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Originally Posted by TK:

I am on record offering solutions. .

Anothere one who ignores Indian racism and yet is upset because I refuse to let others paint blacks as the sole perpetrators of racism in Guyana when Indians are equally guilty.


Now run along and engage the many Indo racists on this board, if you wish to prove me wrong.  All I see are some Indians who display racism, amd others who do not condemn it, but who have lots to do when I discuss.


Now what does that make you like?


And of course there is that racist piece of drivel written by Cheddi Jagan.  The whole narratives is about the poor exploited Indian peasant and the "highly privileged" and racist African and mixed middle classes.  Painting the history of ethnic relations around the narrative of the "baad black man, good Indian".  Erasing the role that the PPP made in fostering political voting, and pretending that it was only the PPP.


All those who wish to peddle that "baad black man, good Indian" mythology, will get their faces rubbed in mud by me.  They try to be cute by avoiding any discussion of Indian racism and of PPP ethnic exclusion, yet are very vocal when blacks draw attention to these facts.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

I am on record offering solutions. .

Anothere one who ignores Indian racism and yet is upset because I refuse to let others paint blacks as the sole perpetrators of racism in Guyana when Indians are equally guilty.


Now run along and engage the many Indo racists on this board, if you wish to prove me wrong.  All I see are some Indians who display racism, amd others who do not condemn it, but who have lots to do when I discuss.


Now what does that make you like?


You don't seem to get it...the outward manifestation of the racism has economic roots. And the expressions are endogenous...they feed on the insecurities of both groups.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Really these guys need to worry that African Americans start reading GNI.  They will then hear all about racist Indo Guyanese on Melissa Perry's show on MSNBC.  Seriously one has to go to white supremacy sites to see what is written here on GNI.



It's time Afro Americans found out. The Indo KKK in America and Canada smiling in the face of black politicians and pretending to be their friends and seeking favor because of minority status. High time Afro Americans found out who they really are.

You will need to position the discussion in a sound analytical framework and not silly narrative qualitative analyses. For example, the idea of statistical discrimination can be used as an analytical framework. Then go back and survey employment patterns in the state agencies and private sector since the 1970s. Also, it would be interesting to survey the ethnic composition of house lot distributions under PPP and ethnic access to NBS/commercial bank loans to make those houses. It would be very interesting to find out how many East Indians worked at the nation's premier institution, BOG, in 1992. You might want to find out if one East Indian economist existed at BOG as at Jan 1, 1992. Same for ethnic composition of ambassadors over party paramountcy, Hotye reforms and elected oligarchy.  I would caution you and CaribJ not to draw a conclusive point of view from a group of ignars (Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Yuji) on this cyber rum shop.

I have no qualms with this TK. However, The current forensic audits are met with cries of "ethnic cleansing", so this analysis has to be compiled by an independent, outside body. It may be helpful as a first step toward dialog regarding racism.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The Jesus Venezuelan guy is  an idiot.  The Venezuelan claim is based on the 15th century Papal Bull when the world was divided between Spain and Portugal.  At no point during Guyana's colonial history did Spain, or for that matter Venezuela ever occupy that territory.


He claims that Venezuela wants Guyana back.  One cannot get back what one never got.  He screams that Granger is an Exxon employee.  This is about complete Madman paranoia.  So it is about US imperialism, and British colonialism, and every piece of lunacy that Maduro can concoct, while his people starve in the streets.



Benshop dealt with him properly 

Jesus is an ignorantr zealot.  Even the moderators (who in my opinion had a slight bias against Guyana) had to shut him down when he screamed about Granger being an EXXON employee, and ranted about US imperialism and British colonialism.


This is ironic as the only justification for this is because of Spanish colonial claims.  Well they might well claim all of Guyana, and Suriname at that rate.


Britain claimed up to the Orinoco River.  The USA assisted Venezuela in blocking this claim, and Venezuela considered itself the winner.


It is an anti communist plot by the CIA and a right wing regime which "reactivated" the claim in the early 60s against Jagan, and again in the 70s against Burnham.


Madman "reactivates" it now as it is a forgone conclusion that the former Chavez supporters consider Maduro to be a huge disappointment, so will not vote for him.  He must seek diversionary tactics, but apparently many/most Venezuelans aren't buying it.  Like the woman said, she grew up being told that Guyana is different, the claim complicated, and that it is better to just leave it alone.

In the end, alyuh hero (LFSB) help create the bind Guyana is in just because he hungry for Afro power and wanted independence before another election.  This is the definition of PNC nationalism.  Deal with it.

