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I doubt whether that the PPP/C will hold any kind of Elections now, they are too scared





Quote Asj:

Cocaine, money laundering and politics in Guyana

June 1, 2013


The American reticence on drug trafficking in Guyana has caused widespread consternation among political observers.

How could the Americans be so blind to the political angles?

It had to be the sea breeze that has induced sleep over the past ten years.


The American Ambassador told the media

that even if Guyana is given an extension

to comply with money-laundering operations

by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force

at their meeting in Nicaragua,


there still may be sanctions against Guyana,

because there has been no successful prosecution of money launderers.


The Ambassador must be saying to himself;

“God, not even one.”


Who are the Prostitutes,

Pimps, Panty Boys, Drug Lords,

Money Launderers, @unty Men,

Black Thugs, Rapist, Killers,

Thieves, Vultures,

Election Riggers, Ballot Box Thieves,

and Dutty Crab Louse.... 


Asj ....De Rev, Hugh-eee, Councie, Big_Seed,

and De Rest of Dem Funny Fella 

must be wondering now why the

US Ambassador singing Bob Marley Song

Like De US Ambassador is a Rasta


And so we have seen


the Prostitutes,

Pimps, Panty Boys, Drug Lords,

Money Launderers, @unty Men,

Black Thugs, Rapist, Killers,

Thieves, Vultures,

Election Riggers, Ballot Box Thieves,

and Dutty Crab Louse


De Rev, Hugh-eee, Councie, Big_Seed,

and De Rest of Dem Funny Fella 

must be wondering now why the

US Ambassador singing Bob Marley Song




“God, not even one.”


Who are the Prostitutes,

Pimps, Panty Boys, Drug Lords,

Money Launderers, @unty Men,

Black Thugs, Rapist, Killers,

Thieves, Vultures,

Election Riggers, Ballot Box Thieves,

and Dutty Crab Louse.... 


Asj ....De Rev, Hugh-eee, Councie, Big_Seed,

and De Rest of Dem Funny Fella 

must be wondering now why 

All the rest of us on GNI

singing "Donna Summers.....Bad Girls "



Funny Fellas, 50% Homan & Bad Girls :

No Difference

Jagdeo & Ramotar picking up anyone

and anything... if the Price is Right

Last edited by Former Member

“Guyana: A National Cesspool of Greed, Duplicity & Corruption" (A Remigrant’s Story)






Guyana: A National Cesspool of

Greed, Duplicity & Corruption (A

Remigrant's Story) Paperback

Here is an unsparing account of the dark underbelly that is Guyana today. It is vast, sophisticated, and treacherous. This is not a place for the squeamish or timid. The villains appear in many forms: government bureaucrats, private workers, friends and family members. They squeeze and extort and terrorize the vulnerable and the poor. This story is of financial loss, emotional trauma, and mental anguish. It is one man’s story that is repeated day after day in countless ways. There is no respite. There is little recourse to law and the redress of justice. It is a public secret that is memorialized for the first time. Some will be angered; others will be embarrassed. Still, the truth must be told. And the chips will fall where they will.


QUOTE "There is a certain feeling of deep hurt that is felt by the writer, to see how his beloved country has degenerated from his poor boyhood days to the present sorry state. His vivid understandings could not make him silent. He was propelled by that deep feeling of hurt to give exposure and release through the written word. It could be easily seen as one good case of investigative journalism from his personal viewpoint. In other words if we do not tell and document, what we have seen and experienced no one will do so for us."unquote



“Guyana: A National Cesspool of Greed, Duplicity & Corruption" (A Remigrant’s Story)


The book is a wake-up call to the great damage being done to both the private and public sector of the Guyanese character. It seems that the writer wishes that something be done to the rapid degeneration that is taking place. It will not be easy to stop the downward slide by just one bold and courageous writer, or educator. It was Guyana's national poet Martin Carter who declared that "we are all involved we are all consumed," and that "death must not find us thinking that we die." In other words the battle of exposure must always be continued. Vigilance must be our watchword. The task will not be easy.

