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Some people want it but not necessarily care to earn it. Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position. Wonder where he will run next. In my opinion the AFC could have made deals with the PPP after the 2011 elections by asking for some favors while giving some. Then even if they couldn't stop the PPP corruption, they could have secured some benefits for the people they claim to represent thereby increasing the gravy pool. But their actions got them no corn and no hush and now they had to join band with the PNC which in my opinion further diminish their importance. Just over two months will indicate how that move was received by the voters. The PNC got what they wanted. Any stray traditional PNC vote returned to the PNC because those voters will say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might just as well vote like we used to in de ole days". Now those stray PPP voters will also say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might as well vote like we used to in de ole days because we sure as hell not giving abee vote to dem PNC crooks. We prefer tuh give am tuh dem PPP crooks instead". That is the dilemma that the AFC is ignoring hoping that the PNC has enough of their own votes to get Nagamootoo a leadership position through the back door. 


I believe Moses is so deep into the POWER grab that in his mind, no one is realizing that he is only concern with personal ambition and power. In his current thought process, he seriously believe that the Guyanese People think that he is a savior and he is jumping from ship to ship because he loves the Guyanese people. Talk about being delusional.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 


How much more financial irregularity can we tolerate?


Do we want guyana to become a full-fledged narco economy ruled by a new parasitic contractor class bourgeoisie?

Let us for a minute accept your claim, what is the opposition going to do to stop these irregularities. Remember, this same opposition turned Guyana into a Grave Yard and a Military Dictatorship. I am always very eager to hear about solutions. Over to you.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 


How much more financial irregularity can we tolerate?


Do we want guyana to become a full-fledged narco economy ruled by a new parasitic contractor class bourgeoisie?


Which people wanna see the PPP go? The Indians who don't want the PNC to come as the PPP goes?


What makes you think corruption is a winning issue among Guyanese people?


What makes you think being a big shot drug dealer isn't a respectable profession in Guyana?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 

Maybe. But the PNC alternative must be equally undesirable.


Dem AFC mudheads this doan seem to realize that the ordinary voter is not only being asked for vote against the PPP but also for the PNC.


Did the PNC grow a hymen lately? Are they all of a sudden virgins washed clean of Indian blood?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

The AFC squandered their chance to be an equalizer which was their claim to fame.


This Coalition is precisely what happens when otherwise smart people into political theory are allowed into the realm of campaign strategy.


I could have found the duncest canecutter in Yakasari, Black Bush Polder who could have told these idiots that Indians ain't voting PNC....not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The PNC has to achieve office by having another Indian party (or parties) split the Indian vote or wait for demographics to destroy us to achieve office at election.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 

Maybe. But the PNC alternative must be equally undesirable.


Dem AFC mudheads this doan seem to realize that the ordinary voter is not only being asked for vote against the PPP but also for the PNC.


Did the PNC grow a hymen lately? Are they all of a sudden virgins washed clean of Indian blood?

I find it inconceivable that many traditional PPP voters will willing vote for the PNC. Now they did vote for the PNC en-mass but that was between 1964 and 1992.  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Notice the party of more money than Gaad and owner of several hotels did not elect to launch its campaign from any fancy hotel.


They went to where ordinary people live and a place of some symbolism for Indian people that can be co-opted.

They are plainly stupid and serves to mobilize black with these displays of Indian triumphalism. It is the reason APNU did not go on a street stump in Linden.


They do not have a problem with voters in Port Morant and tain. They have a problem with defections in Whim, Skeldon and Crabwood creek and GT. They also have problems in region 3.


It is hardly money that will save them. The last time they showed how overwhelming that purse is having been filled by contractor clients and the Chinese. They plastered the ugly mug of Ramotar from Ashilton to Crabwood creek. They still missed the mark.


This time, if Indians stay home as the last time and blacks turn out as the apparently will; the PPP loses.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 

Maybe. But the PNC alternative must be equally undesirable.


Dem AFC mudheads this doan seem to realize that the ordinary voter is not only being asked for vote against the PPP but also for the PNC.


Did the PNC grow a hymen lately? Are they all of a sudden virgins washed clean of Indian blood?

I find it inconceivable that many traditional PPP voters will willing vote for the PNC. Now they did vote for the PNC en-mass but that was between 1964 and 1992.  




