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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are a very smart guy, you know all this is window dressing.  But, I don't blame you, you ought to be gleeful, all Afro "ethnic Security" issues have been fully accomplished.  You are now in "heaven".

Baseman.  Continue to mourn.  A small Indo swing vote combined with others to install a coalition.  If this coalition succeeds a LARGER Indo swing vote will emerge as people like you will no longer be able to scare them with "black man gun rape yo daughter" which you all engaged in a few weeks ago.


Join the rest of the world baseman.  The population of Guyana is 60% non Indian identified.  Your Hindutva paradis cannot ever exist in Guyana AGAIN.  Now you can either join the rest of Guyana, or you can sulk in the corner.



BTW the African insecurity dilemma is no more solved now than the Indian insecurity dilemma was resolved under the PPP.

Did I not say the PPP screwed up by not becoming more multi-ethnic?  I support multi-ethnic politics.  Let's see if Granger and the PNC power structure allows AFC to be "independent minded".


The issue you see, it's all up to the gratuity of whoever the PNC/GDF leader is.  And we know how that went for 28 years.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ain't it funny. The PPP analysts on GNI failed to deliver the victory they guaranteed. Now they are using their failed and discredited stupidity to try to sell the AFC some BS. Or maybe they are looking for a new job after the PPP money stop coming in.

Baseman has seen his party shredded to pieces at the election, even though he was full of racial advise to Jagdeo. Now he shouting that Jagdeo was not good for the party. At the same time he claimin the PNC is no good to the AFC. Desperate times has turned Rama, Baseman, Cobra etc into desperate liars.



You really believed that people posting on GNI actually got paid by the PPP?

Some of them did.

Good. Now they have to get real jobs that pays real money. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Did I not say the PPP screwed up by not becoming more multi-ethnic?  I support multi-ethnic politics.  .

No you don't because if you did you would give the first multi ethnic alliance in post independence Guyana a chance to operate. 


You would see that, contrary to your screams, the AFC will get their share of MP slots and cabinet positions as was agreed. And you would acknowledge the fact that the AFC has  a gun to the head of APNU and the ability to pull the trigger when ever they wish.


And yes, if APNU doesn't allow discussions on a new constitution, and the PPP does, then there will be an MONC and yes. your PPP will be back.


Your idea of multi ethnic politics is an Indo party with a few black tokens and when blacks reject those tokens, as they did Sam Hinds, you will scream how racist they are!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did I not say the PPP screwed up by not becoming more multi-ethnic?  I support multi-ethnic politics.  .

No you don't because if you did you would give the first multi ethnic alliance in post independence Guyana a chance to operate. 


You would see that, contrary to your screams, the AFC will get their share of MP slots and cabinet positions as was agreed. And you would acknowledge the fact that the AFC has  a gun to the head of APNU and the ability to pull the trigger when ever they wish.


And yes, if APNU doesn't allow discussions on a new constitution, and the PPP does, then there will be an MONC and yes. your PPP will be back.


Your idea of multi ethnic politics is an Indo party with a few black tokens and when blacks reject those tokens, as they did Sam Hinds, you will scream how racist they are!

Was I not always critical of CBJ for not reaching out to the PNC when he won in 1992?  I always held this position even when the PPP was solidly winning?  I reiterated this position in 2011.  I always contend that 40% feeling excluded, real of perception, is reality in their minds and needs to be addressed.  YOU KNOW this was one of the key criticisms I had of the Jagans/PPP.   Why then am I am "Indoist", as you like to say?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did I not say the PPP screwed up by not becoming more multi-ethnic?  I support multi-ethnic politics.  .

No you don't because if you did you would give the first multi ethnic alliance in post independence Guyana a chance to operate. 


You would see that, contrary to your screams, the AFC will get their share of MP slots and cabinet positions as was agreed. And you would acknowledge the fact that the AFC has  a gun to the head of APNU and the ability to pull the trigger when ever they wish.


And yes, if APNU doesn't allow discussions on a new constitution, and the PPP does, then there will be an MONC and yes. your PPP will be back.


Your idea of multi ethnic politics is an Indo party with a few black tokens and when blacks reject those tokens, as they did Sam Hinds, you will scream how racist they are!