Robert H. Mahesh


Guyana president Donald Ramotar using his office

budget to hide paying PPP cronies big $

Super salaries being paid to do little or nothing, “mostly nothing” – Moses Nagamotoo


Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo, who made headlines on Nomination Day when he defected from the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and campaigned for the Alliance for Change, says that the latest revelation coming out of Office of the President has vindicated his position during the recent Budget Cuts.
Nagamootoo coined the phrase ‘fat cats’ in reference to persons at Government agencies being paid huge amounts and while he was unable during the budgetary process to unveil them, he says that the information which has been now made public demonstrates that “Office of the President is running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”
Nagamootoo said that it is clear as day to see that there are persons being paid by Office of the President “to do little or nothing, mostly nothing.”
Nagamootoo, during an interview yesterday, said that it is clear as day to see that there are ‘Sinecure appointments’ (persons past political prime)” being paid by Office of the President as well as numerous Freedom House operatives.
He said that it is unfair of the government to be asking sections of the population such as Linden to take on additional hardships while others are being rewarded for next to nothing with super salaries.
Nagamootoo reminded of a proposal recently to pay cane cutters $800 per punt of cane when others were being paid more than 800 per cent above the average worker.
He said that “it is disgraceful that Office of the President would be running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”
Nagamootoo was adamant that it is equally “disgraceful that this is happening under the watch of a government that champions the working class.”
The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called persons being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”
He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for? What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.
He was adamant that this has nothing to do with personal attacks against individuals, but he queried how the Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.
As the House prepared to debate a motion of no confidence against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee this past Wednesday, the information was made available as a result of a request by A Partnership for National Unity’s Joseph Harmon.
The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.
The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.
According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.
His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.
Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.
Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.
Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’
It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month.
Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.
Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.
Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.
A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.
“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’
Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.
Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liaison Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.
Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer some $307,600.
Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Luncheon.

This was the same way Bharrat Jagdeo was hiding the big money he was paying Alexei Ramotar




Guyana president Donald Ramotar using his


budget to hide paying PPP cronies big $


According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.
His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.
Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.
Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.
Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’
It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month.
Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.
Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.
Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.
A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.
“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’

Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.

Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liaison Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.
Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer some $307,600.
Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Luncheon.

This was the same way Bharrat Jagdeo was hiding the big money he was paying Alexei Ramotar


Well this is the PPP/C for you: They pays themselves top Salary, and yet they covet the peoples house lots and sells to their friends and cronies, leaving the poor people to live in squatted  lands.


How much more lower and corrupt can the PPP/C gets????????



Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services


What does he really do?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services


What does he really do?

As Moses says, and he is the man in the know:


Super salaries being paid to do little or nothing, “mostly nothing” – Moses Nagamotoo

Originally Posted by asj:

So now the People will know and see why the APNU rightfully cut their Budget. I think that the OP needs further cuts.


There should be a total cut for Irfaan and his corrupt Ministry of Housing or maybe give him GY$1 He deserves that.


The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.
According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.
His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.




What dat mean, press under da secretary? Is who pressin who?

Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine
Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....






Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....




Guyana: "A National Cesspool of Greed, Duplicity & Corruption" (A Remigrant’s Story)






Guyana: A National Cesspool of

Greed, Duplicity & Corruption (A

Remigrant's Story) Paperback




History will not be kind to Juan Edghill, a disgusting man who continues to feed shamelessly from the PPPC trough of greed, murder and corruption. A man who, as Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (“ERC&rdquo, was complicit in the evil PPPC’s plan to disenfranchise Africans in Guyana; a man who watched silently as Africans were summarily and undeservedly dismissed from their positions in the Public Service sector, were excluded from the economic development of Guyana, were ignored and considered “unqualified” to represent the country as diplomats, saw their children murdered in extrajudicial killings ordered by the PPPC government, and more. Juan Edghill must give account to his god, if believe in a god he does, and to the citizens of Guyana for the evil which his actions endorsed.

This man Edghill, who shamelessly calls himself Bishop, dares accuse the leaders of the Parliamentary Majority of continuing “to speak with forked tongues making excuses for their reckless, vindictive and unprovoked actions.” Much can be said about the budget cuts, but reckless, vindictive and unprovoked are the last terms that fair-minded Guyanese would use to describe the Parliamentary Majority’s move to make the abusive minority PPPC government finally accountable to the Guyanese people.