Good point. I did not think of that. These bright bais probably pointed to the elections from 1968 to 1985 as indisputable evidence of Indians votin PNC em masse ....Indians even gave the PNC 2/3 majorities


Moses is the strongest, most credible Indian leader, along with Mr. Ramjattan.


Moving Guyana forward is a 2-step process:

1. Remove the PPP Jagdeoites

2. Build new coalitions


No. 1 was accomplished in parliament and that's why we are going into elections.


If No. 2 was in place before the 2011 elections, the PPP would have been gone long ago.


The place of the Third Force is to work with either of the other 2 main forces.  

You know the PPP will not work with anyone else.  That's why they did not get the message of the election that the people made them a minority.


If the PPP will not work with both PNC or AFC, the only choice left is a Coalition of PNC and AFC. If no coalition, then most likely the crooks win again.


The Coalition is the ONLY way out of the political impasse, and to stop the larceny of funds in favor of the parasitic, contractor, bourgeoise class.


When they are thieving like that, less is left for salary increases, better water, better electricity, better drains and roads, education, health,  and social services.  Explain this to the working poor.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I believe Moses is so deep into the POWER grab that in his mind, no one is realizing that he is only concern with personal ambition and power. In his current thought process, he seriously believe that the Guyanese People think that he is a savior and he is jumping from ship to ship because he loves the Guyanese people. Talk about being delusional.

The mark of any leader is the belief in ones mission and ones self. His ability to lead is not determined by pissant PPPites like you but his capacity to move people feeling the bite of the PPP crookedness, to move beyond their comfort zones into newer ways of thinking.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 

Maybe. But the PNC alternative must be equally undesirable.


Dem AFC mudheads this doan seem to realize that the ordinary voter is not only being asked for vote against the PPP but also for the PNC.


Did the PNC grow a hymen lately? Are they all of a sudden virgins washed clean of Indian blood?

I find it inconceivable that many traditional PPP voters will willing vote for the PNC. Now they did vote for the PNC en-mass but that was between 1964 and 1992.  




Good point. I did not think of that. These bright bais probably pointed to the elections from 1968 to 1985 as indisputable evidence of Indians votin PNC em masse ....Indians even gave the PNC 2/3 majorities

Caribj certified all those Elections.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The AFC squandered their chance to be an equalizer which was their claim to fame.


This Coalition is precisely what happens when otherwise smart people into political theory are allowed into the realm of campaign strategy.


I could have found the duncest canecutter in Yakasari, Black Bush Polder who could have told these idiots that Indians ain't voting PNC....not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The PNC has to achieve office by having another Indian party (or parties) split the Indian vote or wait for demographics to destroy us to achieve office at election.

Even Carib beer was hoping and praying that the AFC will get just enough PPP votes to make the PNC the higher vote getter thereby advancing them to the throne. Carib was hoping to use and then throw out the AFC after elections. That is why he was so bewildered by the coalition. He still find it troublesome for the PNC.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The AFC squandered their chance to be an equalizer which was their claim to fame.


This Coalition is precisely what happens when otherwise smart people into political theory are allowed into the realm of campaign strategy.


I could have found the duncest canecutter in Yakasari, Black Bush Polder who could have told these idiots that Indians ain't voting PNC....not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The PNC has to achieve office by having another Indian party (or parties) split the Indian vote or wait for demographics to destroy us to achieve office at election.

Even Carib beer was hoping and praying that the AFC will get just enough PPP votes to make the PNC the higher vote getter thereby advancing them to the throne. Carib was hoping to use and then throw out the AFC after elections. That is why he was so bewildered by the coalition. He still find it troublesome for the PNC.



I seriously agree with my friend Mike Persaud (the Indian who brought David Granger to Richmond Hill and opened his house to hosting Granger) when he alleges if someone in the AFC tek a bribe from Freedom House to bring this deal to fruition.


Caribj is right. This is a remarkably stupid idea. I've spent like 14 years insulting the PPP here on GNI and I can't even bring myself to support the Coalition. I'm still wracking my brains to try and do so. I suspect the average Indian isn't so torn.


I thought a PNC Minority Presidency responsible to a Parliament with an AFC-held balance of power was a perfectly sound strategy and result.


I suspect I know what happened....dem AFC mudheads simply wanted some Minista wuk. This is the only reason for this deal. And I believe they should have understood that they could have joined the Cabinet of the PNC after the election perfectly legally without the risk of decimation.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think people really want to see the PPP go. 

