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The PPP’s salaries to its top employees is shameless enrichment on the backs of Guyanese

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,


Trinidad and Tobago is an oil-rich Caribbean country. Its GDP per capita is US $17,158. Guyana is a downtrodden poor country with a GDP per capita of US $2869, almost six times less than Trinidad. Over a hundred thousand Guyanese have fled from Guyana to Trinidad for a better life. There are many starving themselves in Guyana by rationing what they can eat to make ends meet every day in this country. These people are the forgotten working class poor, discarded by the PPP. So, what is Trinidad with its GDP per capita six times Guyana paying its top civil servants compared to destitute Guyana? The 89th Report of the Salary Review Commission of Trinidad & Tobago noted that the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister and Head of the Public Service, a position similar to that held by Roger Luncheon as Head of OP, was paid TT $29,300 or $922,007 Guyana dollars per month. Roger Luncheon who is head of OP in a failed state created by the PPP gets paid $895,326 Guyana dollars. The Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, a country with a GDP per capita six times that of Guyana and a nation that is a developed nation compared to the filth and wreckage of the PPP’s Guyana is paid just $26,681 more than Roger Luncheon, the very man who reportedly said under oath there were no qualified Africans in Guyana to hold key ambassadorial postings. Well, what qualifies Roger Luncheon to obtain a salary on par with his counterpart in wealthy Trinidad and Tobago? Presidential Advisor, Gail Teixeira, reportedly earns $967,985, which is shockingly more than the Head of the Presidential Secretariat and more than the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago earns.


Hydar Ally as Deputy Head of the Office of the President collects $550,064, which is more than the Clerk of the Trinidad and Tobago Senate and Deputy Secretary to the T&T Cabinet. Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who serves in the OP as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440, which is more than the monthly salaries of the Head of T&T’s Elections and Boundaries Commission and all of all the Chairmen of the various Service Commissions in Trinidad. When Kwame McKoy, that incredible danger to decency and mocker of competency, can earn more than a Junior Legal Officer, State Counsel, Parliamentary Counsel and State Solicitor in an advanced country like Trinidad & Tobago, it confirms the medieval degeneracy Guyana practices. The same applies to the Attorney-at-Law from OP with less than two years since graduation commanding a salary of $489,666 per month.


We have a situation of barefaced entitlement where those holding onto power see nothing wrong in fleecing this country by paying themselves handsomely while pensioners earn a measly $10,000 per month. If these figures do not represent a brazenly debauched act of enrichment from the public purse of an economically crippled country, what does? Has the opposition verified these salaries? Have they asked for proof that these salaries are as stated by the PPP? Because I don’t trust the PPP and who knows whether they have reduced these numbers to minimize the outrageousness of their enrichment. Furthermore, are these salaries before any gratuities, vacation pay and other perks? With Ashni Singh admitting that over 180 OP staff now out of work because of the budget cuts, who cares when this kind of money is being paid to people to be grossly incompetent? We are now witness to political patronage gone wild. The PPP has created a welfare system to benefit freeloading party members, friends and cronies. Did the PPP impose a crippling 16% VAT on poor people in this country to transfer this astounding kind of wealth to a few party elites? This is a downright travesty that the people of Guyana must condemn. They did not hand their taxes over for this kind of fattening while they suffer.

M. Maxwell


AG report uncovers….Ramroop’s New GPC gifted more than US$15M in drug contracts

November 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



…overstocking leads to more than US$1.4M in waste – AG  

The Auditor General flagged the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), owned by Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, for questionable transactions last year as it relates to drug purchases.

New GPC owner, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

New GPC owner, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies. Ramroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010. This means that in 2010 Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires. The government through between the Ministry of Health and GPHC spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year. The Auditor General in his report did have cause to question several of the transactions given that they were undertaken without valid Bank Guarantees. GPHC last year spent $1.6B in drugs of which $1.1B was handed to Ramroop’s New GPC. The Ministry of Health last year spent $2.7B procuring drugs of which $1.8B was given to Ramroop’s New GPC. According to the Auditor General, of the $1.1B handed to Ramroop from the Hospital for drugs, the Ministry of Health was noted to have paid $117M to New GPC on behalf of GPHC. The report said, “It could not be determined whether the supplier had satisfied the requirements for bank guarantees with respect to the contracts, since these were not provided for examination.” GPHC in responding to the Auditor General’s request confirmed that “there were no bank guarantees since payments made to the New GPC Inc. were on a monthly basis and not a one-time payment to reflect the contracted value.” Deliveries from these contracts were also made periodically during the year. According to the Auditor General, at the time of writing the audit report earlier this year, New GPC Inc. was still to deliver more than $8M in medical supplies to the hospital. The Auditor General also found that GPHC entered into a supplementary contract with the New GPC Inc for medical supplies valued at $114.5M and this was paid for by the Ministry of Health. At the time of reporting, earlier this year, “New GPC Inc. was still to deliver medical supplies valued at $58.6M,” on that supplementary contract. This would mean that New GPC was still to supply a total of $66.6M in drugs to the Hospital at the time the report was completed earlier this year. The Auditor General additionally found when a physical verification exercise was conducted at the GPHC off site location and the Pharmacy Bond, that there were 265 instances of expired drugs as at June 2013, totalling $65M. Meanwhile over at the Ministry of Health, the Auditor General uncovered an even direr situation. According to the Auditor General, the transactions with New GPC Inc. and the Ministry of Health included fifteen contracts valued at $1.6B. The contracts were supported by five bank guarantees and while they were required to be valid for one year, each of those supplied by Ramroop’s New GPC, had a validity of only three months and a set expiry pattern in months ending August 2012, January 2013 and April 2013. “There were no guarantees in force at the time of the examination, but the contractor was still to deliver goods valued at $164.6M” Even more worrying was the fact that the Ministry was also still to receive drugs that it paid for as far back as 2008. “At the time of reporting, outstanding deliveries for the year 2011 totalled $59.8M…The position remained the same for 2008, in that the Ministry is still to provide evidence to support deliveries valued at $79.3M,” the Auditor General said. The Auditor General also found that “large quantities of pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies were kept in stock at a number of bonds and warehouses…In consideration of the fact that there were 327 items of expired stock with an approximated value of $208.090M, overstocking must have been a contributory factor.” This would mean that between GPHC and the Ministry of Health, more than $273M in drugs had to be discarded last year.


[] - Chairman of the Governance and Security Committee of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Captain Gerald Gouveia is now questioning the Combined Opposition’s friendliness to the Private Sector after A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in conjunction with the Alliance for Change (AFC) voted against a petition by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) in the National Assembly on Thursday, November 7.

The PSC had decided to petition the National Assembly to pass the Amendments to the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill as they are fearful of the repercussions facing Guyana if the amendments are not made into law.

Gouveia who is currently abroad said he was made aware of the news this morning and expressed grave disappointment that both the petition and the AML/CFT bill was voted down by a majority opposition vote.

He told iNews, “I really don’t know what the opposition’s strategy and objective is, we have talked at length of the damages not passing the bill will have on the economy, businesses and jobs” he said, adding that “they are not meeting with the private sector, I’m simply shocked, this sounds very anti – Private Sector and scornful.”

Gouveia said the Private sector Commission submitted the petition in good faith and it is simply disappointing the stance the opposition took.






Here you go Gerry, read what's happening in your govt. Still feeling shocked as to why the bill won't be passed by the opposition?

Last edited by cain

Suriname police rescue teenage

Guyanese girls from sex trade

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Suriname police rescue teenage Guyanese girls from sex trade

PARAMARIBO, Suriname, CMC – The police have rescued three teenage Guyanese girls who were kept as sex slaves in a brothel in a gold mining township in the Suriname's interior.

The police report that during a raid of the brothel, three individuals including a Guyanese woman, allegedly the owner of the brothel, her husband and a bodyguard were arrested.

The girls reportedly told detectives that they were brought to Suriname under the pretence that they would be working in a shop. But instead they were forced into prostitution in a brothel in Cabanafo in the Lawa region, a gold field close to the border with French Guiana.

“The girls were forced into prostitution. If they refused they were beaten and all the money they received from customers were seized by the brothel owner”, said police spokesman Humphrey Naarden.

The victims allegedly crossed the Suriname-Guyana border illegally.

Meanwhile the authorities are still looking for two other Guyanese girls who at the time of the raid place were not present.

According to Naarden one victim is a fifteen-year old girl whose parents filed a missing persons report with the Guyana police some while ago.

Through their own efforts the parents received information that their daughter has been spotted in Cabanafo in Suriname’s interior.

This information was relayed to the office of the Prosecutor General in Suriname which subsequently ordered an investigation into the matter.

During a raid in Cabanafo by the Anti-Terror Squad, police and military officers, the girls were found.

The suspects are being charged with human smuggling, human trafficking and being member of a criminal organization. The Trafficking in Persons Unit of the Suriname Police Force is continuing investigations.




The planned fishing licences giveaway is a further assault on our sovereignty

November 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


DEAR EDITOR, Only Guyana’s dim-witted regime, less than one month after an oil exploration vessel was seized in hostile fashion in its waters by a neighbouring power (Venezuela) with huge territorial ambitions on its territory, would consider giving fishing licences to 40 Chinese trawlers to fish in its territorial waters. Only clueless administrators would make this offer to a country, China, that is very close to Venezuela, is deepening its ties with Venezuela out of oil security and is on a serious mission to expand its maritime presence and power geographically. Only beggars and bandits would prostitute their nation in this fashion, seeking to reduce the number of Guyanese-owned trawlers to 100 licences while giving 40 new licences to a foreign power to trawl in waters these same failed leaders cannot even patrol and monitor. Who but a bunch of ‘sailors’ would not only miss these clear signs and dangers but would so enthusiastically deflate their own fishing industry to bend over and spreadeagle for crumbs so they can expand their Pradoville palaces in the mudflats. Only miscreants and new colonialists will think in this fashion, destroying their own to fatten outsiders. The Chinese have mega-trawlers with on-board factories that will catch, process and package humungous amounts of fish without ever coming to shore. A handful of Chinese mega-trawlers will catch the same amount of fish the entire Guyanese fishing industry catches. Plus, these Chinese super-trawlers can go further than any local trawlers dare to go. With the Guyanese government’s zero capability to monitor these mega-trawlers, we will also have local trawlers illegally selling to these factory ships and coming ashore with little to nothing, thus driving up fish and seafood prices for locals already burdened by rising prices in this inflationary economy. And it will be Chinese-only labour aboard these super-trawlers. Is the PPP so catastrophically stupid to think the Chinese will only catch certain species and will throw back other species? Now, the Pradoville profiteers have given the same Chinese a licence to study which fish species can be extracted without depleting our fish stocks. This is the level of tomfoolery we are dealing with here! Let’s not forget that the Chinese are one of the biggest culprits in illegal fishing, particularly in deep waters of nations like Guyana, unable to monitor and patrol their own waters and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Armed with this knowledge, one has to assume that the Chinese along with other illegal fishing powers are already making a killing in our waters. With this knowledge, the question is this: could the challenged minds of the PPP be providing, by way of these 40 licences, legal cover to an already booming Chinese illegal fishing industry in Guyana territorial waters? After all, if the Chinese are fishing illegally in our waters, wouldn’t 40 licences to operate in waters we cannot patrol make it virtually impossible to determine which Chinese vessel is legally fishing and which isn’t? For all you know, 150 Chinese trawlers could operate with impunity in our exclusive economic zone, of which 40 of them will have licences, and those ‘sailing’ in Freedom House will not have a clue. Have they considered that the Chinese could strategically place their 40 licenced trawlers closer to shore where our patrol limit reaches and where our local trawlers have their utmost range? This will devastate our local fishing industry, as their small local trawlers plying the same waters would be dominated by the larger, faster and more advanced and effective Chinese trawlers, while other Chinese trawlers illegally fish in the deeper reaches of our territorial sea where we cannot patrol. Not only does this scenario destroy our local fishing industry which cannot compete with advanced Chinese mega trawlers, it runs the risk of severely depleting our fishing stocks at the same time. So, we end up with a collapsed fishing industry and a severely depleted fishing stock. Only in the watery Stalinist minds of the PPP leaders, led by Jagdeo and Ramotar, would this be a wonderful securement of our sovereignty. A nation with significant claims on its territorial waters from two neighbours (Venezuela and Suriname) cannot afford this senseless act from the rogues within the PPP, devoid of any inkling of patriotism and logic. Instead of encouraging local trawlers to expand, and to more forcefully commercialise our territorial waters by giving them 40 more licences, the PPP misfits want the Chinese to become the commercial presence in Guyana’s outer territorial waters and EEZ. Will these people ever do the right thing for this nation? How much is the PPP getting for these 40 licences? No nation faced with brazen claims on its territory should surrender control or allow economic exploitation in such reckless and destructive fashion. I commend the Chinese for doing what is right for their people. God bless them and their government for advancing the interests of their people. They are right to exploit those who will stoop for crumbs. It is up to the people of Guyana to deal with those among us who are operating blindly, not the Chinese government acting in its people’s interests. M. Maxwell



In 21 years no senior PPP official has been prosecuted in what has been the greatest orgy of corruption

November 10, 2013 · By Staff Writer ·

Dear Editor,

Here we go again! The press has reported that Mr Rohee, newly appointed General Secretary of the PPP, announced at a recent Press Conference the establishment of an internal Integrity and Discipline Commission to, “ensure that members of our Party serving in public offices at all levels, maintain the highest level of integrity in the performance of their duties.”

He also claimed that the Commission will investigate allegations of theft, bribery and forgery and that the Commission is mandated to investigate misconduct by Party Members who engage in activities unbecoming of a good member.

These could include defamation and sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.


The only members of the Committee named so far are Dr. Roger Luncheon and former Minister Clinton Collymore.


Can there be any reason to take this announcement seriously?


What has the PPP done about corruption since taking office 21 years ago?


Early in the life of their term details of a million dollar stone scam came to light when correspondence was sent to the wrong address.



That case was followed by numerous revelations of other examples of corruption.


In response, to the growing chorus of complaints Dr Cheddi Jagan appointed an Anti-corruption Committee chaired by Mrs Jagan, and including Mr Ramotar, to receive complaints and take action on corruption by senior PPP and Government officials.


Over the years the committee received information and complaints on a number of scandals including the following:

i. Home Affairs Minister receiving money for the granting of firearms licences – evidence of an exceptionally large spike in the issue of such licences was provided to Parliament



ii. A Minister’s son receiving a car from a contractor as a gift  and

another car from the T&T contractor rehabilitating the EB Demerara road




iii. In addition, when President Sam Hinds used the car which had been previously assigned to Dr Jagan in his capacity as President, Mrs Jagan claimed that it was a gift from a businessman and therefore Dr Jagan’s personal property. But no such gift had previously been declared as required by the rules.



Presidential Adviser on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba and Dr Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, were implicated in the illegal export of protected wildlife species. 

Mr Lumumba admitted to the offence and apologized.

Mr Lumumba has in addition been accused of claim jumping of mining concessions and of  having illegal access to state lands.



Presidential Liaison Officer Kwame McKoy, the centre of several child molestation allegations, including one involving a taped recording of a conversation with a child from Linden, has been named as a member to the Commission on the Rights/Protection of the Child, in flagrant contempt of the implications for such action on the standing of the body.



Minister Kellawan Lall has been variously reported as being involved in incidents of drunken brawling, pistol whipping, illegal discharge of a firearm in public and hit and run driving.

He has never been charged by the Police.

  He was eventually sent as Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil from whence he was subsequently recalled under circumstances that remain cloudy.



A Minister against whom evidence emerged of involvement in selling firearms licences as well as organizing and directing a death squad, was similarly rewarded with a diplomatic post.



The most renowned of the PPP Ministers accused of such lawlessness has been Mr Jagdeo who, amongst other things, illegally granted to the enterprises headed by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, an acknowledged personal friend,  extensive fiscal concessions.

One of his last actions in office in 2011 was to illegally grant to that very enterprise, radio and TV licences without reference to either the NFMU or Broadcast Authority.

Mr Jagdeo assigned to ten entities some twenty two frequencies, 17 of which were to family, friends and party supporters.

  These included PPP member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj and several persons associated directly and indirectly with Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud

as well as wireless cable licences to entities associated with Brian Young and Vishok Persaud, a son of late PPP executive member, Reepu Daman Persaud.



The PPP in opposition had bitterly denounced PNC members for supposed extravagance and regularly accused the PNC of squandermania and corruption.



Both Mr Burnham and Mr Hoyte took action in response to these and other allegations.

Several PNC Ministers including Ministers Haynes, Mingo and George King were either fired or prosecuted,

the latter primarily on the basis of PPP allegations (they labelled him ’Mr 10%&rsquo and rumours;

Messrs Hamilton Green and David Singh, were hauled before the Ombudsman

and while that investigation was underway Green, the Minister of Works, was transferred to an office and retitled Minister of Public Affairs within the OPM. This was a hitherto unknown agency and the Minister was given no staff.

In addition, several senior public servants were either fired or prosecuted for charges and allegations of seeking and receiving gifts etc.

These included Mr Scantlebury and Frank Noel, the PM’s Permanent Secretary.

These latter firings caused a firestorm among the middle class.

The dismissals  nonetheless stood.



Much later, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Robert Corbin, was removed from office whilst being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.



In the 21 years it has been in office, not a single PPP or Civic Minister has ever been sanctioned let alone fired or prosecuted in what has clearly been the greatest orgy of corruption ever seen in Guyana and with few parallels in the region. 


In spite of the sudden acquisition of wealth by PPP Ministers no investigation has been triggered. 


Not a single report or investigation of PPP Party functionaries was ever released or published by the Committee Mrs Jagan headed.



But whilst the PPP has managed to largely silence internal critics they have not had the same success notwithstanding their efforts.


Transparency International has classified Guyana as the most corrupt country in the Caribbean and the second most corrupt in Latin America. 


In keeping with the role of the administration in promoting this phenomenon, the PPP regime has been characterized in the academic literature as a kleptocracy.



But even as this type of behaviour characterizes the PPP regime they use the organs of the state to perpetrate human rights abuse on citizens.



Close to elections citizens have been jailed for years for treason and never prosecuted then Mr Jagdeo pardons one.



There has also been several cases of torture including torture of a minor either in retaliation or in a bid to extract evidence concerning a robbery of a PPP official.



Most recently, the sister of Minister Manickchand and a former member of the PPP delegation on the Elections Commission actually wrote a piece condoning the execution of suspects without trial.



It is a policy which was orchestrated by Mr Jagdeo whose call to the armed forces to kill suspected bank robbers was dramatically followed by the execution of six persons who had not even been accused of a capital offence. Not a fortnight ago three young men were murdered in this way.



The class, moral and community implications of this behaviour seem to have missed the leaders of the Party for whilst white collar crime  perpetrated by PPP officials and their associates are viewed by the leadership as not worthy of the attention of the Courts or even of internal disciplinary sanction, those persons believed to have committed robbery and theft, crimes associated with the poor in urban communities have attracted sanctions.



Public alarm is not helped by the fact that the officers accused of perpetrating some of the worst abuses such as torture at the behest of the Government have not only been promoted but have been placed in the public limelight – accompanying the President on trips abroad.


These decisions seem intended to display the PPP’s contempt for public opinion, good taste and our laws.


Sometimes this behaviour backfires as was seen in the inordinate delay three former Ministers encountered in securing the agreement of the host Governments when the Government named them as Ambassadors.



Little wonder then that Guyana under the PPP attracts the additional moniker of a criminalized state.


Officials use their powers both to facilitate criminal activity by others and to cover their own illegal activities.


It is one of the main reasons why significant sections of this population are reluctant to sanction without additional safeguards the granting of powers more draconian than currently exist, to the authorities, including the Police, in pursuit of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism.



With the current widespread abuses of human rights and violence routinely directed against some segments of the community, the extension of police powers without additional adequate, impartial and non-political, civilian oversight of the power, would be foolhardy.



No one is fooled by Mr Rohee’s attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that these acts of executive lawlessness will be curbed.



We have heard it all before.

 Yours faithfully,

Carl Greenidge


Ramroop admits

to having items recorded

as already delivered to GPHC

November 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’Ramroop, who owns New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), has lashed out at the Auditor General of Guyana over the discrepancies raised in his 2012 reports. Ramroop yesterday accused the Audit Office of “sloppy fieldwork by junior officials in the Office of the Auditor General.” But the Auditor General found among other things that there were several million dollars worth of drugs still to be supplied by Ramroop. These drugs were part of the more than US$15M worth of drug contracts Ramroop received from the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop



Ramroop admitted this and called on the Ministry of Health and GPHC, “to remove its goods from the corporation warehouses as soon as possible.” In seeking to explain the non supply of the drugs, Ramroop has also conceded that the New GPC is still currently storing a very large volume of items for the Ministry and GPHC which New GPC recorded as delivered. Ramroop said that Contracts, particularly the larger orders, sometimes overlap from a consumption point of view into the following financial year. Hence, it is not unusual that some items are not collected by the Ministry at the end of the fiscal year. However, it is unusual that these items would be recorded by New GPC as delivered. He said that national budgets are approved some time between March and July and hence the quantities being ordered sometimes cater for this overlap. But for more than a decade the budget has been presented in February. Ramroop said that the Ministry receives goods based on their own pre-determined consumption pattern and that means deliveries are staggered throughout the year. Ramroop also claims that contracts are signed at different times during the year, and so for those signed in the later months, deliveries are actually intended to roll over into the following year. On the matter of bank guarantees raised by the Auditor General, Ramroop claims that they are not meant to be valid for the original sum throughout the life of the contract. “As deliveries are made, the risk is obviously decreasing and hence a bank guarantee can be, and is, often renewed for a lesser amount.” In attempting to discredit the Auditor General, Ramroop said that the report appears to have been compiled on the basis of simplistic interactions with junior and non-technical personnel within the Ministry and GPHC administrations and does not take full cognisance of the nature of the supply chain process for pharmaceuticals and related products and the environment in which we operate. Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies.


Ramroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010.
This means that in 2010, Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires.
Between the Ministry of Health and GPHC, the government spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year.

Auditor General Deodat Sharma

Auditor General Deodat Sharma


In 21 years no senior PPP official has

been prosecuted in what has been the

greatest orgy of corruption



November 10, 2013 · By Staff Writer ·


Dear Editor,

Here we go again! The press has reported that Mr Rohee, newly appointed General Secretary of the PPP, announced at a recent Press Conference the establishment of an internal Integrity and Discipline Commission to, “ensure that members of our Party serving in public offices at all levels, maintain the highest level of integrity in the performance of their duties.” He also claimed that the Commission will investigate allegations of theft, bribery and forgery and that the Commission is mandated to investigate misconduct by Party Members who engage in activities unbecoming of a good member. These could include defamation and sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.

