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Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

The PPP is not an insular party. It offers membership to all Guyanese regardless of race. Bearing in mind that it is a political organization with specified programme and policies, members have a duty to support and promote same and abide by rules laid out in its constitution. As distinct from members, PPP supporters are not bound by party rules. It's assumed that they support the party because they like its programme and policies and even personalities.

True, the PPP has a preponderance of Indian support and membership. The party cannot coerce Afros and others to join. It can only encourage them. I have already stated that the PPP must proactively reach out beyond its traditional base, more energetically than it is doing. 

Ray, if you like the PPP's programme, feel free to support or join. I make this comment in my personal capacity.

Oi OI Oi, stop derailin this thread with political stuff yeh.

Labba posted:

Dem Indians didnt mek blackman poor. Doh is de fact. De big bright pink elephant in de room is dat we gat more poor coolies in de country side. 

Good and blacks never did anything against Indians either.  So no more squeals about "PNC" and "black man" and how "PNC mek ahbe Indians suffer" from you.

Jagdeo destroyed Guysuco and yet you blame Granger and Nagamootoo.

yuji22 posted:

To the anti Bharat crew, stop your whining and complaining and join the PPP victory train with Bharat on top !!!!

You have a right to be a slave as you wish.  This to a man who worshipped Forbes Burnham and uses his same methods. There is no difference between you and the black idiots who used to worship "Kabaka" in the 70s.

The difference being that 45 years later we should have become more educated and politically sophisticated. But clearly you still remain a cave man looking for Massa.  No human is a god and all are imperfect so NONE are above critique.

Continue to worship Baby Kong much as other worshipped King Kong 45 years ago.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Bibi.  Stop with your lies!  Nothing to do with anything!  You throw spaghetti!  I do projects and switch when they are over!  I have never been terminated from any job!  

The sari lady told someone in her circle in Canada.  That person spread it.  I was still in India. She admitted it was her fault to trust another GNIer. 

Did you not befriend “Susan” knowing that she is a lawyer to get her to falsify documents to rob your wife during your divorce?  Was she not the one who sent a letter to your last job causing you to be terminated and up to this day you cannot find a job.  Next time don’t mess with the daughter of a Police Commissioner.  She will put you in your place.

Not sure where you got that.  My assets were in Switzerland.  Not sure what a Guyanese lawyer have to do with anything.

Once again, you throwing spaghetti   You know nothing!   

Be careful.  You saw what almost happened to you in Pennsylvania.  You were lucky I intervened to stop police involvement.  

And next time you use my Ex’s name to cover your tracks, don’t use the home of a university adjunct professor in NJ.




Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:
We not allowing ayoo Lord foh handpick fake phD Singh foh run guysuco...foh bruck up de industry where Labba nable string bury and whey Labba danny wuk as laborer foh 40 years. No way...

Yes when they run around screaming that Berbicians are starving Berbicians need to be reminded why?  Guysuco was brain dead before the Coalition came into power.  All the Coalition did was take it off life support.

CARICOM sugar is dead. When will the PPP tell their supporters this.  The EU doesnt want this sugar anymore and the region is too high cost to compete elsewhere.  The rest of CARICOM knows this. Trinidad and St Kitts shut down their industries, Jamaica keeping it to supply the local market and Barbados for environmental purposes. 

Only Jagdeo the nutcase thought that sugar was vibrant so wasted millions on Skeldon, putting his bands of the incompetent and corrupt to run that industry into the ground. Then selling off land at knock off prices to his real estate speculator friends.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Bibi.  Stop with your lies!  Nothing to do with anything!  You throw spaghetti!  I do projects and switch when they are over!  I have never been terminated from any job!  

The sari lady told someone in her circle in Canada.  That person spread it.  I was still in India. She admitted it was her fault to trust another GNIer. 

Did you not befriend “Susan” knowing that she is a lawyer to get her to falsify documents to rob your wife during your divorce?  Was she not the one who sent a letter to your last job causing you to be terminated and up to this day you cannot find a job.  Next time don’t mess with the daughter of a Police Commissioner.  She will put you in your place.

Not sure where you got that.  My assets were in Switzerland.  Not sure what a Guyanese lawyer have to do with anything.

Once again, you throwing spaghetti   You know nothing!   

Be careful.  You saw what almost happened to you in Pennsylvania.  You were lucky I intervened to stop police involvement.  

And next time you use my Ex’s name to cover your tracks, don’t use the home of a university adjunct professor in NJ.




Back to your nasty lies again.  I have been to Pennsylvania twice in my life.  And that was long before I ever knew a creep like you ever existed.  You should be in jail.  

Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:

Not a bad idea Dave...nothing to lose with an Afro President...more to gain actually

Juan Edghill?  Blacks aren't so stupid to run behind any black charlatan that Jagdeo choses.  If Indians who aren't on Jagdeo's list aren't eligible you know that blacks with credibility aren't.  Currently they dont exist within the PPP leadership structure.

If the PNC selected some Indo token Indians wouldn't accept them, so why will blacks accept a black PPP token?

skeldon_man posted:

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.

When they rolled into the trench, still pulling hair and trying to pull off the panty or the bra it used to be quite a spectacle.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Bibi.  Stop with your lies!  Nothing to do with anything!  You throw spaghetti!  I do projects and switch when they are over!  I have never been terminated from any job!  

The sari lady told someone in her circle in Canada.  That person spread it.  I was still in India. She admitted it was her fault to trust another GNIer. 

Did you not befriend “Susan” knowing that she is a lawyer to get her to falsify documents to rob your wife during your divorce?  Was she not the one who sent a letter to your last job causing you to be terminated and up to this day you cannot find a job.  Next time don’t mess with the daughter of a Police Commissioner.  She will put you in your place.

Not sure where you got that.  My assets were in Switzerland.  Not sure what a Guyanese lawyer have to do with anything.

Once again, you throwing spaghetti   You know nothing!   

Be careful.  You saw what almost happened to you in Pennsylvania.  You were lucky I intervened to stop police involvement.  

And next time you use my Ex’s name to cover your tracks, don’t use the home of a university adjunct professor in NJ.




Back to your nasty lies again.  I have been to Pennsylvania twice in my life.  And that was long before I ever knew a creep like you ever existed.  You should be in jail.  

As I said, you could not hide.  I saw all the evidence, you were all over it. That was big troble.  You need to think before you act.  

This creep took you all over on vacation at his expense.  The hundreds of photos don’t lie!  

Labba posted:

Dem coolies in Guyana na care bout dalits and doan even know who is wan dalit. Dem care bout who give dem wuk and contract and same tings blackman want. hey hey hey...

It is a fact that a large % of Indians think that they are better than blacks. Just witness the spectacle on GNI and this comes out of the context that these people were raised in.

And yes blacks fear the PPP exactly because they care about work (good jobs), contracts and scholarships.  They dont get them.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

Ray posted:


How you can call Sam and Juan slaves?

Because they act like slaves.  Their voices are silenced unless they are upbraiding blacks for despising the PPP.  If the PPP thinks that these clowns are indicative of diversity they are viewed just like the Uncle Tom character in "Django Unchained".   The Samuel Jackson character for those who saw that movie.  They hate blacks even more than Rohee's daughter does and her views were broadcast on FB.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Some of their supporters on here seem to get upset when non traditional PPP supporters make suggestions about candidates or make comments about strategy etc.

As Guyanese, I think anyone can make comments or suggestions about any party...whether they support that party or not...

The PPP is not only insular, but it is also not a MULTIRACIAL (neither is the PNC) Party as its supporters on GNI, and its leaders, claim....the party claims to represent ALL Guyanese, but it does not....note its selection of Harper as its previous Prime Ministerial candidate...thats the main problem that Guyana faces...

Look I have said before that the PPP have issues with the Constitution and their current leadership but to say that the PPP is not multiracial is pure bullshit. Who did the PPP name as the first black woman on the CCJ, who did they name as head of the GDF, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Public Service and head of many other Agencies. Who gets the roads built first, is it in Indian areas or black areas? More attention should have been paid to the Amerindians and other races in Guyana, however the Party was inclusive. So go run and read your damn history and stop your daily crap.

Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

The PPP is not an insular party. It offers membership to all Guyanese regardless of race. Bearing in mind that it is a political organization with specified programme and policies, members have a duty to support and promote same and abide by rules laid out in its constitution. As distinct from members, PPP supporters are not bound by party rules. It's assumed that they support the party because they like its programme and policies and even personalities.

True, the PPP has a preponderance of Indian support and membership. The party cannot coerce Afros and others to join. It can only encourage them. I have already stated that the PPP must proactively reach out beyond its traditional base, more energetically than it is doing. 

Ray, if you like the PPP's programme, feel free to support or join. I make this comment in my personal capacity.

The first paragraph is a PPP press release, so clearly you have to get their permission before you opine.

OK I guess the KKK can do outreach to blacks and then blame them when they dont get any support. Because this is what you are telling blacks to do.  They suffered under the PPP because many black hating racists exist within FreeDUMB House.  Until the PPP recognizes this fact and transforms its image you will get a 5% black support at best.

