Unofficial exit polls show PPP at a whopping 52 percent overall. Let’s wait for official results and hope not too skewed.
Are exit polls reliable in Guyana?
Just heard Hosorro went PPP bigly 20 out of 25 votes cast.
Thanks for the update
Now that you have those numbers from the SN site compare them to the 2015 results for the same locations and see where this may be headed.
It’s going the PPP way. Brace yourself for midday! Region 4 is a huge problem.
Unofficial exit polls indicate a massive PPP win but let’s be patient for the official results. Those results are from very few stations. Remember, there are about 2200 stations or so.
@Sean Make up your mind. You are all over the place.
All over the place ? I have some inside info. What I am doing is ensuring and calling for peace. This can and will erupt in post election violence by some PNC supporters.
Their support base didn’t show up to vote as expected.
He is not all over, do you know anything else? We are all guessing!
I know what is on the SN site and how it compares to the 2015 results.
Manchester Secondary School - PPP gets zero, that looks blatantly wrong.
From information received PPP has won ... certain ministries are send home their staff
the mayor of GT is the process of sending home his staff for security reasons.
they are claiming PPP wants to cause problems.
Why would PPP cause problems, yesterday Jagdeo appeal to his supporters not to react to the storming of polling stations.
Ayo read between the lines .
@Alena...same ting happen Buxton. PPP does always get 10 to 15 vote deh in wan pollin station. One station seh 0 anada seh 1. Hey hey hey...seem like dem one lovers cancel de PPP ballot in area weh PPP didnt put agent or de PPP agent sell out...hey hey hey.
@ Dave
I am also getting similar info. People need to remain calm. PPP is doing its best In preventing PNC supporters from protesting by not making early proclamations from SOP. It’s becoming very tense.
I hear Nehru got drunk and beat up some ANUG people....shouting something bout Nemakram
Looks like Dave and Sean ,disseminates FAKE NEWS !!!!
Truth will be out in 1 hr 20 mins
Region 4 seems to be very close.
PPP winning Regions 1, 5 and 9 .
Dave, Both sides are claiming victories.
Ok my information was confirmed by several sources . BJ had the final numbers.
stay tune for Gecom declaration
@ DJ.
I am going by whatever info I have. Let’s wait for official statements from both parties and GECOM.
@ Sean , APNU+AFC statement posted.
THE problem I have with that APNU release is the second to last paragraph.
On one hand they are saying to wait for GECOM, then claiming their internal projections indicate that they will win!
So, what happens if GECOM say that they lost!?
Who prepares APNU's internal projections?
That’s what will ignite violence. They only say Projection. Not poll results.
APNU cannot release a statement until GECOM confirms the numbers. GECOM site is down.
Where is Miss Ivy Leggs? She Knows everything.
Whoever released that statement from APNU should look into the behavior of that woman last night cuss up and getting on violently.
@Billy Ram ,they have people like the ones of the PPP.
PPP Civic Support Bharat Jagdeo - fb page is showing some numbers with a 53 percent win for PPP. Again social media and not GECOM certified.
Info on REGION 10 surpasses expectations adding over 2,000 votes from 2015.
Region 10. APNU+AFC 19,051 - PPPC 3,000 - ANUG 173 - CG 103.
where you got that from Alena?
Why on earth is it that one small section of Guyana always has to behave worst then DOGS?? Is it a DNA issue, born ignorant or were born with donkey brains? Your take[please.
Guys the burning has nothing to do with election at this time . It’s a private home .
Ray Guyanese Critic posted on Facebook. House burnt in Lamaha Gardens.
People just need to watch what they post
All Al Yuh Skont want to be Ms Cleo Remember some in Guyana is not aware33>32, it will be a few days before them able to add correctly!!