Honestly, I don't want to see THIS PPP back.  They received a trashing for a reason.  I really don't like their attitude.  I want a multi-ethnic party with solid checks and balance within.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Was I not always critical of CBJ for not reaching out to the PNC when he won in 1992?  I always held this position even when the PPP was solidly winning?  I reiterated this position in 2011.  I always contend that 40% feeling excluded, real of perception, is reality in their minds and needs to be addressed.  YOU KNOW this was one of the key criticisms I had of the Jagans/PPP.   Why then am I am "Indoist", as you like to say?

Actually in the early days my memory of you is more defined by your anecdotes of black laziness and shiftlessness and your assertions that the arrival of Indians saved Guyana from being another Haiti.  This frames my image of you.  As such blatant bigotry as fallen out of style on GNI you have ceased to be so obvious.


I do not advocate two major parties coalescing when both have a reputation for being inept. Any democracy needs an opposition.  Both the governing party and the lead opposition party will have to be multi ethnic if they plan to exist.  Shifting demographics with a  rapidly declining Indian population, and a growing mixed population dictate that.


So on May 11 2015 a swing Indo vote joined Africans and mixed people to ATTEMPT to create a multi racial democracy.  Because it isn't PPP dominated you are pouring acid on it.


The PPP FAILED to attempt multi ethnic governance and so were rejected. The APNU AFC are attempting multi ethnic governance and so won the election.


So why your screams?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Honestly, I don't want to see THIS PPP back.  They received a trashing for a reason.  I really don't like their attitude.  I want a multi-ethnic party with solid checks and balance within.

And you have a multi ethnic government with solid checks and balances.


Here is the deal.  MOSES FAILED TO bring in a large Indian vote as the PPP was successful about "Moses is not an Indian" and combined that with "black man gun rape yu daughter" to terrify Indians out.  They gained 35k votes, mainly from Indians, though some from Amerindians, whose votes the bought with a tax payer funded spending spree.


DESPITE that Moses was given a gun by Granger with the ability to pull the trigger and kill the APNU AFC coalition, and with that an APNU dominated government.


Talk about checks and balances.


And the true test of this will be discussions on the constitution.


Now explain in detail why you think that the AFC will not move to change it when it is the AFC who will be the LARGEST beneficiaries of a more democratic constitution?  AND the AFC has it its disposal the ability to pull the trigger and end the life of the APNU dominated government.


What more do you want?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.





* If President Granger chooses to keep the Burnham constitution fully intact---that means he will continue to have the power of recall among 1000 other powers---so with no changes to the constitution---what you said above may very well turn out to be true.


* Anyway, these are different times in Guyana---we live in 2015 not 1968---I refuse to believe Prime Minister Nagamootoo will remain quiet on the issue of the Guyana constitution and the need for changes.


* The way the Rev is reading things---The AFC Prime Minister is determined to have his office imbued with more POWER---and he was less power for the PNC President.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.





* If President Granger chooses to keep the Burnham constitution fully intact---that means he will continue to have the power of recall among 1000 other powers---so with no changes to the constitution---what you said above may very well turn out to be true.


* Anyway, these are different times in Guyana---we live in 2015 not 1968---I refuse to believe Prime Minister Nagamootoo will remain quiet on the issue of the Guyana constitution and the need for changes.


* The way the Rev is reading things---The AFC Prime Minister is determined to have his office imbued with more POWER---and he was less power for the PNC President.


Rev (Loser)

Rev (Loser) you have no credibility. You lack integrity.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP FAILED to attempt multi ethnic governance and so were rejected. The APNU AFC are attempting multi ethnic governance and so won the election.




* That was, indeed, a huge, massive loss by the PPP. Let's look at the numbers again:


207,200 votes = APNU/AFC

202,694 votes = PPP/C


* The APNU/AFC coalition defeated the PPP/C by a humongous 4506 votes---that was some rejection by the Guyana electorate.


* Regarding Region 8---APNU/AFC(1837 votes) won that region by an impressive 1 vote over the PPP/C(1836 votes).


* Oh well! Let's see how much better the multi-ehnic PNC/AFC rules the country than the homogenous PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP FAILED to attempt multi ethnic governance and so were rejected. The APNU AFC are attempting multi ethnic governance and so won the election.




* That was, indeed, a huge, massive loss by the PPP. Let's look at the numbers again:


207,200 votes = APNU/AFC

202,694 votes = PPP/C


* The APNU/AFC coalition defeated the PPP/C by a humongous 4506 votes---that was some rejection by the Guyana electorate.