If the PPP is so diverse why does it lack an ethnically diverse pool large enough to have non Indians as possible presidential candidates?  Aside from Gail, nothing.  

Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

She hallucinating.  

I was consulting with a large institution on Corp Finance organizational set up when I dated her.  The project was for 1 year.  It ended just before we broke up.  She using that to say I’m not working.  I have had two others since then, including now.

Dondadda posted:


Look I have said before that the PPP have issues with the Constitution and their current leadership but to say that the PPP is not multiracial is pure bullshit. Who did the PPP name as the first black woman on the CCJ, who did they name as head of the GDF, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Public Service and head of many other Agencies. Who gets the roads built first, is it in Indian areas or black areas? More attention should have been paid to the Amerindians and other races in Guyana, however the Party was inclusive. So go run and read your damn history and stop your daily crap.

Some might claim that putting the black judge on the CCJ was about removing her from the Guyana judicial system where she could have hampered the PPP in its rampage, so that one doesnt work.

The PPP named blacks to head the GDF and GPF as Indians refuse to join these entities.  They however selected those blacks that they can control. People like Henry Greene, who was a servant of the drug cartels.  

Who got the contracts and the jobs to build those roads through black villages?  After all the black villages are conduits to Indian areas as well do it isnt evident that its only blacks who benefitted.

So here is the deal. A party wins trust when people see people known to them, who they see as credible, with strong roles within their structures. Neither the PNC nor the PPP can boast diversity in their leadership structures.  This is why both the PNC and the PPP are seen as being tribal parties.

And yes the PNC can also trot out their Indos and I bet can itemize what they have done in Indian areas too.  The PNC support base were in open rebellion in the last LGE because they claimed that the Coalition was ignoring them and prioritizing Indians.

So here is the irony of Guyana.

1. Indians and blacks vote race because the major parties are tribal and only include people of one race in dominant positions, reducing the others to tokens.  These tokens aren't allowed to openly discuss issues of race so they are seen as stooges.

2. Someone said its about jobs, contracts and scholarships. Well blacks look at the PPP and see only Indians in major decision making roles and conclude that blacks will be excluded.   Indians look at the PNC and see a mirror image of ethnic domination and so conclude that they will be excluded.

3. Because Indians vote in PPP they expect priority in a PPP gov't so get angered anytime some piddling thing is done in a black area. Blacks view the PNC in a similar way so are angered if they see Indians winning contracts or benefitting in any way.

We have a nation where the tribal masses dont trust their tribal leaders, but fear the other tribe more.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:

I didn't intend this thread to be a war between Lenora and Bibi...but maybe they can get things off they chest

See my first post on this thread -- didn't everything come true about the claws coming out, biting our heads off, etc.???    

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.

I didn’t just stood and watched. I used to try to separate them by pulling them apart. In all that struggle, my hands always got caught pun dem bubbies.

whats a "bubby"?

Here you go again asking what is “bubby”. Stop talking bull crap and get a brain. What de ass did you “suck” when you were a baby? Did you drink milk straight from the cup? You dam chull  chull 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

BaseStud dumped you for Bibi?

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.

When they rolled into the trench, still pulling hair and trying to pull off the panty or the bra it used to be quite a spectacle.

these days them gals does tek MMA class so is pure punches, knees and arm locks and strangle hold and ground and gotta go back to the village for panty pulls and bubby graps or hair streachin as fighting techniques.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

Yall really need to ease up on the ex lovers quarrel...this was supposed to be a topic about insularity of PPP

Ray, isn't this where you are supposed to flex your muscle? This does not mean closing a thread but when posters go off on a tangent especially with personal stuff, bring out your eraser or whiteout.

D2 posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Gyal, if you two ever meet up in Guyana, I hope there is no hair pulling, cuss down brawl like we use to see growing up. I use to stay around and watch "dem kine ah fite all de time". Sometimes I got a good cuss down for just being around and watching.

When they rolled into the trench, still pulling hair and trying to pull off the panty or the bra it used to be quite a spectacle.

these days them gals does tek MMA class so is pure punches, knees and arm locks and strangle hold and ground and gotta go back to the village for panty pulls and bubby graps or hair streachin as fighting techniques.

Darn it! I wish there was a village like that nearby.

Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

BaseStud dumped you for Bibi?

here comes the purple panty waist to take sides in on  jilted lovers quarrel!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:


Look I have said before that the PPP have issues with the Constitution and their current leadership but to say that the PPP is not multiracial is pure bullshit. Who did the PPP name as the first black woman on the CCJ, who did they name as head of the GDF, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Public Service and head of many other Agencies. Who gets the roads built first, is it in Indian areas or black areas? More attention should have been paid to the Amerindians and other races in Guyana, however the Party was inclusive. So go run and read your damn history and stop your daily crap.

