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@Django posted:

@Wildflower that's very tall ,with high heels you are above most women and men in a gathering. We used to say to the short ones "we can eat on top your head"

Hey djangoโ€ฆlong time now see around here!
I was the second tallest girl in high school ( Jane, u remember the tallest was  JJ from Leonora?)

I always had to look for low heelsโ€ฆno more than 2 inches so I could be shorter than hubby.

nowadays itโ€™s all flats and also I prob shrank with ole age๐Ÿ˜†

@Wildflower posted:

Hey djangoโ€ฆlong time now see around here!
I was the second tallest girl in high school ( Jane, u remember the tallest was  JJ from Leonora?)

I always had to look for low heelsโ€ฆno more than 2 inches so I could be shorter than hubby.

nowadays itโ€™s all flats and also I prob shrank with ole age๐Ÿ˜†

Really?? i didn't know JJ was taller though .. she was my classmate in 5C .. skinny then !! Looking fab now .. we r still in touch., still very sweet!


Anybody rem the slate?

I used it  in  lil n big ABC.

once   pulled out 1 side  the frame n hit a bully with the edge of the slate..hahaha

teacha complained to my parents..but hear  story nah!!

iS me  daddy bin tell me to do that..( not really, he told me a story..hehehe)

this guy used to push n shove  me in the line ...always  bullying me sometimes he pushed me so hard whn we  lining up, i would fall down..

rem how we had to line up whn sch bell ring? Well dis lilpickeny used to stand in line  to get fuss in line so that i would get to earse the blackboard..whn u first in line teacher gave u favor!!

so dis  guy used to run n play n then try to butt in d line..

so i complained to my  daddy n he told me a story abt someone being bullied n how he hit with slate n the bullying stopped

he had  no idea i would have done that..

whn teacher carried dad was shocked..but-he didnt scold me..all he said..u didn't have to hit him so hard!!

So d bottom line is me  daddy mek me do dat!! Me innocent!


@cain posted:

There was another type of "slate" I remember using, it was a dark material and almost like hard cardboard.

Re: the regular slate. i broke my lil lil pencil one afternoon and instead of mentioning it, I borrowed a bobby pin and wrote with that. Well, that was the end of my slate, I couldn't erase.

Cainstah the smartie dude๐Ÿ˜† canโ€™t say u are the only one who did thatโ€ฆI believe I know someone who use a nail๐Ÿ˜ณ


Back to lil abc n big abc

i used to do homework for couple neighbor n friends ( dem bun dunce ) n den used to brung stinking toe , plum n sand mangoes for  me. 1 girl used to bring seaside grapes as I helped her with sch work.

talking bout that.. prep B had 2 teachers  . 1 of them used to take the best fruits from us .. every Fri was play time in the afternoon session so we all took whatever fruits we had in our yards that lady didnt like to see a bag., she took it away n put on her table n then she searched for the best n took them!!  

@Lynn posted:

talking bout that.. prep B had 2 teachers  . 1 of them used to take the best fruits from us .. every Fri was play time in the afternoon session so we all took whatever fruits we had in our yards that lady didnt like to see a bag., she took it away n put on her table n then she searched for the best n took them!!  

This is when I woulda put some a dat tambrin syrup laced with nuff nuff epsom salts, in no time you would see her rise lil bit off the seat as she "fluffed dandies" If she wasn't lucky dem dandies would touch cloth.

@Lynn posted:

Oh Chams u used to play choor?
sime girls get โ€˜out outโ€™ n used to deny! Well dis lil gal had a solution .. me used to slap them so hard they couldn't deny !! Soon everybody  friken me whn i keeping the  dar

Girlie I donโ€™t recall actually joking in choor gameโ€ฆI do remember watching some kids play it though

i was playing bat n ball, marbles with my 4 boy cousins but mostly I played teacha with brick pillar postโ€ฆ.๐Ÿคฃ

@Wildflower posted:

Girlie I donโ€™t recall actually joking in choor gameโ€ฆI do remember watching some kids play it though

i was playing bat n ball, marbles with my 4 boy cousins but mostly I played teacha with brick pillar postโ€ฆ.๐Ÿคฃ

I was on the boys cricket team fielder  / catcher as i was lightening fast on the field..used to run n dive for the ball.  I did same for rounders..used to jump high n catch the stuck to my long fingers long as a ball touched my never fell out.

