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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

7 pages, and the Rev can't show how the PPP will get the additional 5045 votes.


Perhaps he knows of a way the PPP will rig the election; they have the best riggers from the PNC.


Far from the truth. The PPP will never rig an election. Either they win or lose. It's not whether you win or lose; it's how you play the game.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

7 pages, and the Rev can't show how the PPP will get the additional 5045 votes.


Perhaps he knows of a way the PPP will rig the election; they have the best riggers from the PNC.


Far from the truth. The PPP will never rig an election. Either they win or lose. It's not whether you win or lose; it's how you play the game.

The PPP elites snubbed the poor grass roots supporters at their congress. They are aware of the high probability of them staying away from the polls and this could be a disaster for the PPP.  The PPP is no longer Jagan's PPP. It has been highjacked. Read what Nadira wrote.

Happy Deepawali.




Avarice, Greed and Fraud


February 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News 


As Dr Cheddi Jagan eased into office by 1993,

he declared that the new PPP regime

was going to be different;

none of that high-handed, top-down,

opaque governance that characterised his predecessor.

No sir.

It was the people’s money that was being spent

and he and his government would make sure

that the people knew exactly

how it was being spent;

every time; every place.


Citizens Committees would be formed

in the towns, in the villages and in every hamlet.

They would not only suggest

needed projects for their areas

but would actually monitor those projects

to make sure that there was no hanky-panky.

What a noble vision.

Dr Jagan must be disappointed.

Not only has his vision

been abandoned by those who have succeeded him

in his party and government,

but the sentiments are being trashed and

trampled so callously that one can only conclude

that some powerful force is at work to deny

the monitoring of government projects.

It all began when this newspaper,

fulfilling its role of providing information to the people,

exposed the chasm between money (“the people’s money&rdquo

spent on Government projects and value received.

What was revealed was that billions of dollars

(yes, we mean billions) were routinely not accounted for.


Roads were built for top dollars

only to see them dotted with craters a few months later.


Veritable shacks were “built” at a cost of millions of dollars;


drugs procured for billions of dollars with no audit trail;


and so on and so forth.


So we decided to dig deeper:

we wanted to look at the

specifications on the bids for projects

so that we could match them

to the people’s money being poured

as if into black holes.

And we received an amazing answer;

firstly from the highest official in the land,

President Bharrat Jagdeo.


This top servant of the people declared

that if we wanted to look at the specifications

we had to purchase the bid documents!

We let the matter slide.

The President, after all, was under pressure.


His One Laptop Per Family project

was being ripped to shreds

as a result of contradictions stemming

from the very lack of transparency we were questioning.

He was speaking under stress.

But on Thursday,

the Secretary of the Cabinet, Dr. Roger Luncheon,

while briefing the media,

in his usual deliberate and measured tones,

repeated the position.


This meant that this was now the government’s policy.

And this makes us angry,

very angry, on behalf of the people of Guyana.

The rationale offered –

that it would cost money

to print the documents for the media — is disingenuous.


In fact it is a slap in the face of the people.

As one MP pointed out,

the specifications could have been posted

on the government’s procurement website at no cost.

The policy and its rationale

are also a slap in the face of Dr Jagan

and the whole concept

of responsible government of and by the people.


How are citizens going to monitor

their money being spent on projects?

We said earlier that a powerful force

has to be driving this process.


Within the context of the revelations already uncovered,

we can only conclude that

this force is greed, avarice and fraud.

We announce here and now:

we will not be deterred

by these betrayers of democratic governance.


The people’s need to know will be satisfied.

There’s no turning back.

This is our birthright.





Originally Posted by Mitwah:

7 pages, and the Rev can't show how the PPP will get the additional 5045 votes.



* Assume the turnout stays at 342,126


Below is the pickups in the various regions in Guyana.




Region 1: +140 votes

Region 2: +345 votes

Region 3: +730 votes

Region 4: +990 votes

Region 5: +625 votes

Region 6: +1065 votes

Region 7: +470 votes

Region 8: +350 votes

Region 9: +330 votes

Region 10: + 0 votes


TOTAL     : +5045 votes



There you have it folks---the magical 5045.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

7 pages, and the Rev can't show how the PPP will get the additional 5045 votes.



* Assume the turnout stays at 342,126


Below is the pickups in the various regions in Guyana.