Maybe. But the PNC alternative must be equally undesirable.


Dem AFC mudheads this doan seem to realize that the ordinary voter is not only being asked for vote against the PPP but also for the PNC.


Did the PNC grow a hymen lately? Are they all of a sudden virgins washed clean of Indian blood?

I find it inconceivable that many traditional PPP voters will willing vote for the PNC. Now they did vote for the PNC en-mass but that was between 1964 and 1992.  




Good point. I did not think of that. These bright bais probably pointed to the elections from 1968 to 1985 as indisputable evidence of Indians votin PNC em masse ....Indians even gave the PNC 2/3 majorities

Those were the days of RIGGED election or selection.It's doesn't matter who voted, we know the results b4 election day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They are plainly stupid and serves to mobilize black with these displays of Indian triumphalism. It is the reason APNU did not go on a street stump in Linden.


They do not have a problem with voters in Port Morant and tain. They have a problem with defections in Whim, Skeldon and Crabwood creek and GT. They also have problems in region 3.


It is hardly money that will save them. The last time they showed how overwhelming that purse is having been filled by contractor clients and the Chinese. They plastered the ugly mug of Ramotar from Ashilton to Crabwood creek. They still missed the mark.


This time, if Indians stay home as the last time and blacks turn out as the apparently will; the PPP loses.

Political campaigning is more about convincing voters than anything else. Obama won big in 2008 because people were intrigued by the nuance of the first black president coupled by his extraordinary to reach out to all voters who will listen to him. We heard stories of his campaigners bussing college students to the polling places so they can vote. I doubt most of his voters really knew how his stand on many matters differed from John McCain.


Then the election was over and the first black president was elected and reality finally stepped in for many of those older white voters who probably said, "oh ship, what have I done?" which made it much more difficult for him to win in 2012 but he still eeked it out. Same in Guyana, those traditional PPP voters have already had their 2008 moment back in 2011. They are not in their 2012 mindset. Maybe Nagamootoo also realized that those 2011 votes are gone which is why he jumped onto the PNC ship. What he probably didn't realize is that he gave up the husk for nothing. The only value of a Guyanese PM is hoping that the president dies soon.   

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I seriously agree with my friend Mike Persaud (the Indian who brought David Granger to Richmond Hill and opened his house to hosting Granger) when he alleges if someone in the AFC tek a bribe from Freedom House to bring this deal to fruition.


Caribj is right. This is a remarkably stupid idea. I've spent like 14 years insulting the PPP here on GNI and I can't even bring myself to support the Coalition. I'm still wracking my brains to try and do so. I suspect the average Indian isn't so torn.


I thought a PNC Minority Presidency responsible to a Parliament with an AFC-held balance of power was a perfectly sound strategy and result.


I suspect I know what happened....dem AFC mudheads simply wanted some Minista wuk. This is the only reason for this deal. And I believe they should have understood that they could have joined the Cabinet of the PNC after the election perfectly legally without the risk of decimation.

I find it interesting that the AFC would put so much stock in the traditional PPP 2011 support for the AFC and seemingly ignore that same support for the 2006 elections. These two performances don't support the argument that the AFC can bring 15% to the coalition in 2015.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They are plainly stupid and serves to mobilize black with these displays of Indian triumphalism. It is the reason APNU did not go on a street stump in Linden.


They do not have a problem with voters in Port Morant and tain. They have a problem with defections in Whim, Skeldon and Crabwood creek and GT. They also have problems in region 3.


It is hardly money that will save them. The last time they showed how overwhelming that purse is having been filled by contractor clients and the Chinese. They plastered the ugly mug of Ramotar from Ashilton to Crabwood creek. They still missed the mark.


This time, if Indians stay home as the last time and blacks turn out as the apparently will; the PPP loses.

Political campaigning is more about convincing voters than anything else. Obama won big in 2008 because people were intrigued by the nuance of the first black president coupled by his extraordinary to reach out to all voters who will listen to him. We heard stories of his campaigners bussing college students to the polling places so they can vote. I doubt most of his voters really knew how his stand on many matters differed from John McCain.


Then the election was over and the first black president was elected and reality finally stepped in for many of those older white voters who probably said, "oh ship, what have I done?" which made it much more difficult for him to win in 2012 but he still eeked it out. Same in Guyana, those traditional PPP voters have already had their 2008 moment back in 2011. They are not in their 2012 mindset. Maybe Nagamootoo also realized that those 2011 votes are gone which is why he jumped onto the PNC ship. What he probably didn't realize is that he gave up the husk for nothing. The only value of a Guyanese PM is hoping that the president dies soon.   