‘The Thomas Carroll Affair’ revisited - American


author launches book highlighting greed and crime in


June 26, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under News

New York-based writer David Casavis on Tuesday last, released, “The Thomas Carroll Affair… A journey through the cottage industry of illegal immigration.” The book deals specifically, with events that occurred during 1998 to 2000; when Thomas Patrick Carroll, a United States citizen, serving as a Foreign Service officer with the United States State Department and appointed vice-counsel in the United States Embassy here in Guyana, developed and carried out an immigration visa fraud operation, which facilitated scores of people, especially those of the underworld, getting into the U.S. illegally.

Carroll’s cover was blown in 2000 when the American government got their hands on him, subsequently imprisoning him and his associates. He is due out of prison within hours. The author cited the book as a historical record that speaks prior to the Guyana Elections of 2006. In putting it together, he said he was consistent in refusing information about what transpired after 2001, subsequent to Carroll’s detention, because he wanted to preserve the book’s authenticity. He said too that, the story is of a lost community and lost hope.


‘The Thomas Carroll Affair’ revisited - American author launches book highlighting greed and crime in Guyana
June 26, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under News: Continues....... 


“It is the story of a small, corrupt country (Guyana) and how an American Embassy official looted it.” Casavis passionately writes about how lives were changed, the consequences of those events, and the victims of a scheme in a country, ‘made poorer.’ He charged in the book’s introduction that America is an opportunity for the poor. Poor countries need a skilled workforce. Better wages, upward mobility and humane working hours are the rewards of a burgeoning economy, but those rewards, he forwarded, disappear when supply and demand is altered. “If a world without opportunity sees thieves and rapists slipping across the borders through bribery, skilled and educated professionals will follow. Poor countries lose ground too. This is the Thomas Carroll legacy.”

With the ‘twist of fate’ meeting of two unlikely people, the book describes the actions of ‘a bandit and a US diplomat, along with their gangs,’ as combining to ‘shake a little country to its roots… channeling a sense of injustice and rage into violence, ’ while the other ‘threw a spotlight on official corruption.

In his book, Casavis listed principal characters who actually played a significant part in the events of the late ‘90s early 2000s; Thomas Carroll, the foreign officer who served in that capacity not only in Guyana, but in China and Taiwan; Lance Corporal Linden London, also known as ‘Blackie’ (now deceased), was a soldier in the Special Forces Squadron of the Guyana Defence Force, while Deputy Superintendent of Police Leon Fraser (now deceased) was a member of the Target Special Squad or ‘Black Clothes Police.’ CN Sharma is the owner and operator of Channel six television, also a self made millionaire once active in politics. Vince Principe was the head of the Visa section at the Embassy. He reported to James Mack, the Ambassador at the time. Eton Cordis and Jason Azaria are two Guyanese who worked at the Embassy at the time, while Paul James ,who ran a hardware store in Georgetown, Haleem Khan, Rajesh Persaud, ‘Jerry’, Donna Dos Santos and Roy Singh were visa brokers. Laurie Lewis (now deceased) was the Police Commissioner at the time, Joe DeAgrella, was a diamond merchant in the city and Rhonda Forde, (now deceased) was ‘Blackie’s’ girlfriend.

Originally Posted by JB:

That man is not a real Bishop. He is a quack Bishop. Only Ramotar/Jagdeo/irfan/Nehru/Rev/Luncheon/Priya/Ashni/Ramsammy think he is a Bishop.   

JB As we had stated earlier that the current PPP/C is not the Party that was created by the Jagans. These bunch of crooks that calls themselves the PPP/C is faked just like the Bishop, and all those House of Israel Thugs who were deemed to be murderers during the time of the House of Israel Honcho.


‘The Thomas Carroll Affair’


Was Rohee involved in this Visa Racket, was that why his visa was revoked


Georgetown, Guyana: June 25, 2013 – Guyana’s Attorney General Anil Nandlall admitted today what even those paying mild attention to the PPPC government already know: the PPPC government does not have the WILL to prosecute big criminal fish, including money launderers and narco-traffickers. Indeed, many of these criminals are political cronies of the Jagdeo-PPPC cabal, fully embraced, employed and partnered with the PPPC regime; they are safe from honest Guyanese police. Case in point, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, in May 2013, announced the names of ten civilians to oversee the implementation of the Guyana Police Force’s strategic plan. This team was to be led by a former police officer, US Embassy employee and disgraced money launderer and visa trafficker, Mr. Patrick Mentore.


