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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

You just proved what I said! Are you the PPP's PR person? You're doing them a great disservice! 

Are you a PNC spokeswoman?  I can tell you got your training from Volda.

Guh teck yuh meds before yuh buss wan blud vessel. Yuh is no spoke person fuh de PPP. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Ease you behind up. I had one fellow following me around for years...Sancho...saying I stole his gold,,,had the PNC on his family etc. You have Ugli here pretending he knows me and writing the bio of a hobo and referencing it every other day. Drugb even claims I am not a guyanese and is white...and that is just three people. I fight with everyone. 

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.  

Well that’s too bad.  They should put you in jail for harassment.  You are a sicko.  Maybe you should think about all the lies told to you before you come here and repeat them.

I work for a multi billion dollar company and I have one of the cleanest records of employees on file.  I’m not here to prove anything to you or any one else.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Did you not try to denigrate my late dad? 

Your family is political and fair game.  And sure, your non political family is off limits!

Gyal, guh tek a hike.  You guh sue Volda?  Nah mek joke!!

And why you so upset this morn.  Take a Valium and relax!  Abie pon tapp!!

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

Look story, we guh see a shoot out here.

 Bibi , that's a warning, the woman is Packing It.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Did you not try to denigrate my late dad? 

Your family is political and fair game.  And sure, your non political family is off limits!

Gyal, guh tek a hike.  You guh sue Volda?  Nah mek joke!!

And why you so upset this morn.  Take a Valium and relax!  Abie pon tapp!!

Now Base,why it got to be about YOU.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well that’s too bad.  They should put you in jail for harassment.  You are a sicko.  Maybe you should think about all the lies told to you before you come here and repeat them.

I work for a multi billion dollar company and I have one of the cleanest records of employees on file.  I’m not here to prove anything to you or any one else.  

Like yuh miss yuh meds. Does yuh multi billion dollar company know that you posting on GNI during the company's time? How is the Parakeet?

Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

Len, you are dead wrong. Political is not for the faint hearted and PPP supporters have momentum right now since no one expected that the coalition would fall in three years. 

GNI PPP supporters were on the receiving end during the last national election where the dirtiest and nastiest attacks on PPP supporters was the norm at GNI.

Bibi loves the PPP as much as any other PPP supporter. It is our right to like BJ even to demigod status. He bussed the AFC PNC balls 🏀. BJ is the most powerful politician in Guyana. It is no secret that you don’t like BJ but it is our right to like, praise and defend Jagdeo. 

It is quite apparent that AFC PNC supporters are devastated since their loss and PPP supporters are ecstatic at this stage.

The anti PPP and anti Bharat gang need to understand that pro bharat supporters will defend him. That’s the reality. 

GNI PPP supporters have zero impact or influence in Guyana’s election. I love the PPP and will support them unconditionally until my final breath. 

The faint hearted should hold hands and hang out in social. Stop being thinned Skin. 

Of note, AFC PNC supporters are the biggest whiners and complainers at GNI. PPP supporters are ready to rumble ahead of a massive victory at upcoming elections. The PPP victory train is coming !!!

To the anti Bharat crew, stop your whining and complaining and join the PPP victory train with Bharat on top !!!!

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well that’s too bad.  They should put you in jail for harassment.  You are a sicko.  Maybe you should think about all the lies told to you before you come here and repeat them.

I work for a multi billion dollar company and I have one of the cleanest records of employees on file.  I’m not here to prove anything to you or any one else.  

Like yuh miss yuh meds. Does yuh multi billion dollar company know that you posting on GNI during the company's time? How is the Parakeet?

About that pm you sent me a few days ago. I have no interest.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Did you not try to denigrate my late dad? 

Your family is political and fair game.  And sure, your non political family is off limits!

Gyal, guh tek a hike.  You guh sue Volda?  Nah mek joke!!

And why you so upset this morn.  Take a Valium and relax!  Abie pon tapp!!

What about Wellbutrin? I know of someone who is using it and it's also good for ADHD.  This has nothing to do about anyone here.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

Look story, we guh see a shoot out here.

 Bibi , that's a warning, the woman is Packing It.

The man feed Leonora shit, set her on fire, and now he comes here looking for attention.  This place is a real mad house.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

Len, you are dead wrong. Political is not for the faint hearted and PPP supporters have momentum right now since no one expected that the coalition would fall in three years. 

GNI PPP supporters were on the receiving end during the last national election where the dirtiest and nastiest attacks on PPP supporters was the norm at GNI.

