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Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.  Go and join rev al, yuji and cobra and ABIDHA, with their little friemd sugrim who loves every thing that they say.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.

Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist, you being your PNC politics here!  Last time around I switched away from McCain to Obama after McCain's Vice-Prez choice showed her colors.  I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for over two years, but he seems stuck in his beliefs which means nothing will move, so he should move over.


What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.




Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist,

What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.

No but Rev Al and yuji refuse to support him because he is black....maybe you to.


The former WHITE governor of FL, a Republican is supporting Obama because the GOP has been taken over by right wing lunatics.  Not content with the ruin that Bush brought this country to they now wish to pursue even more radially right wing tellingf rape victims that they cant get an abortion.


Powell is a moderate so why will he support right wing lunatics?  Romney is a far cry from Reagan and Bush Sr.

Originally Posted by Kari:



being President is too much for him to handle........????????

Show how. That way I will not think you are being religious here without an analysis comparing Obama with other Presidents of the USA to show why it's too much for him to handle.


How does Obama's compare with other presidents on unemployment?

This is the average unemployment rate for every president since Truman.

It is a fair comparison because every president is being measured by the same standard, the average unemployment rate for their time as president. The data came from the bureau of labor statistics.

4.263333333 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.892708333 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.966666667 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.171666667 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.0875 Richard Nixon Republican
8.0875 Gerald Ford Republican
6.535416667 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.536458333 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.304166667 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.204166667 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.270833333 George W. Bush Republican
9.03 Barack H. Obama Democratic


18 Statistics That Prove That The Economy Has Not Improved Since Barack Obama Became President

February 20, 2012


Has the economy improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States?  Of course not.  Despite what you may be hearing in the mainstream media, the truth is that when you compare the U.S. economy on the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated to the U.S. economy today, there is really no comparison.  The unemployment crisis is worse than it was then, home values have fallen, the cost of health insurance is up, the cost of gas is way up, the number of Americans living in poverty has soared and the size of our national debt has absolutely exploded.  Anyone that believes that things are better than they were when Barack Obama was elected is simply being delusional.  Yes, things have stabilized somewhat and our economy is not in free fall mode at this point.  But donโ€™t be fooled.  This bubble of false hope will be short-lived.  The problems we are seeing develop in Europe will erupt into another full-fledged global financial crisis and economic conditions in the United States will get even worse.  When that happens, what possible โ€ economic solutionsโ€ will Barack Obama have for us?  We never even came close to recovering from the last great financial crisis, and now something potentially even worse is staring us in the face.  This is not a great time to have a total lack of leadership in Washington.

The following are 18 statistics that prove that the economy has not improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United Statesโ€ฆ.

#1 Today there are 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment.  That is an all-time record high.

#2 When Barack Obama was elected, the percentage of unemployed Americans that had been out of work for more than 52 weeks was less than 15%.  Today, it is above 30%.

#3 There are 1.2 million fewer jobs in America today than there were when Barack Obama was inaugurated.

#4 When Barack Obama first took office, the number of โ€œlong-term unemployed workersโ€ in the United States was approximately 2.6 million.  Today, that number is sitting at 5.6 million.

#5 The average duration of unemployment in the United States is hovering close to an all-time record high.

#6 During the Obama administration, worker health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent.

#7 Since Barack Obama has been president, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States has increased by 90 percent.

#8 Since Barack Obama has been president, home values in the United States have declined by another 13 percent.

#9 Under Barack Obama, new home sales in the U.S. set a brand new all-time record low in 2009, they set a brand new all-time record low again in 2010, and they set a brand new all-time record low once again during 2011.

#10 Since Barack Obama took office, the number of Americans living in poverty has risen by more than 6 million.

#11 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased from 32 million to 46 million.

#12 The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

#13 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans living in โ€œextreme povertyโ€ is now sitting at an all-time high.

#14 When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850.  Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1700 an ounce.

#15 Since Barack Obama became president, the size of the U.S. national debt has increased by 44 percent.

#16 During Barack Obamaโ€™s first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined.

#17 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.