AAh Mr Patrick Mentore: Was there a link between Rohee and Mentore?


 Case in point, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, in May 2013, announced the names of ten civilians to oversee the implementation of the Guyana Police Force’s strategic plan. This team was to be led by a former police officer, US Embassy employee and disgraced money launderer and visa trafficker, Mr. Patrick Mentore.


So with this  bit of statement we know that Patrick Mentore was allegedly appointed by PPP/C Rohee:


Rohee/PPP alleged connection to the Thomas Carroll visa sale


Mentore’s sordid exploits are referenced in gory detail in David Casavis’ recent book, “The Thomas Carroll Affair”. Even according to that book, Patrick Mentore worked for the biggest alien smuggler in Guyana of his time, Mr. Haleem Khan, and provided clients to disgraced US Embassy staffer, Mr. Thomas Carroll. Mentore’s responsibilities also coordinated “Black Clothes” protection for Carroll, accessed protected phone records, and was even asked to ensure that a certain petty criminal who ran afoul of Carroll was punished. Mentore’s deep involvement in corruption, fraud, money laundering and alien smuggling are also well documented in US court records in the Thomas Carroll case, in which Carroll was sentenced to serve 21 years in prison.

Despite this recent and public history, the Honourable Clement Rohee and the PPPC government trust Patrick Mentore to oversee desperately needed police reforms. Guyanese citizens should wonder how compromised Clement Rohee and the PPPC must be to enlist a known criminal to lead a police reform committee. Honest Guyanese should also realise that those reforms would regard the very laws that Mentore broke for money. Recently, this same Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, referred to law and order being precarious because of the actions of the Opposition and known activist actions. What undermines the fabric of society more, however, than when the very Minister openly mocks efforts at reform by the appointment of a criminal like Mentore?

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

That man is not a real Bishop. He is a quack Bishop. Only Ramotar/Jagdeo/irfan/Nehru/Rev/Luncheon/Priya/Ashni/Ramsammy think he is a Bishop.   

JB As we had stated earlier that the current PPP/C is not the Party that was created by the Jagans. These bunch of crooks that calls themselves the PPP/C is faked just like the Bishop, and all those House of Israel Thugs who were deemed to be murderers during the time of the House of Israel Honcho.


I agree Mr ASJ. Mr Hoyte jailed Rabbi Washington and Mr Taps. Mrs Janet Jagan released them. The PPP is not the same PPP of old.


To make a long story short, we reflect,  


Carroll reportedly sold over 800 US visas at a price of between US$10,000 and $15,000 each. Thomas Carroll was found guilty and sentenced to a total of 21 years imprisonment in 2002. He was 38 years old at the time. During the investigations, federal agents raided his house and found large amounts of cash and gold bars; they also found out that Carroll operated about seven bank accounts. The sentence was later slashed by half to 11 years.
We know that Rohee Appointee oversees the gang that was working for Caroll.
We know that these fraud happened right under the nose of PPP/C
Were they a party to it? your guess is as good as mine


‘Visa fraudster’ and ‘Money Launderer’ Patrick Mentore is being protected by Rohee and the PPP


By Staff Writer

June 26, 2013


(OneVoice Guyana)
Georgetown, Guyana: June 25, 2013 – Guyana’s Attorney General Anil Nandlall admitted today what even those paying mild attention to the PPPC government already know: the PPPC government does not have the WILL to prosecute big criminal fish, including money launderers and narco-traffickers. Indeed, many of these criminals are political cronies of the Jagdeo-PPPC cabal, fully embraced, employed and partnered with the PPPC regime; they are safe from honest Guyanese police. Case in point, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, in May 2013, announced the names of ten civilians to oversee the implementation of the Guyana Police Force’s strategic plan. This team was to be led by a former police officer, US Embassy employee and disgraced money launderer and visa trafficker, Mr. Patrick Mentore.