Bibi loves the PPP as much as any other PPP supporter. It is our right to like BJ even to demigod status. He bussed the AFC PNC balls 🏀. BJ is the most powerful politician in Guyana. It is no secret that you don’t like BJ but it is our right to like, praise and defend Jagdeo. 

It is quite apparent that AFC PNC supporters are devastated since their loss and PPP supporters are ecstatic at this stage.

The anti PPP and anti Bharat gang need to understand that pro bharat supporters will defend him. That’s the reality. 

GNI PPP supporters have zero impact or influence in Guyana’s election. I love the PPP and will support them unconditionally until my final breath. 

The faint hearted should hold hands and hang out in social. Stop being thinned Skin. 

Of note, AFC PNC supporters are the biggest whiners and complainers at GNI. PPP supporters are ready to rumble ahead of a massive victory at upcoming elections. The PPP victory train is coming !!!

To the anti Bharat crew, stop your whining and complaining and join the PPP victory train with Bharat on top !!!!

The PPP is disorganized. They don't have a leader for the upcoming election.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

Listen loser.  I have a job. You don’t.  I own my home.  You don’t.  I have a career. You don’t.  I have an education.  You don’t. You come on here trying to pick up women who have jobs and set fire when they reject you. Go and get a life.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

I have to set the record straight.  Every day that woman is on GNI denigrating my family. The more I ignore her the worse she gets.  Her lies will have to stop.  Either here or in the court.  No one comes after my family and get away with it.   I will spend my bottom dollar to take her down.

Did you not try to denigrate my late dad? 

Your family is political and fair game.  And sure, your non political family is off limits!

Gyal, guh tek a hike.  You guh sue Volda?  Nah mek joke!!

And why you so upset this morn.  Take a Valium and relax!  Abie pon tapp!!

Now Base,why it got to be about YOU.

It’s not about ME.  She spoke of denigrating relatives.  I just reminded what SHE does!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

Listen loser.  I have a job. You don’t.  I own my home.  You don’t.  I have a career. You don’t.  I have an education.  You don’t. You come on here trying to pick up women who have jobs and set fire when they reject you. Go and get a life.

Base is a person of high esteem. Dem say dat opposites attract. 

Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

Even they dont have any input or ideas so why do you think that they will accept others.  The PPP is a party where one man bellows and everyone else trembles in supplication.  Jagdeo replaced Janet.

Nehru posted:
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, I agree, the PPP needs to attract a more diverse, intellectual Group, no question about that.

Finally you said something sensible. There is hope for you yet.

Thank you.

But is like Stupidee Bill telling sensible Bill I think yuh brite 

Nehru, who is Sensible Bill and Stupidee Bill ? 

Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

And when the PPP wins this is what they will do. Then folks act shocked when blacks say that they will have none of it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.  

Well that’s too bad.  They should put you in jail for harassment.  You are a sicko.  Maybe you should think about all the lies told to you before you come here and repeat them.

I work for a multi billion dollar company and I have one of the cleanest records of employees on file.  I’m not here to prove anything to you or any one else.  "

"they should put you in jail for harassment." 

You people need to realise that everyone here is fake, with fake handles...Iggy said it best..."its a sandbox"

 "multi billion dollar company"

Thats should be enough to finance the PPP election campaign

The kind of nansense some people spew boggles the mind how  Bibi's friends can run the government

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

Listen loser.  I have a job. You don’t.  I own my home.  You don’t.  I have a career. You don’t.  I have an education.  You don’t. You come on here trying to pick up women who have jobs and set fire when they reject you. Go and get a life.

Really, how come I took you on all dem intercontinental vacations!     Gyaal guh fool yourself if it makes you feel better.  

And why you unfriending all your friends who uncover your lies? 

VishMahabir posted:

None of them seems to be able to answer a questions I posed earlier...

1. What makes this party multiracial?

2. How do they plan to hold on to power and govern effectively if the party is a party of Indos?



They have already answered.  "We gun tek back de country from black man, and me nah care who is president, once its and Indian".

Blacks to them are Dalits. People who should do as they are told and accept whatever treatment that they receive. When blacks demonstrate that they consider the PPP to be hostile to them, their response is to call blacks ungrateful and stupid.  In fact that was their campaign last time, sending their black slaves like Juan and Sam to relay this message.

VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.  

Well that’s too bad.  They should put you in jail for harassment.  You are a sicko.  Maybe you should think about all the lies told to you before you come here and repeat them.

