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Former Member

Ok folks


A latest poll indicated that 61 Percent of Guyanese are of the opinion that the escalation of crime as never seen in the history of Guyana is linked to an economic slowdown.


During the election campaign, APNU claimed to have all of the answers to Guyana's problems.


Guess what ? They appear clueless.


Rice and Sugar are in deep trouble with Investors reluctant to Invest in an unstable and unsafe economy. Guyana is indeed headed into a deep recession. 


What appears to be troubling for Investors is the implementation of a policy of removing top brass Indos from high profile positions and a mentality that all successful Indo Guyanese are drug dealers.


This is further from the truth. The old Burnhamite PNC killed the Goose that laid the golden egg and the New PNC is even more eager to kill the Goose that lays the golden egg.


The PPP has finally decided to enter Parliament and this will further expose a very disappointing APNU. A Government that appear clueless so far.


And yes, remember how APNU and their supporters demanded that they be consulted on the Budget while in opposition ? Guess what ? APNU has made it very clear that it will go solo in preparing it's budget.


Guyana is headed into one of it's worse economic times in it's history. The tide that brought APNU into office may become the same tide that will sail them out.


To date, not one single of APNU/AFC's claim of massive corruption has been proven. Harmon is opening his loud mouth which is usually followed up by him swallowing up his own saliva.


Pray for Guyana, its's safety and it's economic future because APNU appears clueless so far. Investors are staying away from Guyana since Harmon is the most confrontational Minister in Guyana's history. 


President Granger better wake up.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Economic slowdown contributing to increase in crime – iNews Poll

July 21, 2015 6:16 am Category: BusinessLocal News A+ / A-

regent-street[] â€“ An online poll conducted by iNews Guyana shows that people are of the view that the economic slowdown has contributed to the current spate of crimes that has grappled Guyana.

The poll asked persons whether they “think that the slowdown in the economy is contributing to the increase in criminal activities?”

More than half – 60.1% – of the respondents replied in the affirmative while a meagre 35.6% of them responded in the negative. Another 4.2% of persons stated that they were undecided as to whether the two factors are linked.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

The PNC brothers in USA will gladly hand over their hard earned cash to the PNC once again. Don't you think?

I am calling on all the supporters of the PNC who  celebrated the PNC victory in Brooklyn last month to step up to the plate and deliver Guyana from bondage. 


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

The PNC brothers in USA will gladly hand over their hard earned cash to the PNC once again. Don't you think?

I am calling on all the supporters of the PNC who  celebrated the PNC victory in Brooklyn last month to step up to the plate and deliver Guyana from bondage. 


The fact remains that Indos are the backbone of Economic Investment in Guyana. 99 Percent of the hundreds of thousands of Indos in the USA and Canada own a home of $ 500,000 USD or more and have disposable income to Invest.


Yes, let the PNC supporters in Brooklyn step up to the plate. They will first have to pay their rent and then invest whatever little is left. Excellent call.


Let us sate the facts. Who vex, vex.

Last edited by Former Member


Guyana at risk of external debt crisis

-new report suggests


Guyana is among several countries at risk of a government external debt crisis, according to a report released this month by UK-based non-governmental movement Jubilee Debt Campaign.

The report, ‘The new debt trap – How the response to the last global financial crisis has laid the ground for the next,’ was released earlier this month and was undertaken with the assistance of the European Union (EU). According to the report, Guyana is among 29 countries that has a significant net external debt and significant projected future government debt payments.

Jubilee Debt Campaign is a UK coalition that has been lobbying for the debts of theâ€Ķto 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

The PNC brothers in USA will gladly hand over their hard earned cash to the PNC once again. Don't you think?

I am calling on all the supporters of the PNC who  celebrated the PNC victory in Brooklyn last month to step up to the plate and deliver Guyana from bondage. 


The fact remains that Indos are the backbone of Economic Investment in Guyana.99 Percent of the hundreds of thousands of Indos in the USA and Canada own a home of $ 500,000 USD or more and have disposable income to Invest.


Yes, let the PNC supporters in Brooklyn step up to the plate. They will first have to pay their rent and then invest whatever little is left. Excellent call.