#18 The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.




he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today

Show us when he said he will pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Also critique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.


Obama Promises to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan Beginning July 2011


  Email 9 Smaller Font Text Larger Text | Print

ABC News' Kristina Wong reports: In his State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated his promise to begin a troops drawdown from Afghanistan this July.



the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.



The Dow may have grown overall but there are segments of the market (e.g) financial stocks that have taken a beating.


the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.


There are too many to name that failed under OBAMA.. Do your homework and google the names...  WE need to look at his ENTIRE term and not just the last month you moron.  And of course we CANNOT forget the numerous small businesses that are failing.




Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.

Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist, you being your PNC politics here!  Last time around I switched away from McCain to Obama after McCain's Vice-Prez choice showed her colors.  I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for over two years, but he seems stuck in his beliefs which means nothing will move, so he should move over.


What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.


Desperation in the Obama camp and his supporters. If someone opposes Obama they are seen as racists. Shame on these low life posters like Carib and Storm.


Elections are about choice and people are free to vote for and support a candidate of their choice.


Obama's record is terrible. 48 million of Americans on food stamps under his presidency. Is that a record to be proud of ? I guess that Storm and Carib are very comfortable and proud of Obama's record on food stamps.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:
 ritique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.

Obama Promises to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan Beginning July 2011


  Email 9 Smaller Font Text Larger Text | Print

ABC News' Kristina Wong reports: In his State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated his promise to begin a troops drawdown from Afghanistan this July.



the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.



The Dow may have grown overall but there are segments of the market (e.g) financial stocks that have taken a beating.


the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.


There are too many to name that failed under OBAMA.. Do your homework and google the names...  WE need to look at his ENTIRE term and not just the last month you moron.  And of course we CANNOT forget the numerous small businesses that are failing.



Kari will be very heart broken come November.  Don't worry buddy, you will be happy when you home price and 401k surges in the next 4 years.


Alena06, I know you do not know much about the US economy or US history so I won't engage you. Instead I will reiterate broadly the juncture that America is today, how we got here and what's being done to correct course.


Before Obama, the US has had close to 3 decades of mostly Republican rule (interrupted by Clinton) where the incomes of the US population stagnated except for the upper 5%. It is a given that when the middle 80% of society has disposable income their demand is highly elastic. The upper 5% cannjot spend on more yachts or houses. So the US economy needed a better distributed wealth curve to continue robust demand, anchored by housing and stock assets. During this time there has been two important demographic changes - two-parent working to keep up and a workforce that became more service oriented as manufacturing jobs walked. The years 2000 to 2008 were particularly brutal for the US economy. We had a housing bubble and a financial crash that wiped out wealth from consumers.


The figures under the Obama Presidency have to be judged against this backdrop and more. The entitlement portion of the society is now larger than the productive sector - unemployment insurance, Medicaid, Medicaid, welfare checks, social security, etc. Obama was saddled with two unpaid wars, and declining tax revenues due to a shrinking economy handed to him. Obama came into town to bring back American jobs in energy, auto, and manufacturing. He tried to overhaul the education system and engender jobs in a green sector. He knew he had a polarized Washington, woith Republicans sworn to block everything. Congress passes Bills. The President only signs them. When he can use Presidential power he has been a success - foreign policy and immigration are two areas. There is now net negative illegal immigration at the borders and America has been safe.


The old High School education, working in the factory down the road and being able to send your kids to College, own a car and a house and have vacation while salting away retirement income  are over. White working class high-school educated folks - the backbone of the Republican party now sees a brown and yellow demographic that is more educated than them and living the middle classed life they used to own and they are pissed. Maybe you, Alena06 empathizes with this group of disenchanted folks who see a Black man in the white house and wonder what happened. They deny science and want ot take the country back to social more that were settled in the 1950s. Maybe Alena06 this is the group that provides your hatred for Obama - probably the one President in recent memory who knows the Founding Fathers ideals for this Union better than the likes of Reagan and Bush.