Mentore’s sordid exploits are referenced in gory detail in David Casavis’ recent book, “The Thomas Carroll Affair”. Even according to that book, Patrick Mentore worked for the biggest alien smuggler in Guyana of his time, Mr. Haleem Khan, and provided clients to disgraced US Embassy staffer, Mr. Thomas Carroll. Mentore’s responsibilities also coordinated “Black Clothes” protection for Carroll, accessed protected phone records, and was even asked to ensure that a certain petty criminal who ran afoul of Carroll was punished. Mentore’s deep involvement in corruption, fraud, money laundering and alien smuggling are also well documented in US court records in the Thomas Carroll case, in which Carroll was sentenced to serve 21 years in prison.

Despite this recent and public history, the Honourable Clement Rohee and the PPPC government trust Patrick Mentore to oversee desperately needed police reforms. Guyanese citizens should wonder how compromised Clement Rohee and the PPPC must be to enlist a known criminal to lead a police reform committee. Honest Guyanese should also realise that those reforms would regard the very laws that Mentore broke for money. Recently, this same Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, referred to law and order being precarious because of the actions of the Opposition and known activist actions. What undermines the fabric of society more, however, than when the very Minister openly mocks efforts at reform by the appointment of a criminal like Mentore?

It must also be noted that Mentore’s boss, Haleem Khan, was sentenced to three years prison time in the United States for his crimes. Yet, his Guyanese political friends allowed him to hold on to his property and cash. He still lives a cozy life in his mansion in Guyana, and several automobiles. This reminds of the properties of convicted drug dealer, Roger Khan, whose properties in Guyana remain protected by the Jagdeo-PPPC cabal.

Who could ever take Mohabir Anil Nandlall and Clement James Rohee seriously when not only does the PPPC administration not prosecute these criminals, but they co-opt and employ them, and cavort and form business partnerships with them? The time has come for Guyanese citizens, civil society and Guyanese media to get serious about democracy and the rule of law in Guyana.

The PPPC is a corrupt regime. Even longtime PPP supporters now say openly that the Jagdeo-PPPC cabal’s ministers are criminals accepting bribes, and kickbacks, and forming secret business partnerships to enrich themselves while the honest Guyanese suffer high electricity prices, disastrous roads, low quality schools, no running water to their homes, and a constant rape of the taxpayer-funded treasury. Guyanese society must wake up and demand change before it is too late.



Berbice the land of blackouts


April 15, 2013

One can only marvel at the astounding incompetence of this entity



Once again the power supply in Berbice has descended to an absolutely horrific and atrocious level. This past week, there have been so many blackouts that I’ve lost count. On Monday, we had blackout for several hours.

What’s going on in Berbice with Guyana Power & Light’s(GPL) operations? One can only marvel at the astounding incompetence and inability of this entity to fix a system that has been broken for many, many year.
Likewise, one can only marvel at the callous, don’t-care attitude of the PPP, which, although being in power for over twenty years, has done nothing to remedy the unreliable power supply and bring relief to the people of this county. The PPP has, instead, chosen to demonize opposition members, dole out super-salaries, contracts, and radio stations to its friends and other “fat cats,” and fight for the rights of the rich, all at the expense of the majority of Guyanese who struggle to make a decent living, and who are frustrated at every turn by the regular blackouts that occur.

So here’s the solution. Call for a snap election and let’s vote the PPP out of office, and simultaneously get rid of the senior management at GPL that earns millions of dollars for doing nothing to tangibly improve the power supply. Nothing else will do.

And at the forefront of the wave to drive the PPP out of power will be the former sleeping Berbicians, who have finally awoken and realized that all the promises made by the PPP are false and unattainable under the current pack of jokers leading this country.
Berbice will rise, and the same slave songs that drove Cuffy to rebel against the oppressors of his day will guide us all as we go to the polls and choose a better future under the APNU/AFC government for our children and grandchildren.


Quote "And at the forefront of the wave to drive the PPP out of power will be the former sleeping Berbicians, who have finally awoken and realized that all the promises made by the PPP are false and unattainable under the current pack of jokers leading this country." unquote


Not only Berbice, but there is blackout all over Guyana.