Let us sate the facts. Who vex, vex.

me thinks you talking fraff,all them pay off them

mortgage and own them house.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

The PNC brothers in USA will gladly hand over their hard earned cash to the PNC once again. Don't you think?

I am calling on all the supporters of the PNC who  celebrated the PNC victory in Brooklyn last month to step up to the plate and deliver Guyana from bondage. 


The fact remains that Indos are the backbone of Economic Investment in Guyana.99 Percent of the hundreds of thousands of Indos in the USA and Canada own a home of $ 500,000 USD or more and have disposable income to Invest.


Yes, let the PNC supporters in Brooklyn step up to the plate. They will first have to pay their rent and then invest whatever little is left. Excellent call.


Let us sate the facts. Who vex, vex.

me thinks you talking fraff,all them pay off them

mortgage and own them house.


I stated 99 Percent of Indos own a house $ 500,000 or more, yes.


PNC supporters in Brooklyn on the other hand, are tenants paying rent.


Big difference.


Money talks and BS walks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

That was the question they put to the people and the people responded without thinking.


It is what the pollsters want us to think.  They are very shrewed.


Combine the economic slowdown with the Ramjattan's and APNU's incompetence and we are headed in a very dangerous Guyana. Oversease Guyanese need to base their decisions to visit and invest in Guyana based on the facts available.


Recession and an escalation of crime is a dangerous combination.


Take warning.

The PNC brothers in USA will gladly hand over their hard earned cash to the PNC once again. Don't you think?

I am calling on all the supporters of the PNC who  celebrated the PNC victory in Brooklyn last month to step up to the plate and deliver Guyana from bondage. 


The fact remains that Indos are the backbone of Economic Investment in Guyana.99 Percent of the hundreds of thousands of Indos in the USA and Canada own a home of $ 500,000 USD or more and have disposable income to Invest.


Yes, let the PNC supporters in Brooklyn step up to the plate. They will first have to pay their rent and then invest whatever little is left. Excellent call.


Let us sate the facts. Who vex, vex.

me thinks you talking fraff,all them pay off them

mortgage and own them house.


I stated 99 Percent of Indos own a house $ 500,000 or more, yes.


PNC supporters in Brooklyn on the other hand, are tenants paying rent.


Big difference.


Money talks and BS walks.

namely which parts of the USA+CAN may i ask.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Economic slowdown contributing to increase in crime – iNews Poll

July 21, 2015 6:16 am Category: BusinessLocal News A+ / A-

regent-street[] â€“ An online poll conducted by iNews Guyana shows that people are of the view that the economic slowdown has contributed to the current spate of crimes that has grappled Guyana.

The poll asked persons whether they “think that the slowdown in the economy is contributing to the increase in criminal activities?”

More than half – 60.1% – of the respondents replied in the affirmative while a meagre 35.6% of them responded in the negative. Another 4.2% of persons stated that they were undecided as to whether the two factors are linked.

Online polls such as this one are rubbish and very unreliable. It just states the opinion of the person who visited the site and took the poll. If mostly PPP supporters take the poll then guess what the outcome of the poll will be. There is no way to control people taking the poll to represent the true demographics of the Guyanese population. Besides that, a country's economy does not plunge into recession overnight or in eight weeks. So if it is indeed in recession, then the previous administration has a lot to do with that. The major industries in Guyana were left in shambles by your PPP tiefmen and the Consolidated Fund was in overdraft when the current administration assumed office. Add to that the country's infrastructure is badly in need of an upgrade and crime is through the roof. The new government can hardly be blamed for the mess that it inherited. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

APNU is clueless as Guyana is headed into a massive recession.  APNU is more obsessed with removing top brass Indos from High Profile Positions rather than dealing with recession.

Do you have the numbers that support your claim that the country is heading into a massive recession or are you just talking out of your ass as you usually do?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Economic slowdown contributing to increase in crime – iNews Poll

July 21, 2015 6:16 am Category: BusinessLocal News A+ / A-

regent-street[] â€“ An online poll conducted by iNews Guyana shows that people are of the view that the economic slowdown has contributed to the current spate of crimes that has grappled Guyana.