* Regarding Region 8---APNU/AFC(1837 votes) won that region by an impressive 1 vote over the PPP/C(1836 votes).


* Oh well! Let's see how much better the multi-ehnic PNC/AFC rules the country than the homogenous PPP.



Rev ( loser) you are very boring. Go play with yourself and stick your numbers up your poop chute.




Under the PPP government Guyana experienced POSITIVE REAL GDP GROWTH in each of the last 9 years.




2006 5.1%

2007 7.0%

2008 2.0%

2009 3.3%

2010 4.4%

2011 5.4%

2012 4.8%

2013 5.2%

2014 3.3% --estimated

2015 3.8% --est




* Now that the PNC/AFC has taken over the government will the positive GDP GROWTH RATES continue or will the PNC/AFC muck things up and we'll shortly see a negative GDP growth rate number ?



Originally Posted by Rev:



Under the PPP government Guyana experienced POSITIVE REAL GDP GROWTH in each of the last 9 years.




2006 5.1%

2007 7.0%

2008 2.0%

2009 3.3%

2010 4.4%

2011 5.4%

2012 4.8%

2013 5.2%

2014 3.3% --estimated

2015 3.8% --est




* Now that the PNC/AFC has taken over the government will the positive GDP GROWTH RATES continue or will the PNC/AFC muck things up and we'll shortly see a negative GDP growth rate number ?


Rev (loser)

Rev (Loser), those numbers are false. You have no credibility nor integrity.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev ( loser) you are very boring. Go play with yourself and stick your numbers up your poop chute.

Mitwah's obsession on these are quite revealing.

Now that is a statement for the ages.  Proverbs 28:26 talks about you.

Meanwhile you talk about yourself and what you say is very disturbing.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev ( loser) you are very boring. Go play with yourself and stick your numbers up your poop chute.

Mitwah's obsession on these are quite revealing.

Now that is a statement for the ages.  Proverbs 28:26 talks about you.

Meanwhile you talk about yourself and what you say is very disturbing.

Fool, now that is another statement for the ages.  Grab yourself a donut.

Originally Posted by Rev:

* Thanks to that man the PPP lost by a massive 4506 votes. 


* This thread is a tribute to the esteemed Prime Minister.


* The Prime Minister was pissed on and denigrated by many, included the Rev, but he ended up making fools out of all of us.


* The Rev is rooting for the Prime Minister to succeed in his position.


* But lemme be blunt! Unless the constitution is changed to at least remove the President's power to recall---then the Prime Minister will be powerless---the Prime Minister knows this.



...more shrill screams about a constitution you never cared about when you were paid by the gangsters. We get the point - you want Indian power only and the man you called a "dirty Indian" is now your only path to acheiving it. You truly are a slimy, flea infested cur

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


* You may very well be hitting the nail on the head there Mr. baseman.



Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".





I am East Indian and Hindu.


This shyte got nothing to do with Indian or Black.


It got to do with how we rule the country.


Let Jagdeo explain the source of funds for the mansion first.

Flour boy, you don't have to tell me who you are, we know who you are, and you fit the mold very well.  Now, which of the 12 seats you getting?

Whatever seat he gets make sure it's a large one to hold his moldy flour arse.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

...more shrill screams about a constitution you never cared about




* The Rev wishes to make it crystal clear that like the late President Cheddi Jagan and former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar, he, the esteemed Rev, is very comfortable with the Burnham constitution.


* In my estimation President David Granger will be a fool to agree to a change of the Burnham constitution where he would be granted less power.


* It is Prime Minister Nagamootoo and the AFC who are determinded to stip the President of his power via rewriting of the constitution.


* The way things stand right now David Granger is the BIG KAHUNA and the others are his slaves.








* Is it true Prime Minister Nagamootoo will be chairing cabinet in the PNC/AFC administration ?


The appointment of a Prime Minister also has special significance in the context of the Cummingsburg Agreement. It is the understanding of that accord that the Prime Minister will be delegated certain responsibilities, including the chairing of Cabinet.


The chairing of Cabinet by the Prime Minister is however in direct contravention of the Constitution which insists that it is only in the absence of the President that the Prime Minister can chair Cabinet.






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