I don't have to show off and impress anyone Alena06. I would invite you to understand the US economic history and you will understand the differences being offered. One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism. The other recognizes that America needs to get better educated, to invest in R & D where private capital and venture capital clearly cannot venture (like DARPA investments that gave rise to advances in Internet protocols), to have a sustained demand economy by bolstering the middle portion of society. Yes, Alena06, maybe you need to impress me and show off your understanding of life around you. I pray for you.



"One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism".


Military spending pay large dividends to the rest of society in terms of R&D and technical development.  The US military has always been the incubator on front-end technology, including the very internet which has transformed our world.  Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.


The problem in the US, too many theoreticians who never ran a cakeshop running the show.  They can make good speeches, write great thesis and academic dissertations but hardly know how to get things moving. What the US needs is people who know how to get tangible things done, not those who only know to horse-trade in the halls or power.  We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

Originally Posted by baseman:


"One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism".


Military spending pay large dividends to the rest of society in terms of R&D and technical development.  The US military has always been the incubator on front-end technology, including the very internet which has transformed our world.  Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.


The problem in the US, too many theoreticians who never ran a cakeshop running the show.  They can make good speeches, write great thesis and academic dissertations but hardly know how to get things moving. What the US needs is people who know how to get tangible things done, not those who only know to horse-trade in the halls or power.  We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

You started off well and then quickly reverted to the stilted racist code talk and stupefying sloganism of republicans.


The deregulation of the markets got us to this place. There the crooks were spinning derivatives out of  air and bundling even their talk of these and selling it to the ignorant Chinese as their retirement funds. Lack of regulation means we cannot unravel these schemes so almost 3 trillion was milked by the rich from the middle class in the past administration. The idea that holding people to standards is always good.


And what the hell is pragmatic capitalism...some form of Ayn Rand dystopia where the rich do as they please and naked self interest being the motivation? Even Hayek in his seminal capitalist tome " The Road to Serfdom" advised the mediating role of social consciousness and a need to lift the weak. The bloody country was build on that puritanical notion of being ones brothers keeper as John Locke noted  "  we know God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please..." You take Ayn Rand pulp and shove it. We are obliged to a golden mean where nothing goes unchecked. Madison also expressed what this is in the new america in federalist 10 and Federalist 51. It is a core belief of americana and not this new mantra of naked laissez faire economics proposed by tea bagger republicans.


This crapola about speech writing and social welfare etc is your jaundice racist affinity for republican snot. Romney was almost last among states for job creation, give us a template for Obama's health plan, left office with an increased deficit after of course increasing taxes and his experience has been in pillaging company with little to show for that.

Last edited by Former Member


OK Folks!


The gallup poll before the start of the convention says:


Romney 47







In 12 of the past 15 presidential elections---the leader of the gallup poll at this stage has gone on to win the presidency.






What the Rev is curious about is this:


Will Hussein lose by a landslide ?


Hussein will lose---the numbers don't lie---but will Hussein lose by a landslide ?



Originally Posted by Rev Al:


OK Folks!


The gallup poll before the start of the convention says:


Romney 47







In 12 of the past 15 presidential elections---the leader of the gallup poll at this stage has gone on to win the presidency.






What the Rev is curious about is this:


Will Hussein lose by a landslide ?


Hussein will lose---the numbers don't lie---but will Hussein lose by a landslide ?



Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?



As you know the gallup poll is one of the most reputable polls in the US.


Romney 47; Obama 46


The leader of the gallup poll at this point has won 12 of the last 15 presidential elections----that's a fact.





As you may have noticed, Obama maxes out at 47% in most polls.


Now, for the past 25 years this(47%) has roughly been the floor for democratic candidates---all Obama has done to date is consolidate the democratic base.





It maxes out at 47%---this is a red flag for Obama.


Incumbents rarely win voters who disapprove of their performance in office.






Will Obama lose by a landslide ?


That's the big question!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?



As you know the gallup poll is one of the most reputable polls in the US.


Romney 47; Obama 46


The leader of the gallup poll at this point has won 12 of the last 15 presidential elections----that's a fact.





As you may have noticed, Obama maxes out at 47% in most polls.