The poll asked persons whether they “think that the slowdown in the economy is contributing to the increase in criminal activities?”

More than half – 60.1% – of the respondents replied in the affirmative while a meagre 35.6% of them responded in the negative. Another 4.2% of persons stated that they were undecided as to whether the two factors are linked.

Online polls such as this one are rubbish and very unreliable. It just states the opinion of the person who visited the site and took the poll. If mostly PPP supporters take the poll then guess what the outcome of the poll will be. There is no way to control people taking the poll to represent the true demographics of the Guyanese population. Besides that, a country's economy does not plunge into recession overnight or in eight weeks. So if it is indeed in recession, then the previous administration has a lot to do with that. The major industries in Guyana were left in shambles by your PPP tiefmen and the Consolidated Fund was in overdraft when the current administration assumed office. Add to that the country's infrastructure is badly in need of an upgrade and crime is through the roof. The new government can hardly be blamed for the mess that it inherited. 

Them PPP bhai's don't wanna hear this.


Indos are the Economic backbone of Guyana. This is fact.


Guess what, they are no longer willing to invest since PNC unleashed their Black Supremacists Harmon and Jordon. The Black Supremacists will experience an economic backlash.


It is not even 100 days and Indo Investors are shying away from Guyana and the Economy is already headed into a recession.


Time for PNC Brooklyn supporters to Invest and revive Guyana's economy. 


This is what Guyana will experience when they unleash Black Supremacists on Indos.


Take that in your pipe and smoke it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana is slowly getting into the sink hole where Burnham had it. The PNC coolies should bury them head in shame and rotten.


The sinkhole has started to appear. Let the PNC Brooklyn supporters save Guyana by investing whatever is left after rent payments.


The OLD PNC has appeared and have started to harass and fire Top brass Indos. It is time that we speak up before it is too late.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indos are the Economic backbone of Guyana. This is fact.


Guess what, they are no longer willing to invest since PNC unleashed their Black Supremacists Harmon and Jordon. The Black Supremacists will experience an economic backlash.


It is not even 100 days and Indo Investors are shying away from Guyana and the Economy is already headed into a recession.


Time for PNC Brooklyn supporters to Invest and revive Guyana's economy. 


This is what Guyana will experience when they unleash Black Supremacists on Indos.


Take that in your pipe and some it.

Do you even know the definition of a recession, Moron? Go do some reading first before you yap about things which are beyond your level of understanding.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

I have no doubt that the economy is slowing down as with problems in rice, sugar, and gold, this can be expected.


The PPP will scream and blame APNU, but the reality is this was already beginning to happen, and we discussed this before the election.


What we have found out since the election is that the gov't is more indebted, corruption more extreme, and cash flows more dire than we had imagined it to be.


But like they say "take care that you might want something, because you might get it".  APNU/AFC took over the country with the economy beginning to slow.  The inevitable hostility from Venezuela as resurfaced and rice makes an easy target.


I hope that the coalition quickly shifts from thinking that blaming the PPP will be an excuse.  They were elected to FIX the PPP problems, and not whine about them.


So what does  APNU/AFC plan to do?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

I have no doubt that the economy is slowing down as with problems in rice, sugar, and gold, this can be expected.


The PPP will scream and blame APNU, but the reality is this was already beginning to happen, and we discussed this before the election.


What we have found out since the election is that the gov't is more indebted, corruption more extreme, and cash flows more dire than we had imagined it to be.


But like they say "take care that you might want something, because you might get it".  APNU/AFC took over the country with the economy beginning to slow.  The inevitable hostility from Venezuela as resurfaced and rice makes an easy target.


I hope that the coalition quickly shifts from thinking that blaming the PPP will be an excuse.  They were elected to FIX the PPP problems, and not whine about them.


So what does  APNU/AFC plan to do?

I have to say, the PNC ran into a shitload of bad luck, the Venezuela rice fiasco, (PNC created), the ongoing issues with sugar and the dramatic decline in gold prices over the past few weeks, plain bad luck.  The indebtedness was known and being managed, now with the downturn, things could go pear-shaped in a hurry.