Originally Posted by TK:

You don't seem to get it...the outward manifestation of the racism has economic roots. And the expressions are endogenous...they feed on the insecurities of both groups.

If people of a particular consider those of another to be inferior, what does the state of the economy have to do with this.


Those Indian, Chinese, and Portuguese oligarchs have no respect for people like Nigel Hughes.  I grew up hearing people like them preaching all sorts of bigotry about African professionals.  So we don't even have to get to your ordinary black person.

Originally Posted by baseman:

In the end, alyuh hero (LFSB) help create the bind Guyana is in just because he hungry for Afro power and wanted independence before another election.  This is the definition of PNC nationalism.  Deal with it.

Baseman explain this.  You know full well that I have said that Burnham severely damaged black people.  So how can he by my hero?  Do you think that I worship people who set out to damage black people?


No Burnham is YOUR hero.  His antics reduced Afro Guyanese to levels of dependency and distrust of each other that enabled racists like you to practice your poison with no consequences.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Really these guys need to worry that African Americans start reading GNI.  They will then hear all about racist Indo Guyanese on Melissa Perry's show on MSNBC.  Seriously one has to go to white supremacy sites to see what is written here on GNI.



It's time Afro Americans found out. The Indo KKK in America and Canada smiling in the face of black politicians and pretending to be their friends and seeking favor because of minority status. High time Afro Americans found out who they really are.

You will need to position the discussion in a sound analytical framework and not silly narrative qualitative analyses. For example, the idea of statistical discrimination can be used as an analytical framework. Then go back and survey employment patterns in the state agencies and private sector since the 1970s. Also, it would be interesting to survey the ethnic composition of house lot distributions under PPP and ethnic access to NBS/commercial bank loans to make those houses. It would be very interesting to find out how many East Indians worked at the nation's premier institution, BOG, in 1992. You might want to find out if one East Indian economist existed at BOG as at Jan 1, 1992. Same for ethnic composition of ambassadors over party paramountcy, Hotye reforms and elected oligarchy.  I would caution you and CaribJ not to draw a conclusive point of view from a group of ignars (Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Yuji) on this cyber rum shop.

In 1967, I met some Jamaicans in Canada. Being a small group of people of color(Indo Guyanese and West Indian Afroes) we found ways of passing the weekend-playing cricket. Being comfortable with one another, eventually the discussion went towards racism in Guyana. What was told to me was shocking. The impressions, we Indians were subjecting Blacks as second class citizens, we had them in bondage, somehow. We were their superiors.

The same things Caribj is seying some 50 years later.


Now, with the recent Guyana elections. One day a Bajan family friend came by as she usually does. For 48 years we know one another-children and grandchildren. A long way we go back. She exercises with a Black Guyanese lady at the Y. Soon after Granger's victory, the Afro-Guyanese put down a story of how bad coolie people are in Guyana towards Black people. The Bajan was shocked-she never encountered any Indo-Guyanese racism towards her.  Caribj tells the same story. Fabriacted lies.


I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.


I accept that. It is a reality. Those East Indians who wishes to fool themselves, keep reading the Black racists on this site. Every Black person may be thinking like them. The KKK have its roots in African culture, it is not an Indo thing.


If u say bad things about my Indian race, believe me, I have plenty say to about Guyanese Blacks. Forbes Burnham leff a bitter taste with us.


Benchop arguments were stupid and Greenidge couldn't answer the interviewer's questuon. Stupid on their part. Guyana has East Indians, I want to see them in Granger's govrernment.  




Originally Posted by seignet:

In 1967, I met some Jamaicans in Canada. Being a small group of people of color(Indo Guyanese and West Indian Afroes) we found ways of passing the weekend-playing cricket. Being comfortable with one another, eventually the discussion went towards racism in Guyana. What was told to me was shocking. The impressions, we Indians were subjecting Blacks as second class citizens, we had them in bondage, somehow. We were their superiors.

The same things Caribj is seying some 50 years later.


Now, with the recent Guyana elections. One day a Bajan family friend came by as she usually does. For 48 years we know one another-children and grandchildren. A long way we go back. She exercises with a Black Guyanese lady at the Y. Soon after Granger's victory, the Afro-Guyanese put down a story of how bad coolie people are in Guyana towards Black people. The Bajan was shocked-she never encountered any Indo-Guyanese racism towards her.  Caribj tells the same story. Fabriacted lies.


I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.