The only members of the Committee named so far are Dr. Roger Luncheon and former Minister Clinton Collymore.

Can there be any reason to take this announcement seriously? What has the PPP done about corruption since taking office 21 years ago?

Early in the life of their term details of a million dollar stone scam came to light when correspondence was sent to the wrong address. That case was followed by numerous revelations of other examples of corruption.

In response, to the growing chorus of complaints Dr Cheddi Jagan appointed an Anti-corruption Committee chaired by Mrs Jagan, and including Mr Ramotar, to receive complaints and take action on corruption by senior PPP and Government officials. Over the years the committee received information and complaints on a number of scandals including the following:

i. Home Affairs Minister receiving money for the granting of firearms licences – evidence of an exceptionally large spike in the issue of such licences was provided to Parliament

ii. A Minister’s son receiving a car from a contractor as a gift and another car from the T&T contractor rehabilitating the EB Demerara road

iii. In addition, when President Sam Hinds used the car which had been previously assigned to Dr Jagan in his capacity as President, Mrs Jagan claimed that it was a gift from a businessman and therefore Dr Jagan’s personal property. But no such gift had previously been declared as required by the rules.

Presidential Adviser on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba and Dr Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, were implicated in the illegal export of protected wildlife species.  Mr Lumumba admitted to the offence and apologized. Mr Lumumba has in addition been accused of claim jumping of mining concessions and of having illegal access to state lands.

Presidential Liaison Officer Kwame McKoy, the centre of several child molestation allegations, including one involving a taped recording of a conversation with a child from Linden, has been named as a member to the Commission on the Rights/Protection of the Child, in flagrant contempt of the implications for such action on the standing of the body.

Minister Kellawan Lall has been variously reported as being involved in incidents of drunken brawling, pistol whipping, illegal discharge of a firearm in public and hit and run driving. He has never been charged by the Police.  He was eventually sent as Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil from whence he was subsequently recalled under circumstances that remain cloudy.

A Minister against whom evidence emerged of involvement in selling firearms licences as well as organizing and directing a death squad, was similarly rewarded with a diplomatic post.

The most renowned of the PPP Ministers accused of such lawlessness has been Mr Jagdeo who, amongst other things, illegally granted to the enterprises headed by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, an acknowledged personal friend, extensive fiscal concessions. One of his last actions in office in 2011 was to illegally grant to that very enterprise, radio and TV licences without reference to either the NFMU or Broadcast Authority. Mr Jagdeo assigned to ten entities some twenty two frequencies, 17 of which were to family, friends and party supporters.  These included PPP member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj and several persons associated directly and indirectly with Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud as well as wireless cable licences to entities associated with Brian Young and Vishok Persaud, a son of late PPP executive member, Reepu Daman Persaud.

The PPP in opposition had bitterly denounced PNC members for supposed extravagance and regularly accused the PNC of squandermania and corruption.

Both Mr Burnham and Mr Hoyte took action in response to these and other allegations. Several PNC Ministers including Ministers Haynes, Mingo and George King were either fired or prosecuted, the latter primarily on the basis of PPP allegations (they labelled him ’Mr 10%&rsquo and rumours; Messrs Hamilton Green and David Singh, were hauled before the Ombudsman and while that investigation was underway Green, the Minister of Works, was transferred to an office and retitled Minister of Public Affairs within the OPM. This was a hitherto unknown agency and the Minister was given no staff. In addition, several senior public servants were either fired or prosecuted for charges and allegations of seeking and receiving gifts etc. These included Mr Scantlebury and Frank Noel, the PM’s Permanent Secretary. These latter firings caused a firestorm among the middle class. The dismissals none the less stood.

Much later, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Robert Corbin, was removed from office whilst being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.

In the 21 years it has been in office, not a single PPP or Civic Minister has ever been sanctioned let alone fired or prosecuted in what has clearly been the greatest orgy of corruption ever seen in Guyana and with few parallels in the region.  In spite of the sudden acquisition of wealth by PPP Ministers no investigation has been triggered.  Not a single report or investigation of PPP Party functionaries was ever released or published by the Committee Mrs Jagan headed.

But whilst the PPP has managed to largely silence internal critics they have not had the same success notwithstanding their efforts. Transparency International has classified Guyana as the most corrupt country in the Caribbean and the second most corrupt in Latin America.  In keeping with the role of the administration in promoting this phenomenon, the PPP regime has been characterized in the academic literature as a kleptocracy.

But even as this type of behaviour characterizes the PPP regime they use the organs of the state to perpetrate human rights abuse on citizens. Close to elections citizens have been jailed for years for treason and never prosecuted then Mr Jagdeo pardons one. There has also been several cases of torture including torture of a minor either in retaliation or in a bid to extract evidence concerning a robbery of a PPP official. Most recently, the sister of Minister Manickchand and a former member of the PPP delegation on the Elections Commission actually wrote a piece condoning the execution of suspects without trial. It is a policy which was orchestrated by Mr Jagdeo whose call to the armed forces to kill suspected bank robbers was dramatically followed by the execution of six persons who had not even been accused of a capital offence. Not a fortnight ago three young men were murdered in this way.

The class, moral and community implications of this behaviour seem to have missed the leaders of the Party for whilst white collar crime perpetrated by PPP officials and their associates are viewed by the leadership as not worthy of the attention of the Courts or even of internal disciplinary sanction, those persons believed to have committed robbery and theft, crimes associated with the poor in urban communities have attracted sanctions.

Public alarm is not helped by the fact that the officers accused of perpetrating some of the worst abuses such as torture at the behest of the Government have not only been promoted but have been placed in the public limelight – accompanying the President on trips abroad. These decisions seem intended to display the PPP’s contempt for public opinion, good taste and our laws. Sometimes this behaviour backfires as was seen in the inordinate delay three former Ministers encountered in securing the agreement of the host Governments when the Government named them as Ambassadors.

Little wonder then that Guyana under the PPP attracts the additional moniker of a criminalized state. Officials use their powers both to facilitate criminal activity by others and to cover their own illegal activities. It is one of the main reasons why significant sections of this population are reluctant to sanction without additional safeguards the granting of powers more draconian than currently exist, to the authorities, including the Police, in pursuit of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism. With the current widespread abuses of human rights and violence routinely directed against some segments of the community, the extension of police powers without additional adequate, impartial and non-political, civilian oversight of the power, would be foolhardy.

No one is fooled by Mr Rohee’s attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that these acts of executive lawlessness will be curbed. We have heard it all before.


Yours faithfully,

Carl Greenidge

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev I take it you agree:


The Million Dollar Monthly

 Jagdeo & Ramotar paying Clive Lloyd

could have paid Kanhai, Hooper, Kalicharran

and Roger Harper too

and our cricket would have gained more



Rev....As you know....

Jagdeo & Ramotar give top jobs

to other Black Thugs, Rapist,

PNC Election Riggers & Killers



Rev why waste Millions on these Black Thugs

Kwame, Lamumba, Edghill,

Hamilton, Bynoe,

Kit Nascimento, McClean, Jerry Gouviea




I Do not Support or Understand

Why Black House Of Israel Thugs

or PNC Stooges were given these Positions

by Jagdeo & Ramotar....



Rev....Do You think by Giving these Top Jobs to

Kwame, Lloyd and Lamumba

Jagdeo & Ramotar has helped the Country,

The Govt or the PPP in any way...

Look at the results of the elections...





Is the Burnham Faction of the PPP &

The Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas 

above the law????


To date, it seems none of  the "big boys" of Burnham Faction of the PPP or Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas  have faced corruption charges, and not one has been found guilty and jailed for stealing from the public purse.


What this tells us is that we journalists and other media practitioners who have been largely responsible for exposing alleged acts of corruption have been wrong.


We have been "seeing things" where they did not exist, chasing apparitions, wrongfully and recklessly accusing honest politicians and public officials of dishonesty, of stealing, when all along they have been men and women of unimpeachable rectitude.


Well, it's either that—in which case journalists from Kaiteur News & Stabroek News owe these people and the public thousands of apologies—or there is in place a code of protection that straddles investigators and dispensers of justice, that ensures that elite white collar criminals get away with murder, almost literally.


In fact, there is an uncanny connection between corruption, perceived or real, and murder. The investigations patterns are similar.

The police or Integrity Commission or other agencies are always "hot on the trail" of perpetrators.

When, after months, we hear nothing further, someone says the case is not "cold".

Then an individual is gunned down and we are told that he was a suspect in five, ten murders. Cases closed.


Arrests rates are close to zero.

Of all the murders committed a year,

how many arrests are made?

And of those, how many reach the trial stage?

Of this miniscule number, how many convictions are secured?


So whether or not we implement the death penalty, which remains law, it makes no difference.

Murderers know they will hardly be caught, far less hanged.


The same holds true for corrupt officials.

The only cases of note that have been prosecuted

over the past 50 years

are those few involving persons

accused of corrupt acts or scandals

during the time Burnham and Hoyte was in power.


And you and I know

that those Funny Fellas under Jagdeo & Ramotar

seem to have to continue doing more....

and the Older PNC Criminals

who were thiefing up to 1992 

will sooner die of natural causes

 instead of facing the finality of their trials in courtrooms.


Indeed, one might ask

why should they pay a price for anything

while hundreds like them

are seen at social events

rubbing shoulders with the very people

who accused them of corruption?


If I may use the reverse scenario,

the Burnham & Hoyte administration

faced numerous allegations of corruption.

From the House Of Isreal Thugs 

to the Floating Barge that never worked ,

from billion-dollar projects that ran wildly beyond estimates

to siphoning funds off state enterprises,

the PNC regime was alleged to have broken corruption records.


Yet, twenty-one years

after the electorate voted the PNC out of office

based largely on perceptions of corruption and wastage,

not one of the PNC merry men (or women)

has been charged with anything!


Every now and then Jagdeo & Ramotar

will remind us about Crime & Corruption

under those Dark PNC Days..

But they never target any of the PNC Big-Boys or

 former directors and senior managers of state enterprises.

And, by the law of averages,

not only will they never be charged,

but over time they are likely to fizz out

like the proverbial you-know-what.


So, can we conclude that

the PNC regime was not corrupt,

that all such allegations were spurious, malicious?



the current Jagdeo and Ramotar Government

has faced innumerable allegations of

unethical conduct and downright banditry.


Hundreds of millions of dollars

are said to have been pocketed by ministers,

their families and friends, and party financiers.


Could it be that all these allegations,

all the investigative reports

that appear in the print media

with documentation to support them, are hoaxes?


Is it that journalists and media houses

have hidden agendas, ulterior motives?



Or could it be that this is a society

in which the public code of conduct

is premised on institutionalised deception

that allows the high and mighty

to get away with corruption, even murder,

while the poor and powerless suffer

the consequences of revenue stolen?


I don't know. I am confused. You tell me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.


William Joseph “Bill” Bratton


If Jagdeo & Ramotar

was serious about

ending Crime & Corruption

they can call in

the Crime Doctor



US policing expert to  show T&T how it’s done

By Joel Julien


United States policing expert William Joseph “Bill” Bratton arrived in Trinidad and Tobago around 12.50 p.m. yesterday.

Bratton, who was instrumental in the murder rates of New York City and Los Angeles this year being the lowest figure in more than 50 years, is here for two days to help address this country’s crime scourge.

Speaking at a news conference following his arrival yesterday, Bratton likened his modus operandi to that of a medical doctor dealing with a disease.

Bratton said his two-day visit to this country was a “brief diagnostic”.

In 1994, Bratton introduced a data-driven management model in the New York City Police Department called CompStat (Comparative Statistics).

Bratton was the police commissioner at the time.

The implementation of CompStat has been credited with decreasing crime in New York City.

Bratton said New York City is currently on the way to recording its lowest murder toll since the 1950s.

Because of the success in New York, CompStat has been implemented across the US.

Bratton yesterday credited CompStat for Los Angeles also being on its way to recording 275 murders this year, the lowest figure in over 50 years.

Gang violence in Los Angeles was also reduced by 60 per cent, Bratton said.

He said CompStat had dealt with the gang and drug problems that were plaguing areas.

Bratton described CompStat as the “engine that is driving the crime reduction efforts”.

He said CompStat is geared at identifying where crime is taking place and will be an accountability system for those in charge of addressing the scourge.

He added: “It is pretty much what happens in medicine, you go see a doctor when you are not feeling well. The doctor proceeds to examine you, first your chest then chest to back. 

“You have a cancer, he wants to rapidly respond to that cancer to keep it from growing, that is rapid response. He may use chemotherapy, he may use radiation, he may use other forms of treatment that effectively deals with the cancer. 

“After the surgery he still wants to come back because that is his responsibility. That is CompStat, it is practised in medicine and it is now widely practised in policing.” 

Bratton said he would be looking to see why other crime prevention techniques implemented in this country have not worked.

However, the “good news” is crime can be addressed and this country’s crime scourge is “not unique”, Bratton said.

He believes CompStat is the answer.

“When a doctor discovers a new medicine, a new form of treatment that works for patients in the United States it also works for patients elsewhere,” he said.

Bratton said crime in this country is “not shocking”.

“Your situation as bad as it is, is not unique,” he said.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Not anymore DG, there was a time when the PPP/C was the party to go with, not any more, those in the PPP/C now are a bunch of crooks, and thieves. The President Donald Ramotar is the biggest liar and cannot be trusted just like the rest.

I know that you liked the PPP/C maybe your reason for giving them 51% plus. This will never happen, as most of their supporters are fed up with them, come voting time, their supporters would just stay home, and if that happens then you are looking at 40%. Look at it this way, when they were tops, 2010 2011, they could have only muster 49%, Now they are down, 40% is very generous.

Any elections and the result will be surprising.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Mitwa the last time dis Funny Fella

was good for 55% plus  Larwa....


Like eee cutback lil bit

to 51% plus Laar....

in de ole_hole


When eee teking de Laar from Kwame

do you think Kwame stop at

55% or 51% as he request...

Mits how do he verify de percentage...


According to Big_seed

Roto-Rooter set de Nembers fuh dis chap.

Last edited by Former Member






" I first wanted to be a doctor. Didn't want to be merely a specialist and craftsman and cure individual aches and ills. I wanted to cure the ills of society. I want to know that I have served humanity as a human being. All of us want recognition - I am not interested in recognition conferred on the basis of my bankroll. When I would have passed away, I would like it to be recorded that Jagan did his bit in the service of humanity." 1964

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Mitwa the last time dis Funny Fella

was good for 55% plus  Larwa....


Like eee cutback lil bit

to 51% plus Laar....

in de ole_hole


When eee teking de Laar from Kwame

do you think Kwame stop at

55% or 51% as he request...

Mits how do he verify de percentage...


According to Big_seed

Roto-Rooter set de Nembers fuh dis chap.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Not anymore DG, there was a time when the PPP/C was the party to go with, not any more, those in the PPP/C now are a bunch of crooks, and thieves. The President Donald Ramotar is the biggest liar and cannot be trusted just like the rest.


I know that you liked the PPP/C maybe your reason for giving them 51% plus. This will never happen, as most of their supporters are fed up with them, come voting time, their supporters would just stay home, and if that happens then you are looking at 40%. Look at it this way, when they were tops, 2010 2011, they could have only muster 49%, Now they are down, 40% is very generous.


Any elections and the result will be surprising.

A few may thing that it will not be any more, ASJ, and there are others who believe that the PPP/C will again win the next election.


The PPP is definitely out. I agree 40% at the polls is very generous.


Did George Orwell envisioned the PPP leadership and its members when he penned  his porcine Animal Farm Characters? It's too close to be a circumstance of coincidence.




Auditors are major players in Tax evasion – GRA Commissioner

November 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


  By Kiana Wilburg Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram and economist Dr. Clive Thomas are of the belief that tax evasion, even in the face of the “shamefaced” attempts by the government to reform the Tax system, is now, more rampant than ever. However, the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Mr. Khurshid Sattaur, asserted that root of the illegal practice is the executives of major companies who are allowed to live extravagant lifestyles due to the aiding and abetting that takes place between them and their auditors.

Khurshid Sattaur, Commissioner General of GRA

Khurshid Sattaur, Commissioner General of GRA

Tax evasion is the method of illegally avoiding taxes one owes and on an aggregate basis, hampers governmental efficiency. While taxation is considered a major tool of economic management, Ram said that

“in Guyana,

there is one law for the rich,

the powerful and the connected

and another for the poor,

the voiceless and the helpless.


The immorality of Guyana is that

one set of people pays the tax

while another spends it.”


Dr. Thomas who also spoke on the issue, said, “Today, the tax system is fractured and, far too costly, burdensome, and inefficient.” Furthermore, the government on its competitiveness website: stated that since the early 1990s, Guyana’s Tax system has undergone a series of reforms aimed at stimulating investment. In 2000, the government established the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to lead the implementation of the accelerated programme. Several of the most important reforms are in the pipeline. They include, the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise Tax. Even in the face of the aforementioned, Ram contended that tax reform in our case has first to deal with tax evasion and administration. Ram said, “This government has been paying lip service to tax reform ever since it came to power. Unless it thinks that imposing VAT on top of high personal tax rates is tax reform, it has done nothing and tax evasion is now worse than it has ever been. “VAT has brought in immoral windfalls, reducing the incentive for reform which the Government has delegated to the National Competitiveness Strategy. So far, that body which is chaired by the President has shown no intention, appetite or capacity to deal with it. “And the GRA is either overwhelmed by the level and scale of tax evasion or is not utilizing the tools and deploying the resources at its disposal to deal with the crisis.” The accountant added, “While laws exist for dealing with tax evasion, resources available to the revenue authority are clearly inadequate to deal with the apparent scale of this practice.”

Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram

Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram

He added, “The administrative capability to deal with this crisis must be enhanced by better staffing, training and salaries.” However, contesting these statements was GRA Commissioner General, Khurshid Sattaur.  “While Mr. Ram seems to be suggesting that the GRA has a resource problem, it is regrettable that he does not recognize the tremendous changes that have occurred.” “These include major reforms in the information technology infrastructure, creation of a semi autonomous agency that is outside of the public service, significant reforms in operational procedures that resulted in over 400 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in use and the reform of the actual organizational structure from being a tax type to a functional organization.” He added that Professor Thomas is not aware of the vast improvements that have occurred over the past 13 years in revenue collection. Sattaur said, “Even though I accept that there is room for improvement, it should be noted that ten years ago, the aggregate collection was a mere $50 billion. At the same rate of exchange, it is expected to be in excess of $125 billion by the end of the year and this is achieved despite abolishing six taxes and introducing VAT to replace these inefficient taxes. “In addition, the threshold today is $600,000 per annum compared to probably thirty-three per cent of that years ago and reduction of rates as well. Even companies now pay as low as 30 percent, which is the same rate that individuals pay.” The Commissioner General reiterated his disagreement with the belief purported by the duo that tax evasion is on the increase as GRA has seen a massive increase in the amount of revenues collected. Moreover, Ram on his website ( called for more relevant information to be disclosed in public documents. “Principal among these would be the annual report of the Guyana Revenue Authority which the Minister of Finance has failed to table in the National Assembly for some time now. Let us see how much the construction sector, the bauxite sector, the forestry sector, the agriculture sector including rice, sugar and other crops sectors contribute to the national coffers, and how much remissions, rebates and holidays they receive which may amount to billions each year. “We should be able to see how much each region contributes and compare this with their receipts from the central government,” the accountant said. However, Sattaur in response to this said, “There seems to be an agenda to bring down the agency and the government at all cost. GRA is audited by the Auditor General and the findings are laid before the Public Accounts Committee every year.” “If we have to get to the heart of tax evasion, then one would have to investigate the lifestyles of some of these major company executives who are allowed to pander to their luxurious and insatiable appetites from the high level of aiding and abetting that takes place with their auditors. One should ask Mr. Ram. He will enlighten you. That’s why the accounting profession which has a major role to play is silent as they are the main contributors.”


Dem Boys Seh…All dem smart man hiding under Donald shur-jak

November 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


The Heist of Guyana got a lot of heads spinning. De taxpayers now understand the scampishness and lawlessness dat was tekkin place right under they nose. People start asking serious questions and all dem smart man who plan de scampishness start panicking. Some ah dem start losing weight like if dem got bad sick. Dem boys see one man walking down de road and dem see he two back pocket kissing. Dem nearly didn’t recognize he and Doctor Leslie. When dem ask he wha happen he start fuh cry. But he tell dem boys that dem got people who deh more bad than he although it ain’t showing. And is true. Brazzy shedding weight like if he stop eating. And that is a man who like to eat. De Rat, de Bees and all de rest of dem kavakamites didn’t expect that all dem schemes woulda come out in de open in this manner. De skin up was so simple that it create an explosion in the people’s minds and expose the true colours of those in charge of all of de country money. When they were preparing their schemes, they were dazzling the nation with mixed-up language. Every day was something new and different. Ask Brazzy, Ashni, Irfaat and Rob de Earth. Dem boys know that when thief man come fuh kick down yuh door, rob or shoot yuh, dem never think for one moment that dem could get ketch. But de old people always seh “Every day bucket go ah well, one day ee bamzee must drop out” De Rat, Bobby along wid de forty chores wha hiding under Donald shur-jak, feel when dem bamzee get expose to de cool breeze. In jail it gun be exposed to dem newfound friends, some of who ain’t see anything fresh fuh a lang time. Talk half and watch how dem getting dizzy.


November 10, 2013 7:14 PM

In 21 years no senior PPP official has been prosecuted in what has been the greatest orgy of corruption

November 10, 2013 · By Staff Writer ·

Dear Editor,

Here we go again! The press has reported that Mr Rohee, newly appointed General Secretary of the PPP, announced at a recent Press Conference the establishment of an internal Integrity and Discipline Commission to, “ensure that members of our Party serving in public offices at all levels, maintain the highest level of integrity in the performance of their duties.” He also claimed that the Commission will investigate allegations of theft, bribery and forgery and that the Commission is mandated to investigate misconduct by Party Members who engage in activities unbecoming of a good member. These could include defamation and sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.

The only members of the Committee named so far are Dr. Roger Luncheon and former Minister Clinton Collymore.

Can there be any reason to take this announcement seriously? What has the PPP done about corruption since taking office 21 years ago?

Early in the life of their term details of a million dollar stone scam came to light when correspondence was sent to the wrong address. That case was followed by numerous revelations of other examples of corruption.