Now, for the past 25 years this(47%) has roughly been the floor for democratic candidates---all Obama has done to date is consolidate the democratic base.





It maxes out at 47%---this is a red flag for Obama.


Incumbents rarely win voters who disapprove of their performance in office.






Will Obama lose by a landslide ?


That's the big question!



I know the practice of designing polling instruments better than you since once I worked  a short stint for what is still a reputable polling firm. I also know they are snapshots of trends and these can change like a slip on a banana peal in an instant. The idea that Obama will lose by a land slide is also piss pot predicting. Rasmussen whose polls you often use as your mantra has an electoral college map and it presently has Obama ahead with more toss up states in his favor.  Plus the real polling of women being up some 10% for Obama is a fly in your predicting ointment.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The idea that Obama will lose by a land slide is also piss pot predicting.



Obama will lose in November---the Rev is 100% confident about that.





I am not sure about that---that is what I am curious to know.


But right now it looks like Romney 53 Obama 46 in November---that's is not a landslide.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



Desperation in the Obama camp and his supporters. If someone opposes Obama they are seen as racists. Shame on these low life posters like Carib and Storm.


Elections are about choice and people are free to vote for and support a candidate of their choice.


Obama's record is terrible. 48 million of Americans on food stamps under his presidency. Is that a record to be proud of ? I guess that Storm and Carib are very comfortable and proud of Obama's record on food stamps.

When your buddy Rev Al screams about what black people do and you back him up that is racist.


Now you continue to have your orgies at your IndoKKK meetings where you have mocl lynchings of blacks.

Originally Posted by baseman:



 We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

Do you know that of the $3.6 trillion that the govt spends less than $500B is used for expenses other than debt service, defense, medicare,medicaid, and social security?  And that expenditures on defense are almost $900B?


So do you propose that old people starve on the streets of the USA? While military defense contractors grow fat dumb and happy?


Taking care of senior citizens isnt welfare.  Its the obligation of any decent society to take care of its aged and in the USA if one hasnt worked for a living one doesnt get medicare or social security.


You all babble about welfare but welfare accounts for less than 1% of the expenditures.  Medicaid is use dmainly by senior citizens on long term care and by working poor who lack access to health insurance.


Why dont you look over the border to see that Canada treats its people properly, has a healthier economy than we do and certainly doesnt have our budget deficits.



Originally Posted by baseman:


"Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.



Regulations like what?  Small businesses have problems because consumer demand is weak and credit is hard to get.  Imagine had the financial system completely collapsed as it wa sgoing to under Bush where they would be.  I have clients and they arent complaining about regulations.  they are complaining about canceled lines of credit and a slow economy.


Now I happen to agree that Obama should have focused on the economy and had heated arguments with Kari last year but I am unimpressed by Romney/Ryan who are operating on the notion that if Bush had certain policies that almost destroyed the globacl economy, then we need to implement these SAME programs and think we will end up in a better place.


Want to see which president in recent times had a healthy economy. CLINTON.  We had record employment levels, he had almost solved the funding for Social Security, and the Feds had a budget surplus, and our international prestige had reached records highs.


8 years of Bush and all of that was destroyed.


You need to stop babbling what the GOP tell you and start thinking for yourself.


It is dishonest to blame Obama for the state of affairs as when he took over the financial sector wa sin crisis, the real estate sector was in melt down and we were losing 700k jobs a month.


Has Obama done as good a job as he could of on the economy/  Of course not.  But we are yet to hear what Romney/Ryan plan to do as gioving us Bush on steriods will land us in a even WORSE situation as we were in on Sept 2008 when every man jack thought that the Great Depression had come back again.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




OK Folks!


Take a good look at that billboard---it says it all---white Americans have awakened.




The fictional Greek Chimera was an ugly beast made of various animal parts, slain by an arrow shot from Pegasus' back - fiction does seem to be your trademark - and truth will be your Bellerofon. Your posts are despicable . I sincerely hope you do not believe what you post here .

Originally Posted by Kari:


   One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism.

