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@Former Member posted:

the trick to fry the boiled eggs is to roll them lightly in flour like when frying fish. they come out nice and brown, and no hot oil pitching on you. the old ladies in guyana did it this way

Good tip!!

I never learnt to cook at home .. just made 1 roti for myself ( my sis knead flour though). I left home after high sch n was boarding n lodging in GT until i was 19 . Then my gf n i shared an apt n i learnt to cook from her ( she isnt indo) n also trued to cook based on wht i had observed my sisters n mom doing!! Lol

@Former Member posted:

the trick to fry the boiled eggs is to roll them lightly in flour like when frying fish. they come out nice and brown, and no hot oil pitching on you. the old ladies in guyana did it this way

Someone told me that they make lil slits on eggs , this way the eggs dont โ€˜burstโ€™ whn u fry!

oh lord bai.. now u mek me feel like eating egg curry

Last edited by Lynn

Happy. Memorial day..whatโ€™s on yr menu today?

my weekendโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Sat: dhal, fry cabbage n biagan curry with chicken n aloo

Sun:bake n saltfish, duck curry with dhalpuri(bought from Alimaโ€™s on Sat) n also bora, bhaji n pumpkin

OFF TO WORK today..4-12 shift!

If im not too tired after I get home 1230 am..I will do some veggies n amke crustless quiche (my low carbs meals)

I still have lentil soup n ochro

Cheers to a Happy Monday!!


Hola mi amigos..como estas??

ah just peeping in to say Happy Sunday..sinceme frenoo tel alone leff me Nah  really like fuh gyaff wid meself..

anywaysโ€ฆyesterday i made brekfus  fuh me big daughter (who visited me on Fri n spent the night n all day) so I made oats n banana pancakes with boiled egg for her . .b Forlunch/dinnah , dhal n  rice with bhunjal  chicken n (hubby fried some butterfish)

Todayโ€ฆgoing to cook some bhaji n baigan choka to eat with left over dhal n curry

Also black bean salad, stuffed eggplant n zucchini(ground chicken) ie my low carb meals.

alyuh enjoy d rest of the Sunday..n have a great week  until me peep in again..

Ciao..n stay safe!!

oh..n no monkey bizness with all dis monkey pox thing going on!! Lol


Oh rant you deh here holding up the roof. I find this place slightly difficult moving around so I come by...try a move... get frustrated an move on. But, I deh here so gonna stay a sec. I cooked up some fry rice with egg an' vegetables,some crab meat, after nyammin that down I had a bulla cake with some cheddar cheese, a butter tart an' a coffee.

Now somebody belly big big like so (       )

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Oh rant you deh here holding up the roof. I find this place slightly difficult moving around so I come by...try a move... get frustrated an move on. But, I deh here so gonna stay a sec. I cooked up some fry rice with egg an' vegetables,some crab meat, after nyammin that down I had a bulla cake with some cheddar cheese, a butter tart an' a coffee.

Now somebody belly big big like so (       ) isnt as difficult as whn was first introduced..i can navigate easily now..but I cant say i like it.

I never had a bulla cake which is weird as I lived in cayman Islands (plenty Jcans there )

Btw , egg fried  rice nice bad!!

Wht kinda crab..? Hope iz not d fake crab!! Lol

thatโ€™s a big desert there โ€ฆno wonder yuh belly swell up like fada chrismus !!

ps ( wish i lived close to Chamiโ€ฆI would have joined them for themeet up)


Food Basics carries it so does Metro depending where located. I first bought them years ago thinking they were as Lynn mentioned "anise biscuit"

I recently introduced it to a Guyanese buddy who told me that years ago (back in early 90s) a Jamacian friend told him they were no good (that banna taste box must got a hole). My buddy is now hooked on it.

It goes nice with old cheddar or dunked in coffee.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Food Basics carries it so does Metro depending where located. I first bought them years ago thinking they were as Lynn mentioned "anise biscuit"

I recently introduced it to a Guyanese buddy who told me that years ago (back in early 90s) a Jamacian friend told him they were no good (that banna taste box must got a hole). My buddy is now hooked on it.

It goes nice with old cheddar or dunked in coffee.

I will try it..ive only seen it in this Korean store that sells Jamaican studdโ€ฆas itis near our Gyese bread n pastries.  I love anything that has ginger!!

Only Chalo Freshco in my  area so thatโ€™s where I go but hubby often shops at No Frills n Sunnyโ€™s

@cain posted:

Molasses and sweet doan go together, does it?

Everytime I eat molasses I does start neighing/snorting and swat flies with my thingamajig.

I dont rem wht molasses tastes like..growing up, my mom always kept molasses at home.  TBH i dont know wht she did with it..if we ate it byt spoonful..( it was unadulterated kind..straight from sugar factory because my parents had a close friend( i think Uncle Arnold)  who was some โ€˜big thingโ€™ at Leonora sugar factory n he brought molasses for us.  

@cain posted:

Dem donkeys an horses eat that thing..I was told that gave them the energy to pull such heavy loads so I loaded up on it myself but after eating a lot of that stuff I still was never able to lift more than my empty arms. No joke but when I partook in cycle sports I took molasses...Irish moss...Milk stout with raw hegg.