I spoke to my business contacts in US and GT, they have grown reserved on the PNC ability to manage this inflection.  A compounding factor is crime and the targeting of high-profile Indian businessmen.  You guys come across very weak at your much touted strong point, security.  If you cannot handle that, them all else in poppy cock, alyuh not worth the ballot paper checked to get you in power.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

I'm sure the good professor is eager to offer his knowledge in an advisory capacity for a nice lil fee.


Mars, lose terms eh, wow, how about all them things alyuh call and accuse the PPP of?  Deal with it.  And regarding the "comparative measure" well go talk to the hundreds who have lost their jobs since the PNC took over.  Technically, the country is not yet in recession, but realistically, they are on a major point of inflection and dark clouds are looming.

Originally Posted by baseman:


I have to say, the PNC ran into a shitload of bad luck, the Venezuela rice fiasco, (PNC created), the ongoing issues with sugar and the dramatic decline in gold prices over the past few weeks, plain bad luck.  The indebtedness was known and being managed, now with the downturn, things could go pear-shaped in a hurry.


I spoke to my business contacts in US and GT, they have grown reserved on the PNC ability to manage this inflection.  A compounding factor is crime and the targeting of high-profile Indian businessmen.  You guys come across very weak at your much touted strong point, security.  If you cannot handle that, them all else in poppy cock, alyuh not worth the ballot paper checked to get you in power.

Well chat with Jay, who was screaming Indo genocide when AFC Indos didn't dominate the coalition gov't.  Why was Ramjattan selected as Minister of Home Affairs?



If all of the wealthy in Guyana are Indians, who do you think will be targeted?  INDIANS are also targeting Indians, because it is Indians who stupidly keep valuables in their homes.  Affluent blacks use the bank, and I feel confident are trying to minimize use of cash.



BTW Venezuela was shifting its rice purchases from Guyana to Uruguay, and this has NOTHING to do with the PNC.  That deal was already struck because Maduro wanted to buy favor from a fellow Latin nation.  I hardly think that this happened since May 11.


I will ask you.  If the PPP won and Maduro demanded that EXXON be sent back, would the PPP have complied?  Because THAT is what started the problem. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


I have to say, the PNC ran into a shitload of bad luck, the Venezuela rice fiasco, (PNC created), the ongoing issues with sugar and the dramatic decline in gold prices over the past few weeks, plain bad luck.  The indebtedness was known and being managed, now with the downturn, things could go pear-shaped in a hurry.


I spoke to my business contacts in US and GT, they have grown reserved on the PNC ability to manage this inflection.  A compounding factor is crime and the targeting of high-profile Indian businessmen.  You guys come across very weak at your much touted strong point, security.  If you cannot handle that, them all else in poppy cock, alyuh not worth the ballot paper checked to get you in power.

Well chat with Jay, who was screaming Indo genocide when AFC Indos didn't dominate the coalition gov't.  Why was Ramjattan selected as Minister of Home Affairs?



If all of the wealthy in Guyana are Indians, who do you think will be targeted?  INDIANS are also targeting Indians, because it is Indians who stupidly keep valuables in their homes.  Affluent blacks use the bank, and I feel confident are trying to minimize use of cash.



BTW Venezuela was shifting its rice purchases from Guyana to Uruguay, and this has NOTHING to do with the PNC.  That deal was already struck because Maduro wanted to buy favor from a fellow Latin nation.  I hardly think that this happened since May 11.


I will ask you.  If the PPP won and Maduro demanded that EXXON be sent back, would the PPP have complied?  Because THAT is what started the problem. 

Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.

I live in NYC and have no plans to visit Guyana.  Not my problem.

So how come you so hyped about the goings on down there.  Man, alyuh prapa fool people.  You mekking trouble from afar for yuh mattie, not nice bai, not nice.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.

I live in NYC and have no plans to visit Guyana.  Not my problem.

So how come you so hyped about the goings on down there.  Man, alyuh prapa fool people.  You mekking trouble from afar for yuh mattie, not nice bai, not nice.

