggle, my hands always got caught pun dem bubbies.

whats a "bubby"?

Here you go again asking what is “bubby”. Stop talking bull crap and get a brain. What de ass did you “suck” when you were a baby? Did you drink milk straight from the cup? You dam chull  chull 

"SIMILAC" comes to mind...cant remember that far back....


This is a description written by an Indo Guyanese, who has an Afro Guyanese wife.  The Chronicle wrote an ENTIRE EDITORIAL on Afro Guyanese describing them as violent, lazy and unproductive and criminally oriented.

The PPP NEVER apologized for this editorial that was written when they had 100% control over the Chronicle.

Gilbakka can repeat every single PR from the PPP about how they so love blacks and only have to let blacks know this. He was in the AFC around the time when this was printed by a fellow AFC member.

I look forward with anticipation at Gilbakka's inability to refute these accusations.

Dave is a card carrying racist and not too intelligent, so this will pass over his head.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

whats a "bubby"?

You really aren't a Guyanese.  There used to be a female in GT called Bubby Island.  Her front arrived minutes before the rest of her body.  

LOL....what would happen if her back arrived before her front...

I am sure Skeldon-Man would like to meet her

That would mean she walking backwards and might stumble and fall without the benefit of anything to cushion her......

 good one!

caribny posted:
D2 posted:

these days them gals does tek MMA class so is pure punches, knees and arm locks and strangle hold and ground and gotta go back to the village for panty pulls and bubby graps or hair streachin as fighting techniques.

Naah. These two girls buse down in true Caribbean style so will brawl like true Caribbean viragoes.  Trench, hair pulling and scratching each others clothes off, entertaining every male in the vicinity and causing many others to rush to see the entertainment.

Guyana had the Jerry Springer show long before he thought of it.

dem is yankified women in high paying jobs  not village tantarias

D2 posted:

dem is yankified women in high paying jobs  not village tantarias

Bibi will be fired on the spot from her mega billion corporation, and in fact escorted off the premises if she behaved as she is with her two simultaneous brawls with baseman and Leonora, especially if she is not using her own device.

Demerara_Guy posted:
GTAngler posted:
Ray posted:

This thread got plenty D2 try to date Bibi 

bet yuh glad yuh dint close dis wan.....

Looks like Ray is having a ball of a time.

Close dis wan ... Naaa, naaaa naaaaaa, says Ray.    

Ray can be a moderator and extract all of the brawling, put it in a separate thread and block all but Leonora, bibi and baseman from posting.

He can do the same when Mitwah gets into his squabbles with his enemies.  Druggie can post on his own when he feels compelled to attack D2.

Threads cannot always closed because some behave as if they are in a day care center.


Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

The PPP is seen as a Indo party.

To win the confidence of non Indians, they have to change their Presidential eligibility..they have more to gain by putting a effective AFRO as its Presidential candidate. It will also demonstrate to Guyanese and the world, there efforts to be multicultural. 

The aspiration of the PPP is to be in government. There chances of success at the poll with a Indian President is not a guarantee. 

If the PPP is to win the “ next” election it will be a minority victory. The chances of Voilence is greater against their supporters. 

What the PPP has to loose if a AFRO goes as President, nothing.

Their Indians supporters accept a AFRO President currently.. so what the heck. 

Dave, the PPP has NOTHING to gain by having a black presidential candidate. They tried Harper as PM candidate and it did not help. Blacks will not vote PPP, they are clannish. Indos proved that they are willing to vote for a third party but blacks refuse to vote for another party because of their clannish mentality.

The PPP will win with Anil. They will then have to govern to include blacks and create an equal and inclusive society. That’s the way forward without breaking up the party. 

Dont fall for the PNC trap and lose the election. A black PPP president is in the future but definitely not in 2019.


Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

whats a "bubby"?

You really aren't a Guyanese.  There used to be a female in GT called Bubby Island.  Her front arrived minutes before the rest of her body.  

Had different postal codes?

Yes. There was another bubby island who had no "beetee" so when she walked people used to call her "ballast". Pure Guyanese sarcasm of course because people used to wonder how come the bubbies didn't pull her over, given that the beetee was flat so couldn't offset the gravitational pull.

caribny posted:

This is a description written by an Indo Guyanese, who has an Afro Guyanese wife.  The Chronicle wrote an ENTIRE EDITORIAL on Afro Guyanese describing them as violent, lazy and unproductive and criminally oriented.