In response, to the growing chorus of complaints Dr Cheddi Jagan appointed an Anti-corruption Committee chaired by Mrs Jagan, and including Mr Ramotar, to receive complaints and take action on corruption by senior PPP and Government officials. Over the years the committee received information and complaints on a number of scandals including the following:

i. Home Affairs Minister receiving money for the granting of firearms licences – evidence of an exceptionally large spike in the issue of such licences was provided to Parliament

ii. A Minister’s son receiving a car from a contractor as a gift and another car from the T&T contractor rehabilitating the EB Demerara road

iii. In addition, when President Sam Hinds used the car which had been previously assigned to Dr Jagan in his capacity as President, Mrs Jagan claimed that it was a gift from a businessman and therefore Dr Jagan’s personal property. But no such gift had previously been declared as required by the rules.

Presidential Adviser on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba and Dr Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, were implicated in the illegal export of protected wildlife species.  Mr Lumumba admitted to the offence and apologized. Mr Lumumba has in addition been accused of claim jumping of mining concessions and of having illegal access to state lands.

Presidential Liaison Officer Kwame McKoy, the centre of several child molestation allegations, including one involving a taped recording of a conversation with a child from Linden, has been named as a member to the Commission on the Rights/Protection of the Child, in flagrant contempt of the implications for such action on the standing of the body.

Minister Kellawan Lall has been variously reported as being involved in incidents of drunken brawling, pistol whipping, illegal discharge of a firearm in public and hit and run driving. He has never been charged by the Police.  He was eventually sent as Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil from whence he was subsequently recalled under circumstances that remain cloudy.

A Minister against whom evidence emerged of involvement in selling firearms licences as well as organizing and directing a death squad, was similarly rewarded with a diplomatic post.

The most renowned of the PPP Ministers accused of such lawlessness has been Mr Jagdeo who, amongst other things, illegally granted to the enterprises headed by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, an acknowledged personal friend, extensive fiscal concessions. One of his last actions in office in 2011 was to illegally grant to that very enterprise, radio and TV licences without reference to either the NFMU or Broadcast Authority. Mr Jagdeo assigned to ten entities some twenty two frequencies, 17 of which were to family, friends and party supporters.  These included PPP member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj and several persons associated directly and indirectly with Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud as well as wireless cable licences to entities associated with Brian Young and Vishok Persaud, a son of late PPP executive member, Reepu Daman Persaud.

The PPP in opposition had bitterly denounced PNC members for supposed extravagance and regularly accused the PNC of squandermania and corruption.

Both Mr Burnham and Mr Hoyte took action in response to these and other allegations. Several PNC Ministers including Ministers Haynes, Mingo and George King were either fired or prosecuted, the latter primarily on the basis of PPP allegations (they labelled him ’Mr 10%&rsquo and rumours; Messrs Hamilton Green and David Singh, were hauled before the Ombudsman and while that investigation was underway Green, the Minister of Works, was transferred to an office and retitled Minister of Public Affairs within the OPM. This was a hitherto unknown agency and the Minister was given no staff. In addition, several senior public servants were either fired or prosecuted for charges and allegations of seeking and receiving gifts etc. These included Mr Scantlebury and Frank Noel, the PM’s Permanent Secretary. These latter firings caused a firestorm among the middle class. The dismissals none the less stood.

Much later, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Robert Corbin, was removed from office whilst being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.

In the 21 years it has been in office, not a single PPP or Civic Minister has ever been sanctioned let alone fired or prosecuted in what has clearly been the greatest orgy of corruption ever seen in Guyana and with few parallels in the region.  In spite of the sudden acquisition of wealth by PPP Ministers no investigation has been triggered.  Not a single report or investigation of PPP Party functionaries was ever released or published by the Committee Mrs Jagan headed.

But whilst the PPP has managed to largely silence internal critics they have not had the same success notwithstanding their efforts. Transparency International has classified Guyana as the most corrupt country in the Caribbean and the second most corrupt in Latin America.  In keeping with the role of the administration in promoting this phenomenon, the PPP regime has been characterized in the academic literature as a kleptocracy.

But even as this type of behaviour characterizes the PPP regime they use the organs of the state to perpetrate human rights abuse on citizens. Close to elections citizens have been jailed for years for treason and never prosecuted then Mr Jagdeo pardons one. There has also been several cases of torture including torture of a minor either in retaliation or in a bid to extract evidence concerning a robbery of a PPP official. Most recently, the sister of Minister Manickchand and a former member of the PPP delegation on the Elections Commission actually wrote a piece condoning the execution of suspects without trial. It is a policy which was orchestrated by Mr Jagdeo whose call to the armed forces to kill suspected bank robbers was dramatically followed by the execution of six persons who had not even been accused of a capital offence. Not a fortnight ago three young men were murdered in this way.

The class, moral and community implications of this behaviour seem to have missed the leaders of the Party for whilst white collar crime perpetrated by PPP officials and their associates are viewed by the leadership as not worthy of the attention of the Courts or even of internal disciplinary sanction, those persons believed to have committed robbery and theft, crimes associated with the poor in urban communities have attracted sanctions.

Public alarm is not helped by the fact that the officers accused of perpetrating some of the worst abuses such as torture at the behest of the Government have not only been promoted but have been placed in the public limelight – accompanying the President on trips abroad. These decisions seem intended to display the PPP’s contempt for public opinion, good taste and our laws. Sometimes this behaviour backfires as was seen in the inordinate delay three former Ministers encountered in securing the agreement of the host Governments when the Government named them as Ambassadors.

Little wonder then that Guyana under the PPP attracts the additional moniker of a criminalized state. Officials use their powers both to facilitate criminal activity by others and to cover their own illegal activities. It is one of the main reasons why significant sections of this population are reluctant to sanction without additional safeguards the granting of powers more draconian than currently exist, to the authorities, including the Police, in pursuit of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism. With the current widespread abuses of human rights and violence routinely directed against some segments of the community, the extension of police powers without additional adequate, impartial and non-political, civilian oversight of the power, would be foolhardy.

No one is fooled by Mr Rohee’s attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that these acts of executive lawlessness will be curbed. We have heard it all before.

 Yours faithfully,

Carl Greenidge


Breaking News: November 12, 2013: NY Judge rules in Kaieteur News favor in a libel case brought by New GPC (Bobby Ramroop).


Bad News is bad news for the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation. A New York Judge, Judge Kenney, has ruled that Kaieteur News has every right to publish what it did about the New GPC.


Judge Kenny ruled that as a preliminary matter, New GPC failed to make any showing that the articles published by Kaieteur News International “constitute fault as judged by, at a minimum, a negligence standard.” For this reason alone, New GPC failed to make a prima facie showing.


The New York Court denied Bobby Ramroop’s outfit its preliminary request and asked that the parties appear in court on January 9th 2014. In this action the New GPC) sought damages for alleged defamatory statements made by defendant Kaieteur Newspaper Inc. (KNI) in its New York newspaper, the “Kaieteur News.” New GPC now moved for partial summary judgment on liability on the portion of its complaint alleging a cause of action for libel against defendant.


Judge Kenny ordered that GPC’s motion for partial summary judgment be denied in its entirety.


The Judge noted that GPC brought up cases that had no relevance since this was a media outlet challenging in the public domain the work of a private corporation.


Thus, as the alleged defamatory statements are a matter of public concern, particularly for Guyanese nationals residing in New York, New GPC was required to make a prima facie showing of gross irresponsibility resulting in a defamatory falsity the court ruled In addition the New GPC failed to submit any documentary evidence substantiating its then Company Secretary’s conclusory statements that Kaieteur News had committed libel. For instance, New GPC fails to submit invoices, bank statements, or evidence of prevailing market rates for the pharmaceuticals, to support New GPC’s conclusion that the newspaper’s statements were false. Nor does New GPC make any showing of gross irresponsibility concerning Kaieteur News’ published statements.


The court noted that the basis of the articles themselves make several references to the Guyanese “government” and its “corrupt practices,”


the government’s collusion with New GPC in “shady procurement practices,”


and the resulting “`direct threat to the health and well-being of the people of Guyana.”


The articles also suggested ties between New GPC’s owner and the former president of Guyana.


In cases involving a media defendant the Judge noted that “where the plaintiff is held to be a private figure and the topic of the article is a matter of public concern . . ., the plaintiff is required to prove gross irresponsibility.


In determining whether the alleged defamatory statement is a matter of “legitimate public concern,” the content of the statement must be “viewed in the context of the writing as a whole, and not as disembodied words, phrases or sentences,” and “Courts must examine their content, form, and context.”


Furthermore, “absent clear abuse,” the court “defers to the news editor’s determination of whether the portions of the article to which plaintiff objects are reasonably related to matters warranting public exposition, the court determined.


Kaieteur News has relentlessly pursued allegations of corruption in Guyana and has come under fire from the Government and its supporters for its position.


Thanks Asj, Mars & Pointblank 



Ramroop admits to having items recorded as already delivered to GPHC

November 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’Ramroop, who owns New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), has lashed out at the Auditor General of Guyana over the discrepancies raised in his 2012 reports. Ramroop yesterday accused the Audit Office of “sloppy fieldwork by junior officials in the Office of the Auditor General.” But the Auditor General found among other things that there were several million dollars worth of drugs still to be supplied by Ramroop. These drugs were part of the more than US$15M worth of drug contracts Ramroop received from the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Ramroop admitted this and called on the Ministry of Health and GPHC, “to remove its goods from the corporation warehouses as soon as possible.” In seeking to explain the non supply of the drugs, Ramroop has also conceded that the New GPC is still currently storing a very large volume of items for the Ministry and GPHC which New GPC recorded as delivered. Ramroop said that Contracts, particularly the larger orders, sometimes overlap from a consumption point of view into the following financial year. Hence, it is not unusual that some items are not collected by the Ministry at the end of the fiscal year. However, it is unusual that these items would be recorded by New GPC as delivered. He said that national budgets are approved some time between March and July and hence the quantities being ordered sometimes cater for this overlap. But for more than a decade the budget has been presented in February. Ramroop said that the Ministry receives goods based on their own pre-determined consumption pattern and that means deliveries are staggered throughout the year. Ramroop also claims that contracts are signed at different times during the year, and so for those signed in the later months, deliveries are actually intended to roll over into the following year. On the matter of bank guarantees raised by the Auditor General, Ramroop claims that they are not meant to be valid for the original sum throughout the life of the contract. “As deliveries are made, the risk is obviously decreasing and hence a bank guarantee can be, and is, often renewed for a lesser amount.” In attempting to discredit the Auditor General, Ramroop said that the report appears to have been compiled on the basis of simplistic interactions with junior and non-technical personnel within the Ministry and GPHC administrations and does not take full cognisance of the nature of the supply chain process for pharmaceuticals and related products and the environment in which we operate. Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies.

Auditor General Deodat Sharma

Auditor General Deodat Sharma

Ramroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010. This means that in 2010, Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires. Between the Ministry of Health and GPHC, the government spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year.



AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The ‘top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt ‘jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on ‘bigan’ and ‘curass’. That was a ‘whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of ‘misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to ‘rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been ‘murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been ‘murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s ‘fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the ‘right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your ‘boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford “to rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the ‘beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the ‘speck’ from our brother’s.


Canadian Govt. sees need to fight

corruption in Guyana

September 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The Canadian Government hopes for a reduction in the levels of corruption in Guyana and is looking for a more active public debate on issues of corruption resulting from increased awareness.

Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana

Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana

The Canadian Government feels that there is a broad consensus in Guyana on the need to fight corruption.
This is according to Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, who said, “One of the best ways to fight corruption is to shed light upon it…by shedding light on the issue of corruption, and the role that everyone can play in fighting it”.
High Commissioner Giles was at the time responding to queries of the High Commission’s involvement with Transparency International Guyana Inc (TIGI) in the erection of two billboards advising “You can Stop Corruption”.
One of the billboards is installed at the Demerara Harbour Bridge and the other at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) on Camp Road.
She said that the Canadian Government is hoping to encourage a more proactive attitude as well as a sense of civic responsibility. “The message ‘You can stop Corruption’ reminds people that their actions have an impact on the rest of society and, hopefully, serves as a reminder that corruption is neither inevitable nor insurmountable”, she said.
According to the High Commissioner, this initiative was funded by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), which provides resources to support local needs and interests.  The CFLI is intended to address a broad range of issues, including the advancement of democratic principles, she added.
Giles said that CFLI projects are made by the Canadian High Commission or Embassy in each country where Canada is making funds available.
The Canadian Government supports Transparency International, which is active in over 100 countries and is the parent body of TIGI. Transparency International works to increase awareness and reduce corruption, to improve standards of governance, and to strengthen transparency.
“Transparency International and its affiliates work to improve public awareness and pressure for action through publications and media and public affairs campaigns, including through billboards campaigns such as the current campaign in Guyana,” she said.
President of TIGI, Anand Goolsarran, recently said that with the Guyana Government showing no tangible evidence of wanting to fight corruption, Guyana is likely to be rated very low once again on the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).
He suspects that Guyana would not improve from its current rating of second from bottom in the Western Hemisphere or Americas. And, if Guyana makes any improvements it would be marginal because the country continues to lack anti-corruption mechanisms such as the Public Procurement Commission, the Integrity Commission, and an Ombudsman.
According to the High Commissioner, “The World Economic forum reports that corruption is widely recognized as a major obstacle to the stability, growth and competitiveness of economies. As such, the fight against corruption is strategically crucial for the success of businesses and promoting prosperity. The Government of Canada supports these findings”.
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, though it did not list corruption as one of the 20 barriers to competitiveness in Guyana, highlighted the need for the urgent establishment of the Public Procurement Commission, which the TIGI and Opposition Parties have been calling for.
According to Giles, in June, at the G8 Summit, Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, emphasized that “Corruption is wrong. It starves the poor, it poisons the system, it saps the faith of people in progress. it wrecks the case for aid. When we see it we should condemn it utterly.”
She noted that Canada is proud of its role as a global partner in fighting corruption both at home and abroad.
Giles stressed, “Corruption is a threat to everyone’s well being – from the people who participate in it, to the people who see it happening around them.  The perception of corruption puts a strain on public confidence and breeds cynicism and civic discontent. No society can afford not to safeguard against the threat of corruption.”
According to Giles, transparency and the fight against corruption are pertinent to economic growth for all countries. “A transparent and open business environment enables open economies and open societies. This environment in turn promotes security and stability both of which are critical components in encouraging investment,” she said.



The Canadian Government needs to understand that the PPP/C Govt is the corrupted entity, how can the poor people of Guyana fight the Government, they can only not go out and vote for them comes election time. But the scared to call elections


The Canadian Govt, the United States Govt, and the British Govt needs to pressure the Guyana Govt. Corruptions are abounds all over in Guyana.


Guyana Government indifferent to

Corruption – US State Department

April 23, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Government’s apparent ineffectiveness in implementing laws that provide for criminal penalties for corruption by public officials has been highlighted by the United States of America 2012 Human Rights Report.
The report, which was released over the weekend, stated that there remains widespread public perception of corruption involving officials at all levels, including the police and the judiciary.
“The World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators assessed that government corruption was a serious problem,” the report said.
The Guyana Police Force bore the brunt of the report’s assessment, which pointed to allegations of police officers being connected to the drug underworld.
In October 2011 the Guyana Police Force’s Crime Chief submitted a report to the Minister of Home Affairs regarding allegations by a senior officer that many officers had connections to drug dealers.
According to the report, the Minister considered it but has so far taken no action.
In fact, one of the officers against whom the allegations were made is still driving a BMW that reportedly belongs to an alleged drug dealer.
Meanwhile, the report zeroed in on the fact that public officials are subject to financial disclosure laws and are required to submit information about personal assets to the Integrity Commission.
However, although the Prime Minister had stated in June last year that members would soon be appointed to this Commission, it is still not up and running.
On June 14 last year, the National Assembly approved a government motion that members submit annual declarations in keeping with provisions of the Integrity Act, but compliance was uneven, and the Commission had no resources for enforcement or investigations.
The Act sets out both criminal and administrative sanctions for nondisclosure.
If a person fails to file a declaration, the fact can be published in the daily newspapers and the Official Gazette.
Failure to comply with the law can lead to a summary conviction, fines, and imprisonment for six to 12 months.
If property was not disclosed as it should have been, the Magistrate convicting the defendant will order the defendant to make a full disclosure within a set time frame.
The report said that no such publication or convictions have occurred.
When it comes to the Office of the Auditor General, the report was uncomplimentary.
The Office of the Auditor General scrutinizes the expenditure of public funds on behalf of Parliament and conducts financial audits of all publicly funded entities, including donor-funded entities, local government agencies and trade unions and reports to the National Assembly.
However, the US human rights report stated that the effectiveness of the office remained limited since the government may or may not act on the discrepancies noted in its reports.
“Observers noted that recurring discrepancies were repeatedly highlighted in the reports without officials taking appropriate follow-up actions to investigate and resolve the discrepancies,” the report highlighted.
The 2001 constitution called for the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) to monitor public procurement and ensure that authorities conduct the procurement of goods and services in a fair, transparent, competitive and cost-effective manner.
However, the government never constituted the PPC despite public criticism of the present system’s ineffectiveness in awarding government contracts in an equitable and transparent manner.
The report stated that under pressure from opposition parties in parliament, the government promised to establish the PPC by June last year, but this has not yet materialized.
A 2011 Access to Information Act, intended to promote transparency and accountability within the government and public institutions, provided for persons to secure access to information under the control of public authorities and for the appointment of a Commissioner of Information.
Again the US human rights report highlighted that so far the government had not issued implementing regulations or appointed a Commissioner.


Guyana most corrupt country in

English-speaking Caribbean

December 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

-watchdog body calls for Procurement Commission, new Integrity Commission,

“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.”- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.
According to rankings released yesterday by watchdog corruption body, Transparency International (TI), the 2012 Annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has placed Guyana at a lowly 133 out of total of 174 countries. Guyana managed a miserly 28 points out of 100.
And in the presentation of the Transparency International findings, head of the local chapter, Attorney at Law, Gino Persaud, and Secretary Frederick Collins, both lauded Kaieteur News which has been highlighting corruption in Guyana.
The newspaper has been investigating the various contracts issued under questionable circumstances and examining the numerous projects, many of which were believed to be overpriced.

TIGI officials: From left is Vice-President, Dr. Anand Goolsarran; President, Gino Persaud and Director, Frederick Collins.

The results were released by Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. (TIGI), the local contact of TI.
TI would have conducted its surveys gauging perceptions to corruption by examining relations in the public sector, the local police, Customs, procurement and doing business.
The index has become a signature tool widely used around the globe to measure the perceived levels of public sector corruption in countries and looked at keenly by investors and multilateral lending agencies.
Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tie for first place with scores of 90, helped by strong access to information systems and rules governing the behaviour of those in public positions.
Guyana tied Comoros, Honduras, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
“This ranking places us at the bottom of the English Speaking Caribbean with only Haiti below us at 165. It is noteworthy that in the Caribbean, Barbados ranks at 15 with a score of 76; both St. Lucia and Bahamas rank at 22 with a score of 71 and St. Vincent and the Grenadines rank at 36 with a score of 62,” TIG’s President, Gino Persaud said during a press conference at the offices of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Waterloo Street.
Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia once again cling to the bottom rung of the index. In these countries, the lack of accountable leadership and effective public institutions underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption.
At the press conference also were former Auditor General, Dr. Anand Goolsarran, who is TIGI’s Vice President; and Director, Frederick Collins.
Persaud, a lawyer, said that the advocacy body will be writing government on the findings of the index.

Integrity Commission…
TIGI listed a number of measures that Government will have to implement to raise Guyana’s rankings. These include the appointment of competent and independent members of the Integrity Commission to scrutinize the financial disclosures of politicians and bureaucrats and with adequate staff and resources to ensure the Commission can adequately fulfill its mandate.
Persaud noted that Prime Minister Sam Hinds in June had promised to have new members of the Integrity Commission sworn within a week.
Among other things TIGI is also calling for the urgent appointment of members of the Public Procurement Commission to regulate government contracts and minimize their involvement; the implementation of modern anti-corruption legislation; implementation of whistle-blowing legislation; the enforcement of existing anti-corruption laws by investigating and prosecuting the corrupt and the strengthening of existing anti-corruption institutions such as the Guyana Police Force and the Financial Intelligence established under the money laundering legislation.
“These institutions are weak and unable to counter serious white collar crime and corrupt activities,” Persaud said in his read statement.
Guyana should also appoint an Ombudsman to address grievances from members of the public; ensure that all public monies are placed to the credit of the Consolidated Fund, and no public expenditure must be incurred without Parliamentary approval.
TIGI also called for all appointments to public offices to be advertised and made with due regard to technical competence, and not loyalty; and for the Access to Information Act passed in Parliament to be strengthened and made operational.
TIGI also called for the strengthening of civil society and for organisations such as the Guyana Bar Association, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Private Sector Commission, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and the Guyana Press Association to become more involved in combating corruption by speaking out against corruption and being proactive within its own membership on tackling corruption and by partnering with us for collective efforts.
“We call on the press corps to be more vigilant in acting as a professional, impartial and responsible watchdog body against corruption.”

Corruption exists
According to Goolsarran, most countries are doing everything possible to “get to the top of the table” of rankings. He urged, as a start, that government accept the index in good faith and do something about it.
The officials drew reference to a judge in Brazil who targeted a number of politicians close to former President Lula and who was the laughing stock of many. The politicians were brought to trial.
Asked to comment on the impact of the findings, Dr Goolsarran said that serious investors use the findings by Transparency International to determine whether they would invest in a country. Many have opted to cancel plans for investment in Guyana.
TIGI is seeking funding now to educate Guyanese and will seek to meet with government and Members of the Parliament to discuss the issue which ultimately affects the way Guyana is perceived.
The TIGI officials refused to be drawn into answering questions whether President Donald Ramotar had done enough to tackle corruption in Guyana.
According to Collins, newspaper reporters and even the Auditor General’s annual report have been indicators of the situation of corruption in Guyana.
TIGI also disclosed that it has been asked by the Minister of Natural Resources to work with his Ministry on mining, an area which has been besotted with issues of corruption and lawlessness in recent years.
According to TIGI, the index demonstrates that corruption continues to ravage societies around the globe. Two-thirds of the 176 countries ranked in the 2012 index score below 50, on a scale from 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 100 (perceived to be very clean), showing that public institutions need to be more transparent, and powerful officials held more accountable.
According to Huguette Labelle, the Chair of Transparency International, “Governments need to integrate anti-corruption actions into all public decision-making. Priorities include better rules on lobbying and political financing, making public spending and contracting more transparent and making public bodies more accountable to people. After a year of focus on corruption, we expect governments to take a tougher stance against the abuse of power.”
UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon has said that corruption afflicts all countries, undermining social progress and breeding inequality and injustice.
“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services. All of us have a responsibility to take action against the cancer of corruption.”
The private sector, too, stands to gain enormously from effective action, he said. “Corruption distorts markets, increases costs for companies and ultimately punishes consumers.”
According to the BBC, corruption was the world’s most talked about issue in 2010 and 2011.


AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The ‘top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt ‘jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on ‘bigan’ and ‘curass’. That was a ‘whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of ‘misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to ‘rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been ‘murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been ‘murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s ‘fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the ‘right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your ‘boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford “to rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the ‘beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the ‘speck’ from our brother’s.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....



Drugs purchase Libel case…US judge

tells New GPC …‘Kaieteur News never

libeled you’



November 13, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Publications were in public interest, not mere gossip

In a huge slap to New GPC in its libel cases filed against Kaieteur News Inc. (Publishers of Kaieteur News’ New York Edition), a Supreme Court Judge in Manhattan, New York, Justice Joan Kenney, ruled that the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (New GPC) never established that it was libeled.


Corruption, Lack of Transparency in

Guyana Government-US Report


USGeorgetown: The law provides for criminal penalties for corruption by officials; however, the Guyana government did not implement the law effectively, according to the US State Department 2012 report on Human Rights Practices.

According to the report, there remained a widespread public perception of corruption involving officials at all levels, including the police and the judiciary. The World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators assessed that government corruption was a serious problem.
In October 2011 the Guyana Police Force (GPF) crime chief submitted a report to the minister of home affairs regarding allegations by a senior GPF member that many officers had connections to drug dealers. The minister considered it but took no action by year’s end.
Public officials are subject to financial disclosure laws and are required to submit information about personal assets to the Integrity Commission. Although the Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds stated in June that members would soon be appointed to this commission, it was not functional as of year’s end.

On June 14, the National Assembly approved a government motion that members submit annual declarations in keeping with provisions of the Integrity Act, but compliance was uneven, and the commission had no resources for enforcement or investigations.

The act sets out both criminal and administrative sanctions for non-disclosure. The report disclosed that If a person fails to file a declaration, the fact can be published in the daily newspapers and the official Gazette. Failure to comply with the law can lead to a summary conviction, fines, and imprisonment for six to 12 months.

The US report further noted that the Office of the Auditor General, along with a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) (constitutionally mandated, but never constituted) and the Integrity Commission, were intended to create a framework for government transparency and accountability, but the last two institutions did not play such a role during the year. The Office of the Auditor General scrutinizes the expenditure of public funds on behalf of Parliament and conducts financial audits of all publicly funded entities, including donor-funded entities, local government agencies, and trade unions and reports to the National Assembly. However, the office’s effectiveness remained limited since the government may or may not act on the discrepancies noted in its reports. Observers noted that recurring discrepancies were repeatedly highlighted in the reports without officials taking appropriate follow-up actions to investigate and resolve the discrepancies.
The 2001 constitution called for the establishment of a PPC to monitor public procurement and ensure that authorities conduct the procurement of goods and services in a fair, transparent, competitive, and cost-effective manner. However, the government never constituted the PPC despite public criticism of the present system’s ineffectiveness in awarding government contracts in an equitable and transparent manner. Under pressure from opposition parties in parliament, the government promised to establish the PPC by June; however, it had not done so by year’s end.
A 2011 Access to Information Act, intended to promote transparency and accountability within the government and public institutions, provided for persons to secure access to information under the control of public authorities and for the appointment of a commissioner of information. However, by year’s end the government had not issued implementing regulations nor appointed a commissioner.
In addition, the US report further stated that the Governmental Attitude Regarding International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Violations of Human Rights
The few organized domestic human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. These groups at times complained that government officials were uncooperative and unresponsive to their views and, when they did respond, it was generally to criticize rather than investigate allegations.
Government Human Rights Bodies: The constitution allows for a governmental human rights commission, but authorities never established it. The position of ombudsman, who may investigate any action taken by any government department or authority in relation to the administrative functions of that department or authority, has been vacant since 2005.

Originally Posted by asj:



The Canadian Govt, the United States Govt, and the British Govt needs to pressure the Guyana Govt. Corruptions are abounds all over in Guyana.

If Guyanese expect foreigners to do what they refuse to/are afraid to do, then this problem will continue.


Why do we think that foreign govts, which have their own problems, will focus on Guyana?  Think of Obama and his Obamacare problems, the crack head mayor of Toronto, and the numerous problems in the UK, which has had at least two, and maybe more recessions within in the last 5 years.


Govt. inks MoU with ‘Ghost Company’ for US$30M plant

November 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


…Owner says company cannot be found, because it do not put ads on internet


By Latoya Giles

The Company, with which Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to set up a US$30 Million recycling plant here, could not be found on any Canadian business registration listings.


Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon announced the MoU, last week and said that it was a Canadian Company. That Company was later identified as Natural Globe Inc headed by Mohamed Osman.


When Kaieteur News contacted Osman yesterday seeking clarifications about his company and the fact it could not be found registered in Canada, he claimed that it is in fact registered in Guyana.



Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Collin Croal [right) handing over the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Natural Globe Incorporated’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Osman.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Collin Croal (right) handing over the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Natural Globe Incorporated’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Osman.


Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, also claimed when contacted that the company is Guyanese with a Canadian owner.


Osman, by telephone, told Kaieteur News that his company, Natural Globe Inc, was registered in Guyana five years ago. According to Osman, Natural Globe Inc has a Canadian parent company that has several branches. He was however unable to give this publication a name for this company, only to say that it operates in Ontario, Canada.


Osman said that ‘Mogford Llc’ is one of the branches under that Canadian parent company. It is the one that is working in collaboration with Natural Globe Inc. However a search online also failed to unearth any record of this company, Mogford.


When asked about the fact that none of the companies he mentioned can be found on the internet, Osman then said that they do not do any “internet ads.’ He said that this was because his company “uses innovative techniques which persons could steal.”


Osman in the same breath however, agreed that the “internet” was a great business market place.


When asked about any other countries in which he has operations, Osman said pointed to the Caribbean but declined to name any specific country.

“I have personnel people working there but I can’t mention too much because I don’t want it blown away,” Osman said.


Meanwhile Local Government Minister, Persaud, told Kaieteur News that he could not say for sure whether Dr Luncheon made a mistake by saying the company was Canadian.


According to the Minister, he does not know if the company is registered in Canada, but he knows that it has a Guyanese registration.

Persaud said that the company is being run by a Canada-based Guyanese.


Questioned about whether any investigation was undertaken by the Ministry into the background of and ability of the Company to undertake what it has promised, Persaud responded that government is “satisfied” with all the information which was submitted by the company.


“We just needed a recycling plant which is in keeping with the needs we outlined,” the Minister said. The Minister said that he does not know about the technical capabilities of the company, or about its business in Canada.


Ghost Company Panther Corporation is another Canadian company that had submitted an offer to build a recycling plant but was turned down by Government. This company is headed by Michael Mosgrove who had offered to pursue a US$26M recycling centre locally, complete with curbside pick-up for less than the garbage collection costs today.


Panther Corporation had also offered the government a Bio diesel section to the facility, but was asked not to include that. “I’m very disappointed in how the government has concluded to go with a company that has no proven track record or experience….It’s like you’re giving it to a ghost,” said Mosgrove.


Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, Mosgrove said that he has read what was reported about the company which signed the MoU and “nothing makes sense.”


According to Mosgrove, it is clear that based on what Mohammed Osman said, “he has no knowledge or experience in recycling.” Mosgrove said, “He (Osman) speaks about a US$30M plant in Guyana that is expected to service  Georgetown, East Coast Demerara and the East Bank Demerara. That plant would probably serve around 250,000 persons which is  nowhere close to being a national provider,” Mosgrove explained.


He said that for any company to invest $30M to service such a small market, “something is definitely wrong.”


Mosgrove also noted that Osman did not indicate any information about the type of systems he would be using. “He (Osman) said he would be making byproducts, but still does not indicate what these byproducts are.”


Mosgrove said another thing that baffled him was the fact that Osman’s company has only ever built a prototype and not a commercial establishment.


“Everything which was said by Osman does not hold merit…it’s more idiotic, but it is unclear why the Ministry did not pick up on this,” Mosgrove opined.


Last year Mosgrove’s Canadian-based recycling company embarked on a project in Jamaica to build the first solar-powered recycling centre representing a multi-billion-dollar investment and the prospect of thousands of jobs being created. The company invested US$26M to construct and outfit a 30,000 square foot modular facility in Retirement, St James. With the approval of the St. James Parish council and the Mayor of Montego Bay, Panther signed an MOU with the Parish. Over the last several months Panther worked with all the parishes to establish a National Recycling Programme. Although it was taking time, there has been great progress with each and every parish.


Dem boys seh…Guyana like mad people

November 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


Guyana just tie up a deal wid a Canadian company which is a Guyanese company which got a Canadian owner who is a Guyanese man. Dem boys confuse when dem hear all that. Dem can’t understand what Ganga de Parsad; No man  de Tikka and Rob de Earth brother, OId King Croal try fuh tell people when dem sign de agreement wid de Canadian who is a Guyanese. Wha ketch dem eye is de money. De man tell dem how he coming wid US$30 million fuh recycle de nonsense and try fuh pick any sense that might come out dem mouth. When people check dem can’t find de company nowhere. It ain’t deh pun line neither de hook. It ain’t deh pun de internet. De biggest laugh dem boys get was when dem ask he how nobody can find he on de internet. He tell dem that he ain’t deh pun de internet because he don’t put he company ad pun de internet. Well dem boys want to know if DDL, Banks DIH, de Waterfalls paper and de Ministry of Public Works does put dem company ads pun de net. De madness nah stop deh. De Canadian who is a Guyanese seh that he got personnel people all over de Caribbean. When people ask which part of de Caribbean he seh that he can’t talk because he company gun get blow away. This is de same man who sit down wid de Minister and mek big plan and sign deal. When dem boys ask Ganga de man seh that he satisfy wid wha de man talk. He seh that de government happy fuh deal wid mad people and con men. Ganga recommend and de government happy. He seh that dem only concern wid a part of de US$30 million. Once dem get dem cut, de man can put down coconut plant, artificial plant and even cocoa plant. Is that same attitude mek Brazzy and Bharrat bring Fip. Dem see de hydro money and dem didn’t care wha kind of hydro Guyana get. It coulda been hydro seed wha some of dem already got. Ask Brazzy and Fip. Birds of a feather.

Talk half and see wha kind of plant dem putting down.


Public Service Union threatens strike action

  • Wednesday, 13 November 2013 21:19
The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) is reiterating its call on government to make a 25% across the board pay increase failing which strike action may be taken by its 6000 strong members.
This is according to GPSU Head Patrick  Yarde who stated today at a press  briefing at Shiv Chanderpaul Drive that the move may be taken by its members after government has failed to honour payments to workers in the public sector following the passage of monies in this year's budgetary allocation.  
"Public workers you must just be in a state of readiness to stand up for your rights because its all clear to us that when we do this that people respect us", Yarde said as he pointed to the likelihood of possible strike action.
Yarde said that Since last year the body submitted to the Ministry of Finance in which it called  for a 25 %increase to be included in the budget.  
Following the Budget , he said that the GPSU subsequently met with President Ramotar who stated that he preferred if the government address the issue of increases over a multi year plan    Yarde noted that the GPSU started its work and eventually for the period  2013 to 2015 proposals were submitted to Mr Hydar Ally , the Permanent Secretary at the Public Service Ministry on May 13. " To date no meeting has been held", Yarde stated noting that letters to this effect has been sent to the agency. He said Ally noted that h e was awaiting guidance on the issue.   According to him, there are no reasons why government shouldn't make the payments, noting that payments were already paid to police and teachers.  "We concluded that there was an unwillingness to pay, this dates back to 1999", he noted as he recounted in that year arbitrators agreed to the reintroduction of increments to workers.
He said that at the body's recent congress the matter was discussed. "We discussed this matter at our biennual delegate congress" adding that with the President's trade union grounding he felt there would have been an improvement but he noted "-t  is sad to say that the situation seems to be worst".  According to Yarde, he never heard a public comment from President Ramotar about public servants salaries.  " It appears the P in the PPP no longer means people" ,he said noting that while there is public discussion on government projects there is no mention about workers.
He said that the GPSU also wrote Labour Ministry on the issue , noting that the Chief Labour Officer was asked to engage the body on conciliation but to date have not invited GPSU, a move he deemed surprising adding that  it is not consistent with the character of the current Minister of Labour.
 He also expressed disappointment that the Private Sector Commission as well as the Opposition has been silent on the issue.   The GPSU’s delegates’ conference that was held from September 25 to 27 had mandated the GPSU’s executive to give the government notice to go to the bargaining table within two weeks and conclude the negotiations in one month.
The union also wants an increase in several allowances which have stagnated for at least 10 years now. They include leave passage, hinterland, medical, travelling and uniform allowances.

Consultation on key appointments…

AFC calls for Granger, Ramotar

to “get on with the job”

November 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


  The Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling on all Guyanese to take a stand and demand their Constitutional Rights, among them and most importantly; an Ombudsman, a Human Rights Commission, a Public Appellate Tribunal and a Public Procurement Commission. AFC’s Treasurer, Dominic Gaskin at a press conference yesterday, said that Guyanese have, for too long, been denied these rights as a result of the Government not taking the necessary steps to have these offices filled.

AFC Dominique Gaskin

AFC Dominique Gaskin

Gaskin told media operatives that “the AFC recognises that filling these offices calls for consultation between the President and the Leader of the Opposition and we call on the holders of these two offices to ‘get on with the job”. He posited that leaving these critical offices vacant could be viewed as a denial of democracy and of the oath of elected officials to honour and uphold the Constitution. “In addition, it does not harbour well for the promotion and preservation of law when our Constitution, the supreme law of our land, is being subverted by way of non-compliance or disregard for sections of that document. Our President, Ministers and other elected officials need to be brought to task for this state of affairs and it is time for all citizens, in their private capacity and through civil society representative organisations and non-governmental organisations to demand all our constitutional rights.” Gaskin pointed out the recent “huge hue and cry over” the continued operation of the Ethnic Relations Commission, though all the nominated Commissioners would have served their full term in office. “The AFC demands that the same fervour be placed on filling the offices of the other Commissions, Tribunal and Office of the Ombudsman. They are as equally important as the ERC.”


Minister’s daughter to invest US$15M as business partner – says Canadian investor Mohamed Osman

November 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Govt. inks US$30M MoU with ‘Ghost Company’ for recycling plant…


- Company only registered three months ago, not six years as claim

- Media scaring away foreign investors – Govt.

Natural Globe Incorporated, the company, with which Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to set up a US$30 Million recycling plant here, was only registered in Guyana three months ago.

CEO of Natural Globe Inc., Mohamed Osman

CEO of Natural Globe Inc., Mohamed Osman


















This is a clear contradiction to what the CEO of the Company, Mohamed Osman, told this newspaper on Wednesday.

He had previously claimed that the company is six years old but public records have since revealed this as not being factual and that Osman only registered the company, Natural Globe Inc., three months ago, on August 13, 2013.

He had said too that the proposal for the recycling plant was submitted 14 months ago. Osman yesterday told Kaieteur News that the company, registered locally, has as its directors himself, his son and another female, whom he refused to name.


But in a surprising twist of events, the public records disclosed that the other director and shareholder is in fact Adrianna Webster, the daughter of the Human Services Minister, Jennifer Webster.


The names on the business registration were Mohammed Osman, Adrianna Webster and Imzamam Osman. Adrianna Webster also resides in Canada.


Osman told this publication that it is he and this female investor that would be putting US$15M each. He said that they are not looking for other investors and that they had all of the required cash and are just waiting on the ‘go-ahead.’


Asked about the source of his finances to back such an ambitious project, Osman claimed that he is the Vice President of a Canadian Company, Mogford Enterprises, and that he owns half of this company along with a man he identified as John Mogford.


As he made this claim, a Kaieteur News reporter commenced an online search, to no avail, as no website for this company could be found and Osman was at a loss to give an explanation.

Pressed further on the source of his share of the financing, he said that Mogford Enterprise is the parent company for a subsidiary called the Tadger Group International.

While there was no website found for the parent company, one was located for what he claimed is the subsidiary. When questioned further about this company; details such as contact information, among other things, Osman said he could not recall at the time and would text Kaieteur News the information.

Minister Jennifer Webster

Minister Jennifer Webster















Efforts yesterday to contact the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud proved futile. A woman identifying herself as the Minister’s Secretary repeatedly claimed that Persaud was in a meeting.

The Minister however released a public missive yesterday evening which in itself exposed Osman and again contradicted his claims.

According to the Minister’s statement, “Osman is also an active member of the Tadger’s Fuel Economy Solutions, which is also a key player for environmental management in Ontario, Canada…Mr. Osman serves in the capacity of Technical Adviser to this agency.”


On Wednesday this newspaper had done a search throughout several Canadian business registration listings and nothing was found on Osman or his company. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon in announcing the MoU last week, had said that it was a Canadian Company.


The Company was later identified as Natural Globe Inc., registered in Guyana, with Osman as a shareholder. Osman had told Kaieteur News that Natural Globe Inc., has a Canadian parent company with several branches.  He was however unable to give this publication a name for this company, only to say that it operates in Ontario, Canada.


When asked about the fact that none of the companies he mentioned can be found on the internet, Osman then said that they do not do any “internet ads.’ He said that this was because his company “uses innovative techniques which persons could steal.”


Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud on Wednesday last had also said that he could not say for sure whether Dr Luncheon made a mistake by saying the company was Canadian.


According to the Minister, he does not know if the company is registered in Canada, but he knows that it has a Guyanese registration.


Questioned about whether any investigation was undertaken by the Ministry into the background and ability of the Company to undertake what it has promised, Persaud responded that government is “satisfied” with all the information which was submitted by the company.


“We just needed a recycling plant which is in keeping with the needs we outlined,” the Minister said.   He said that he does not know about the technical capabilities of the company, or about its business in Canada.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Local Government in its public missive deemed the articles written by both this newspaper and the Stabroek News as incorrect, mischievous and misleading and questioned the intention behind the articles.

The Ministry questioned if the articles were meant to scare investors from Guyana.


Govt. inks MoU with ‘Ghost Company’…It’s a stark reminder of the Fip Motilall rip-off – AFC

November 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


  Alliance for Change (AFC) General Secretary, David Patterson has expressed disbelief and dissatisfaction at reports that the Cabinet unanimously agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a company that seemingly doesn’t exist. At an AFC press conference held at Sidewalk Café yesterday, Patterson told media operatives that this move by the government is a stark reminder of the Fip Motilall Amaila Falls deal. “It has happened before; we have seen it with Fip Motilall.”

AFC’s David Patterson

AFC’s David Patterson

Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. Roger Luncheon had last week announced Cabinet’s approval to the signing of the MoU with a Canadian company that was later identified as Natural Globe Inc. That MoU is to secure the company’s setting up of a US$30M recycling plant in Guyana. Upon checks, Kaieteur News discovered that the company has no record of its existence on the internet. As the newspaper sought explanation and clarification, the owner of the ‘company’ Mohamed Osman, said that his company refrains from advertising to avoid copycats who might want to steal ideas. Patterson said yesterday that he cannot comprehend how an entire Cabinet of over 20 Ministers and other Government Officials, including the President, could have agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with such a company. Patterson added that this is a glaring example of what the Government can do if it’s no objection in the awarding of contacts is continued. The Politician once again called for the immediate establishment of the Public Procurement Commission as he reiterated his party’s non- support for Cabinet to maintain its “no objection” power in the procurement process. Even though Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall initially benefited from the US$15.4M contract, in particular the construction of the access road, it is still unclear the actual amount of money he walked away with from the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project. It is also still unclear whether Government conducted due diligence on Motilall to ascertain if he was deserving of an interim licence for Guyana’s hydro-electric power development, a huge undertaking requiring massive investments. Winston Brassington, Head of the Technical Team for the Project, who was Government’s representative at a public consultation, dodged queries on both matters. Synergy Holdings Inc. was granted an interim licence on July 29, 2002, for the development of a Hydro-electric power station and reservoir, and the construction of a transmission line to the coast to sell electricity. Motilall later sold his interim licence to Sithe Global Amaila Holdings Inc. In relation to the “ghost company,” Patterson said he could not stress enough how bad it is that “this agreement got the blessing of the entire cabinet.” It seems as if government and Opposition will go head to head on this one, as the Opposition is maintaining that there must be a Procurement Commission and only that body will award contracts, while Government remains steadfast in its position of maintaining its input in the awarding of contracts, and has tabled an amendment in the National Assembly to ensure same.


GPHC boss sent on leave

Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Michael Khan [Guyana Times photo)

Chief Executive Officer of the

Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Michael Khan



The Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Michael Khan has been ordered to go on annual leave.

When contacted, Khan would only confirm that he received a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nirmal Rekha sending him on vacation with immediate effect. He said no reasons were provided for doing so.
Rekha is also the Finance Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.


The CEO said he has 60 days accumulated annual leave and he usually takes his leave when he is going abroad. In this case, he agreed that the annual leave was chosen for him.


AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf


The ‘top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt ‘jahaaji’ network. 


Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on ‘bigan’ and ‘curass’. That was a ‘whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of ‘misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;


- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. T


- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? 


I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the ‘beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the ‘speck’ from our brother’s.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like Mitwah donated a lot of money to the AFC. According to Yusuf, he must be a very worried man but is hiding his shame.

Govt. inks MoU with ‘Ghost Company’…It’s a stark reminder of the Fip Motilall rip-off – AFC

November 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Minister confirms daughter’s link to ‘Ghost Company’

November 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


…denies claim by CEO that her daughter is US$15M investor

…distance herself from company but provides insight into the financial structure

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster, has confirmed the link between her daughter and the company pursuing a $US30 Million recycling plant in Guyana, but insists that her daughter is not the $US15 million investor. On Monday Government inked an MoU with Natural Globe Incorporated, the company, which has proposed to set up the recycling plant.

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster




Webster yesterday responded to the claim by Chief Executive Officer of the company Mohammed Osman, that her daughter, Andriana Webster, would be investing half of the money in the project. The Minister vehemently denied this and said that her daughter was only a director in the Company and not a shareholder in the project. The Human Services Minister yesterday held a press conference in the boardroom of her Ministry and distanced herself from the company entirely saying that she has no ties to it. She added that “every person is entitled to live his or her separate life regardless of the affiliation of his or her family members.” According to Webster, she does not exercise any control whatsoever over her daughter’s decisions in respect of her personal or professional life. “I do not have anything to do with this company, either personally or in my capacity as a Minister of Government. I in no way attempted to influence any decision-making process, nor did I ever participate in any negotiation process whatsoever in any form or fashion,” Webster stressed. Despite distancing herself from the project, the Minister did provide some insight into the proposed financing structure for the project. She said that it is not a case where a person’s personal money would be invested but rather it was the company that is investing the money. Minister Webster however failed to address the fact that this company was only registered in Guyana three months ago while the proposal for the recycling plant was submitted to Government 14 months ago. The Minister said that the company would be using a debt and equity structure to build the plant, meaning that the Company would invest a certain amount and the remainder of the money would be borrowed from a Bank. How did the Minister know that this is another matter up for contention? This, however, is in stark contrast to what the CEO of the Company had said one day earlier. Osman visited Kaieteur News on Thursday and said that the company had the entire US$30M required for the project. He said that it was he and the Minister’s daughter that would be making the investment.