I never played marbles, but hop-scotch! N something  named TAGA because i had good aim /'straightโ€  hand as they called it

At home I played cricket with m bros n their friends in our backyard as they had made a pitch there..all 4 ofmy bros played cricket, ! Owned n camptain a team. i had a straight pelt th ball straight to wicket so i helped to run out plenty guys..we played with cork ball at home..also i was a good runner so i matched the guys running in between the wickets so that  they made runs rather than hinder them.

I remember playing bun-house.  Some girls used to โ€˜lash u hand so hardโ€™ but for-me it was a give away..i knew who used to do

Going back to CHOOR..or SALT..the grass was weeded to  make permanent DARRS (lines) in the school yard. I always โ€˜keptโ€™ the line near to salt as i was swift so no matter wht..i caught them running our of โ€˜saltโ€™ !Ar home we played choor on moonlight nights with neighbours..we had sand yard so we used to wet it to form the DARRS


Janey, you lucky girlโ€ฆlots of fun time with all your siblings and neighbours. When I was young I lived in a village (GP) where most of the people were my relatives ( since my great grand nana owned the village before the govt bought it, he had lots for all his sons) I had lots fun there. Then when I was nine we moved far awayโ€ฆyep the next Village over and I really didnโ€™t have friends there easily

@Wildflower posted:

Janey, you lucky girlโ€ฆlots of fun time with all your siblings and neighbours. When I was young I lived in a village (GP) where most of the people were my relatives ( since my great grand nana owned the village before the govt bought it, he had lots for all his sons) I had lots fun there. Then when I was nine we moved far awayโ€ฆyep the next Village over and I really didnโ€™t have friends there easily

Im the baby.. 7 siblings!
4 bros n 3 sisters

@Amral posted:

Oh yeah I wrote my fair share of letters and cards. But I will not say more here.

Well, of course u cant spill d beansโ€ฆbut u can share a hw u  went abt doing it..n ifu rem wht u wrote..also how d girls reacted?

i mentioned before that i was scared to gyaff with boys in case newsโ€™ went back to my bro..

also , I was a lil โ€˜ugly ducklingโ€™ beside 2 of my gorgeous dem bais never  โ€˜troubleโ€™ me was like i was invisible ( well apart from my athletic ability.

But i did get love letters from 1 guy..long long letters..hahah

will share later without revealing identity or too much details.  I will say how it i handled it etc..


True true story .. how life throws unexpected curves at times !
Glad U reconnected though !

Whn I was at UG a junior guy used to gyaff with me n ask abt the courses I had completed, borrowed notes etc . I had no idea he was interested ( naive 18 yr old) as he just talked abt studies n folks that i knew from his high sch n became good friends. My sis was very ill in hospital n i used to b so sad after visiting her n he used to listen to me as I needed to talk to someone.

but after being good friends for a yr , i found out that he had told everyone that he was in love with me n people assumed we were a pair as they saw us chatting ! i was mad like hell  (young gal) that he gave people  that impression n i stopped talking to him . After a while he started to chat up a sch kid n they eventually got married.

Few yrs later We became friends (platonic) again n to this day we r good friends! Very decent guy, family man !
He came with his wife n 2 kids to visit us here as he knew my hubby before i got married .
i liked him as a friend.. nothing more !


Oh.. the love letter I got!!

No boys ever paid attention to me.. haha.  My 2 classmates (gf) were gorgeous n they had all the admirers. But then this guy in my 5th form asked me to borrow my Bio notes (I had 2 textbooks so i combined wht was taught in class n my texts so I had a lot more info) . Remember  we used to paper our exercise books  with brown paper? So this guy returned  my notes  ( it was 2 exercise books in 1 ..) n hid a letter inside the cover but i didnt realize until I was using my notes later n felt the โ€˜bumpโ€™ in the cover!