What these comedians do not understand is that the USA has reached a cross roads.  This is not merely about whether Obama did as much as could have done.  I have argued with you on mnay ocassions about his cavalier attitud to the economy in his first two years.


Only $500B out of a budget of $3.6T is discretionary.  The GOP wil not shrink defense and will have to service debt.


So they will have to shrink medicare and social security. YEs that 7.5% or 15% if self employed that all of us pay to ensure a stipend and access to health care as we become too old to work.  This is NOT welfare if we make a contribution to it.



The welfare that basmena babbales about is almost non existent, except for medicaid, and much of that is used to care for those who lack acces sto health insurance and for long term care for the aged.



This is about what kind of USA will we have.  Will we have a USA bwhere college becomes beyond reach for most Americans.  Where the average midle class person will have to fully fund college fopr their kids, their retirement, post retirement healthcare, their health insurance, and yes their mortgages which wil be no lnger tax dductible.  they cannot and all these MIDDE class folks who populate GNI need to understand that.


Let them be fooled by a certain racist or two, rumors have it who live in Canada and enjoy benefits that we lack.


Better the man who does nothing for you than the other one who sets out to destroy you.


And yes those of you who have daughters take note.


If Romney becomes president he will be able to nominate at least one, m,aybe two judges on the Supreme Court.  If you want  a nation where victims of rape cant get on abortion, where if a woman's health is compromised and her pregnancy not sustainable she cant get a mortgage.  If a women wants to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies she will have to go to Canada.

This guy Aiken let the cat out of the bag and the GOP are running from it, but when asked about why their platform repeats exactly what he says they cant answer.



You know for a people who wnat to shrink govt, the GOP really want the govt into peoples' personal space.  Just now they will jail people who dont use the missionary position in bed and who want recreational sex.


So all you racists who are having heart palpitations because you hate Burnham and think that any head of state is equally bad just know that you are shooting yourselves in the foot.  With one or two exceptions, almsot all of you will need Medicare unless you die young, and I suspect want to enjoy the benefits of that Soc Sec ddeduction from your paycheck.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Well we wil forgive you for your lapse in judgement.  Obama is not doing well against a pitiful GOP, this says alot.  He may very well lose.

I always believe in giving young bright minds a chance.  But as we do in Corporate America, if the goals are not met it's time to get rid of the person.

Corporate America is not the best model to suggest as management guide at this point. If failure meant someone falling on the sword then there would be lots of funerals in the Hampton for example. Only the underling gets fired. The fat cats get rich.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The idea that Obama will lose by a land slide is also piss pot predicting.



Obama will lose in November---the Rev is 100% confident about that.





I am not sure about that---that is what I am curious to know.


But right now it looks like Romney 53 Obama 46 in November---that's is not a landslide.



So Rev, how long will you stay away in shame this time after Romney gets his ass kicked?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Well we wil forgive you for your lapse in judgement.  Obama is not doing well against a pitiful GOP, this says alot.  He may very well lose.

I always believe in giving young bright minds a chance.  But as we do in Corporate America, if the goals are not met it's time to get rid of the person.

Corporate America is not the best model to suggest as management guide at this point. If failure meant someone falling on the sword then there would be lots of funerals in the Hampton for example. Only the underling gets fired. The fat cats get rich.

So what you think is, organizing communities, managing the YMCA? America needs pragmatic Capitalism and it will rise again.  Loose capitalism gave rise to the crash and we have gone to far left.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Obama is on the edge of defeat by landslide.  Most Latins and Whites will vote for Romney. Obama will get blacks and one or two old whites who are afraid of losing health benefits.

Not sure of landslide, but he is in a tighter race than even he imagined.  The economy is trending negative and this is bad news for Obama.

Its bad new for both.  With legions of Americans disappointed with OBama Romney should have been way ahead. Yet it remains in deadlock.


This is amazing with unemployment at 8%.

Originally Posted by baseman:
  Loose capitalism gave rise to the crash and we have gone to far left.

And you think that people who are so lose that they scare David Stockman who was one of Reagan's bugdet directors is a good thing?


No the GOP need to be slapped so that 4 years from now the moderates can once again recapture that party.