Mohammed Osman

Mohammed Osman



Minister Webster said that she would be advising her daughter ‘accordingly’ should it be proven that Osman did indeed say that. In defending her daughter, Minister Webster said that her daughter, Adrianna Webster is a 28-year-old professional. According to Minister Webster, her daughter is an information technology consultant who does not have that “kind of money.” She said that her daughter has been living in Canada for several years and is also a consultant for Mogford Enterprise. Osman had told this newspaper that he is the Vice President of Mogford Enterprise which is said to be the Canadian counterpart for Natural Globe Inc. Minister Webster claimed that the article carried in yesterday’s publication of Kaieteur News was inaccurate and malicious. A visibly upset Webster contended that, “the article was intended to expose her personally, her office as a Minister of Government, and the Government of Guyana to public ridicule and to perpetuate the perception of conflict of interest and corruption on my part and that of the Government of Guyana”. A point to note is that this publication’s article never dealt with the issue of the Minister having anything to do with the company Natural Globe Inc. She accused this publication of attempting to  imply or convey the impression that her daughter’s professional pursuit “is as a result of some undue influence exercised by me upon the Government of Guyana is not only erroneous, but is an assault on my personal and professional integrity and that of my daughter.” “She maintained that when the MoU came up for consideration at the level of the Cabinet, she was not present and in fact travelling at the time.” Minister Webster, read a statement she said was from her daughter who resides in Canada. In that statement read by the Minister, her daughter denied that she was the female investor providing US$15M to any recycling plant. The woman did admit to being a director of the locally registered company Natural Globe Inc. She continued that her daughter claimed that her work is not in any way influenced by Jennifer Webster, Minister of Human Services and Social Security in the Government of Guyana. “I have my own income and my own liabilities and my decision to work with the firm is merely on a professional basis…The proposed solid waste recycling project to be undertaken in Guyana, of which I am a registered director of the company— Natural Globe Inc, is purely being undertaken by the company…In fact, the financing for this project is already in place.” The names on the local business registration for Natural Globe Inc are Mohammed Osman, his son, Imzamam Osman, and Andriana Webster. Osman on Thursday told this publication that it is he and this female investor that would be putting US$15M each. He said that they are not looking for other investors and that they had all of the required cash and are just waiting on the ‘go-ahead.’ Asked about the source of his finances to back such an ambitious project, Osman claimed that he is the Vice President of a Canadian Company, Mogford Enterprises, and that he owns half of this company along with a man he identified as John Mogford. As he made this claim, a Kaieteur News reporter commenced an online search, to no avail, as no website for this company could be found. Osman was at a loss to give an explanation. Pressed further on the source of his share of the financing, he said that Mogford Enterprise is the parent company for a subsidiary called the Tadger Group International. While there was no website found for the parent company, one was located for what he claimed is the subsidiary. A statement from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development contradicted this position by announcing that he was merely a consultant with the company and not owner as was claimed by Osman. When questioned further about this company; details such as contact information, among other things, Osman said he could not recall at the time and would text Kaieteur News the information. He is yet to provide this information. Questioned recently about whether any investigation was undertaken by the Local Government Ministry into the background and ability of the Company to undertake what it has promised, the Subject Minister, Ganga Persaud responded that government is “satisfied” with all the information which was submitted by the company. “We just needed a recycling plant which is in keeping with the needs we outlined,” the Minister said.   He said that he does not know about the technical capabilities of the company, or about its business in Canada.





November 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 


Thirty million Uncle Sam dollars or six billion Guyana dollars is a lot of bread. Even for massive multinational corporations whose profits dwarf the gross domestic products of small countries, such a sum would not be invested anywhere without the approval of the power men in the Boardroom.
The reason why Board approval would normally be necessary for such a relatively small investment is because of the principle of accountability. The Board of Directors of a major multinational corporation knows that a bad investment anywhere can hurt the image of the institution and therefore they would wish to approve of even such a small investment, relative to their overall worth.
Thirty million US dollars or six billion Guyana dollars is a lot of money for any company, much less one that is not listed on the worldwide web and about which not much is known. Thirty million US dollars or six billion Guyana dollars is a lot of bread for a company which has only recently been incorporated in Guyana.
Imagine then reading a report in the newspapers which suggests that for an investment of that sum that is being put into a waste recycling plant in Guyana, fifteen million US dollars will come from one person and another person will put up another fifteen million dollars.
Now where is this money coming from?  This is a legitimate question that needs to be asked of all investors coming to Guyana? In fact, one of the first tasks of due diligence on any investor is to establish the source of the funds that will be invested. No government wants to enter into an arrangement with any investor, only to find that the promised funds for the investment are not forthcoming or are from a suspicious source. This can place the entire project which the investment is expected to fund in jeopardy.
The Ministry of Local Government recently signed a MOU with a firm in which the proposed investment is supposed to be thirty million dollars. The media has every right to demand answers as to the reputation of the contractor and the source of the funding.
Guyana has had a terrible experience with a foreign firm which was contracted to build a major access road to the site of a hydroelectric facility which was to be constructed.
When the contract was first awarded this newspaper did an investigative piece and discovered that the company was operating out of a small puja job in Florida.
Questions were also immediately raised about the experience and expertise of the contractor. These concerns were never adequately addressed and the result is now history. After advancing billions of dollars to the contractor, the contract had to be terminated and billions more had to be spent to proceed with its completion. It is still not complete.
It is therefore a fair and legitimate question for the government to be asked as to the source of the fifteen million dollars each that the proposed investors will be putting up for the waste recycling plant in Guyana. Where is the money coming from?
That is what the public is entitled to know. Will it be borrowed from the local commercial banks, or will it be borrowed from foreign banks. If so who are these banks and what commitments have been provided by these banks that would have allowed the Ministry of Local Government to proceed with the issuance of a Memorandum of Understanding.
If the funds are being borrowed, one would expect that there will be some equity involved. After all, most banks would expect the borrowers to put up some of their own funds before lending such a large sum. So what is the equity contribution of the two investors that it is said will be injecting some fifteen million United States dollars into this project?
Or will two corporations be advancing the sums to be invested. If so what are the names of these corporations?
The public needs to know the answers to these questions.


Something seems to be fishy here.


Ramotar condoning an illegality with drug purchased from Ramroop – Harmon

November 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The Public Procurement Commission is the answer to the dilemma that Guyana finds itself in. Without it one man can be handed 75 per cent of the contracts for drugs and further be pre-qualified for years at a time.
This is according to Executive Member of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Joseph Harmon, who said that while former President Bharrat Jagdeo, would have put the system in place the current Head of State, Donald Ramotar, is condoning that level of illegality.

APNU Joseph Harmon

APNU Joseph Harmon

Harmon insists that it has to be unlawful for one person to be handed contracts for such long periods without any competitive bidding.
“When you say to one man I am going to give you a contract for three or five years what are you doing to the rest of the market there?”
Harmon suggested that Government through this practice has locked itself into a position where Head of the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, can now spike the price of the drugs that he sells, “which he did.”
He said that under this arrangement Ramroop can deliver drugs late, or close to expiry with no recourse and would still seek to challenge the Auditor General.
Harmon said that the arrangement with Ramroop has to be revised and “this is why we have to put in place a Public Procurement Commission.”
According to Harmon, the President and his Cabinet have to act constitutionally “because this country will go nowhere when the supreme law of the land can be dealt with in a manner with which they are”.
He said that offices such as that of the Ombudsman, an effective Integrity Commission and the Public Procurement Commission are not matters for political negotiations or bartering.
“The Constitution makes provision for a Public Procurement Commission and therefore the opposition parties need not have to beg for it or barter for it, it is the law.”
Harmon accused Ramotar of being in violation of his oath of office because he swore to uphold the constitution which makes provision for those bodies.
He said that were there a proper procurement commission in place then the nation would not be experiencing the turmoil it finds itself in and pointed to the US$30M recycling plant.
“The whole episode is ridiculous…We have people sitting at the Cabinet who don’t know a thing about what is happening.”
He suggested that for a ‘no objection’ to be given to this project, then one can imagine the level of scrutiny and due diligence that would have engaged projects such as the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project, the Expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and the Specialty Hospital among others.
“This Cabinet is displaying a certain level of incompetence; it seems incapable of dealing with the most rudimentary of things…negotiation is terrible.”
Harmon said that on many occasions what in fact happens is that Winston Brassington would be tasked with putting together a number of deals and once he has signed off they are approved.
This, he said, leaves a situation where projects are negotiated without the input of lawyers or accountants and other professionals “to see if this is in the best interest of Guyana…If we have a proper Procurement Commission a number of these things would not be there.”
He said, “If we had a proper Integrity Commission with the authority to investigate the statements when they get it a lot of these Ministers who are living large from the wealth they are accumulating would have to explain it.”
Asked about the statement by Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, that the government had the support of the APNU for the passage of an amendment to preserve the ‘no objection’ status for Cabinet in the Procurement laws, Harmon denied this.
“Luncheon could say anything he wants; we never pledged any support…We have no arrangement with Dr Luncheon for the passage of this legislation.”
Harmon insists that the Constitution requires certain bodies be put in place. “What we are saying and what we will continue to say let them put it in place and the President must do it.”
He was adamant also that the Integrity Commission must be properly staffed and charged with the ability to investigate and be able to report back to the National Assembly.
Harmon suggested that “these Ministers got children, husbands and wives and what they are doing is putting things in their names so you have to draw a circle around all of these public officials.”
The APNU Executive said that in the United States some years ago he benefitted from a programme in law enforcement and drug seizures. He said that in the US there is law called the “doctrines of relations back”.
He explained that in the USA, if a person is found with any large quantity of drugs and convicted then a circle is created around that person. There is a revert to ten years prior where any and all of their connections including family members, would have to explain their wealth.
He said that when this recommendation was put to government the reply was, “Don’t worry with this.”
According to Harmon, “too much of the wealth of this country has been frittered away on friends and family while the people of this country continue to be in a level of poverty.”


“The Constitution makes provision for a Public Procurement Commission and therefore the opposition parties need not have to beg for it or barter for it, it is the law.”


Ramotar is openly breaking the law.


PPP’s 20-year unbroken rule an era of broken promises – AFC

October 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

“Tomorrow (October 5th) marks 20 unbroken years of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in Government, and much of what is positive over the years, has been lost in the frenzy over political control and domination.” This notion was expressed by Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, during the Party’s weekly press briefing. Nagamootoo, who once served as a Minister in the PPP Government from 1992 to 2000, reflected that when the PPP assented to Office, it was supposed to be “the dawn of a new era”.

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

“The ‘new era’ promise has been betrayed, and working people have lost faith and hope in the PPP. It is divided and weak and under its present ‘Jagdeoite’ leadership, it can no longer by itself guarantee Guyana good, stable and effective governance. The PPP’s rule has been an era of broken promises.” Nagamootooo stressed that during the 20-year period, President Bharrat Jagdeo ruled from 1999 to 2011, and those years stand out as Guyana’s disgraced era of political vulgarity, lawlessness and corruption. He noted that the early years of the Party in Office were not mired in corruption. “The Cheddi Jagan presidency was the golden gem of “lean and clean” in governance. It was short-lived. While the formal political democracy for which we had fought relentlessly, was to survive, the frugal and honest government of Cheddi Jagan died with him,” Nagamootoo reflected. The veteran politician stressed that 20 years ago Guyanese voted for a change in how Government did business, as they sought benefits for their hard work and taxes, improved social services and job opportunities, but the story of development has been lost in the narrative of corruption. “There is no parallel in Guyana’s history for the vulgar descent into corrupt practices as that unfolding under the PPP’s watch. The inheritors have put Cheddi Jagan and his crop of selfless fighters to shame. “These inheritors have become get-rich-quick elite that have forged an incestuous relationship with rags-to-riches tycoons. They and their cronies swindle billions of dollars on scams…failed construction projects; accounts hidden from the treasury; super salaries for sinecure employment together with ‘fat cat’ pensions, perks and privileges; rigged contracts for computers, drugs, pirated textbooks.” Nagamootoo opined that after 20 years, “the social fabric of society is disintegrating, as there seems to be no effective safety net for the poor and vulnerable. In addition, Government has to be held accountable for the near financial collapse of the National Insurance Scheme in which thousands of contributors invested and are now pushed to the edge of uncertainty”. “The drain in public funds, plus squandermania and waste, has resulted in greater borrowing so that Guyana’s national debt today is higher than that under the PNC regime,” Nagamootoo noted.



The day I resigned from the PPP – Ralph Ramkarran

July 28, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Former Central Executive member of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Ralph Ramkarran, has detailed his final moments as a member of that party, saying that the last straw was when he was accused of being untrustworthy. In his now weekly article posted last evening on his website,, the former two-time Speaker of the National Assembly also said that hours after his resignation, on June 30, last year, senior officials of the PPP were more concerned about the negative publicity rather than his departure.

Ralph Ramkarran

Next weekend, the PPP is heading to Berbice to hold its first national Congress without the presence of the any of the Jagans. It will also be the first time that Ramkarran, and his wife Janet, will be absent too since 1974. The party, which lost its voting majority in the National Assembly in the November 2011 General Elections for the first time in its 20-year reign, has been facing one crisis after another, including cuts to the National Budget and blocking of a number of major projects, including the flagship Amaila Falls hydro-electric and expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Last week, in response to a number of stinging criticisms, the party said that Ramkarran never raised the issue of corruption while he was making a bid to become the Presidential Candidate in the lead-up to the 2011 elections, a charge that the lawyer has denied. Ramkarran, in the article titled “The Day I Resigned From The PPP”, disclosed that shortly before that last meeting, he had written an article on pervasive corruption in Guyana. On June 29th, there was a Party Executive meeting where he was met with hostilities from party members which appeared planned “by willing and practised hands”.


Untrustworthy It was at the end of that meeting that he was “gratuitously and irrelevantly accused of being untrustworthy. After forty years in the leadership of the PPP, such an accusation was about as much as I could bear.” “Not after two decades, the 1970s and 1980s, during the most frightening political conditions in our country, discussing ultra sensitive matters in the ultra secure group of the leadership, in ultra secure conditions, given the most confidential information and (legal) tasks by that group and never found wanting. I erupted and there was loud talk. I left the meeting after a refusal to withdraw the accusation.” The meeting so badly affected him that he remained silent after returning home and his family thought he had suffered a stroke. Immediately after breakfast, on June 30h, he made the decision to quit the party. “I knew that the time had come for me to sever my fifty-year formal connection with the PPP, which went even further back into childhood.” Ramkarran said that his connections included not only the Executive and the Central Committee, but from the Party itself. “I did not speak to or consult anyone but realised that I could take no more of the years of hostility, abuse and torment that had been heaped upon me, starting in 1997, subsiding for a few years, then recommencing with studied vindictiveness and renewed venom in 2005 at the Essequibo Congress, lasting I later learnt, up to shortly before President (Donald) Ramotar was sworn in.” He said that he had thought that the hostilities would change with the elections being over. However, matters got worse. “A Cabinet had been appointed, but I was to learn that my exclusion was demanded by some, ostensibly because I did not campaign, but in reality because of the lingering hostility and vindictiveness.” He returned to writing for The Mirror, the party’s newspaper and even did outreaches. “I even allowed my name to be put up for Speaker, which I advised was a losing proposition.”


Outspoken Ramkarran, who said earlier this week that the party grew increasingly intolerant to criticisms of corruption, believed that it was not merely his “alleged contrariness” that got him into trouble, but his outspokenness too. “My presence, my independence, the fact that I spoke up and disagreed sometimes, and when insulted did not take it quietly, these could not be tolerated. It dawned upon me that I had completely alienated myself from the ruling cabal and had ceased to be seen as a team player among that group because I was not obsequiously compliant.” Ramkarran steered away from naming the party officials who felt that way but indicated that the “new” ruling group had imposed a culture of implacable hostility to internal or external views contrary to those of its own. After sending his resignation in, there were calls from a number of friends but none who were at the executive meeting. “No one would have been asked to call if the draft press statement was not included with my resignation, indicating my intention to go public. They could not have cared less about my resignation and would have welcomed it, if done quietly. Their only concern was the negative publicity.” He said that later that day, he sent a copy of the press statement to a private newspaper. On his resignation, Ramkarran said he was not merely forced to leave a room. “I was degraded so often that this time it could only mean that I was being kicked out of a treasured life of shared commitment and endeavour, achievements and setbacks, joys and sorrows, arguments won and lost, great debates in the Cheddi Jagan era, playing a role in the direction of the country, great friendships and fraternal comradeships.” Snatching this life and these memories away in such a vulgar manner was a punishment more cruel than any that could have been devised, and devised it was, awaiting only the opportunity to spring it.” Despite an apology from the party, it was obvious that it was a limp one. “The limp attempt at an apology in my absence, too little too late, could not disguise and did not address the real problems as outlined above. The steps which could have stopped my impending resignation, or reversed it even after it became public, were not taken.”


Where is my silly little antiman fren, Rev?


Outspoken Ramkarran, who said earlier this week that the party grew increasingly intolerant to criticisms of corruption, believed that it was not merely his “alleged contrariness” that got him into trouble, but his outspokenness too. “My presence, my independence, the fact that I spoke up and disagreed sometimes, and when insulted did not take it quietly, these could not be tolerated.

Who Vex, Vex!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is my silly little antiman fren, Rev?


Outspoken Ramkarran, who said earlier this week that the party grew increasingly intolerant to criticisms of corruption, believed that it was not merely his “alleged contrariness” that got him into trouble, but his outspokenness too. “My presence, my independence, the fact that I spoke up and disagreed sometimes, and when insulted did not take it quietly, these could not be tolerated.

Who Vex, Vex!

Mits I do not DouBT.....what or who rev is....

Anti-man.....Rev R U 1 2

Who Vex....Vex



Rev we say a winner has Majority Support....

if not he is a looser.......

Plain & Simple...

Lets call a Spade a Spade

"Burnham Constitution is Unacceptable"

How could anyone be "a winner"

 with less than 50% ????

Who Vex....Vex


"Indians do not like Burnham Constitution"

Only Jagdeo, Ramotar, Black PNC Thugs,

House-of-Israel Killers & Election Riggers

All those who Love Burnham Constitution

Who Vex....Vex


Rev did Karma miss all your Friends & Buddies??


Who Vex....Vex


Jagdeo & Ramotar are two

House Of Isreal Indians....

Rev R U 1 2

Who Vex....Vex











On page 15 we shall deal with how Jagdoe gives away the Assets of Guyana on a platter to his friends and cronies for little and nothing.

How the PPP/C have raped Guyana:



Last edited by Former Member



August 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 




Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.
Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.
We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.
We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.
If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.
Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, ‘If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’.


Opposition leaders say…Document

“The Heist of Guyana”

October 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Members of the Joint Opposition are urging the public to carefully file the series of articles that are being published in Kaieteur News called, “The Heist of Guyana.” The full-page column details in a sequential format how Guyana has been “parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Bharat Jagdeo.”

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge

The series unveils the “rampant corruption, preferential treatment and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration.” It also explained that it will reveal how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends and what we have today, is an economy that is controlled by a small group of influential persons with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. Members of the Joint Opposition have supported the cause and they are strongly suggesting that members of the public “keep these reports of unbelievably poignant and accurate accounts of the truth which bring to light – The Jagdeo deception.” Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, “I believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the  structures being built all over. It is all a deception.  It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.” Carl Greenidge, the Shadow Minister of Finance for the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, also believes that it is critical that citizens pay attention to the “Heist of Guyana” series. The Member of Parliament said, “It is natural for there to be comments on performance of any Government for they collect our monies and how they spend it, can adversely affect our lives.” “Guyana faces some serious problems of morality and state lawlessness and this makes it imperative that civil society and political parties address the problems which give rise to such behaviour.” “The press has a key role in this regard and as responsible citizens we have to recognize and protect them in this pursuit.” Greenidge asserted that there has been a massive upsurge of corruption under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). He noted too, that the regime and its reaction to that development, “is special” because almost uniquely in this region, the Government instead of making an effort to bring it down; “works hand in hand with those very criminals once they are prepared to fund the PPP because it sees white and blue collar crime as acceptable just as it sees a Minister having a right to have his wife audit the books of the entities overseen by the Minister.” “Instead of fighting corruption, the Government viciously attacks those who dare to highlight the problem. One of the main features in Guyana which has allowed these phenomena to gain such a foothold is a weak civil society and a consequential inability to force Governments to live by an acceptable standard. Part of that weakness has been reflected in the fact that outcries and complaints about outrageous behavior are raised and quickly forgotten and patterns of behaviours are not traced or brought to the public’s attention in any systematic manner.” “However, the attempt by Kaieteur News to publish its perception of what is happening under the rubric of “Heist” is most welcomed for its continuity and persistence even in the face of unacceptable Government and PPP retaliation and defamation, and for its investigative work.   I would encourage them to continue which is necessary in defense of our fundamental rights.”


Great things are happening in Guyana

July 10, 2009 Peeping Tom 

Why are persons being critical of press freedom in Guyana? Why? Guyana has the freest press in the world. The press is so free in Guyana that some of them are operating virtually free of expenses.[Come on Rev, Ewe-gee, Kwame & the Other Batty Boys & Crab Louse…. lets hear it from the boys……and lets Give the Boys a Hand]

One company is being floated by government ads even though its circulation is less than two thousand per day. These two thousand copies, it is estimated, would cost the company a variable cost of about $100,000 per day but with the close to one million ($1,000,000) in ads that it gets from the government each day, it is able to not only cover its variable and fixed costs but also to make a whopping profit. [Is this the Company that was started up by Jagdeo Personal Friends, is it the same company involved in the Illegal Purchase of Govt Property which was Exposed by Yesu Persaud….. Remember the Comander –in –thief  Cuss out Yesu for exposing the Illegal sale to his Friend …… then Jagdeo Railroaded the sale in Parliarment to make it seem legal or Kosha.]