I work for a multi billion dollar company and I have one of the cleanest records of employees on file.  I’m not here to prove anything to you or any one else.  "

"they should put you in jail for harassment." 

You people need to realise that everyone here is fake, with fake handles...Iggy said it best..."its a sandbox"

 "multi billion dollar company"

Thats should be enough to finance the PPP election campaign

The kind of nansense some people spew boggles the mind how  Bibi's friends can run the government

Bibi claims the PPP friendship - this could be FAKE.. no 

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

Listen loser.  I have a job. You don’t.  I own my home.  You don’t.  I have a career. You don’t.  I have an education.  You don’t. You come on here trying to pick up women who have jobs and set fire when they reject you. Go and get a life.

Really, how come I took you on all dem intercontinental vacations!     Gyaal guh fool yourself if it makes you feel better.  

And why you unfriending all your friends who uncover your lies? 

You are a disgusting, lying piece of shit.  Leonora took your bait to come after me.  Before you set her off on fire, I had a cordial and respectful relationship with her.  We disagreed but there was no disrespect.  You are evil.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Ah just hope they aint fighting over that loser Baseman

That would be the joke of the year.  Have you noticed how quickly he logged in to egg her on?

Shut yuh rass.  Yuh got enough vacation out of the man.  You ungrateful!  Now run along and seek another. 

I don’t log on to egg anyone.  I read as guest and log on when I feel like commenting.  

You are paranoid, that’s all. You see what’s not there.  It’s in your “beautiful mind!”  You need to relax and learn to be less into yourself!  You are not all about everything. You are an average person like anyone else!  

Your views and opinions are as useful and useless as anyone else.   That’s why cuz Ralph seh get lost!  He has real work to do.  You just post shit from afar and pretend you are THE expert!

Listen loser.  I have a job. You don’t.  I own my home.  You don’t.  I have a career. You don’t.  I have an education.  You don’t. You come on here trying to pick up women who have jobs and set fire when they reject you. Go and get a life.

Eh eh ... ah wha 'appenin' hey ..

Vector Illustration Of Kids Playing Tennis

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

The PPP team here has made this place a festering sore. Outsiders reading this site are immediately turned off. A woman acts as if she owns the party. It's a bully team; they hijacked the PPP. If anyone says anything against the PPP or its head honchos, the claws come out, heads are bitten off, etc. How dare we be negative against the god BJ and his wonderful party! 

What goes on in the PPP is none of your business.  Go and worry about Volda and the PNC that is illegaly occupying a country. The PPP party is the least of your problems right now.

Hey hey hey...Ivy League sitara tantaria Gyal...PPP business is everybody business!!! PNC buisness is everybody business. AFC business is everybody business. Once yuh party in parliament yuh policy affect de life of everybody from canecutta and cane june man Labba to dem rich business peopkle. Yuh tink we goh allow ayoo to handpick ayoo presidential candidate and staan quiet? No way. Like it or not ayoo is de coolie rep. We not allowing ayoo Lord foh handpick fake phD Singh foh run guysuco...foh bruck up de industry where Labba nable string bury and whey Labba danny wuk as laborer foh 40 years. No way...

Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

Hey, dont bring Alena in dis shit, I warned you  My Didi is a true PROFESSIONAL!!!

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

None of them seems to be able to answer a questions I posed earlier...

1. What makes this party multiracial?

2. How do they plan to hold on to power and govern effectively if the party is a party of Indos?



They have already answered.  "We gun tek back de country from black man, and me nah care who is president, once its and Indian".

Blacks to them are Dalits. People who should do as they are told and accept whatever treatment that they receive. When blacks demonstrate that they consider the PPP to be hostile to them, their response is to call blacks ungrateful and stupid.  In fact that was their campaign last time, sending their black slaves like Juan and Sam to relay this message.

Dem coolies in Guyana na care bout dalits and doan even know who is wan dalit. Dem care bout who give dem wuk and contract and same tings blackman want. hey hey hey...


@Former Member

The PPP is not an insular party. It offers membership to all Guyanese regardless of race. Bearing in mind that it is a political organization with specified programme and policies, members have a duty to support and promote same and abide by rules laid out in its constitution. As distinct from members, PPP supporters are not bound by party rules. It's assumed that they support the party because they like its programme and policies and even personalities.

True, the PPP has a preponderance of Indian support and membership. The party cannot coerce Afros and others to join. It can only encourage them. I have already stated that the PPP must proactively reach out beyond its traditional base, more energetically than it is doing. 

Ray, if you like the PPP's programme, feel free to support or join. I make this comment in my personal capacity.


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