So I was staying at a friendโ€™s sisterโ€™s during the last 6 months of high sch n my gf used to come by after  dinner to study with me. I showed her the letter as i was scared to open it! She read it n approached the guy(they were friends) n scolded , saying  that i was quiet n had no interest in boyfriends etc n that i was focused only on studies!!

Well, she told me the guy was serious n madly in love n he assured her that he respected me n wont fool around etc. So she felt sorry for him as he said he was having problem studying So my gf replied to the letter n said that im only interested in books n signed my name n put it in the bio notebook n gave it to this guy. He replied that  he was willing to wait but if we can just b friends . Then  he wrote a letter everyday n gave to my gf ..nothing romantic, just everyday  stuff like wht he did after sch n if he dreamt of me .. but he signed โ€˜Love youโ€™ . My gf kept replying in similar manner n after a while, i took over. I used to go in the toilet (latrine) to read though because The letters  were so long (we never gyaffed  in school but he used to helpme with Mechanics(Physics) n my gf sat in the middle of the bench
Well 1 day during mock exams  , i went back to sch early after lunch break n saw him cozy with 2 girls who were not speaking to me ( 1 was his ex ) . I sat alone ,  waiting for him to join me before exam began n he didnt. I stopped talking to him n focused on exams . During  the summer  holidays we all had to get a vaccine at the  cottage  hosp in yr (amral) area n he tried to talk with me but i walked away.

2 yrs later I โ€˜ran into him โ€˜ at UG n i just said Hi. 1 yr after i grad n was wrking at PHG he was getting a medical for a scholarship in UK  He saw me in the compound n proposed to me but he needed an answer in 1 dayโ€™s time as he was leaving  country a few days later.  He said he was going to wait outside the hosp at 4 pm the following  day n  guess wht? I left the compound before 4 pm..

He never forgave me !
Years later On  an Old yrs night at Pegasus .. he was there with a girl kept staring at me n my hubby! Hubby noticed n told me that there is a guy who was looking at me all night !

PS.. those letters were long .. he used the LONG writing paper n wrote on both sides 6-8 pages .. his handwriting was so neat !
once he said he called out my name in his dream n his mom heard n asked โ€œwho is J.. ?

well, life is short! We were kids! I would love to say thanks for helping me with Physics esp since I got a B(Oโ€™Levels) even though I didn't own  the textbook.  He was doing Add Maths so he had a good understanding of โ€œMechanicsโ€ in Physics

ps i got another love letter from another classmate but it was after I left HS.. oh boy! I rrad 1 st paragraph n it was corny like a Mills n Boon book n i tore it n threw in garbage. I hated this guy.. because he harassed n disrespected me !!

@Amral posted:

Mills n boon

I read a few of those. My mother was an avid reader of them. I was hungry for books to read and read everything I find at home during summer break

Never liked Mills n Boon lol But i read a few Harlequin Romance novels.
In high sch I started with Enid Blyton (Famous Five), Secret 7, Agatha Christi, Nancy Drew, Hardly boys , Perry Mason , Alistair McLean

At UG i read a lot of Danielle Steele , Robert Ludlum etc

My gf/batchmate/co-worker loved Lobsang Rampa so I read those .  


Well look at lawlessness wha a go on hay! OMG! I cyant believe eyes

me neva neva nevahhhhh had no bie write no letter to meโ€ฆ.evaaaaaaah๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜„

well, actually ummmmm u seee there was this bie at my HS,  wait, there was this other bie (QC bie) ummmmmm wait, there was โ€ฆ..nah neva mind  

me too tired to tell this story now, plus my memory is prob diff from reality

maybe tomorrow I tell you all about the guy who used to write love notes to me when I was delivering love notes to him from a โ€˜frenโ€™ and maybe I wonโ€™t tell yโ€™all that over 45yrs later that โ€˜frenโ€™ say she hasnโ€™t forgiven me for stealing her first loveโ€ฆ.oh well I wonโ€™t tell you allโ€ฆthat was my first love, or maybe not!

Tomorrow I will share the juicy parts

I am an early to bed and early to rise womanโ€ฆ


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