The PPP NEVER apologized for this editorial that was written when they had 100% control over the Chronicle.

Gilbakka can repeat every single PR from the PPP about how they so love blacks and only have to let blacks know this. He was in the AFC around the time when this was printed by a fellow AFC member.

I look forward with anticipation at Gilbakka's inability to refute these accusations.

Dave is a card carrying racist and not too intelligent, so this will pass over his head.

I will be view as a racist for some of my comments, but have all right to justify my comments as I was a victim, the scar is on my body after 18 years. 

It didn’t stop me from doing what I think is right to help Blacks and will continue to do so. 

I am on record on this site, calling for Nigel Hudges as PPP prime minister and recently my call for a Afro Presidential Candidate. 

Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

Look I have said before that the PPP have issues with the Constitution and their current leadership but to say that the PPP is not multiracial is pure bullshit. Who did the PPP name as the first black woman on the CCJ, who did they name as head of the GDF, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Public Service and head of many other Agencies. Who gets the roads built first, is it in Indian areas or black areas? More attention should have been paid to the Amerindians and other races in Guyana, however the Party was inclusive. So go run and read your damn history and stop your daily crap.

Donda head...

Jokes are missing the point...faces and people will only go so far to change takes more than that...

You are missing the big picture....

Ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Why is the coalition, made up of smart people, and lots of lawyers (and I dont mean Moses and Khemraj) unwilling to relinquish power....knowing fully well that they will have to some point? (Hint: its not only a plan to delay elections).

2 Did Moses and Kemraj being in the coalition make you feel happy that the Indo interests are being protected?

3. Did Walter Rodney have multiracial support or did he receive support from one racial group?

The PPP lost its "multiracial support with the Burnham split. It never recovered it since then. Neither is the PNC multiracial.

Your asinine and simplified statements shows that this is over your head to comprehend...Has  placing Afros in positions of power and building roads first for Afros ever convince them that the PPP is not racist? If thats the case why is Jagdeo, Ramotar, and even Jagan are considered anti-Black in Guyana? This only pisses off Afros because you considered them to be children, and it pisses off Indos like you because you believe not much is being done for Indos. So, who benefits from these giveaways?

The same claims the PPP makes to being inclusive is the same claims the PNC makes to being get the point yet???

Both parties need to accept the fact that they are not multiracial...which one has done so, so far?

Once they admit this, they can then begin to seek legitimate common grounds rather than finding tokens and uncle tomerism...

its like an alcoholic who must recognise, then admit to the problem....then have leaders work to find solutions.

If you dont believe what I said this cycle repeat irself if the PPP wins in a few months...tell me how you and Anil (the "Hulk") are going to govern this country and promote stability...



Nehru posted:

Yuiji, you mean the Clan will not vote PPP if you give them FREE BBQ Chicken and Banks???

Dem rass eat PPP goat meat, drink dem expensive likka and danced to chutney music but they still voted for the palm tree. Dem bore a big hole in the Plate after they were finished. 

PPP victory lies with the Amerindians and a some Douglas who will vote PPP this time around. 

Strategy Bhai. Strategy. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This thread got plenty D2 try to date Bibi

 Nat me...I am allergic to Indo ponies. I  pondered it since I used to be there twice a week and she suggested it. Bt did not because I like real people. This one got Barbie tastes. 

Trying to get a handle on this. You were "there" twice a week and you didn't date. Where was Baseman?

Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

She hallucinating.  

I was consulting with a large institution on Corp Finance organizational set up when I dated her.  The project was for 1 year.  It ended just before we broke up.  She using that to say I’m not working.  I have had two others since then, including now.

She is a compulsive and nasty liar.

Yo....what kind of Guyanese name is you...?

yuji22 posted:

Dave, the PPP has NOTHING to gain by having a black presidential candidate. They tried Harper as PM candidate and it did not help. Blacks will not vote PPP, they are clannish. Indos proved that they are willing to vote for a third party but blacks refuse to vote for another party because of their clannish mentality.

The PPP will win with Anil. They will then have to govern to include blacks and create an equal and inclusive society. That’s the way forward without breaking up the party. 