I accept that. It is a reality. Those East Indians who wishes to fool themselves, keep reading the Black racists on this site. Every Black person may be thinking like them. The KKK have its roots in African culture, it is not an Indo thing.


If u say bad things about my Indian race, believe me, I have plenty say to about Guyanese Blacks. Forbes Burnham leff a bitter taste with us.


Benchop arguments were stupid and Greenidge couldn't answer the interviewer's questuon. Stupid on their part. Guyana has East Indians, I want to see them in Granger's govrernment.  




So reading your racist filth we have the following conclusions.


1.  Blacks are stupid.


2.  Blacks have no right to lead Guyana.  Only Indians and Amerindians.


3.  Blacks are the only racists in Guyana.


4.  Any claims that Indian racism exists are false.



Of course VVP, Kari, TK and the other SO CALLED Indian non racists will ignore you.  If there is any response it will be aimed towards me.


But here is the deal.  Aside from Gilbakka and Riffraff there is no admittance that Indian racism is as much a fact of life in Guyana as is African racism.  Some peddle racist nonsense, with seignet now being a proud member of the Indo KKK.  Others ignore these comments, but then wail when some one states that Indian racism has had a very profound impact on Guyana.


Any one reading GNI, and noticing how very insulting comments are directed towards blacks.  They will note that rather than condemning these remarks, the socalled NON RACIST Indians attack blacks when they comment on this bigotry.


So what is one to conclude about the role of Indians in Guyana's racial tensions.  That Indian racism is rampant and is CONDONED by the vast majority of the Indian population, regardless as to whether they overtly engage on this or not.


Seignet I am very glad that you make my point about Indian racists.  You will continue as only the 3 blacks who post regularly on GNI will condemn you.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Doan include others in this discussion. It is u and me.


Suh u r seying exactly what other blacks have been seying, "Indians have kept black people as second class citizens in Guyana."

I am saying that racism exists and BOTH Africans and Indians are guilty and that BOTH AFricans and Indians have suffered.  I am saying that the PPP practiced the same policies of ethnic exclusion of Africans that the PNC practiced against Indians.


You are saying that 100% of the racism in Guyana is from Africans.  That there has NEVER been an instance where Africans have suffered racism from Indians, and in fact it is RACIST for an African to say so.


And yes I am telling Indians to CONFRONT you who SHUT UP WHEN I POST!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:


yep, as Indians have blacks as second class citizens?

They certainly did between 1992 and 2015.


If you deny this fact then admit that Indians were NOT persecuted under Burnham.  The PPP behaved EXACTLY the same way towards Africans as the PNC did towards Indians under Burnham.  So if the PPP was not racist then neither was the PNC.


Now you can crawl into your hole of ethnic exclusion, where 90% of the Indians who post on GNI will shelter you.  They 100% endorse your racist comments because NONE of them have seen fit to confront you.


Any time you, or any of your fellow ethnics, peddle that "BAAD black man, poor innocent and persecuted Indian" LIE I will GROUND your face into the mud!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Doan include others in this discussion. It is u and me.


Suh u r seying exactly what other blacks have been seying, "Indians have kept black people as second class citizens in Guyana."

I am saying that racism exists and BOTH Africans and Indians are guilty and that BOTH AFricans and Indians have suffered.  I am saying that the PPP practiced the same policies of ethnic exclusion of Africans that the PNC practiced against Indians.


You are saying that 100% of the racism in Guyana is from Africans.  That there has NEVER been an instance where Africans have suffered racism from Indians, and in fact it is RACIST for an African to say so.


And yes I am telling Indians to CONFRONT you who SHUT UP WHEN I POST!

Black folks tell people of other countries that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:


yep, as Indians have blacks as second class citizens?

They certainly did between 1992 and 2015.


If you deny this fact then admit that Indians were NOT persecuted under Burnham.  The PPP behaved EXACTLY the same way towards Africans as the PNC did towards Indians under Burnham.  So if the PPP was not racist then neither was the PNC.


Now you can crawl into your hole of ethnic exclusion, where 90% of the Indians who post on GNI will shelter you.  They 100% endorse your racist comments because NONE of them have seen fit to confront you.


Any time you, or any of your fellow ethnics, peddle that "BAAD black man, poor innocent and persecuted Indian" LIE I will GROUND your face into the mud!

Bruddah, dah questan ain fuh yuh.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally .that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.

Indians in the 70s and 80s ran around and told the world that Guyana was like South Africa, except that it was the blacks who were the bigots.  They told people that THOUSANDS of Indians were being slaughtered by blacks.