Milk stout? U mean u added milk to stout??

whn i had my 1st girl in GY..i was given stout to drink..omg that thing tastes mammy used to warm it n put lil salt n give to me..but i drank 1/2 bottle in morn n 1/2 after lunch ,,TORTURE!! Hse said it good for me..but alli know it made me sleep!!


Whts cooking?? Prezzo..wht d wifey been cooking up for u..or vice versa?

Yesterday  i cooked squash curry with chicken n fresh coconut milk n some egg fried rice with some stale rice .

Today..zucchini lasagna (with garden fresh zucchini n ground chciken), stir fry mix veegies n will make  a tray cassava pone, filipino style (cassava cake) n seim (from d yard) curry n aloo with fat shrimps n fresh coconut milk .


Btw..uguys know aby โ€˜dwarfโ€™ seim tree??

A friend gave me 5 seim  2 yrs ago n i set it but insects ate all but 1 of the plant.  I was shocked to see a small tree n not a vine like th usual seim.  Also the flowers were white.. n the tree bore 3 pods of seim!! Unfortunately the seeds were misplaced but-myF9E3A85F-F488-4406-93E5-EB973C1786804E9451A1-36A7-4353-8F5D-2A3B5F65580B nephew from Miami sent me 5 1 dried seim n outof that i got 3 dwarf seim tree plus 1 vine. Again insects destroyed most of the leaves buti managed to get 2 handfuls of seim


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@Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, use Dawn Detergent for the insects. Check Utube. If not, get a a bottle of Neem oil from Home Depot for about $18. For the squash, it seems to be a fungus.  Mix baking soda with milk.... you will need a good spray bottle.

I grow the Bush type Seim.  Seeds will be available for next year.

I used the blue dawn detergent in water n sprayed โ€ฆbut too late!

thnx fir the tip for squash ..will try it..

wehad black fungus on my rose bed  2 yrs ago..found out it was black spot fungus too late..n that needed a fungicide which we got from Cdn Tire, but it was too late.  I got nw rose plants last yr n in spring i saw signs of same fungus.  Fortunately i caught it early so hopefull i wont lost the new plants this time.


@Lynn, get a sprayer like the HDX from Home Depot and spray the soil around the Rose bushes as well as under the leaves with the Dawn detergent mix. The fungus is in the soil. When it rains the spores get splattered up to under the leaves. Water the roots also  and feed them with Bone meal for root development. Every so often I would spray my garden by using either Dawn or Laundry detergent in a watering can.

@Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, get a sprayer like the HDX from Home Depot and spray the soil around the Rose bushes as well as under the leaves with the Dawn detergent mix. The fungus is in the soil. When it rains the spores get splattered up to under the leaves. Water the roots also  and feed them with Bone meal for root development. Every so often I would spray my garden by using either Dawn or Laundry detergent in a watering can.


we did that but it didnt that time i didnt know wht it was, but a friend from UK knew  abt black spot fungus (as shehad seena gardening show on TV there) n she told  me to get the fungicide.  It was extensive n killed all the roses..n yes we were told that the spores would live in the huny treated soil in spring. Yet the bottom leaves of new rose plants had a bit of black spots n yellowing of leaves, so hubby treated it again.

buti will follow it up with dawn n for sure will get spray(hubby has a good spray but im  not sure if itis HDX

Thanx a mil for the tips Mits Bhaiya.

oh the squash..thos dried leaves r from โ€˜brambleโ€™

my gf told me it is the heat that is making the vine n  leaves wither (hubby waters morn n evening)

here is a pix of the withered leaves 7C9D44A2-3A27-4F1E-814A-0275F60B85CC


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@Lynn, because of the heat that squash needs more water. To get the squash to produce, pick one male flower and use the stamen to tickle the other flowers. This will trick the vine to feel as if the bees are around. Do not wet the leaves as this help the spores of the fungus to take over. Build up the soil around the root to form like a mini pond to retain the water.  My Guyanese neighbor grows it on his cherry tree and the fruit is about 9 to 10 feet . Love it with black tiger shrimp and fried Banga Mary on the side.

@Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, because of the heat that squash needs more water. To get the squash to produce, pick one male flower and use the stamen to tickle the other flowers. This will trick the vine to feel as if the bees are around. Do not wet the leaves as this help the spores of the fungus to take over. Build up the soil around the root to form like a mini pond to retain the water.  My Guyanese neighbor grows it on his cherry tree and the fruit is about 9 to 10 feet . Love it with black tiger shrimp and fried Banga Mary on the side.

My hubby waters in morn n evening..n yes, we dont see many  Bees around so we have to pollinate manually..( hubby uses  Qtip )

last yr i got at least 8 squash for the tree..this yr only 3  but 1 dried uo whn it was abt 4-5 ins .

.now no more  flowers.

We have 1 growing on our plum tree but it doesnt get much sun ..i think there is 1 small 1 coming up !

stew squash..plenty tomatoes n wiri wiri with fat shrimps or chicken is my  #3 (after katahar n seim ) on  my list of fave hot with oil roti or sada, not rice!

Last edited by Lynn

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