On top of that, the company enjoys a great deal of printing jobs from its friends in high places thus allowing the company greater profitability. A great many printing jobs are going its way. This company is doing well. It is a success story. No media outlet in the world can boast that it has such a supportive environment. [ Jagdeo say PNC thief nonstop for 28 years…… under him it’s just Business as Usual with a PPP or PNC Govt]

And this is why the Alliance For Change should seriously withdraw its charge about the lack of press freedom in Guyana. It is simply not true. Where else in the world would you find media houses being so unashamedly subsidized?.........[Exactly, this is Rev & Kwame’s Logic……..further AFC lucky Jagdeo only thief one seat from them in the 2006 Elections… them should shut them mouth and keep quiet]

Where else in the world would you find media houses being so buoyed by support such as what exists in Guyana?.....................[ Only in Guyana Under Jagdeo…..and that’s what Friends are for…….Keep smiling…..Knowing you can always count on Govt as long as Jagdeo Large-and-In-charge.]



But this is not the only positive thing that is happening in Guyana. There are a great other many good things also happening in Guyana. We have some very good Ministers in the country and they are doing a fantastic job with the very limited resources at their disposal…………..[ Rohee & Nanda-lall, Benn & Brassington, Man-ni-ram & Webster , Kill-o-wan-large & Kwame,  La-mum-ba & Lamb-bad-da ….. all them bhai Bad fuh Days ]

This is why it is surprising that the Office of the Auditor General would highlight minor issues in his audit about bank accounts being overdrawn. Why should this be a problem? The reason why these accounts are overdrawn is because enough funds were not allocated in the first place to cater for the great amount of work that had to be done………….[ We have to Agree with Rev, Kwame and them ………Jagdeo, Ramotar and his Ministers were never charged by the Police…… Forget about the Auditor General…. He wicked ]

We have Ministries that are spending a great deal of money and they are busy doing so. They are serving the people of this country and because there is so much work being done, it is to be expected that in some instances there will be minor administrative details that will be left unattended to.

 Come on Mr. Auditor General, you have to show more understanding!................[ Mr Auditor General how come you miss Jagdeo Fruad Wedding which he pull pon de Hindus in Guyana…..dem Muslim Bhai would have`sling him up fuh disrespecting them sister like that……Just Imagine how Butty-Bhai Lucky, them hindu really understanding and forgiving]

Each day we wake up we learn of the wonderful work that the government is doing to help the people of this country. Money is being spent to improve health care, education and buy the pumps to bring an end to the sewage problems. These pumps could not be brought in earlier because if you have to buy the pumps individually, it would be more costly than if you have to buy them in bulk…………..[ Judge fuh yuh-self……where de money going…..Rev & Kwame say nuff pumping going on…..]

Money has to be found also to host all those consultations of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy. With this strategy Guyana will make money. So we have to spend money to make money………………[and den spending it, left, right and center…. Rev & Kwame saying …aya must….just stop asking question]

One Ministry that understands the importance of investing to make money is the former Ministry of Agriculture…..Now Minister of Oil & Pumping… That Ministry is investing in our future……………..[and more so his future,  the Baby MBA’s  were born in USA……..AMERICAN CITIZEN…….and Aunty-man say Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana….3 year ago ]


One presumptuous person dared question the success of the Grow More Food Campaign using figures supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture, but forgot to mention that had it not been for climate change the numbers would have been different…………….[ Dem bhai got answer fuh every-thing]

The Grow More Food Campaign is successful but is being affected by the climate change and all the carbon that is being given out which is damaging the crops and causing it to appear as if production is not increasing…………[so don’t talk about corruption, thiefing and mis-management under Robert and Uncle Bharat]

Billions are being spent on the agricultural sector. But these lazy reporters we have in this country are not reporting on how this money is being spent to benefit the people of this country………….[ de problem is the Free Press and them Lazy reporters]

All they want to do is to go to the press conferences and stay silent. How are Guyanese then to know about all the seeds that are being distributed and…… the pumping that is taking place to drain the farmlands of excessive water?...................[ Nuff PUMPING going on between Robert and Jagdeo……Rev & Kwame]

These reporters need to go out and find out how these billions are being spent so that the Guyanese people can celebrate that they have a hard-working and caring government that is accounting for every cent that is spent………………………[Rev & Co tell abee where them Pumping again]

Instead of concentrating on these efforts, the media seems obsessed with where the Lotto Funds are and why it is not being paid into the Consolidated Fund. The reason is simple.
The Consolidated Fund is already consolidated and cannot hold any more money. This is why the Lotto Funds are not being put in to the Consolidated Fund……………[ What A Jerk off the Nation witnessing with Jagdeo…….. Insulting de Hindus and Pumping  them fuh keep them quiet]


Jagdeo & Rev know how fuh pump dem Hindu.

Dem say dem is "House of Isreal Hindu"...

Rev say Jagdeo is dem Pundit....


It is time to put a cap on the PPP gravy train

November 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, That video from Channel 8 News, Berbice with the voice of a sugar worker explaining the plight of the people clearly highlights why many of us are in politics; notwithstanding we suffer personal attack quite illegitimately by the compromised forces in the PPP.  This video can be found at—JZqrg and the real message starts at about four minutes into the video. In the past decade, technology has reshaped so many economies, yet the sugar belt seems to be stuck in pre-historic days. As the global market takes shape, Guyana always seem to have too little money for critical valued-added items such as wages for its workers, the re-shaping of the planting beds to adopt new technologies and research into scientific techniques to make the industry more efficient.  But As Mr. Paulton Austin, the GAWU Rose Hall representative highlighted, they have millions for the likes of Raj Singh who manages Guysuco by remote control from New Jersey, USA. If these trends persist, Guysuco will have far too few workers on their payroll to meet production targets and the industry will suffer even more, all because the PPP just does not get the basics as outlined by Mr. Austin,  “the roots of the sugar industry, just like a tree, is what holds the sugar industry up; trim the top!” I have been writing on this message for years and thus it is not that the PPP is ignorant of the facts; they are just plain wicked as they remain committed to compromise vested interest, political friends and business interests.  Real Guyana is the least of their concern.  It was in service to those vested interests, political friends and business interests that a Chinese firm was commissioned to spend some G$44 billion to build a white elephant at Skeldon, when an Indian, Brazilian or South African firm would have done a much better job for less money. That is why the majority opposition has to remain firm and unyielding on the Public Procurement Commission; it is time to put a cap on the PPP gravy train and all those billion dollar beach front properties owned and controlled by the white collar criminals who stole them from the people.  Sasenarine Singh


Robert Persaud Admit the PPP took some good blows at the last elections.

He further admit the PPP is losing political support daily and he was their Campaign manager.


Who is Rev, Ewe-Gee, Big-Seed, Skeldon, Kwame or Councie to tell us differently.


Local govt poll delay costing PPP- Robert Persaud

  • Monday, 18 November 2013 23:54

Minister of Natural Resource Robert Persaud flanked by senior officials of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Guyana Forestry Commission and the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce at the Stakerholders Forum

Minister of Natural Resource Robert Persaud flanked by senior officials of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Guyana Forestry Commission and the President of the Georgetown Chamber  of Commerce at the Stakerholders Forum


“Politically, we lose every single day with the current state of local government bodies in terms of their lack of effective functioning,” he said.



Heist of the telecoms, media sector…AFC looking to strike out mandatory licences for Jagdeo’s friends

November 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- We will move to change this criminal nonsense – Ramjattan

Legislators, studying measures that will allow new operators to enter the local telecommunications

AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

market, have vowed to make critical changes before new proposed changes are voted on.
This is following shocking revelations over the weekend that Telecommunications Licences will be handed to four companies, three of which share close ties to former President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The three companies, Quark Communications Inc., Global Technology’s i-Net Communications and E-Networks armed with such a licence would be able to compete directly with Digicel and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), once the laws are passed in the National Assembly and assented to by President Donald Ramotar.
More glaring is that the three companies would have been rapidly expanding their distribution network knowing that the proposed changes in the law mandates that they would be given a licence while others interested in the market would have been restricted.
Following complaints that telecoms players were kept in the dark about the proposed licences, Kaieteur News in its investigations and subsequent exposure over the past few weeks made some startling revelations.
Registration documents filed with Government found that all three companies were filled with shareholders who have known ties with Jagdeo with at least one person being directly related.
With Government unveiling an aggressive project to connect 90,000 poor families with internet, any company receiving a telecoms licence will be poised to capitalize also on the mobile phone market, an area

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

that is jealously guarded by the current companies and worth billions of dollars.
Recently, after several months in limbo in the National Assembly amidst ongoing negotiations with both GT&T and Digicel, Government re-tabled legislations to break the former’s 20 year-old monopoly on landline and international calls.
The Opposition, however, sent the proposed changes to the law to a Special Parliamentary Select Committee saying that it wanted to study it further.
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, yesterday told this publication that his party, which controls seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, had found it strange that Government had decided upfront who are the four companies that will be receiving licences.
“A telecoms licence is not a joke that is handed willy-nilly to anyone…We are supposed to have an open, transparent system allowing everyone to have a chance to compete.”
Ramjattan said that “to decide beforehand who you want to operate in the market is indeed strange and worrying…We can draw some conclusions from this…We will move to make some changes to change this criminal nonsense.” Ramjattan’s worry is not unfounded.
Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, is a director in Global Technology.  Quark has its operations running out of Ramroops’ property at Versailles, West Bank Demerara.
Winston Brassington, a controversial figure who spearheaded a number of large scale projects for Government including the Marriott Hotel and the troubled Amaila Falls hydro facility, is a central figure in Quark.
Quark’s main founder is Brian Yong. He is known to be a close friend of Jagdeo and was even on his party’s elections campaign as a candidate in 2011.
Vishok Persaud, a main principal in E-Networks, is also a close friend of the former President and the son of a former party stalwart, the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud.
Already, both E-Networks and Quark have been awarded licences for operating cable TV. The controversial approvals were made days before Jagdeo ended his Presidential term of office in 2011 when he also greenlighted the operations of several radio stations, most of them going to persons and companies with close ties to the ruling party.
Several established media houses who had applied for licences, including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News

From left: E-Network’s Vishok Persaud, Bharrat Jagdeo and Quark’s Brian Yong

From left: E-Network’s Vishok Persaud, Bharrat Jagdeo and Quark’s Brian Yong

and CNS 6, were overlooked in the 2011 decision by the former president.
“To place this much power under unclear circumstances in a few persons’ hands is highly dangerous, and not only to national security. We already know how much resentment this has generated in the minds of Guyanese.
“I do believe that these actions by the former President were never intended to come to light; it is only through the good works of Kaieteur News that we know now.”
According to Ramjattan, the control of the state media by Government has increasingly become a dangerous one as the Opposition is sidelined from airing their views.
“We are allowed little or no access to send our message to the people who are the real owner of the state media.”
The MP made it clear that Government nor any companies should not consider it a done deal that any licence is automatic.
“I want to make it clear that is highly irregular. It is not a done deal and is evidence of the eye-pass and totally disregard of the Guyanese people…This administration have been operating as if they are a law unto themselves,”

Winston Brassington

Winston Brassington

said Ramjattan
Earlier this year, Opposition Leader, Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger, prepared a report of almost 100 cases of bias by the state-owned Government Information Agency (GINA).
For the second consecutive year, the Opposition reduced the budget of GINA, citing unhappiness over its operations.



Guyana most corrupt country in

English-speaking Caribbean

December 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

-watchdog body calls for Procurement Commission, new Integrity Commission,

“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.”- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.
According to rankings released yesterday by watchdog corruption body, Transparency International (TI), the 2012 Annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has placed Guyana at a lowly 133 out of total of 174 countries. Guyana managed a miserly 28 points out of 100.
And in the presentation of the Transparency International findings, head of the local chapter, Attorney at Law, Gino Persaud, and Secretary Frederick Collins, both lauded Kaieteur News which has been highlighting corruption in Guyana.
The newspaper has been investigating the various contracts issued under questionable circumstances and examining the numerous projects, many of which were believed to be overpriced.

TIGI officials: From left is Vice-President, Dr. Anand Goolsarran; President, Gino Persaud and Director, Frederick Collins.

The results were released by Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. (TIGI), the local contact of TI.
TI would have conducted its surveys gauging perceptions to corruption by examining relations in the public sector, the local police, Customs, procurement and doing business.
The index has become a signature tool widely used around the globe to measure the perceived levels of public sector corruption in countries and looked at keenly by investors and multilateral lending agencies.
Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tie for first place with scores of 90, helped by strong access to information systems and rules governing the behaviour of those in public positions.
Guyana tied Comoros, Honduras, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
“This ranking places us at the bottom of the English Speaking Caribbean with only Haiti below us at 165. It is noteworthy that in the Caribbean, Barbados ranks at 15 with a score of 76; both St. Lucia and Bahamas rank at 22 with a score of 71 and St. Vincent and the Grenadines rank at 36 with a score of 62,” TIG’s President, Gino Persaud said during a press conference at the offices of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Waterloo Street.
Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia once again cling to the bottom rung of the index. In these countries, the lack of accountable leadership and effective public institutions underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption.
At the press conference also were former Auditor General, Dr. Anand Goolsarran, who is TIGI’s Vice President; and Director, Frederick Collins.
Persaud, a lawyer, said that the advocacy body will be writing government on the findings of the index.

Integrity Commission…
TIGI listed a number of measures that Government will have to implement to raise Guyana’s rankings. These include the appointment of competent and independent members of the Integrity Commission to scrutinize the financial disclosures of politicians and bureaucrats and with adequate staff and resources to ensure the Commission can adequately fulfill its mandate.
Persaud noted that Prime Minister Sam Hinds in June had promised to have new members of the Integrity Commission sworn within a week.
Among other things TIGI is also calling for the urgent appointment of members of the Public Procurement Commission to regulate government contracts and minimize their involvement; the implementation of modern anti-corruption legislation; implementation of whistle-blowing legislation; the enforcement of existing anti-corruption laws by investigating and prosecuting the corrupt and the strengthening of existing anti-corruption institutions such as the Guyana Police Force and the Financial Intelligence established under the money laundering legislation.
“These institutions are weak and unable to counter serious white collar crime and corrupt activities,” Persaud said in his read statement.
Guyana should also appoint an Ombudsman to address grievances from members of the public; ensure that all public monies are placed to the credit of the Consolidated Fund, and no public expenditure must be incurred without Parliamentary approval.
TIGI also called for all appointments to public offices to be advertised and made with due regard to technical competence, and not loyalty; and for the Access to Information Act passed in Parliament to be strengthened and made operational.
TIGI also called for the strengthening of civil society and for organisations such as the Guyana Bar Association, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Private Sector Commission, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and the Guyana Press Association to become more involved in combating corruption by speaking out against corruption and being proactive within its own membership on tackling corruption and by partnering with us for collective efforts.
“We call on the press corps to be more vigilant in acting as a professional, impartial and responsible watchdog body against corruption.”

Corruption exists
According to Goolsarran, most countries are doing everything possible to “get to the top of the table” of rankings. He urged, as a start, that government accept the index in good faith and do something about it.
The officials drew reference to a judge in Brazil who targeted a number of politicians close to former President Lula and who was the laughing stock of many. The politicians were brought to trial.
Asked to comment on the impact of the findings, Dr Goolsarran said that serious investors use the findings by Transparency International to determine whether they would invest in a country. Many have opted to cancel plans for investment in Guyana.
TIGI is seeking funding now to educate Guyanese and will seek to meet with government and Members of the Parliament to discuss the issue which ultimately affects the way Guyana is perceived.
The TIGI officials refused to be drawn into answering questions whether President Donald Ramotar had done enough to tackle corruption in Guyana.
According to Collins, newspaper reporters and even the Auditor General’s annual report have been indicators of the situation of corruption in Guyana.
TIGI also disclosed that it has been asked by the Minister of Natural Resources to work with his Ministry on mining, an area which has been besotted with issues of corruption and lawlessness in recent years.
According to TIGI, the index demonstrates that corruption continues to ravage societies around the globe. Two-thirds of the 176 countries ranked in the 2012 index score below 50, on a scale from 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 100 (perceived to be very clean), showing that public institutions need to be more transparent, and powerful officials held more accountable.
According to Huguette Labelle, the Chair of Transparency International, “Governments need to integrate anti-corruption actions into all public decision-making. Priorities include better rules on lobbying and political financing, making public spending and contracting more transparent and making public bodies more accountable to people. After a year of focus on corruption, we expect governments to take a tougher stance against the abuse of power.”
UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon has said that corruption afflicts all countries, undermining social progress and breeding inequality and injustice.
“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services. All of us have a responsibility to take action against the cancer of corruption.”
The private sector, too, stands to gain enormously from effective action, he said. “Corruption distorts markets, increases costs for companies and ultimately punishes consumers.”
According to the BBC, corruption was the world’s most talked about issue in 2010 and 2011.


Muslims draw the Line

on Bharat & Ramotar....

Hang all dem antimen...



Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Guyanese Muslims

to resist decriminalizing

Homosexual laws – CIOG

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


July 16, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

The Muslim Community will continue to resist any decriminalization of homosexual laws and practices locally. This is according to President of the Central Islamic Organization (CIOG) Fazal Feroze, which represents a large section of the Guyanese Muslim population.


According to the CIOG President, while he has not been presented with any formal proposal from the Guyana Government as it relates to amending the Laws, he is aware of a promised consultation on the matter. He said that he is cognizant of the fact that Guyana has signed on to several international conventions that would speak on the matter of homosexuality and the death penalty among others.

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


According to Feroze, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CIOG had been informed sometime back of a promised consultation on the matters at hand. He was quick to point out that while the Muslim Community will speak out against any such proposal he cannot make any more definitive statements yet.

Feroze told this publication yesterday that at present the CIOG is not aware of the “full ramifications of what is being proposed.” According to the CIOG head, while the Muslim Community would not support such homosexual postures, it will not discriminate.

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


He says that the Islamic teachings would not allow the community to discriminate. In seeking to expand on his position despite not being in possession of the full implications of what is being proposed, he said that any such changes to the legislation would have to be accompanied by a public education campaign.

He said that the Muslim community would be opposed to persons going to schools teaching children that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Feroze reminded also of the previous instance in 2003 when the Government had made similar intimations. According to Feroze, should the administration pass a law where a legal union between two men or women is condoned then a Muslim Marriage Officer could be found in breach of the law for refusing to partake in such practice. “We still don’t know the full ramifications,” said Feroze, who added also that on the issue of the death penalty, Islamic law does provide for interpretations.

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


He said that he is fully cognizant of the fact that Guyana is not an Islamic State and reminded that the Muslim community will wait and see what proposals are being made by the Guyana Government. There has been intimation on the part of the administration, to commence some sort of consultation process with a view to soliciting the views of Guyanese on the matters. The United Nations has over the years been pressuring the country to repeal its homosexuality laws as well as the death penalty provisions. Human Services and Social Security Minister, Jenifer Webster says that the matter will be dealt with at the level of a Special Parliamentary Select Committee.

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex




Guyana most corrupt country in

English-speaking Caribbean


Another racket looms


Dear Editor,

Is there anything that the PPP can do without committing racketeering?  Skeldon Factory—fraud; Kingston Hotel — fraud, Fip vis a vis the Amaila Road – fraud; Specialty Hospital – fraud; procurement of medical supplies  — fraud and now the alleged investment by Minister Webster’s daughter into a Ghost recycling Company called Natural Globe, Inc.
We have been reliably informed that its CEO, Mohamed Osman has embellished his qualifications and work experience in order to get the contract. This is another major failure at due diligence by Roger Luncheon and his corrupt PPP cabal.
Like Fip Motilall who did not have any experience in road building but was given a US$15 million to build the Amalia Falls road, the same is true for Mohamed Osman who has no experience in the technical aspects of recycling. We have also been reliably informed that Mohamed Osman and some of his friends in Toronto were a major contributor to the PPP in the 2011 elections.
So what Roger Luncheon and his crooked friends at the Robb Street big house have done is to pay back their friend with a huge contract at the expense of the poor and the working class. This is a blatant form of corruption and we call on all the members of the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and the ambassadors of the American, Canadian and European embassies to publicly condemn the PPP for this nefarious act.
They have been notorious for pressuring the opposition to vote for the Anti-money Laundering Bill but not for the Procurement Commission, now we want to hear from them on behalf of the people, especially the taxpayers who have to foot the bill.
Can the PPP regime give the people a break and stop plundering the pockets of the taxpayers of Guyana for personal enrichment. Shame on the regime!
Now we are reading about this Ghost waste recycling plant that is being procured in the name of a company that the procurer does not even own and the real owner has labeled him a “liar” that no such company exists and this deal between the Government of Guyana and this phantom company owner is bad for the people of Guyana.
Plus there is the pricing. The experts say the price for a plant to service Guyana will cost the taxpayers US$5 million, while the PPP has signed a contract for US$30 million; another fraud. Who is getting the US$25 million.
To the sugar workers of Enmore, Rose Hall, Blairmont, Albion and all the other estates, are you prepared to work for the rest of your lives to pay taxes so that the PPP bigwigs can swindle this nation US$25 million?  Well Mr. Austin from Rose Hall estate had the right answer  – he asked what are we the workers going to do and his answer to his brothers on the picket line was he see “all of we (workers) will be hungry, and we will wuk’ hard until we dead out.”
It is time for a revolt against the PPP because the party members are just too greedy and crooked and do not care for the economic welfare of the poor and the working class.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S.Singh


Muslims draw the Line on

Bharat, Ramotar & Kwame

Hang all dem antimen...


Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Guyanese Muslims

to resist decriminalizing

Homosexual laws – CIOG


Two Top PPP Hindu

Rev say....Who Vex....Vex




Heist of the Telecoms, Media sector…  Proposed legislation will place Guyana’s future in the hands of a few…something must be done to stop this – APNU

November 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


“Something has to be done about this wholesale heist of the telecommunications sector by a few persons to control this major growth sector. This lawlessness must never happen again”.

Joseph Harmon

Joseph Harmon


This is the view expressed by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian, Joseph Harmon, who supports the views held by leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan, who had denounced the fact that three of the four companies named in a proposed law to be handed Telecommunications Licences are closely aligned to the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. Harmon told this publication yesterday, that given the nature of, and projected growth of the communications sector in Guyana, those who have been identified for licences will literally hold the fate of the country in their hands. He said that by arbitrarily putting all this power in the hands of a few, it will allow them to have control over the future of the country. Harmon said that no matter which Government is in power, it will be these few non-elected persons who will decide and “control the future of Guyana for the rest of our lives.” This, he said, cannot be allowed to happen, and the Opposition parties will have to ensure that the playing field is once again leveled so that all can have fair access to be able to compete in the sector. Kaieteur News in recent weeks has been publishing a detailed series, illustrating how a few persons would have essentially been positioned to take over the communications industry in Guyana. Three companies, Quark Communications Inc., Global Technology’s i-Net Communications and E-Networks have been identified to receive Telecommunications Licences under the proposed changes to the Telecommunications Law. Armed with such a licence, the companies would

 vishook, jagdeo and brian youg m


be able to compete directly with Digicel and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), once the laws are passed in the National Assembly and assented to by President Donald Ramotar. More glaring is that the three companies would have been rapidly expanding their distribution network knowing that the proposed changes in the law mandate that they would be given a licence, while others interested in the market would have been restricted. Registration documents filed with Government found that all three companies were filled with shareholders who have known ties with Jagdeo, with at least one person being directly related. Harmon told this publication that APNU would be looking to work along with the AFC on the way forward. He said, too, that it is not only the Telecommunications Law that needs to be addressed, and he will also bring amendments for the Broadcast Act.