Region 1: +140 votes

Region 2: +345 votes

Region 3: +730 votes

Region 4: +990 votes

Region 5: +625 votes

Region 6: +1095 votes

Region 7: +470 votes

Region 8: +350 votes

Region 9: +330 votes

Region 10: + 0 votes


TOTAL     : +5045 votes



There you have it folks---the magical 5045.





you are correct it is magical. It originated in magical thinking!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

REV do you know the true meaning of diwali please donot try to be a hindu 

There is an inherent goodness in all human beings and the Rev respects all religions and cultures.



rev for you to show respect you have to be honest to yourself and to follow that path at all times like what is shown in the Bhajwath Gita  that lord krishna say to ARJUNA



ATTN GNI POSTERS:--read the excellent analysis below by Ronald Sugrim--it was a response to jalil in another thread



ANALYSIS By Ronald Sugrim


Sir, this is one of the better posts that you have made. It goes straight to the point and it does not have any references to vulgarity. I commend you and will try to respond when you ask what the PPP has turned out to be today.  


1. As I see it you, ASJ, and some of the others are not anti-PPP. I am guessing that you have an admiration for what the PPP used to be but you are unhappy with the way and manner in which things are done. In other words, is the PPP still the Party of Cheddi Jagan or has it been hijacked by some and taken in another direction?


2. The answer to this question has to do with whom you speak to in Guyana. The people higher up in the PPP ie the President and his cabinet and Mr. Jagdeo will say that the PPP is Jagan's Party and that it has not deviated one bit from dream of the founder Cheddi.


3. In reality this is not the case. One of the things that Cheddi did was to fashion the PPP into an electoral machine, capable of winning elections. The PPP under Jagan did not lose any elections. The fact that we have a split Parliament means that the PPP lost control of the ball. They let things slip. How did they do that?


4. The PPP took their supporters for granted and thought that they would turn up to the polls anyway. But this is only part of the problem. The other part is style of leadership. Some people feel that Mr. Jagdeo did not actively court the supporters and in many cases he alienated them. This is not something that Jagan would have done.


5. Jagdeo has a lot of responsibility for the PPP being in this situation. He cannot walk away and say that voter apathy resulted in the split parliament. As President you hand over to your successor a party in good shape. This did not happen here.


6. Jagdeo also had a lot to do with Moses leaving the Party. This should not have happened. Moses was a lifelong supporter of the PPP and when he left the PPP felt that 'good riddance' was the best response. The people would come out anyway and vote PPP. This did not happen as we know. Moses has hurt the PPP and Ralph can do the same. You do not treat your stalwarts with this kind of disrespect.


7. Unfortunately, President Ramotar has not so far proven to be his own man. He is too tied to the Jagdeo era. He has to answer questions about corruption,and do something about it after admitting publicly that there is corruption. Why for example, is a man from New Jersey running Guysuco and paid a fantastic salary when perhaps the brightest canecutter can do a better job?


8. The PPP said when it failed to get a majority that it did not do enough grassroot work. It should have done so starting the day after the last election but if you speak to the people in the estates and in other places they feel forgotten and neglected.


9. The present situation is that the PPP is boxed in a corner and unable to flex its muscles. It's like what Cheddi said after the 1961 elections, he was office but not in power. The irony is that if the PPP wants to remodel itself then there is a lot it can learn from APNU. Who would have thought that?  I will deal with this another time.


10.In summary the PPP is in poor shape if an election were to be called today. It will struggle to get a majority. The spirit and also the energy that Jagan put into the struggle have waned. There are those in the PPP that know what needs to be done. But who will bell the cats?      


The above is one of the best posts and analysis the Rev has read on this forum. Give praise to Ronald Sugrim.




Originally Posted by Jalil:


Avarice, Greed and Fraud


February 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News 


As Dr Cheddi Jagan eased into office by 1993,

he declared that the new PPP regime

was going to be different;

none of that high-handed, top-down,

opaque governance that characterised his predecessor.

No sir.

It was the people’s money that was being spent

and he and his government would make sure

that the people knew exactly

how it was being spent;

every time; every place.


Citizens Committees would be formed

in the towns, in the villages and in every hamlet.

They would not only suggest

needed projects for their areas

but would actually monitor those projects

to make sure that there was no hanky-panky.

What a noble vision.

Dr Jagan must be disappointed.

Not only has his vision

been abandoned by those who have succeeded him

in his party and government,

but the sentiments are being trashed and

trampled so callously that one can only conclude

that some powerful force is at work to deny

the monitoring of government projects.

It all began when this newspaper,

fulfilling its role of providing information to the people,

exposed the chasm between money (“the people’s money&rdquo

spent on Government projects and value received.

What was revealed was that billions of dollars

(yes, we mean billions) were routinely not accounted for.


Roads were built for top dollars

only to see them dotted with craters a few months later.


Veritable shacks were “built” at a cost of millions of dollars;


drugs procured for billions of dollars with no audit trail;


and so on and so forth.


So we decided to dig deeper:

we wanted to look at the

specifications on the bids for projects

so that we could match them

to the people’s money being poured

as if into black holes.