Assuming of course that your are Guyanese PM and not simply Guyanese MP


May 12th, 2015...10:00 AM

Knock at the door of the Nagamootoo Residence.


Mrs. Nagamootoo answers.


Policeman: aunty, can you tell Mr. Nagamootoo to move his vehicle. He blockin de road.


Mrs. Nagamootoo: Look bai, de PM cannot be disturbed so early.


Policeman: Well is de PM that tell me fuh tell he to move he friggin vehicle so she convoy can pass

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Some people want it but not necessarily care to earn it. Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position. Wonder where he will run next. In my opinion the AFC could have made deals with the PPP after the 2011 elections by asking for some favors while giving some. Then even if they couldn't stop the PPP corruption, they could have secured some benefits for the people they claim to represent thereby increasing the gravy pool. But their actions got them no corn and no hush and now they had to join band with the PNC which in my opinion further diminish their importance. Just over two months will indicate how that move was received by the voters. The PNC got what they wanted. Any stray traditional PNC vote returned to the PNC because those voters will say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might just as well vote like we used to in de ole days". Now those stray PPP voters will also say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might as well vote like we used to in de ole days because we sure as hell not giving abee vote to dem PNC crooks. We prefer tuh give am tuh dem PPP crooks instead". That is the dilemma that the AFC is ignoring hoping that the PNC has enough of their own votes to get Nagamootoo a leadership position through the back door. 

Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position.


Kzaaazzz, yours is an opinion that must be informed from incontrovertible and impeccable sources.


So let's take a moment and do some forensics about your assertion that Moses is (a) running from pillar (you mentioned pillow but I don't think satire was intended that Moses "slept" around) to post; and (b) "to get a leadership position".


I'm sure you know of Moses's qualification and occupation (author, politician, attorney).

I'm sure you know of Moses's children success at academia, vocational studies and in their careers and communities, both domestically and abroad. And all this at his own personal expense.

When you use the "follow the money" approach I'm sure you know of Moses's modest housing. His street is even unpaved.


I'm sure you looked at Moses taking a sabbatical from the PPP to pursue studies at UWI. HE then returned and resumed working for the PPP. He then resigned from the PPP and joined the AFC. Convince me that this is running from pillar to post.


Let's talk "leadership". Not only has he been a leading vote getter in PPP's Executive level, but he took leave of the PPP herd to attack its corruption, while in the PPP, on principled positions - the narco trade and theft of State's (and the people's) assets. I'm sure when you say he's running "to get a leadership position" that you took this into consideration. When you see his impact in the vote of no confidence and ultimately the coalition, I guess you do not consider these acts of leadership.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Assuming of course that your are Guyanese PM and not simply Guyanese MP


May 12th, 2015...10:00 AM

Knock at the door of the Nagamootoo Residence.


Mrs. Nagamootoo answers.


Policeman: aunty, can you tell Mr. Nagamootoo to move his vehicle. He blockin de road.


Mrs. Nagamootoo: Look bai, de PM cannot be disturbed so early.


Policeman: Well is de PM that tell me fuh tell he to move he friggin vehicle so she convoy can pass

Those recent pictures of Nagamootoo mek he look so pitiful. He nah gat dat manish look like Jagdeo and Ramoutar.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Assuming of course that your are Guyanese PM and not simply Guyanese MP


May 12th, 2015...10:00 AM

Knock at the door of the Nagamootoo Residence.


Mrs. Nagamootoo answers.


Policeman: aunty, can you tell Mr. Nagamootoo to move his vehicle. He blockin de road.


Mrs. Nagamootoo: Look bai, de PM cannot be disturbed so early.


Policeman: Well is de PM that tell me fuh tell he to move he friggin vehicle so she convoy can pass

Those recent pictures of Nagamootoo mek he look so pitiful. He nah gat dat manish look like Jagdeo and Ramoutar.  


I doan know who are these Nagamootoo cultists and where dem come from. Nagamootoo is no special commodity among Indos.


Nagamootoo is only a "thing" in the minds of these homeless Jaganites trying to install their antipope in the precincts of the Vatican.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Assuming of course that your are Guyanese PM and not simply Guyanese MP


May 12th, 2015...10:00 AM

Knock at the door of the Nagamootoo Residence.