Compliments PPP/c


The PPP has made life unbearable for the poor

November 21, 2012 

Punishing Poor People Continuously





Dear Editor,
Since knowing ourselves, Guyana has always been a country in political turmoil, the struggle for independence, the struggle for free and fair elections and today the struggle for good governance and against a system that rewards corruption and penalizes those who want to play by the rules.
Throughout our history all these experiences have taught us that life for the poor and the working class remains almost unbearable. Even the small business and peasant class “catching fire” under this Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.
If one is to observe the comments coming out of Berbice on the issue of blackout under this PPP regime it is a clear that day to day life in Guyana remains painful and no amount of PPP propaganda can erase the burning in the belly of the people.
Sukhai, a farmer said in Stabroek News What the people Say Column, “This blackout is very terrible because when the current goes on and off… our appliances get burn and damage ….. and we do not receive any refund from GPL.” Sukhai further stated as a poultry farmer, “…. when the current goes off these chicken suffer.”
But stay with us and listen to Sukhai. Sukhai revealed a reality that the ordinary people in PPP Guyana face every day when he said “…while there is blackout during the day and the pipe is running it (the water) cuts off. We do not have water to use and this is really bad for the people in Berbice.”
Thank you Mr. Sukhai for speaking your truth and for exposed several cases of irrational underdevelopment because of poor governance and corruption under the PPP namely:
1. The PPP executes capital (fund) punishment on this farmer by damaging his appliances resulting in him spending what he does not have, on new appliances. This is the PPP formula to keep Sukhai in perpetual poverty. He did not damage his TV; GPL and by extension the PPP did but they refuse to refund him for his loss of wealth.
2. As his chicken dies as a result of poor electricity supply, his ability to multiply his wealth is put at risk by the PPP. Thus his return on his investment reduces with every chicken that dies as a result of blackouts. Under the PPP this farmer is not guaranteed a fixed rate of return for his investment and labour.
However this same PPP has guaranteed the rate of return for all the mega-investors in Guyana (the Marriot Hotel investors, the Berbice Bridge investors, the Amaila Fall project investors and even Buddy Shivraj when he invested in the Princess Hotel). No risk for the rich friends, family and business buddies of the ruling Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. This is the PPP brand of working class party for you!
3. Water is life; at least that is what the United Nations tells us. However, under the PPP, potable water remains a luxury that is not easily accessible in the land of many water. Water is a critical element for every family and if you do not have reliable access to water, then you cannot run a poultry farmer properly; much less manage a family satisfactorily. The risk posed by denying this farmer water in times of Blackout has to be responded to by the majority in Parliament.
A motion must be passed demanding a full, independent and transparent investigation of the operations of GPL.
It is time the leadership from all political forces including the back benchers in the PPP, rise up and demand justice for the people of Berbice. Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha and his side-kick Mr. Jafarally, who like to flounce on Berbice TV to sing the praises of the PPP should wake up from their slumber and stop telling the people Alice in Wonderland stories. All is not well in Berbice.
They’re living in a world of their own and they’re trying to reduce the rest of us to the same condition of losing touch with reality. We call on the AFC to highlight the real suffering of the Berbicians to all of Guyana, especially in those areas that the PPP thinks they got tribal rights.
Let us bring the nation back to its centre of gravity where the people more actively resist non-violently the oppressors in the current regime, just like how they resisted the colonialist and the Burnham dictatorship.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


Auditor General’s findings on Region One just the tip of the iceberg


November 12, 2012 


Auditor General’s findings on Region One just the tip of the iceberg

Dear Editor,
I am not surprised at the findings of the Auditor General with regards to the Contracts in Region 1. I am sorry but what has been disclosed is only the tip of the iceberg. Corruption in Region 1 is so rife. To get to the fishy deals, one has to travel up into the riverain areas where some buildings the size of fowl pens are called schools and teachers’ quarters. Yet the contract prices are astronomical. One only has to check the amounts paid for materials for building/repairing roads. Where are the roads?
There is a fuel depot at Morawhanna and yet the Administration purchases fuel from middle men. Morawhanna is across the pond from the Mabaruma Compound.
How is it that one previous REO collected accounts from some business people and some time after, turned up with cash to pay them. Has the Sub Treasury become mobile?
Like I mentioned, the Auditor’s report is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a huge chunk below surface, the likes of what ripped the Titanic open and caused it to sink.
Dig deeper.


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