Since May, they have begun to do this again.


Your point?


Now crawl back into your Indo supremacist hole where 90% of the Indians on GNI will support you, even as they wail that Indian racism doesn't exist.  Yes people like VVP and TK.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

In the end, alyuh hero (LFSB) help create the bind Guyana is in just because he hungry for Afro power and wanted independence before another election.  This is the definition of PNC nationalism.  Deal with it.

Baseman explain this.  You know full well that I have said that Burnham severely damaged black people.  So how can he by my hero?  Do you think that I worship people who set out to damage black people?


No Burnham is YOUR hero.  His antics reduced Afro Guyanese to levels of dependency and distrust of each other that enabled racists like you to practice your poison with no consequences.

I admire your patience, sir. Your patience and determination to press on, notwithstanding forays from front back left and right. Respect.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

In the end, alyuh hero (LFSB) help create the bind Guyana is in just because he hungry for Afro power and wanted independence before another election.  This is the definition of PNC nationalism.  Deal with it.

Baseman explain this.  You know full well that I have said that Burnham severely damaged black people.  So how can he by my hero?  Do you think that I worship people who set out to damage black people?


No Burnham is YOUR hero.  His antics reduced Afro Guyanese to levels of dependency and distrust of each other that enabled racists like you to practice your poison with no consequences.

I admire your patience, sir. Your patience and determination to press on, notwithstanding forays from front back left and right. Respect.

Silence breeds consent.  The reason why the Indo KKK is so loud and shameless, posting nonsense that is fit for a white supremacist site is that few Indians, aside from you and Riffraff confront them, even as they confront me.


So TK, VVP, Kari and the rest AGREE with baseman.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally .that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.

Indians in the 70s and 80s ran around and told the world that Guyana was like South Africa, except that it was the blacks who were the bigots.  They told people that THOUSANDS of Indians were being slaughtered by blacks.


Since May, they have begun to do this again.


Your point?


Now crawl back into your Indo supremacist hole where 90% of the Indians on GNI will support you, even as they wail that Indian racism doesn't exist.  Yes people like VVP and TK.

Indians are very quiet people. Every Indian on here may disagree with me-doan consider their silence as approval of my comments. Leff dem out.


If after 50 years. I am told that Indians are bad towards blacks-and in that telling of the saga, it does not mention Forbes racist policies. Then I must conclude, that we came to the sugar plantations and our caste system imposed black servitude.


Do you remember the apaan jhat discussions. It seemed like a nice misunderstanding of the words. But the fact is, Blacks have been peddling that story to other Black countries.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Really these guys need to worry that African Americans start reading GNI.  They will then hear all about racist Indo Guyanese on Melissa Perry's show on MSNBC.  Seriously one has to go to white supremacy sites to see what is written here on GNI.



It's time Afro Americans found out. The Indo KKK in America and Canada smiling in the face of black politicians and pretending to be their friends and seeking favor because of minority status. High time Afro Americans found out who they really are.

You will need to position the discussion in a sound analytical framework and not silly narrative qualitative analyses. For example, the idea of statistical discrimination can be used as an analytical framework. Then go back and survey employment patterns in the state agencies and private sector since the 1970s. Also, it would be interesting to survey the ethnic composition of house lot distributions under PPP and ethnic access to NBS/commercial bank loans to make those houses. It would be very interesting to find out how many East Indians worked at the nation's premier institution, BOG, in 1992. You might want to find out if one East Indian economist existed at BOG as at Jan 1, 1992. Same for ethnic composition of ambassadors over party paramountcy, Hotye reforms and elected oligarchy.  I would caution you and CaribJ not to draw a conclusive point of view from a group of ignars (Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Yuji) on this cyber rum shop.

I have been called worse. But what is worse is that you are in a position to do better and make difference but did nothing.  You quest was always about power and prestige, so get off your high horse and buck the tide even if, it's just a little.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally .that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.

Indians in the 70s and 80s ran around and told the world that Guyana was like South Africa, except that it was the blacks who were the bigots.  They told people that THOUSANDS of Indians were being slaughtered by blacks.


Since May, they have begun to do this again.


Your point?


Now crawl back into your Indo supremacist hole where 90% of the Indians on GNI will support you, even as they wail that Indian racism doesn't exist.  Yes people like VVP and TK.

Indians are very quiet people. Every Indian on here may disagree with me-doan consider their silence as approval of my comments. Leff dem out.