Winston Brassington

Winston Brassington

According to Harmon, too much power is placed in the hands of the Minister of Information, a portfolio that former President Jagdeo had arrogated unto himself. The status quo remains, with the sitting president holding the portfolio of Minister of Information. It was this overarching power in the hands of the Minister that allowed Jagdeo to name the three companies to receive licences, according to Harmon. He said that the power has to be devolved from the Minister and placed into bodies such as the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority, which then has to be accountable to the Parliament. While the select committee is yet to be named to address the amendments to the Telecommunications Bill, Harmon has made it clear that changes have to be made to ensure that the ‘dictatorial and arbitrary’ practices do not continue. Ramjattan on Monday told this publication that his party, which controls seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, had found it strange that Government had decided upfront who the four companies that will be receiving licences would be. “A telecoms licence is not a joke that is handed willy-nilly to anyone…We are supposed to have an open, transparent system allowing everyone to have a chance to compete.” Ramjattan said that “to decide beforehand who you want to operate in the market is indeed strange and worrying…We can draw some conclusions from this…We will move to make some changes to change this criminal nonsense.” Ramjattan’s worry is not unfounded.

Guyana Times owner, Dr. Ranjisingh ‘Bobby’ Ramroop.

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop


Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, is a director in Global Technology.  Quark Communications Inc. has its operations running out of Ramroop’s property at Versailles, West Bank Demerara. Winston Brassington, a controversial figure who spearheaded a number of large scale projects for Government including the Marriott Hotel and the troubled Amaila Falls hydro facility, is a central figure in Quark. Quark’s main founder is Brian Yong. He is known to be a close friend of Jagdeo and was even on his party’s elections campaign as a candidate in 2011. Vishok Persaud, a main principal in E-Networks, is also a close friend of the former President and the son of a former party stalwart, the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud. Already, both E-Networks and Quark have been awarded licences for operating cable TV. The controversial approvals were made days before Jagdeo ended his Presidential term of office in 2011 when he also green-lighted the operations of several radio stations, most of them going to persons and companies with close ties to the ruling party. Several established media houses who had applied for licences, including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and CNS 6, were overlooked in the 2011 decision by the former president. “To place this much power under unclear circumstances in a few persons’ hands is highly dangerous, and not only to national security.”


dots d

These three companies were mandated to receive Telecommunications Licences.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Muslims draw the Line on

Bharat, Ramotar & Kwame

Hang all dem antimen...


Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Guyanese Muslims

to resist decriminalizing

Homosexual laws – CIOG




Anyone know if they stoned the Iman to death who sodomized those little boys? I haven't heard anything more about the story.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Muslims draw the Line on

Bharat, Ramotar & Kwame

Hang all dem antimen...


Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Guyanese Muslims

to resist decriminalizing

Homosexual laws – CIOG




Anyone know if they stoned the Iman to death who sodomized those little boys? I haven't heard anything more about the story.

He was Charged by the Police,

Hauled before the Court....

but is free on bail,

with no a word from

CIOG, DPP, Police, Court, AG or Govt  

So technically the Imam is Free

So far...He was not found Guilty by the Courts.


And if you are Accusing CIOG for Coverup.

You should ask your beloved Leader right here

how an Imam/Teacher at the CIOG School

who was caught and accused of

Raping a little Black Girl at school

and he was Quickly & Quietly

 smuggled out the country by his Brothers

while the police was investigating

and about to lay Rape Charges.


What you are saying is exposing

 the level of Corruption in Guyana

by this Govt under Jagdeo & Ramotar

where serious crimes are committed

and CIOG, DPP, Police, Courts, AG & Govt

come together and protect criminals.


Jagdeo & Ramotar fellas

Councie, Kwame, Rev and Ewe-gee

need to come clean


They keep switching positions

Like Councie & Kwame doing here


Poor observer aint seeing

wha really going on...


He can easily be caught eating too...

not knowing what ee eating....


Rev posing as a Decent Man

Who Vex ....Vex


Rev admit Jagdeo & Ramotar thiefing

 like dem PNC Bhai under Burnham & Hoyte

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee say Jagdeo & Ramotar don't thief


Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Rev say all them minister is thiefman

and they should be jailed

Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee saying

"De current minsta's ...dem is not thiefman"

only thiefman minister eee know bout

"is De Past minista's under PNC"

and down de road....

"De Future AFC minista's"

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.



Rev painting PNC as Bad

and Ramotar & Jagdeo Stink

but nat as bad as PNC

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Ewe-gee on the Other Hand

Painting a different Picture of Guyana Govt

According to ewe-gee....

Burnhan & PNC is Rotten

Jagan ....fair to average

Jagdeo & de Best

and AFC is de worst...


All Dem Donkey know AFC not in Govt

and AFC cannot thief State money...


But as mitwa and redux would say

 this one Jackass in de World think different


Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe-gee is eee Brother...Dem is de same


These Donkey den decide to

label all Indians who support


"Dutty Indians"


Now Rev....the same fella

who was posing as a decent....Man

Start sucking everything

flowing from the ass

Ewegee and "Rev De Side Kick"

Now Braying..... Moses, Ramjattan, Ralph,

Ramphal, Insanally, Sahabadeen,

Luchoo, Ramsahoy, Kenard,

Beharry, Tulsie, Mazharally,

Roopnarine, Kissoon, Goolsarran, Ram

 Boyo, O'lal, Fazal ........

and the thousands who follow them

are all "Dutty Indians"

Ewe-gee & Rev ........singing "Dutty Indians"

Two disgraceful $hit-face.


Now when we point out if you can call Indians

who refuse to Support Jagdeo & Ramotar

"Dutty Indians"

others.... on GNI must be free to call "De Black Thugs"

who now working for and Supporting Jagdeo & Ramotar

"PPP Black House of Isreal Hindus"

Both Donkey start cry and run complaining.....



The Laws of Guyana states

Buggering is a Crime

and when caught you must face Death....

When we on GNI say

Councie, Kwame, Bharat & Manny

Break the Laws of Guyana....

REV say ....them is Nasty Dutty Lowlife

and as the law say...they should be Hanged

Ewe-gee start cry fuh Kwame'

and eee shame fuh mention Bharat Name....

But eee crying non stop....

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


When we explain on GNI

Muslims  and Islam against

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


Dem try fuh tell us that....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

will tolerate and accept 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


When we ask them about

the Black House of Israel Thugs

now with Ramotar & Jagdeo in

Office of the President & Freedom House...

Rev & Ewe-gee say

De PPP Hindu's like and accept them....


Dem two tell us on GNI....

No Problem....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

 tolerate, accept, practice & Love 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..



So our Question

to Rev and Eve-gee here and now on GNI

is if what they say is true

about The PPP Hindus love and Relationship

with The Black House of Isreal Thugs....

Why are you upset......when we say.....

"All Black House of Israel Thugs......

are now PPP Hindus"



Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


As Mitwa & Rudux would say

Dem two Jack-ass

need fuh stop being $upper $uckers

Stop eating from the other BT

come with a clean face


and tell abee about dem

"Dutty Black PPP House of Isreal Hindus"

after we understand that....

we can discuss anything........


Come on ....Don't be shame





No anti-money laundering



November 22, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


…warns its members against financial deals with this country

In November 2011, international regulators told the Bharrat Jagdeo administration that the country needed to take steps to ensure that the nation had strong financial regulations.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall

Attorney General Anil Nandlall

Two years later, the country is still to comply with the necessary measures and as such the Caribbean Financial Action Taskforce (CFATF) has essentially blacklisted Guyana. It has also notified its member countries to put counter measures in place when dealing with Guyana’s finances given the risks involved.
The issue centred on the passage of amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act. CFATF then said that these measures should be in place by May 2013.
Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon explained, last month, that the amendments were fashioned by CFATF and that Guyana had no option. However, for the two years that CFATF   ordered Guyana to get the necessary legislation in place, the administration did nothing.
The CFATF decision taken yesterday will affect payment for oil, family remittances, payment for goods and a host of other transactions that could virtually cripple trade.
The issue has been a hugely troubling one for the administration as the country could see severe backlash from the sanctions that could be imposed by member countries of the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF), including the United States of America.
Guyana has been found to be non-compliant as it relates to addressing its deficiencies in dealing with the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism legislation.
The contentious issue reared its head in April when Government brought the proposed amendments to the law into public focus for the first time. It wanted an immediate vote, but the political Opposition sent it to a Special Parliamentary Select Committee for a review. They claimed that the proposed legislation was deficient.
Six months later, Government, through its chief whip, Gail Teixeira, wrapped up the work of the Committee and sent it back to the House without the Opposition involvement.

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

The Opposition promptly voted against the law reforms when the amendments came up for the vote on the main floor of the National Assembly.
When CFATF completed its routine review session in the Bahamas yesterday, it called on its members to consider implementing counter measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks coming from this country.
Guyana will again be reviewed in May next year to see if the deficiencies have been corrected, according to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, who would have led a team this week to the Bahamas plenary.
With the news of the country being blacklisted, Government and the Opposition continued pointing fingers at each other over the delays and fallout.
CFATF, in a statement on Guyana to its members, explained that in November 2011, it notified its members that certain deficiencies in their Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) will have to be corrected. An action plan with target dates was developed by both Guyana and CFATF to address the deficiencies.
The body, in rendering its decision yesterday, said that as a result of Guyana not meeting the agreed timelines in its action plan, it has recommend counter measures be put in place when transacting business with Guyana
According to CFATF, “Guyana has made efforts to address its deficiencies, however, it has not taken sufficient steps towards improving its AML/CFT compliance regime by failing to approve and implement required legislative reforms.”
Needed measures

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Guyana is required to pass the relevant legislation and implement all the outstanding issues within its action plan, including fully criminalising money laundering and terrorist-financing offences, addressing all the requirements on beneficial ownership, strengthening the requirements for suspicious transaction reporting, international co-operation, the freezing and confiscation of terrorist assets, and fully implementing the UN conventions.
Failure will see the regional body referring the Guyana case to its head, FATF, and its International Corporation Review Group (ICRG).
FATF will have its next plenary meeting in February 2014, and at that meeting, on its own accord and independent of CFATF, can select Guyana for its own review.
Both the Government and the Opposition pointed fingers yesterday at each other for the mess.
On his Facebook page, President Donald Ramotar, fresh from his Sri Lanka trip, blamed the Opposition for the delays.
“It is with great displeasure that I announce that our country has been deemed non-compliant by the CFATF…This comes after the opposition failed to cooperate with government in passing the anti-money laundering legislation. This will have adverse effects on the private sector and the Guyanese people.”
He said that transactions through banks and agencies like Western Union will take more time and inevitably cost more. “The Government will remain steadfast in its approach in resolving this problem.”
Opposition Leader David Granger told reporters yesterday as he made his way to the Parliamentary session that Government, knew that law changes would have had to been made over a decade ago following the United States actions in response to financing of terrorism following the 9/11 attacks.
Granger said that after starving the Financial Intelligence Unit, a body empowered to investigate money laundering of resources and personnel for years, it was only recently that changes were made.

Prime Minister Sam Hinds

Prime Minister Sam Hinds

Granger said that Government “blundered” by refusing the Opposition to complete its work on in the special select committee
“All is not lost…Our intention now is to go back the National Assembly,” said Granger.
He added that the Alliance For Change (AFC), the other Opposition party in the National Assembly, is of the same view…that the Special Select Committee has to complete its work.
“We take no blame whatsoever. (This is) entirely the fault of Government.”
Teixeira said that the issue is a serious one for Guyana. The Opposition parties should “hang their heads in shame” for voting against the reforms, despite knowing of the deadlines, she added.
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds also at the beginning of the parliamentary sitting updated the House on the CFATF decision. He said that Guyana will be severely affected, with the banking and insurance sectors under scrutiny, and will face serious consequences for financial transactions.
It will also impact Government’s provision of goods and services, according to Hinds.
The Prime Minister argued that the defeated Bill was a major part of the measures that had to be implemented. That defeat affected the country’s review this week in the Bahamas.
There may be “worse to come”, if Guyana is not able to put its house in order by February. Other countries have taken years to comply, according to Hinds.
Citibank in the US has already terminated its relationship with its local counterparts, while Trinidad & Tobago in recent weeks started putting measures in place for greater scrutiny of funds emanating from Guyana for the purpose of doing business there




So here we see  the PPP/C's incompetency as explains by Roger Luncheon:


"Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon explained, last month, that the amendments were fashioned by CFATF and that Guyana had no option. However, for the two years that CFATF   ordered Guyana to get the necessary legislation in place, the administration did nothing."


I tell aya this Roger is a Good Black PPP Hindu.


Rev is a Numbers man....

Rev better than Vishnu Bisram...

Rev did de Numbers fuh Jagdeo & Ramotar...


"Fuh every Good Black PPP Hindu"

we got "10,000 Dutty AFC/PNC Indians"


Rev say...Who Vex....Vex


Any aya Question De Rev Numbers?


Donor nations must probe deeper for corruption- Caribbean professor

  • Saturday, 23 November 2013 21:35

Executive Director of National Integrity Action of Jamaica [NIAJ) Professor Trevor Munroe. At left is Transparency International's Coordinator for the Americas, Maximilian Heywood. Executive Director of National Integrity Action of Jamaica (NIAJ) Professor Trevor Munroe. At left is Transparency International's Coordinator for the Americas, Maximilian Heywood.


Professor of Governance and Politics at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Trevor Munroe wants donor countries and agencies to dig deeper to ensure that their taxpayers’ cash is not ending up in the pockets of corrupt politicians.
Munroe, who is also Executive Director of National Integrity Action of Jamaica (NIAJ), also called on Transparency International (TI) to adjust its rules to become a watchdog against corruption in the private sector.

Delivering the feature address at the Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc’s (TIGI) 2nd annual fund raising dinner on Friday night, he defined political corruption as “the misuse or the use of entrusted political power and authority for illicit gain more often than not at the expense of the public’s interest.”

Munroe argued that donor nations must be more enquiring about how their funds are used even at the risk of being accused of meddling in domestic affairs.
“Our International Development Partners need to understand that what aid they give to us is coming from their taxpayers under pressure and they have an obligation to ensure that that aid reaches our taxpayers, our people and is not interrupted along the road.

“I need to make it absolutely clear that even at the risk of accusations of interference that their money, their aid, their grant is intended for the people and not for the pockets of the corrupt.
Rev say Jagdeo & Ramotar Thiefing....
But that is Ok because they are Indians....
Who Vex...Vex

An NIAJ-commissioned survey had showed that 43 percent of Jamaicans did not believe that greater involvement by donor nations and agencies in determining whether monies were being misappropriated amounted to interference in internal affairs.
Those who opposed were 35 percent.
“The point I am making is that in this period of globalisation the corrupt in high places would try and play the nationalist card as they tried in Jamaica,” he said.
Photo: Reunion of Moses Nagamootoo, Rupert Roopnarine & Trevor Munroe in Guyana 22/11/13 at anti-corruption forum
Reunion of Crime & Corruption Fighters
Moses Nagamootoo, Rupert Roopnarine & Trevor Munroe
in Guyana 22/11/13 at anti-corruption forum

Professor Munroe noted that the United Nations estimated that corruption prevented 30 percent of all development assistance from reaching its final destination.
That, he said, amounted to US$300,000 of every US$1 million which is siphoned off into the pockets of public officials and private persons.

Himself a former politician, the Professor recommended that Transparency International amend its definition to permit as much focus on private sector corruption as is being done on the public sector.
He said it was not fair and just for transnational companies to pay fines while remaining rich and wealthy.

“I say to Transparency International: Yes, we need to sustain the focus on public officials, yes we need to look at the abuse of entrusted political authority for illicit gains but we now need to take much more seriously the abuse of market power for personal and private gain by transnational corporations in the way that they have been doing recently,” he said.

He noted that the World Bank in 2004 estimated that US$1 trillion was paid in bribes from private sector to public sector functionaries.
He recalled that JP Morgan concluded a US$13 billion settlement with the United States Department of Justice including US$2 billion in fines for improper conduct during the global financial crisis.
The British bridge building firm Mabey and Johnson paid a more than 6 million pound sterling fine for pleading guilty for bribing public officials in Ghana, Iraq and Jamaica.

Touching on the wider Caribbean, Professor Munroe noted that several surveys show that people across the region perceive corruption and political corruption as one of the main things wrong in the region resulting in least confidence in political parties.

Building integrity and combating corruption, he said, could be gradually achieved by conducting rapid corruption risk assessments in each CARICOM country.
In the case of his native Jamaica, he said an assessment in 2008 had showed that that country had been in “clear and present danger of State capture by criminal or commercial interests.”

An alternative option for Guyana, he suggested, could be a national integrity system study to ground anti-corruption activities in a systemic understanding of which are the strong and weak institutions to arrive at priority actions to be targeted.

Professor Munroe further recommended that laws be passed to register political parties and campaign financing to provide for disclosure of big donors.
The campaign financing law, he added, should provide for the banning of illegal organisations that give money to political parties and election campaigns.
“The longer we take to plug this and similar loopholes is the more of our people should lose confidence in the rule of law, in the justice system and ultimately in democratic governance,” he said.

He strongly suggested that Guyana press for political party registration and campaign financing in keeping with recommendations made by the Organisation of American States Mission that observed the November 2011 elections.
That mission had, among other things, observed that the system allows for the use of State resources for campaigning.

The UWI academic passionately demanded that Caribbean people easily access campaign financing information about their own countries in the same way they could for the United States and the United Kingdom.
“None of us can know who is giving how much to political parties here in our own Caribbean territories and it is they who exercise power over us- not Obama’s Democratic Party or Romney’s Republican Party.

We need to know who is giving how much to who and, therefore, who have the capacity to exert undue influence on whom,” he said to loud applause at the dinner that was held at the Guyana Pegasus.

While Munroe noted that the Caribbean was not alone in grappling with corruption, he lamented that in the region there was little or no successful investigation, prosecution and conviction of persons in high places for illicit enrichment.

“In too many CARICOM states, there is regular prima facie evidence pointing to irregular procurement procedures, pointing to bribery payments as well as kick-backs and improper expenditure of public funds,” he added.

Professor Munroe further queried why little or no action is being taken to address breaches chronicled in the various Auditor General’s Reports.

Among his recommendations is the need for radical institutional reform to build capacity to strengthen anti-corruption laws and institutions and integrity building activity.
“The consequences of continued failure in these regards are grave and serious,” he said, adding that poverty would worsen.

The World Bank says that countries that stamp out corruption can yield a four-fold increase in per capita income and an increase in annual growth rate by two to four percent.

He noted that Global Corruption Barometer 2013 surveyed over 114,000 persons in 107 countries where in most of them the people themselves in the country perceived the political party as the institution most affected by corruption.
Photo: Prof . Trevor Munroe of Jamaica with AFC leaders Nigel Hughes & Khemraj Ramjattan at tonight's anti-corruption forum at Pegasus, Guyana
 Prof . Trevor Munroe of Jamaica
with AFC leaders Nigel Hughes & Khemraj Ramjattan
at last-night's anti-corruption forum at Pegasus, Guyana.

Munroe also referred to the findings a United Nations Development Programme’s 2010 Citizens Security Survey that shows that almost 50 percent of the people in seven countries believe that the justice system is corrupt.
In Jamaica, 70 percent believed so to a low of 34 percent in Barbados shared that view.
Related, he said, 52 percent of the people in those countries believe that politically connected criminals go free and 47 percent thought that powerful criminals with money and contacts go free.

Over the last five years, only three CARICOM member nations-Barbados, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines- were consistently scoring high on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index as being relatively clean.

The NIAJ Executive Director lauded activities such as TIGI’s fund raising dinners and public awareness messages through the media.
He, however, argued that nothing beats grassroots contact. “All of that is good but ultimately you have to go down on the ground, you have to meet the people where they are in their districts and their villages and town halls. Talk with them and hear from them as to what their experience has been and is and that has served us very well and perhaps others in the region can learn from that,” he said.


First Jagdeo & Ramotar tek De House of Israel Thugs to Berbice and say.... aya Berbicians did not vote for we gon tek dem Black Thugs and give them wuk in Freedom House & Office of the President.

Further we gon elect Kwame McCoy a member of the PPP Central Committee right here where Jagan Born...and aya cant do a thing...

 We gon mek Kwame, Bynoe, Lamumba, Hamilton and all Dem other House of Isreal Thugs..... PPP Black Hindu....aya gon got to pooja dem....

If aya want wuk.... yuh must ask dem Black PPP Hindu..... them in charge of hiring at Office of the President & Freedom House

  If aya na learn yet fuh behave... we gon move in de GDF aya Village like in PNC Days

Now .....Black GDF Solders with Guns move into Rose Hall all over de Town.....Aya Berbicians ask fuh this.... 

Soldiers in Rosehall Town on training & Military operations

3 Armed GDF at ever Corner

  • Saturday, 23 November 2013 21:58

Soldiers in Rose Hall Town on training

Soldiers are deployed in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne but this is not an anti-crime operation, Chief of Staff Brigadier Mark Phillips said Saturday.
A number of persons passing through the municipality on Saturday were a bit uneasy by the heavy presence of soldiers.
However, Phillips said the soldiers were on an Internal Security Training Exercise in Rose Hall for the first time.
The GDF later issued a statement saying that soldiers of the Coastal Battalion and Officer Cadets on the Standard Officers Course # 46 were deployed to the Rose Hall area on an Internal Security Training Exercise. The Exercise is scheduled to conclude on Monday, November 25, the GDF said.
The GDF trains its soldiers in internal security because they can be called out to support the police. This is usually in times of unrest or extremely violent crime if the major civilian law enforcement is unable to handle such situation and requests military help.

Rev say.....Who Vex....Vex


Photo: AFC Berbice leadership meeting on October 5. Berbice fighters re-commit to struggle against corruppption.
AFC Berbice leadership recently.
Berbice AFC fighters re-commit to struggle against corruppption.
Photo: Mo, David and Dominic grounding with AFC's Essequibo leaders
Moses, David and Dominic grounding with AFC's Essequibo leaders
Photo: AFC West Berbice fighting front includes Hopetown "peppersauce girls" Marla and Vanessa, Abel Seetaram, Pradeep Bachan, Basdeo, Anthony and Bowman covering Ithiaca to Mahaicony.