I know that you are Indian, so only care about other Indians, whether in India, Guyana, or the USA, but I am a Guyanese, and I will remain Guyanese whether I am in Guyana or not.


That's the difference between you and I.


As to making trouble.   I assume that you learned from the loud rejoicing, when APNU won, that Afro Guyanese felt very much under siege, as I always said. 


You see you thought that they didn't feel that way because they said little under the PPPs oppressive rule, as they were terrified of the Indo elite, and what it would do to them.


Funny thing.  They are now saying all that they always wanted to say, but were afraid to, and now you call them extreme Afrocentrics.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

I have no doubt that the economy is slowing down as with problems in rice, sugar, and gold, this can be expected.


The PPP will scream and blame APNU, but the reality is this was already beginning to happen, and we discussed this before the election.


What we have found out since the election is that the gov't is more indebted, corruption more extreme, and cash flows more dire than we had imagined it to be.


But like they say "take care that you might want something, because you might get it".  APNU/AFC took over the country with the economy beginning to slow.  The inevitable hostility from Venezuela as resurfaced and rice makes an easy target.


I hope that the coalition quickly shifts from thinking that blaming the PPP will be an excuse.  They were elected to FIX the PPP problems, and not whine about them.


So what does  APNU/AFC plan to do?

I have to say, the PNC ran into a shitload of bad luck, the Venezuela rice fiasco, (PNC created), the ongoing issues with sugar and the dramatic decline in gold prices over the past few weeks, plain bad luck.  The indebtedness was known and being managed, now with the downturn, things could go pear-shaped in a hurry.


I spoke to my business contacts in US and GT, they have grown reserved on the PNC ability to manage this inflection.  A compounding factor is crime and the targeting of high-profile Indian businessmen.  You guys come across very weak at your much touted strong point, security.  If you cannot handle that, them all else in poppy cock, alyuh not worth the ballot paper checked to get you in power.

Well said Bhai BUT GNI dont deal in FACTS. Look how quiet NOW are the TWO HOUSE SLAVES.  Their Titles are more important that the Welfare of the Guyanese People.  Typical behavior of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is in a recession, Moron.

Jackass, a recession does not happen in a few weeks. Go read a text book or ask the Economics Professor TK for the definition of a recession. You people use terms loosely on this forum and you have no clue what they mean. Besides that, there has been no comparative measure of the GDP Growth/Decline since the new government assumed leadership so how the hell can the economy be in recession if no one measured it? 

I have no doubt that the economy is slowing down as with problems in rice, sugar, and gold, this can be expected.


The PPP will scream and blame APNU, but the reality is this was already beginning to happen, and we discussed this before the election.


What we have found out since the election is that the gov't is more indebted, corruption more extreme, and cash flows more dire than we had imagined it to be.


But like they say "take care that you might want something, because you might get it".  APNU/AFC took over the country with the economy beginning to slow.  The inevitable hostility from Venezuela as resurfaced and rice makes an easy target.


I hope that the coalition quickly shifts from thinking that blaming the PPP will be an excuse.  They were elected to FIX the PPP problems, and not whine about them.


So what does  APNU/AFC plan to do?

I have to say, the PNC ran into a shitload of bad luck, the Venezuela rice fiasco, (PNC created), the ongoing issues with sugar and the dramatic decline in gold prices over the past few weeks, plain bad luck.  The indebtedness was known and being managed, now with the downturn, things could go pear-shaped in a hurry.


I spoke to my business contacts in US and GT, they have grown reserved on the PNC ability to manage this inflection.  A compounding factor is crime and the targeting of high-profile Indian businessmen.  You guys come across very weak at your much touted strong point, security.  If you cannot handle that, them all else in poppy cock, alyuh not worth the ballot paper checked to get you in power.

Well said Bhai BUT GNI dont deal in FACTS. Look how quiet NOW are the TWO HOUSE SLAVES.  Their Titles are more important that the Welfare of the Guyanese People.  Typical behavior of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!!

Are they house slaves or converted house negroes?

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Well said Bhai BUT GNI dont deal in FACTS. Look how quiet NOW are the TWO HOUSE SLAVES.  Their Titles are more important that the Welfare of the Guyanese People.  Typical behavior of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think they're smart enough to figure out how they were used by Pharoah?