The PPP named blacks to head the GDF and GPF as Indians refuse to join these entities.  They however select those blacks that they can control. People like Henry Greene, who was a servant of the drug cartels.

Who gor the contracts and the jobs to build those roads in black villages?  After all the black villages are conduits to Indian areas as well do it isnt evident that its only blacks who benefitted.

So here is the deal. A party wins trust when people see people known to them, who they see as credible, with strong roles within their structures. Neither the PNC nor the PPP can boast diversity in their leadership structures.  This is why both the PNC and the PPP are seen as being tribal parties.

And yes the PNC can also trot out their Indos and I bet can itemize what they have done in Indian areas too.  The PNC support base were in pen rebellion in the last LGE because they claimed that the Coalition was ignoring them and prioritizing Indians.

Do you fully understand what the banna is saying by Afro Appointment. 

Are you trying to rewrite history, by saying every blacks appointed by PPP lost their  race identity. 

This is the problem with people like you , who continue to be ungrateful .. you can’t stop some ayo. 

This racist attitude tarnish your credibility when you claimed to speak out against APNU. 


Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Yuh mean there are women here available for Base to pick up?

Off the top of my head...I'll say only bout 3 women post here regularly...Bibi, Leonora and alena...which one ah dem he picking up

Spice Girl does peep in once in a while

There is a handle here called Susan.  She and him ended up in court after she sent a letter to the last job he had, causing him to be terminated.

There is another woman in Canada who he gifted a saree to and that story ended up on GNI.  Come on Ray you are the admin here.  Go and check it out.

Jeez bai. I always thought this was a place where people come to express views and opinions occasionally getting into a little skirmish here and there due to a difference of opinions etc.  Didn't realise things can go offline where people can get terminated and such. This is a dangerous place.

She hallucinating.  

I was consulting with a large institution on Corp Finance organizational set up when I dated her.  The project was for 1 year.  It ended just before we broke up.  She using that to say I’m not working.  I have had two others since then, including now.

She is a compulsive and nasty liar.

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe that’s why cuz Ralphie said take a hike and now has started his own party.  200 years pedigree gone fuh Channa.

Let’s hope this is not reflective of the PPP!   This sounds more like Nagamootoo attitude towards his flock, that’s why he got F’ed!!

She should guh cuss cuz Ralph! He is more a threat than anyone on GNI!

Pennsylvania police has me in their database for driving 3 states to harass a woman after I was dumped. The woman and me both own guns now.   

BaseStud dumped you for Bibi?

here comes the purple panty waist to take sides in on  jilted lovers quarrel!

Leonora's post went over their heads.

D2 posted:

these days them gals does tek MMA class so is pure punches, knees and arm locks and strangle hold and ground and gotta go back to the village for panty pulls and bubby graps or hair streachin as fighting techniques.

Naah. These two girls buse down in true Caribbean style so will brawl like true Caribbean viragoes.  Trench, hair pulling and scratching each others clothes off, entertaining every male in the vicinity and causing many others to rush to see the entertainment.

Guyana had the Jerry Springer show long before he thought of it.

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Cain...yuh really think I got time for that's lil entertainment

Bai....i think I dodged a a a stinger missile might even have been a bunker buster....Lips once invited me to meet her for lunch and I pondered it for a min until she refused to go to a nice vegan place as being too pedestrian for her! 

Well well well.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:


Do you fully understand what the banna is saying by Afro Appointment. 

Are you trying to rewrite history, by saying every blacks appointed by PPP lost their  race identity. 

This is the problem with people like you , who continue to be ungrateful .. you can’t stop some ayo. 

This racist attitude tarnish your credibility when you claimed to speak out against APNU. 


Henry Greene really isnt someone who the GDF should boast about. He enriched himself with drug dealings and when he died his family made a spectacle of his estate, revealing way more wealth than an ordinary Guyanese civil servant should have.

Juan Edghill is a man of sordid reputation.  Ditto Joe Hamilton, Lumumba, and others.

Many other blacks were left in "acting" positions which then jeopardized their pensions, or were passed over by Indians with lower qualifications and expertise.

Freddie Kissoon and Nigel Hughes challenged Roger Luncheon to name blacks in top leadership positions during the Jagdeo era. He hesitated, and then admitted that very few existed and then opined that this is because blacks weren't qualified.

Roger Luncheon was sent out by Jagdeo to defend his record towards blacks. His performance was so bad that Jagdeo had to drop the defamation lawsuit against Freddie K who asserted that he was an institutional racist.


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