Venezula can tek over de whole Essequibo....But De Army & House of Israel Black Hindus will hold Berbice Hostage 

Soldiers in Rose Hall Town on training

Berbice Under Seige ...

Photo: David Patterson with AFC leadership team in friendly dominoes game Saturday in yard of Simon & Mavis Nagamootoo during Berbice outreach
AFC meeting their supporters
David Patterson with AFC leadership team
in friendly dominoes game Saturday
in yard of Simon & Mavis Nagamootoo
during Berbice outreach.

Dem Black PPP Hindus

will Stop the AFC

Photo: Flanked by GS David Patterson and myself, are members of new Region 5 steering committee formed yesterday, Oct 12 when AFC went on outreach in West Berbice.
Photo: GS Patterson meets fmr. Headmistress at Rosignol market yesterday, and encouraged AFC's fight against corruppption and expose of NICIl's waste of taxpayers' funds.


Last edited by Former Member

The PPP is about to complete yet

another billion dollar raid on State


November 24, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
One may ask, what is a government elected to do?  Our primary understanding would be to govern in the national interest for the betterment of all the people; not in the interest of a few. So why is the PPP only fostering the business interest of a small group of people closely aligned to that party? This issue has been studied with much diligence over the years and the Kaieteur News expose captioned “The Heist of Guyana – the Communication Scheme” is just another revelation of how the PPP  hierarchy is about to complete another billion dollar raid on the Treasury to enrich themselves, relatives and friends. They have done this many times before but this is going to be the largest raid ever on the people’s money. It is wrong and we must vehemently condemn it.
The general thrust of owner Glen Lall and editor Adam Harris’ Kaietuer News article “The Heist of Guyana” points us in the right direction – namely, the Jagdeo cabal with the full collaboration of the Ramotar bunch have made plans to retroactively transfer one of Guyana’s greatest and most valuable assets— the wireless telephony spectrum—from the people of Guyana to themselves and friends for a pittance. This is worse than the most outrageous corrupt practice or any highway robberies.
The greatest political act in the history of Guyana was when the PPP was relegated to a minority Government status.  The main causation of that political revolution was the PPP’s gross acts of massive corruption and mal-administration of the affairs of the State, including the whole scale plundering of the people’s resources. Yet, the PPP will not stop such depraved behavior; in fact, they have caught the disease called “kleptocrotitist” meaning the inability to prevent theft from the Treasury. This is a disease that is easily spread among the group and can only be cured by therapeutic help from well qualified and experienced Psychiatrists, most of whom can be found in the developed countries.
The electro-magnetic spectrum is worth billions of dollars (the last estimate was G$24 billion) but yet we find that the PPP is determined to transfer these expensive spectrums for little or nothing to their friends and family through their back door corrupt practices which were perfected by the Jagdeoites.

This spectrum supports businesses in the quad-play sector which constitutes cable businesses, businesses using the broadcast television frequency, radio frequency and the jewel in the crown — the wireless (cellular) telephone frequency. No government in its right mind, except for the PPP would give away such treasured state resources to their friends and relatives for nickels and dimes. As APNU—MP Joseph Harmon rightfully said, “them eyes pass we.”

In 2011, the Jagdeo regime literally gave away the radio and television frequency for absolutely nothing to their friends and family creating the conditions for them to earn billions of dollars at the taxpayer’s expense.  In April 2013, Prime Minister Sam Hinds confirmed that the PPP will not collect fees from two companies in the cable business, both owned and controlled by persons close to former president Jagdeo. Again, more milk and honey for a pittance for the best friends of the PPP.  The fact remains, Jamaica was able to leverage some US$40 million for just one cable license. Score sheet so far -Guyana ZERO; Jamaica US$40 million.

The PPP did not stop there. They wanted total domination of the airwaves in Guyana. While we acknowledged that the drafted telecommunication legislation meets the basic international standards, we are quite disturbed that the PPP cabal, like a thief in the night, inserted the licensing of three PPP aligned telecommunication companies—Quark Communication, E-Networks and Global Technologies—all owned by friends of the former president, again for a pittance. This goes to show how crooked this regime is as they continue to bleed the nation of all its vital resources. This is not what the people had expected when the PPP promised to level the playing field and bring order to the telecommunications industry.
The risks that GT&T and Digicel took, and the investments they have made over the years are enormous and should be respected by the PPP cabal; and this should easily justify their place at the table. However, these three PPP fly by night operators have done very little in terms of investing in technology for the wireless communications network over the years and should not be given licenses for a pittance? What risk did they take?  What investment have they made for the direct benefit of the Guyanese people?
Have they ever built any children hospital like Digicel or paid the billions of dollars in taxes like Digicel and GT&T did over the years? How dare these members of the “Committee for the Re-election of Jagdeo” popularly referred to as the CREEPS, reap the rewards by not taking the appropriate risk and truly investing in the Guyanese people?  Why is the PPP giving away the state’s valuable airwaves frequencies to their rich friends? The only answer is the PPP has taken corruption to its highest level; therefore, we will be forwarding this letter to all the members of CARICOM and to all regional and international communication bodies.
We demand that the PPP cabal rescind their preferential treatment to the three communication companies owned by their friends this telecommunication bill be sent to the select committee for further scrutiny. We also demand that the playing field should be leveled and regularized between GT&T and Digicel first, before any other players are invited to take part in the process. The market place can be opened to all other players by way of a spectrum auction in a regulated manner once it is regularized and they are prepared to pay the fair market value for the available band width.  If the friends of the former President need space on the spectrum, let them compete in a transparent manner like everyone else in the world; they should not be given preferential treatment by the PPP. We strongly opposed this corrupt PPP minority regime for giving their friends and relatives who are the owners of Quark Communication, E-Networks and Global Technologies and to have free access to the state most prized resources. We also called on all Guyanese to revolt against this corrupt regime for such unethical practice.
We say thanks and Glen Lall and Adam Harris of Kaieteur and we salute them for exposing the racketeering and plundering of the state resources by the PPP. They have done their part diligently, so now is the time for the people of Guyana to follow suit. We can no longer stand idle and allow this crooked and immoral regime to commit such blatant crime against the state. We are calling on the majority opposition to use the powers granted to them by the Constitution to investigate this criminal act and surcharge the alleged perpetrators for their twisted ways and warped mentality. This is the time for the opposition to unite and vigorously defend the interest of the people.
Furthermore, the majority Parliamentary opposition must take their responsibility more seriously and design laws in such a way to meet the objective of fostering competition while at the same time securing the best value for money for the people of Guyana. Once this cat is out the bag, there is no opportunity for any future government to roll back this conspiratorial PPP plan and thus if this is not done using best practices, the nation will have opportunity losses to the tune of billions of dollars that will never ever be recovered. Is that a price we as Guyanese are prepared to pay to please the economic oligarchic who controls the PPP? We say no and hope you do as well.

Chandra Deollal, Esq. Mark Dacosta, Dr.Terrence Simon,
 Joycelyn Wilson, Guyatree Balgobin Esq, Aubrey Reteymer,
Noel Moses, Sasenarine Singh, Asha Balbachan, Derrick Arjune, Esq.
Donna Mattho, Asquith Rose, Ricky Bisnauth, Harish S. Singh.


Stabroek News was told by multiple library staff at Parliament that only the Design and Supply of the Co-Generation Plant under the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project (SSMP) made its way to the National Assembly to be deliberated on. The reason given was that this component of the SSMP was being done through a government concessional loan agreement between the finance ministry and the Import-Export Bank of China in January 2005.


Guyana is no different to the syndicate that runs North Korea. Nepotism and under the table deals are emptying the treasury and the resources of the country are being stolen and distributed among the elites.


Had I overseen this project, i would also keep all the documents hidden. This is one of the greatest frauds committed on the people of Guyana and not a single person was fired for this fiasco. Instead more money is being poured into this expanding sinkhole.





will be another bogus fraud that brazzy and his PPP has cooked up.

These shameless scandals will continue to ooze and the Guyanese people will continue to wince to the next election where they will be forced to vote conscience and get rid of them.




The EU should be DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY for our TAXED Euros. Itis heart breaking to see how many young couples have lost their homes because of the Euro crisis, how many taxpayers end up at the food banks and Salvation Army; while Europians are STARVING and HOMELESS EU is PUMPING our money in the Pockets of the Prominent Presumptuous Pirating /Cabal......I wonder if there is some form of CORRUPTION as that of the American visa scandal? KYAAN TRUSS NO-BADDY NOW-ah-DAYS!!!! I cannot imagine that with the Euro crisis, the Europian Union continues to PUMP money into a BOTTOMLESS PIT without ASKING QUESTIONS or HOLDING anyone RESPONSIBLE for Europian taxpayers money


Those document will have to be altered now that questions will be ask



Kaieteur_Canada caban


Or disappear altogeter like the 2000+ court files.



SN needs some big big excavators like KN to dig deep deep and they will find, evey Tom, Dick and Harryram digging now



I know it's hard for you. All the mess have you giddy .



Since Nov 2011 they digging and only KATAHAR they finding,EH HEy,,,



you damn right since 2011 the PPP digging their own grave and Aunty Dora find a lot more than Katahar.

De amalia falls skinup find nuff nuff skullduggery.

De thiefin at GPL is being skin up daily.

De thiefin at GuySuCo is being skin up daily

De Thiefin all ovah de country getting skin up.


Dugs yu shore yu aint gat dem PAY-pas dis?





The little red PPP COMMUNIST DICTATORS are doing the exact thing that the big red COMMUNIST REPRESSIVE dictators are doing in China.The irony though is that the PPP and their paid soupie Cuban educated blaggers have the timerity to use the word DEMOCRACY when referring to the the Marxist PPP.







they are a stupid bunch but not as stupid as we might want to believe!


all their wheelin'-and-dealin' is cloaked in secrecy and they expend a lot of energy covering their track. however, we will know sometime down the line if they did a good job or not.

All about thiefin

Thiefin is all about thiefin and mo thiefin and more thiefin.


Is that the reason why the President got "SICK?" and could not have attended the dinner at the Pegassus? I am so sorry for that man. Jag-D-oh Put-in Done-al pon share PUCK-ah-terry



Spending US 200,000,000 with out any proper documentation and boasting about being transparent, no wonder it had to be repaired and continue to be repaired at the taxpayers expense just after it was handed over, if any one buys an item for more than US $100.00 in most develop and developing countries they are offered warranty but spending US$ 200,000,000 has none.


Over here a fifteen euro telephone, water-cooker or a rice steamer for 20 euros has a guarantee for two years from any recognized shop. I hope that those who swollow from the cup that is FULL & RUNNING OVER with CORRUPTION will SOBER UP some day before the next election


naah, the soup drinkers turn out here to call everyone pncites if you criticize their honest and beloved government for things such as this!

i cannot think about where in the world such delusional people will come from except guyana.





either they darn well cannot run the country or they are very much a crafty and cunning bunch skimming off of the backs of the guynese people.

either ways they bode unwell for the country!


so the Guyanese taxpayers do not know who benefitted the most from this US$200 million scam! than you have the PPP sheeples chanting for the rat third term when in fact he is the de facto president, the duck is merely the sitting duck




The Lapdog members of Parliament are too weak to mount an inquiry into the Skeldon Taxpayer Funded Project!



Dem 2 WEAK or dem KOLLECK 2?

Ghost Contracts

Ghost Recycling Company, Now we gat Ghost contracts at GuySuCo.

Big important spend like that and the people of Guyana cannot see the contract what utter bulls--t is this SN?


PAC makes headway in quest for

Procurement Commission

November 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


A matter which has been on the agenda of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is finally seeing some sort of progress, as the body has started the deliberations on the nominees for the Public Procurement Commission (PPC).

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge

The PPC has attracted much attention over the past few months as members of the Opposition, particularly the Alliance for Change (AFC), expressed that they wanted the Commission to be established before lending support to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill.
The Auditor General’s 2012 report has also urged the Ministry of Finance to comply with the law and establish the Public Procurement Commission.
Discussions were stalled for sometime as the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, to date, has not submitted its nominees.
On Monday last, members of the PAC decided that it was time to move forward. At the meeting, they discussed the criteria and process of assessing applicants for senior posts in the Audit Department and the Public Procurement Commission.
According to the PAC’s Chairman, Carl Greenidge, the Presidential Advisor on Empowerment, Odinga Lumumba, attempted to continue the suspension of discussions on the PPC.  A call was then made by Trevor Williams of the AFC, to simply vote on the names received by the Committee thus far.
Members of the Opposition coalition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) , also supported the call to move forward.
APNU’s Volda Lawrence, who is the former Chairperson of that committee, later suggested that the Chairman be asked to undertake discussions with the three political parties in order to resolve the issue.
While Greenidge agreed with the call for a resolution, he did not accept Lumumba’s suggestion for Government to introduce Cabinet’s no-objection clause.
Greenidge then reminded members in attendance of Article 212 of the Constitution which is clear about the structure of the Public Procurement Commission and made no provision for the “kind of Cabinet veto Lumumba sought on behalf of the PPP.”
Greenidge said, “The matter would be best dealt with at the Plenary of the House.” He also recommended that the meeting be focused on the specific tasks it had been assigned.

Odinga Lumumba

Odinga Lumumba

The committee then agreed to discuss the process by which the nominees would be selected and the selection criteria weighed, whether or not the People’s Progressive Party/Civic submitted its list of nominees, and leave for the moment the actual list of names.


Broadcast Authority was premature

with licence for Telecor

November 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Days before it formally received its radio licence to operate five frequencies, Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc. appointed four directors to ensure that more than 51 per cent of the voting powers on the board would be Guyanese residing in Guyana.
This made the company fully compliant with the requirements under the Broadcast Act.
But even before the company satisfied this criterion, its licence was already

Dharamchand Depoo receives the radio licence for Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc from GNBA Chairperson, Bibi Shadick

Dharamchand Depoo receives the radio licence for Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc from GNBA Chairperson, Bibi Shadick

approved by the Guyana National Broadcast Authority (GNBA).
Those that became directors are Daramchand Depoo, an Attorney-at-Law in Corentyne, Berbice, Ryan Basdeo, Khemraj Narain and Michael George.
This was done on June 21, 2013.
However, Chairperson of the GNBA, Bibi Shadick, two days earlier, on June 19, 2013, had announced that 24 licences (Radio/TV/Cable) were ready to be handed out and all that remained for the operators to do was pay their fees.
But Telecor had not satisfied the criterion for the voting rights residing in more than 50 per cent of the directors resident in Guyana. This meant that the GNBA had already approved the radio licence for Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc., even before it became fully compliant as it relates to the requirements for directors.
When Bharrat Jagdeo in 2011 approved Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc, for a radio licence, the company had a sole shareholder in the person of Ruth Baljit, a Guyanese national who is also a US Citizen, and resides in the United States. The Company Secretary was Omkarananda Lochan, the Permanent Secretary in Robert Persaud’s Natural Resources Ministry. He has since resigned.
The Broadcast Act requires that 51 per cent of the voting members of the Board of Directors be Guyanese nationals, residing locally.
Baljit is the sister of Robert Persaud, and was at the time the sole owner of the company.
She continues to reside in the United States.
The other Director, Kamini Persaud, is former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s niece.
This publication understands that the company had applied for a licence and when it was shortlisted, it was written to, to put its house in order.
Shadick, in November last year, called in all operators and told them that they would have to re-apply for licences, be it radio or TV. She informed the operators that they would have to ensure that their companies are incorporated, thus making them shareholding companies with the voting rights on its board of directors to be at least 51 per cent residing in Guyana.
Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc. is a company that bobby, jagdeo, baljit & robert jwas incorporated by Attorney-at-Law, Jaya Manickchand, in 2009. The company was incorporated with 500,000 shares. Each annual return filed lists Baljit, a US citizen, as the sole shareholder.
Kaieteur News understands, too, that the company was struck off the Registrar’s Companies List for failing to file annual returns. This was denied by the company. But records show that it was restored to the Companies List in October, days before Jagdeo would have approved it for five radio frequencies.
Dharamchand Depoo, the former Company Secretary, now director, uplifted the Licence for Baljit.
Several prominent, independent media entities including Kaieteur News, Stabroek News, CNS 6, WRHM 7, RBS 13, Capitol News, HBTV 9 and GWTV 2 were all bypassed by Jagdeo. He approved frequencies to a number of others, but only allowed them one frequency each, thereby limiting the range to which they can broadcast. Those with multiple frequencies included the ruling party, and Ramroop’s radio.
The former President has also come under criticism for granting cable television licences to two companies – E-Networks Inc. and Quark Communications Inc. Both companies have Directors and shareholders with close links to him.


Anti Money Laundering Laws…APNU

was right to force a review by the

Select Committee – Chris Ram

December 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


“The PPP/C was unreasonable and inflexible”

Government of Guyana knew since 2011 that the 2009 Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act was deficient, as was the 2000 Act it replaced.
This view is held by Financial Analyst and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, in his recent writings, published on his website
According to Ram, although this was known, the government did nothing until it was too late.  Ram opined that the Parliamentary Opposition was right to force a review by the Select Committee but it then lost a good opportunity to achieve tangible results.

Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram

Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram

“All the AFC seems to have wanted was a Procurement Commission, even at the expense of a proper statutory and institutional framework and the APNU wanted a ‘good bill’ but failed to make any concrete proposals to achieve that,” Ram said.
He said that the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) on the other hand was prepared to concede nothing. “No Procurement Commission, no removal of unconstitutional provisions in the substantive Act and no concession on the existing failed model of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).”
Ram noted that although the Opposition might have been irresponsible, the PPP/C was unreasonable and inflexible.
He said that the consequence of that lethal combination is that our country can now become an “International Pariah”.
Ram further stressed that fixing the law itself is not insurmountable and with the will and flexibility, there is no reason why these cannot be satisfactorily addressed within a very short period.
He did posit that that the technical exercise will have to be matched by the willingness to tackle corruption and crime in all their manifestations, strengthening the Guyana Police Force, the Director of Public Prosecutions Office and the Courts.
Ram said that it was time for the Commissioners to be appointed to the Integrity Commission.
He advocated for the Public Procurement Commission to be established, the introduction of the long-promised whistleblower legislation and the appointment of an Ombudsman.
“Absent a proper institutional framework, all the legislation in the world will be completely ineffective,” Ram noted.
Moreover Ram said that while the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) has drawn attention to deficiencies in the Anti Money Laundering act, there are other weaknesses which it appears to have overlooked.
Ram explained that section 2 (2) (1) of the act is clearly out of place. According to Ram, some of the freezing and forfeiture provisions seem to collide with fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Moreso, he said, the provisions regarding the admission of otherwise inadmissible evidence, standard of proof and closed hearings do not seem to accord with the constitutional rights of citizens.
Apart from meeting the CFATF requirements to bring Guyana in compliance with its obligations under regional and international regime to deal with money-laundering and terrorism financing, the Act clearly has serious defects.
The very structure of the Act, the role and location of the FIU and the appointment of a Director who seems totally out of his depth in terms of enforcement of the Act, all suggest a feeble, cosmetic attempt to address money laundering, said Ram.
“This state of affairs should not be allowed to continue…Money laundering has not only social and economic implications – distorting competition, driving out legitimate businesses and fuelling tax evasion – but it also has implications for crime…The proceeds of corrupt transactions have to be laundered while the guns brought into Guyana and used to kill, are often financed by laundered money.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ram the abuser has zero credibility. This report is like a roll of toilet paper.

No matter what you labelled Mr Ram as, he is still more credible than the Corrupt and thieving PPP/C:


The PPP risks being labeled Guyana’s worst government

December 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, At the risk of being labeled the worst PPP government in the political history of Guyana, we feel compelled to report that nearly everywhere in Guyana; people are voicing the strong feeling that the PPP is going to lose the next general election, come mid or late 2016. And we must say our first reaction to that is it would be a relief to the nation not to have to put up with the arrogant smirks we keep seeing on the faces of some Cabinet ministers who are clearly deluded into believing that they are in office for life. But clearly the writing is on the wall for this corrupt PPP regime and we have decided to let the cat out of the bag. The process that the people started in the 2011 election that led to a minority PPP government must be completed in the next election cycle by voting the PPP out of office. Of course, simply making such a prediction could very well have the effect of triggering a serious thought in convincing many now reluctant voters to come out and vote against this decadent PPP regime. The PPP can no doubt rely on its tribal base to come out in full support in the next general election but whether that will be enough to make the PPP victorious is doubtful. Their tribal base is dwindling due to overseas migration and others are marching toward the other parties. The youths are fed up with the propaganda, distortions and untruths by the do-nothing PPP cabal who seem to think that they can squander the taxpayers’ money at will on shady projects. For certain, the minority PPP regime record in Parliament since winning the November 2011 general election has been very bleak and not at all promising. They lost the Amalia Falls project followed by the loss of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill. Their frantic defense of both the Amalia Falls and the Anti-money Laundering Bill was highly suspicious, to say the least. Earlier in the year, they lost $30 billion from the budget as a result of their clownish debate in Parliament. The PPP is a very confused party and its leader’s sluggish pace and lack of administration skills have made it extremely difficult for the regime to get anything done in or out of Parliament. Mind you, in addition to those losses, it has become fairly obvious that public sentiment about the Government has taken a serious turn for the worst since the election as a result of the number of corrupt practices, armed robberies, slip-ups, faux pas, poor judgment, mal-administration, and sheer incompetence, all of which all adds up to bad governance. The most recent example stemmed from the fact that Dr. Roger Luncheon was forced to tell the nation that the Minister of Social Affairs lied about her daughter’s involvement with the GHOST recycling company, Natural Globe Inc.  Another is the Minister of Agriculture saying that the 14 drainage pumps from India had arrived in Guyana and Dr. Luncheon immediately told the nation that is not true, the pumps have not arrived. The opposing public view is that the PPP cabal is now selling themselves as present-day Messiahs, able to rescue the poor and the working class from their present predicament, a predicament that they have fuelled throughout a well-orchestrated economic program for their rich friends and their media brainwashing, propaganda, distortions and untruths. They are trying to play the game differently but with the same players and although they believe that they are doing a brilliant public relations campaign, as a nation, the people will not tolerate another spell of their mismanagement of the economy, high crime rate and massive corrupt practices. Buckling under their own weight, the PPP regime has turned to its favorite bogus strategy of blaming the opposition for their failures especially the Minister of Legal Affairs blaming the opposition budget cuts for the meager 5% wage increase for the workers. They have also blamed the garbage pile-up in the city and the flooding on the budget cuts by the opposition. But the truth is, no one will believe their propaganda since they do not have the political will to do anything except to use the state resources to fatten their pockets and those of their relatives and friends. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


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