Its amazing that many Reaganites now admit that if REagan ran in this year he would have been rejected by the GOP, because he believed in compromise, including the need to close tax loop holes for the rich when his budget deficits grew too large.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Obama is on the edge of defeat by landslide.  Most Latins and Whites will vote for Romney. Obama will get blacks and one or two old whites who are afraid of losing health benefits.

Not sure of landslide, but he is in a tighter race than even he imagined.  The economy is trending negative and this is bad news for Obama.

Its bad new for both.  With legions of Americans disappointed with OBama Romney should have been way ahead. Yet it remains in deadlock.


This is amazing with unemployment at 8%.

Weak field man, weak field.  And Obama pulled a few fast punches and still benefiting.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:






This is great news for the Republicans---Hussein is guaranteed to lose the catholic vote----catholics make up 25% of the voters---and Hussein won the catholic vote 54-45 in 2008.




Hussein will lose in Nov 2012---that's a guarantee---but it was nice of him to have his fellow muslims hold Jumah at the DNC.



Rev up to his wicked lies again. Posting material from right wing hate sites just doesn't cut it Rev -




No Muslim prayers at Democratic Convention, but Cardinal Dolan will give closing prayer

Read more: No Muslim prayers at Democratic Convention, but Cardinal Dolan will give closing prayer | Washington Times Communities 
Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

Itโ€™s time for truth telling to end the viral distortions. Photo: Cardinal Timothy Dolan will give the closing blessing at the Democratic Convention AP

WASHINGTON, August 29, 2012 โ€” Enough of the nonsense. Enough of the outright lies and distortions.

Here are the facts:

* Cardinal Timothy Dolan will give the closing prayer at the Democratic Convention, just as he is doing at the Republican Convention.

* There will be no Muslim prayer led by any radical Islamists at the Democratic Convention.

Here is the truth despite Right Wing blogs and misreporting by various media:

Just as he did at the Republican Convention, Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, accepted the Democratsโ€™ invitation to close their convention with a blessing. Even though he has often been at odds with Democrats on social issues, the Cardinal will be there as he was at the GOP event as a pastor. In a statement released by the Cardinalโ€™s spokesman, Joseph Zwilling, to the Catholic journal Commonweal Magazine, the Catholic prelate made clear his role:

โ€œTimothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, has accepted an invitation to deliver the closing prayer at next weekโ€™s Democratic National Convention. As was previously announced, he will also be offering the closing prayer at the Republican Convention on Thursday of this week.

โ€œIt was made clear to the Democratic Convention organizers, as it was to the Republicans, that the Cardinal was coming solely as a pastor, only to pray, not to endorse any party, platform, or candidate. The Cardinal consulted Bishop Peter Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte, who gave the Cardinal his consent to take part in the convention that will be taking place in his diocese.โ€

That should end the ridiculous rumors about Democrats snubbing the Cardinal, disinviting him, or in any way disrespecting him.

As for the Muslim distortions that have gone viral, there will be no Jumah prayers at the Democratic Convention by the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs. There will be a gathering of Muslims on Friday, August 31 at Marshall Park in Charlotte for an open-air prayer, and other events are planned for around the city as well. It is, however, only one of the 1,000 non-official events that are occurring in Charlotte over the next week.

As the Charlotte Observer noted, these events are timed to coincide with the Convention but are not part of the convention unless they have the Democratic Convention logo. The Jumah Congregational Prayer does not have a DNCC logo.

Some of the other events planned for the week of convention, and not endorsed by the DNCC, include a NASCAR event, an Alabama Gospel brunch, A CarolinaFest (celebrating the Carolinas and the South), Texas Exes Happy Hour, Financial Football, Zumba/Cardiofunk Dance Fitness, and Bend the Arc Jewish Action breakfast to name only some of the events swirling around the main event of the Convention itself.

To fact check this further, go to Snopes, a website that investigates and debunks rumors that have no basis in fact.

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Read more: No Muslim prayers at Democratic Convention, but Cardinal Dolan will give closing prayer | Washington Times Communities 
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