Mrs. Nagamootoo answers.


Policeman: aunty, can you tell Mr. Nagamootoo to move his vehicle. He blockin de road.


Mrs. Nagamootoo: Look bai, de PM cannot be disturbed so early.


Policeman: Well is de PM that tell me fuh tell he to move he friggin vehicle so she convoy can pass

Those recent pictures of Nagamootoo mek he look so pitiful. He nah gat dat manish look like Jagdeo and Ramoutar.  




Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They are plainly stupid and serves to mobilize black with these displays of Indian triumphalism. It is the reason APNU did not go on a street stump in Linden.


They do not have a problem with voters in Port Morant and tain. They have a problem with defections in Whim, Skeldon and Crabwood creek and GT. They also have problems in region 3.


It is hardly money that will save them. The last time they showed how overwhelming that purse is having been filled by contractor clients and the Chinese. They plastered the ugly mug of Ramotar from Ashilton to Crabwood creek. They still missed the mark.


This time, if Indians stay home as the last time and blacks turn out as the apparently will; the PPP loses.

Political campaigning is more about convincing voters than anything else. Obama won big in 2008 because people were intrigued by the nuance of the first black president coupled by his extraordinary to reach out to all voters who will listen to him. We heard stories of his campaigners bussing college students to the polling places so they can vote. I doubt most of his voters really knew how his stand on many matters differed from John McCain.


Then the election was over and the first black president was elected and reality finally stepped in for many of those older white voters who probably said, "oh ship, what have I done?" which made it much more difficult for him to win in 2012 but he still eeked it out. Same in Guyana, those traditional PPP voters have already had their 2008 moment back in 2011. They are not in their 2012 mindset. Maybe Nagamootoo also realized that those 2011 votes are gone which is why he jumped onto the PNC ship. What he probably didn't realize is that he gave up the husk for nothing. The only value of a Guyanese PM is hoping that the president dies soon.   

OBama is magnetic. He has an air of complete confidence, is quick witted, purposeful and knew his demographic. Ramotar looks to swallow his tongue everytime he speaks and the only smarts he displayed is to steal obama's speech.


Every campaign buss people to vote. It is part of GOTV to take old, people, college kids with little money and even the local losers in the ghetto to the polls.



The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


The AFC has region 8 in the bag and can poach Indians in the PPP turf. They also allow young people with cultural leanings to take the leap of faith away from the kleptocracy. This is the best moment to take the PPP out.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Assuming of course that your are Guyanese PM and not simply Guyanese MP


May 12th, 2015...10:00 AM

Knock at the door of the Nagamootoo Residence.


Mrs. Nagamootoo answers.


Policeman: aunty, can you tell Mr. Nagamootoo to move his vehicle. He blockin de road.


Mrs. Nagamootoo: Look bai, de PM cannot be disturbed so early.


Policeman: Well is de PM that tell me fuh tell he to move he friggin vehicle so she convoy can pass

Those recent pictures of Nagamootoo mek he look so pitiful. He nah gat dat manish look like Jagdeo and Ramoutar.  


He looks like a lost Indo

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Some people want it but not necessarily care to earn it. Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position. Wonder where he will run next. In my opinion the AFC could have made deals with the PPP after the 2011 elections by asking for some favors while giving some. Then even if they couldn't stop the PPP corruption, they could have secured some benefits for the people they claim to represent thereby increasing the gravy pool. But their actions got them no corn and no hush and now they had to join band with the PNC which in my opinion further diminish their importance. Just over two months will indicate how that move was received by the voters. The PNC got what they wanted. Any stray traditional PNC vote returned to the PNC because those voters will say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might just as well vote like we used to in de ole days". Now those stray PPP voters will also say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might as well vote like we used to in de ole days because we sure as hell not giving abee vote to dem PNC crooks. We prefer tuh give am tuh dem PPP crooks instead". That is the dilemma that the AFC is ignoring hoping that the PNC has enough of their own votes to get Nagamootoo a leadership position through the back door. 

Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position.


Kzaaazzz, yours is an opinion that must be informed from incontrovertible and impeccable sources.


So let's take a moment and do some forensics about your assertion that Moses is (a) running from pillar (you mentioned pillow but I don't think satire was intended that Moses "slept" around) to post; and (b) "to get a leadership position".