If after 50 years. I am told that Indians are bad towards blacks-and in that telling of the saga, it does not mention Forbes racist policies. Then I must conclude, that we came to the sugar plantations and our caste system imposed black servitude.


Do you remember the apaan jhat discussions. It seemed like a nice misunderstanding of the words. But the fact is, Blacks have been peddling that story to other Black countries.  

How come Indians aren't silent when they call me a racist for grounding their faces in the mud when they scream "baad black man beating up innocent Indian".


You and they will attempt to peddle a lie that only Africans are racist and only Indians have been victimized by racism.  As long as I continue to post on GNI, I will ensure that this lie isn't allowed to be unchallenged.


And yes apan jhat was started by Indians. Its derived from Hindi, so even you will admit to this.


If Indians peddle the lie that blacks are violent savages, why be shocked when blacks respond to that.  MORE Africans have spoken out about African racism than Indians have spoken out about Indian racism.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

He's not going to answer you. Too ashamed!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Of course VVP, Kari, TK and the other SO CALLED Indian non racists will ignore you.  If there is any response it will be aimed towards me.


But here is the deal.  Aside from Gilbakka and Riffraff there is no admittance that Indian racism is as much a fact of life in Guyana as is African racism.  Some peddle racist nonsense, with seignet now being a proud member of the Indo KKK.  Others ignore these comments, but then wail when some one states that Indian racism has had a very profound impact on Guyana.


Any one reading GNI, and noticing how very insulting comments are directed towards blacks.  They will note that rather than condemning these remarks, the socalled NON RACIST Indians attack blacks when they comment on this bigotry.


So what is one to conclude about the role of Indians in Guyana's racial tensions.  That Indian racism is rampant and is CONDONED by the vast majority of the Indian population, regardless as to whether they overtly engage on this or not.




Where have you seen that I have argued there is no Indian racism.  You are one damn liar!!  Many time I have acknowledged that there is Indian racism. I have also acknowledge that there are posters here who are Indian racist as much as YOU are an African racists.  


In your tit for tat with them your racism is clear.  Your racism is clear for denying the role of Indians in the coalition victory.  Your racism shows with your defense of the PNC because "the PPP did the same"  Your racism is clear with your statement "the Trotman faction is controlling things over the Moses faction."


Haul yuh arse fram hey!

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

He's not going to answer you. Too ashamed!

Is this Neville Annibourne you are talking about?

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party whether he would didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Mr. Bourne was not a prejudice man. Thank goodness, he was before the time L.F.S. Burnham.


Your mindset is coined in the Burnham era. There was a time before that when we were decent people. Burnham emergence in Guyana's politic, turned possibly every Afro into a coolie racists. That includes dem old people u getting your info from.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

Read "Kindness" and "Kindness contd" www. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

He's not going to answer you. Too ashamed!

You think I live with this BB by my bedside. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

He's not going to answer you. Too ashamed!

Is this Neville Annibourne you are talking about?

Nope. I think that fella was a PPPite. Neville Bourne was Headmaster of Blairmont School back in the 50"s.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally .that East Indians are overpowering and keep their progress in check. That is a lie and is Black Racism.

Indians in the 70s and 80s ran around and told the world that Guyana was like South Africa, except that it was the blacks who were the bigots.  They told people that THOUSANDS of Indians were being slaughtered by blacks.


Since May, they have begun to do this again.


Your point?


Now crawl back into your Indo supremacist hole where 90% of the Indians on GNI will support you, even as they wail that Indian racism doesn't exist.  Yes people like VVP and TK.

Indians are very quiet people. Every Indian on here may disagree with me-doan consider their silence as approval of my comments. Leff dem out.


If after 50 years. I am told that Indians are bad towards blacks-and in that telling of the saga, it does not mention Forbes racist policies. Then I must conclude, that we came to the sugar plantations and our caste system imposed black servitude.


Do you remember the apaan jhat discussions. It seemed like a nice misunderstanding of the words. But the fact is, Blacks have been peddling that story to other Black countries.  

How come Indians aren't silent when they call me a racist for grounding their faces in the mud when they scream "baad black man beating up innocent Indian".


You and they will attempt to peddle a lie that only Africans are racist and only Indians have been victimized by racism.  As long as I continue to post on GNI, I will ensure that this lie isn't allowed to be unchallenged.


And yes apan jhat was started by Indians. Its derived from Hindi, so even you will admit to this.


If Indians peddle the lie that blacks are violent savages, why be shocked when blacks respond to that.  MORE Africans have spoken out about African racism than Indians have spoken out about Indian racism.