And we received an amazing answer;

firstly from the highest official in the land,

President Bharrat Jagdeo.


This top servant of the people declared

that if we wanted to look at the specifications

we had to purchase the bid documents!

We let the matter slide.

The President, after all, was under pressure.


His One Laptop Per Family project

was being ripped to shreds

as a result of contradictions stemming

from the very lack of transparency we were questioning.

He was speaking under stress.

But on Thursday,

the Secretary of the Cabinet, Dr. Roger Luncheon,

while briefing the media,

in his usual deliberate and measured tones,

repeated the position.


This meant that this was now the government’s policy.

And this makes us angry,

very angry, on behalf of the people of Guyana.

The rationale offered –

that it would cost money

to print the documents for the media — is disingenuous.


In fact it is a slap in the face of the people.

As one MP pointed out,

the specifications could have been posted

on the government’s procurement website at no cost.

The policy and its rationale

are also a slap in the face of Dr Jagan

and the whole concept

of responsible government of and by the people.


How are citizens going to monitor

their money being spent on projects?

We said earlier that a powerful force

has to be driving this process.


Within the context of the revelations already uncovered,

we can only conclude that

this force is greed, avarice and fraud.

We announce here and now:

we will not be deterred

by these betrayers of democratic governance.


The people’s need to know will be satisfied.

There’s no turning back.

This is our birthright.


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you are correct it is magical. It originated in magical thinking!



It's magical thinking and the MAGIC OF THINKING BIG that rules the world my bwoy.




Danyael: Were that the case all of us would be riding unicorns!


You are 100% correct Danyeal!


I forgot to add---it's the DOERS---the people who create plans and put their ideas and thinking into ACTION----they are the ones who are remarkably successful----the TALKERS---they remain talkers.


So there is a magic in thinking big--but you also have to be a DOER---not a TALKER.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you are correct it is magical. It originated in magical thinking!



It's magical thinking and the MAGIC OF THINKING BIG that rules the world my bwoy.




Danyael: Were that the case all of us would be riding unicorns!


You are 100% correct Danyeal!


I forgot to add---it's the DOERS---the people who create plans and put their ideas and thinking into ACTION----they are the ones who are remarkably successful----the TALKERS---they remain talkers.


So there is a magic in thinking big--but you also have to be a DOER---not a TALKER.



We are busy talking about Avarice, Greed and Fraud whilst the PPP/Cabal are busy doing it all.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

We are busy talking about Avarice, Greed and Fraud whilst the PPP/Cabal are busy doing it all.

Didn't you and yuji fight with all your might to see the PPP rule Guyana again ? Well, live with the consequences of your actionshahahaha





That was Jagan PPP then. Hope self righteous Yugi22 ketch some sense.


Rev, not mitwanita, your rush to proclaim that Sugrim's post is excellent is flawed. Jagdeo never lost supporters, it was Ramotar who lost the seats in parliament. Cheddi was a loser, the economy tanked during his tenure and the pnc pushed him around. Jagdeo came in and together with private citizens he tamed the pnc bandits. Note that the Indians that fled to the AFC did so when Ramoutar ran for president, not Jagdeo. Also Mitwanita and friends were deadly afraid of Jagdeo running for a 3rd term. Or don't you remember those speculations?

Look it up yourself:



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Rev, your rush to proclaim that Sugrim's post is excellent is flawed. Jagdeo never lost supporters, it was Ramotar who lost the seats in parliament.



* You make a valid point---it was, after all, Ramotar not Jagdeo who contested the 2011 election.


* But you can't deny the fact that the arrogance and complacency of the Jagdeo administration hurt the PPP in 2011.


* Also with Jagdeo handpicking Ramotar, supporters of Nagamootoo and Ramkarran were not enthused about voting for the PPP---many turned to the AFC.


But the good news for the PPP is Ramotar is not longer an unknown----and with the fracture in the AFC---Ramotar stands a good chance of winning by a majority in 2016.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

7 pages, and the Rev can't show how the PPP will get the additional 5045 votes.



* Assume the turnout stays at 342,126


Below is the pickups in the various regions in Guyana.




Region 1: +140 votes

Region 2: +345 votes

Region 3: +730 votes

Region 4: +990 votes

Region 5: +625 votes

Region 6: +1065 votes

Region 7: +470 votes

Region 8: +350 votes

Region 9: +330 votes

Region 10: + 0 votes


TOTAL     : +5045 votes



There you have it folks---the magical 5045.





Once again playiong with digits.   Unless you are showing us how the PPP plans to rig the election I really do not see why all of this is relevant.


What you need to tell us is why will grass roots PPP supporters vote PPP when the PPP looks even more corrupt and Ramotar as the charisma of a toad.  Jagdeo is too busy running around the globe making  money to bother with him.  And in any case Jagdeo has been revealed to combine the worst attributes of the mafia with that of Burnham.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Once again playing with digits.  