Dont fall for the PNC trap and lose the election. A black PPP president is in the future but definitely not in 2019.


The Coalition had an Indian PM candidate but you didn't vote for them, so why your screams when Mrs. Harper didn't deliver black votes for the PPP?

At least the campaign message from the Coalition was about unity, even if their subsequent governance wasn't. At no point after the 1992 election did the PPP ever attempt inclusion. Their premise was always that the Indian vote is the largest and so they dont need others.

Of course now they aren't so sure so the pretense begins with Jagdeo harassing blacks to take pictures with him.

Last edited by Former Member
Hugh Jorgan posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This thread got plenty D2 try to date Bibi

 Nat me...I am allergic to Indo ponies. I  pondered it since I used to be there twice a week and she suggested it. Bt did not because I like real people. This one got Barbie tastes. 

Trying to get a handle on this. You were "there" twice a week and you didn't date. Where was Baseman?

I see that you are new and are entertained by the reality TV here.

Just now another squabble will begin about which male Indian likes black male organs more.

This is the Guyana Jerry Springer Show.

yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Yuiji, you mean the Clan will not vote PPP if you give them FREE BBQ Chicken and Banks???

Dem rass eat PPP goat meat, drink dem expensive likka and danced to chutney music but they still voted for the palm tree. Dem bore a big hole in the Plate after they were finished. 

PPP victory lies with the Amerindians and a some Douglas who will vote PPP this time around. 

Strategy Bhai. Strategy. 

"Yes dem hungry belly black man real ungrateful. Dem too lazy to wuk so we go' fuh feed dem and den dey gaan guh vote PNC."

This is how the PPP views blacks which is why no black with any dignity and self esteem will vote for those bigots.

VishMahabir posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

She hallucinating.  

I was consulting with a large institution on Corp Finance organizational set up when I dated her.  The project was for 1 year.  It ended just before we broke up.  She using that to say I’m not working.  I have had two others since then, including now.

She is a compulsive and nasty liar.

Yo....what kind of Guyanese name is you...?

Would you prefer I use my Chinese-Guyanese name Hung Low?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dave, the PPP has NOTHING to gain by having a black presidential candidate. They tried Harper as PM candidate and it did not help. Blacks will not vote PPP, they are clannish. Indos proved that they are willing to vote for a third party but blacks refuse to vote for another party because of their clannish mentality.

The PPP will win with Anil. They will then have to govern to include blacks and create an equal and inclusive society. That’s the way forward without breaking up the party. 

Dont fall for the PNC trap and lose the election. A black PPP president is in the future but definitely not in 2019.


The Coalition had an Indian PM candidate but you didn't vote for them, so why your screams when Mrs. Harper didn't deliver black votes for the PPP?

At least the message from the Coalition was about unity, even if their subsequent governance wasn't. At no point after the 1992 election did the PPP ever attempt inclusion. Their premise was always that the Indian vote is the largest and so they dont need others.

Of course now they aren't so sure so the pretense begins with Jagdeo harassing ...blacks to take pictures with him.

Since everyone on a roll here..

Sam Hinds for President

Charandass for Prime Minister

Bibi "Big Lips" Hanifa for Social Harmony Ministry

Anil Nandalall for Chief Justice (he gat all dem law books)

Williams for Education Minister (he knows 33 and 32 mek 56)

Volda for Defense Minsiter (she gon make sure Afros, Indos and Amerindians get equal representation in army)


yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

The PPP is seen as a Indo party.

To win the confidence of non Indians, they have to change their Presidential eligibility..they have more to gain by putting a effective AFRO as its Presidential candidate. It will also demonstrate to Guyanese and the world, there efforts to be multicultural. 

The aspiration of the PPP is to be in government. There chances of success at the poll with a Indian President is not a guarantee. 

If the PPP is to win the “ next” election it will be a minority victory. The chances of Voilence is greater against their supporters. 

What the PPP has to loose if a AFRO goes as President, nothing.

Their Indians supporters accept a AFRO President currently.. so what the heck. 

Dave, the PPP has NOTHING to gain by having a black presidential candidate. They tried Harper as PM candidate and it did not help. Blacks will not vote PPP, they are clannish. Indos proved that they are willing to vote for a third party but blacks refuse to vote for another party because of their clannish mentality.