I think u r a confused chap. U need deliverance from dem demons that have possessed u. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Nah, he would be turning in his grave seeing the racism that Afros meted out against the Indian population in Guyana for over 50 years.  He would be ashamed of you and what you stand for.

Originally Posted by VVP:



Where have you seen that I have argued there is no Indian racism.  You are one damn liar!!  Many time I have acknowledged that there is Indian racism. I have also acknowledge that there are posters here who are Indian racist as much as YOU are an African racists.  


In your tit for tat with them your racism is clear.  Your racism is clear for denying the role of Indians in the coalition victory.  Your racism shows with your defense of the PNC because "the PPP did the same"  Your racism is clear with your statement "the Trotman faction is controlling things over the Moses faction."


Haul yuh arse fram hey!

True to form.  Seignet has been posting racism.  Any comments from you to him> NO.  Instead your focus on me.  Why?


If you do not like Indian racism then CONFRONT it, rather than confronting me when I write on it.


But here you are calling me a racist.  And why am I a racist.  Because I lambaste people like you who allow the lie to be perpetrated that Indians and the PPP have not been as racist as you claim that the PNC and Africans have been. 


You contribute to the lie of the "baad black man, good Indian" because you DO NOT CONFRONT those who raise this.  You would rather call me a racist because I REFUSE to let people get away from peddling this lie.


Thanks for making my point.  Continue to allow seignet, Jalil, Rama, cobra, and others to post racism, while you accuse me of being racist.  Yes the Indo KKK gains strength because those Indians who claim not to agree with them REFUSE TO CONFRONT THEM!



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

I think u r a confused chap. U need deliverance from dem demons that have possessed u. 

Continue to post.  VVP will endorse you by allowing you to do so rather than confronting you.


However you contribute to GNI being seen as being an Indo supremacist site, which has been blocked by some corporations as a hate site.

Originally Posted by VVP:
.  Your racism is clear for denying the role of Indians in the coalition victory.  Your racism shows with your defense of the PNC because "the PPP did the same"  Your racism is clear with your statement "the Trotman faction is controlling things over the Moses faction."


Haul yuh arse fram hey!

So these political facts are your idea of racism, when Indos calling blacks savage goons, black monkeys, and people who should be grateful to Indians.  You have NOTHING to say.


1.  Indians delivered less than 5% of the coalition votes, and that without almost record voter turn out in PNC strongholds the PPP would have won.  Do you deny this?


2.  It is obvious from the composition of the AFC members in cabinet and as MPs which AFC faction has the upper hand.  Do you deny that?  Look how the AFC Indo faction are now howling about being excluded.  Are you now claiming that Nagamootoo and Ramjattan deliberately excluded them?


3.   You can be a liar and claim that I justified PNC racism.  I said that people like YOU, who said NOTHING about PPP racism have no right to NOW claim that racism disturbs you.  Well when the PPP was grounding Africans into the ground you had NOTHING to say, so what gives you the moral right to suddenly care if APNU treats Indians the same?





Show some integrity and attack the Indo KKK, or reveal yourself as a FRAUD!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, he would be turning in his grave seeing the racism that Afros meted out against the Indian population in Guyana for over 50 years.  He would be ashamed of you and what you stand for.

Given that both Africans and Indians have been guilty of racism, it is likely that he would he disappointed with both. 


Had he known you personally your racist notion of blacks being illiterate, dirty, uneducated, violent, criminal and a people who are lucky to live in a country with Indians. would have truly saddened him.


Now you can continue to post your racism.  Don't worry, VVP will say nothing to you, but will attack me for attacking you.  Every time he does so he strengthens my point.  Pity he is too dumb to understand this.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Nah, he would be turning in his grave seeing the racism that Afros meted out against the Indian population in Guyana for over 50 years.  He would be ashamed of you and what you stand for.

Yuh still smartin' from de 2 bax ah put pon yuh yesterday, suh a gon let yuh heal! Next time I won't be so kind if you poke yuh mouth in big man story.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Nah, he would be turning in his grave seeing the racism that Afros meted out against the Indian population in Guyana for over 50 years.  He would be ashamed of you and what you stand for.

Yuh still smartin' from de 2 bax ah put pon yuh yesterday, suh a gon let yuh heal! Next time I won't be so kind if you poke yuh mouth in big man story.

Belly wuk, cyar you rass.  Not sure what the hell you refer to, I don't read every shit posted.  I will confront all alyuh clueless inept asses anytime.


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