Numbers are joyful my bwoy!


By the way, have you ever read this book ?





Plans are already in place to acquire the 5045---legitimately.



Numbers are adjectives. They stand for a quantitative state.  Ten dead babies  don't bring joy. 10 alive babies do but it has nothing to do with the quantity but the quality of the what is described.


Numbers in the hands of an idiot like you can only be conducive to confusion. Fortunately, that confusion is limited to you since we know what the numbers actually portends, a sickly PPP after the next polls.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Numbers are adjectives.



You are an ordinary man and your thinking is that of an ordinary man---ordinary men will proclaim that "numbers are adjectives."









I do not disagree you are an extraordinary  man...extraordinarily dull. You sang the same pitchy phrases about your excellence with numbers contrary to everyone telling you different and what happened..the extraordinary man ...extraordinarily dull man was made clear. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I do not disagree you are an extraordinary  man...

The Rev is an ordinary man with extraordinary amounts of will power.




PS. I noticed you started a thread in social taking a cheap shot at the Rev. You are forgiven.

I do not give a damn what you think of yourself. I care at what you present in terms of your reasoning and that is found severely wanting.


On social that was not a cheap shot. That was an observation. I was wondering at the elastic limit of those folks tolerance for you pretentious bilge. Who the hell want to hear what kinds of watches you wear, handbags you buy your wife or the vast collection of sex toys you possesses.  You are  a silly little man.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I do not disagree you are an extraordinary  man...

The Rev is an ordinary man with extraordinary amounts of will power.




PS. I noticed you started a thread in social taking a cheap shot at the Rev. You are forgiven.

I do not give a damn what you think of yourself. I care at what you present in terms of your reasoning and that is found severely wanting.


On social that was not a cheap shot. That was an observation. I was wondering at the elastic limit of those folks tolerance for you pretentious bilge. Who the hell want to hear what kinds of watches you wear, handbags you buy your wife or the vast collection of sex toys you possesses.  You are  a silly little man.






The Rev is the straw that stirs the drinks my boy! Whenever the Rev starts a thread or shows up on a thread---that thread immediately becomes more interesting, more thought provoking, more engaging, and more riveting.hahahaha




PS. You referred to the Rev as " a silly little man"-----I guess that description makes you feel good about yourself---OK! Cool!----but the Rev exposed you as a LIAR Danyael---you lied about the math courses you took at that glorified high school you attended---Howard University.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:





The Rev is the straw that stirs the drinks my boy! Whenever the Rev starts a thread or shows up on a thread---that thread immediately becomes more interesting, more thought provoking, more engaging, and more riveting.hahahaha




PS. You referred to the Rev as " a silly little man"-----I guess that description makes you feel good about yourself---OK! Cool!----but the Rev exposed you as a LIAR Danyael---you lied about the math courses you took at that glorified high school you attended---Howard University.



 As I said, you imagine you "expose" lots of things. You are "See"charan and can look beyond where mere mortals ken.  I am glad you think howard is a glorified high school. I attended two other schools also and one a top in the ten but none give me more understanding of who I am in this world than the few years I was at HU.  I also know of many with substantial contribution to changing our world who came from that place so I am quite happy with the belief it is not called the mecca for third world students for nothing.Insulting the institution won't make you bright. It is just a trolling for a toehold to insult rather than argue a point. It does you no better to communicate a point than your ceaseless compulsion to post silly cartoons as message aids.


You are the dunce trying to pass off historical data solely as the agency of your 99% certainty of a PPP victory. There is little insight as to what is happening to the current system. Were elections outcome predicated on number of wins alone as the guiding tools to prepare for the next, we would not have so many polling houses, or researchers and message-makers in every demographics trying grasp/shape outcome. But then again, you are the "genius" and the rest of the world pedestrian thinkers. You rest your opinion solely on the predicate that Indians are PPP sheep.

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Danyael:

* You are "See"charan ...


* You are a silly little man


* You are the dunce



Here is some wisdom for you:


Judging another person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.


"See"charan, silly little man, dunce--looks like you are defining yourself Danny boy.hahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Danyael:

* You are "See"charan ...


* You are a silly little man


* You are the dunce



Here is some wisdom for you:


Judging another person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.


"See"charan, silly little man, dunce--looks like you are defining yourself Danny boy.hahahaha



 It is nice to see you are reduced to a Demerara Guy II. Laugh as much as you please it makes no difference to the fact that is becoming the general conclusion, you are a pretentious prick with delusions of self importance. But that is not what counts. What you write and pass off as substance does. Now go play with your collection of  dildos!


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