The PPP will win with Anil. They will then have to govern to include blacks and create an equal and inclusive society. That’s the way forward without breaking up the party. 

Dont fall for the PNC trap and lose the election. A black PPP president is in the future but definitely not in 2019.


I hear you bro. When Harper was the PM candidate in 2015, it didn’t do much cause PPP supporters were wounded by FH and they were comforted by AFC who betrayed them. 

Anyhow PPP the fighting warriors rebound and topple APNU/ AFC. 

Look back at the old days ... it was PPP vs PNC. 

Today after 29 years it’s PPP/ civic VS PNCR, APNU/ AFC and they getting a cuss ass. 

yuji22 posted:

Shut you rass, we don’t care what an Indo hater like you think. Go and hug up your palm tree.

You have been promoting blacks burning and looting. Ker you rass.


Yes this from the man who considers blacks to be impoverished charity cases whose vote can be bought with a meal.

YOU are the one who was screaming that GT would have burned down with the NC vote. It didn't and no one was attacked.  You must be really sad.

The opposition can use many methods to convey their point. Large protests are within their democratic rights and aren't about violence. 

Hugh Jorgan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Hugh Jorgan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

She hallucinating.  

I was consulting with a large institution on Corp Finance organizational set up when I dated her.  The project was for 1 year.  It ended just before we broke up.  She using that to say I’m not working.  I have had two others since then, including now.

She is a compulsive and nasty liar.

Yo....what kind of Guyanese name is you...?

Would you prefer I use my Chinese-Guyanese name Hung Low?

  Naw...only if you looking up at Mr. Fung-a-Fat....

Dat one for me friend Mitwah

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

The PPP is seen as a Indo party.

To win the confidence of non Indians, they have to change their Presidential eligibility..they have more to gain by putting a effective AFRO as its Presidential candidate. It will also demonstrate to Guyanese and the world, there efforts to be multicultural. 

The aspiration of the PPP is to be in government. There chances of success at the poll with a Indian President is not a guarantee. 

If the PPP is to win the “ next” election it will be a minority victory. The chances of Voilence is greater against their supporters. 

What the PPP has to loose if a AFRO goes as President, nothing.

Their Indians supporters accept a AFRO President currently.. so what the heck. 

Dave, the PPP has NOTHING to gain by having a black presidential candidate. They tried Harper as PM candidate and it did not help. Blacks will not vote PPP, they are clannish. Indos proved that they are willing to vote for a third party but blacks refuse to vote for another party because of their clannish mentality.

The PPP will win with Anil. They will then have to govern to include blacks and create an equal and inclusive society. That’s the way forward without breaking up the party. 

Dont fall for the PNC trap and lose the election. A black PPP president is in the future but definitely not in 2019.


I hear you bro. When Harper was the PM candidate in 2015, it didn’t do much cause PPP supporters were wounded by FH and they were comforted by AFC who betrayed them. 

Anyhow PPP the fighting warriors rebound and topple APNU/ AFC. 

Look back at the old days ... it was PPP vs PNC. 

Today after 29 years it’s PPP/ civic VS PNCR, APNU/ AFC and they getting a cuss ass. 

The PPP is poised to govern for another 25 years if they play their cards right. Who would have thought that Jagdeo would buss the PNC balls in three years ? The PPP has an excellent captain, the PNC is like a ship sailing in the Atlantic Ocean without any captain or compass.

Let dem rass sink. Let Racist Volda save them.


Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I hear you bro. When Harper was the PM candidate in 2015, it didn’t do much cause PPP supporters were wounded by FH and they were comforted by AFC who betrayed them. 

Anyhow PPP the fighting warriors rebound and topple APNU/ AFC. 

Look back at the old days ... it was PPP vs PNC. 

Today after 29 years it’s PPP/ civic VS PNCR, APNU/ AFC and they getting a cuss ass. 

Interesting. When a black woman who had no involvement in the community is selected by Jagdeo because he wants a black token and blacks didn't buy this, given their years of oppression under the PPP the blacks were clannish.

When some Indians, tired of the PPP voted Coalition they were "traitors".