I'm sure you know of Moses's qualification and occupation (author, politician, attorney).

I'm sure you know of Moses's children success at academia, vocational studies and in their careers and communities, both domestically and abroad. And all this at his own personal expense.

When you use the "follow the money" approach I'm sure you know of Moses's modest housing. His street is even unpaved.


I'm sure you looked at Moses taking a sabbatical from the PPP to pursue studies at UWI. HE then returned and resumed working for the PPP. He then resigned from the PPP and joined the AFC. Convince me that this is running from pillar to post.


Let's talk "leadership". Not only has he been a leading vote getter in PPP's Executive level, but he took leave of the PPP herd to attack its corruption, while in the PPP, on principled positions - the narco trade and theft of State's (and the people's) assets. I'm sure when you say he's running "to get a leadership position" that you took this into consideration. When you see his impact in the vote of no confidence and ultimately the coalition, I guess you do not consider these acts of leadership.


Aarite bai. I made a mistake when I wrote pillow instead of pillar. Secondary, I have no source outside of what I read here and my own common sense. From those standpoint, I see Nagamootoo running from pillar to post to get a leadership position. He himself left the PPP when they selected Ramoutar instead of him claiming that Cheddie Jagan told him in his ear that he will be the next leader of the party. I don't want to deny the man his own words. He may be educated but that should not be a cover for him running from pillar to post to get the leadership job that Cheddie promised him in his ear. He did struggled against the PNC and even though the PPP were involved with narcotics for many years before 2011, he did not leave. Not until he was not awarded the leadership role for the 2011 elections did he leave even though he shouted out from the rooftop that he will not join that neemakharam, Ramjattan. Now he is with the PNC, the same people who whooped his ass so many times in the past. All that to the naked eyes looks like someone running from pillar to post. how is that for a forensic analysis?  


A recent column from Mr. Seeram on Moses Nagamootoo being a candidate for president as β€œambition” shows how very little he knows Bro. Moses.


Moses is not a fly by night politician; he is a tried and tested leader and has been a warrior for the working class. Moses was there for us when we needed him most. At a time when being associated with the PPP meant unemployment, starvation and suffering at the hands of the PNC, Moses was there for us. At a time when your life was in danger from House of Israel thugs and PNC terrorists, Moses was there for us.  There are many in the PPP cabinet now with no history of working class struggle or standing up for the masses.  What did people like the famous Chatree, Ashni, Sam, Jagdeo, Manickchand, Jennifer, Norman, Juan, Carolyn, and Robeson, know about working class struggle or fighting in the trenches for the people.  In thick and thin, Moses was there with Jagan and the working poor.


I remember when news would come to Berbice from Georgetown (not many phones in those days) that Moses was beaten again or harassed by the PNC mafia, Moses’ mother, the kind-hearted Auntie Chunoo from Whim would cry and say, β€œMe no know wha Moses ah kill he self behind Jagan.”  But that was Moses. He was willing to risk his life and family interests for the working people.


Moses is not and never was an opportunist.  When Chandisingh, Teekah, Harilall and others crossed the floor, Moses stayed with Jagan and the suffering masses.  He and others β€œstood in the Gap” for the nation until democracy was restored in 1992.


I remember in the 1973 elections, it was Moses on election night battling it out with the PNC people exposing the rigging of the elections by the Army.


When the PPP (Jaganite) begin to lose its way with the death of the Jagans, and started to depart from the ideals of Jagan, it was Moses (and Ramjattan) who blew the whistle, and eventually left the PPP (Jagdeoite), when it was no longer possible to change the now bourgeois, parasitic PPP.


Moses is a decent person, with a long record of defending the people.  The PPP are terrified of him because, Moses has credibility and knows how to handle the Jagdeoite crowd.  With Moses as part of the AFC team of Bro. Khemraj, Nigel and Trotman and others, they have brought the now corrupt PPP to its knees.


Seeram is a smart man and should know better than trying to vilify Bro. Moses, one of Berbice’s pride and joy.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.


Them bais attempting to go fuh de PPP jugular with a butter knife from across the room

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Carib beer been begging Granger and Nagamootoo tuh guh taak tuh dem canecutters and rice farmas. Looks like de PPP duz listen tuh Carib beer.

Carib beer would want to know why they did not choose places like Linden, Buxton or Agricola? I wonder how much they are paying these days for Rent A Crowd per head?


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