Interesting that blacks must sell their souls to Indians but any Indo who doesnt vote for the "coolie people party" as Rohee described them during the 2015 campaign, is a traitor.

This is for you.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

The PPP is not an insular party. It offers membership to all Guyanese regardless of race. Bearing in mind that it is a political organization with specified programme and policies, members have a duty to support and promote same and abide by rules laid out in its constitution. As distinct from members, PPP supporters are not bound by party rules. It's assumed that they support the party because they like its programme and policies and even personalities.

True, the PPP has a preponderance of Indian support and membership. The party cannot coerce Afros and others to join. It can only encourage them. I have already stated that the PPP must proactively reach out beyond its traditional base, more energetically than it is doing. 

Ray, if you like the PPP's programme, feel free to support or join. I make this comment in my personal capacity.

The first paragraph is a PPP press release, so clearly you have to get their permission before you opine.

Not true. Every word is mine. You insult my intelligence if you think I am not capable of writing such. Furthermore, I ceased being a PPP MEMBER since 1992. I am simply a SUPPORTER now. Big difference. I was a member for 20+ years so I know the party system inside out.

Lastly, if you keep attacking me, I shall refuse to interact with you. I don't attack your comments.

Hugh Jorgan posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This thread got plenty D2 try to date Bibi

 Nat me...I am allergic to Indo ponies. I  pondered it since I used to be there twice a week and she suggested it. Bt did not because I like real people. This one got Barbie tastes. 

Trying to get a handle on this. You were "there" twice a week and you didn't date. Where was Baseman?

I was a weekend lover!   Time share I guess!!

yuji22 posted:


The PPP is poised to govern for another 25 years if they play their cards right. Who would have thought that Jagdeo would buss the PNC balls in three years ? The PPP has an excellent captain, the PNC is like a ship sailing in the Atlantic Ocean without any captain or compass.

Let dem rass sink. Let Racist Volda save them.


Hmmm.  When Indians are only 30% of the population as they are likely to be in 10 years you think that Anil, Irfaan and others of his ilk can run Guyana and exclude others?

The black and the mixed population will be over 55% by then.  Let me remind you that Mark Benschop and Raphael Trotman identify as mixed, as do Granger's children and the former mayor of GT.

NONE of them are going to vote PPP if it is led by racists who despise blacks as much as you do.

Even YOUR Jagdeo had to admit that blacks told him that they weren't going to vote for him even as they didn't plan to vote for the coalition in the LGE.

Oh and btw look at Paris and see what happens when large swathes of the population feel excluded.  Macron jumping up and screaming when large numbers of French want him gone!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

Hugh Jorgan posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This thread got plenty D2 try to date Bibi

 Nat me...I am allergic to Indo ponies. I  pondered it since I used to be there twice a week and she suggested it. Bt did not because I like real people. This one got Barbie tastes. 

Trying to get a handle on this. You were "there" twice a week and you didn't date. Where was Baseman?

No .... I is a working man. I had to go to NY twice a getting too excited for nothing

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I hear you bro. When Harper was the PM candidate in 2015, it didn’t do much cause PPP supporters were wounded by FH and they were comforted by AFC who betrayed them. 

Anyhow PPP the fighting warriors rebound and topple APNU/ AFC. 

Look back at the old days ... it was PPP vs PNC. 

Today after 29 years it’s PPP/ civic VS PNCR, APNU/ AFC and they getting a cuss ass. 

Interesting. When a black woman who had no involvement in the community is selected by Jagdeo because he wants a black token and blacks didn't buy this, given their years of oppression under the PPP the blacks were clannish.

When some Indians, tired of the PPP voted Coalition they were "traitors".

Interesting that blacks must sell their souls to Indians but any Indo who doesnt vote for the "coolie people party" as Rohee described them during the 2015 campaign, is a traitor.

This is for you.

This one for you

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Yall Guyanese got lots of jokes....dis tread might go down in history...

Ah wonda if Bibi, Baseman and D2 still going at it....

I god be back afta lunch for a visit....lata

GNI is filled with lots of unfulfilled lust. Druggie, Yuji and Skeldon all love aubergine noirs.  And Bibi and Baseman clearly lust after each other. Not sure where Leonora fits into that love nest.

I don't fit into any love nest. I answered Ray's opening question on this thread, then she started abusing me.


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