NO!!  But they are not concerned about that.  House Slaves are SHAMELESS by nature and are only concern with their Titles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.

I live in NYC and have no plans to visit Guyana.  Not my problem.

So how come you so hyped about the goings on down there.  Man, alyuh prapa fool people.  You mekking trouble from afar for yuh mattie, not nice bai, not nice.

I know that you are Indian, so only care about other Indians, whether in India, Guyana, or the USA, but I am a Guyanese, and I will remain Guyanese whether I am in Guyana or not.


That's the difference between you and I.


As to making trouble.   I assume that you learned from the loud rejoicing, when APNU won, that Afro Guyanese felt very much under siege, as I always said. 


You see you thought that they didn't feel that way because they said little under the PPPs oppressive rule, as they were terrified of the Indo elite, and what it would do to them.


Funny thing.  They are now saying all that they always wanted to say, but were afraid to, and now you call them extreme Afrocentrics.

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  So don't tell me who is or isn't Guyanese, you need to deal with all the shyte going on right here in the USA with your brothers and leave Guyana to Guyanese.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, deal with it, if was the PPP, they would have had to.

I live in NYC and have no plans to visit Guyana.  Not my problem.

So how come you so hyped about the goings on down there.  Man, alyuh prapa fool people.  You mekking trouble from afar for yuh mattie, not nice bai, not nice.

I know that you are Indian, so only care about other Indians, whether in India, Guyana, or the USA, but I am a Guyanese, and I will remain Guyanese whether I am in Guyana or not.


That's the difference between you and I.


As to making trouble.   I assume that you learned from the loud rejoicing, when APNU won, that Afro Guyanese felt very much under siege, as I always said. 


You see you thought that they didn't feel that way because they said little under the PPPs oppressive rule, as they were terrified of the Indo elite, and what it would do to them.


Funny thing.  They are now saying all that they always wanted to say, but were afraid to, and now you call them extreme Afrocentrics.

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  So don't tell me who is or isn't Guyanese, you need to deal with all the shyte going on right here in the USA with your brothers and leave Guyana to Guyanese.

HEHEHE  He better behave properly here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  .

Of course to you only Indians matter.  The remainder of the population are aliens who live in that patch of earth.  Clearly you have no identity which encompasses the totality about being Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  .

Of course to you only Indians matter.  The remainder of the population are aliens who live in that patch of earth.  Clearly you have no identity which encompasses the totality about being Guyanese.

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  .

Of course to you only Indians matter.  The remainder of the population are aliens who live in that patch of earth.  Clearly you have no identity which encompasses the totality about being Guyanese.

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  .

Of course to you only Indians matter.  The remainder of the population are aliens who live in that patch of earth.  Clearly you have no identity which encompasses the totality about being Guyanese.

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, I go Guyana more often that you and got my lil parcel of land on EBD for when I'm ready to build.  .

Of course to you only Indians matter.  The remainder of the population are aliens who live in that patch of earth.  Clearly you have no identity which encompasses the totality about being Guyanese.

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Bunch of jokers.  He jumping on many limbs at the same time, better watch out he don't get a hernia.  I'm sure he's hoping to get noticed and a call from Congress Place, like some of the other jokers.  It's almost amusing.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Bunch of jokers.  He jumping on many limbs at the same time, better watch out he don't get a hernia.  I'm sure he's hoping to get noticed and a call from Congress Place, like some of the other jokers.  It's almost amusing.



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


Some of them are quite these days, wiping their tears and burying their heads in shame as Supremacist Harmon turned his back on them in favour of his own kind.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Bunch of jokers.  He jumping on many limbs at the same time, better watch out he don't get a hernia.  I'm sure he's hoping to get noticed and a call from Congress Place, like some of the other jokers.  It's almost amusing.



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


Some of them are quite these days, wiping their tears and burying their heads in shame as Supremacist Harmon turned his back on them in favour of his own kind.

There are also followers of the other ally who seem to have encountered the same fate.  It is how it is.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.

Interesting comments, given that an African dominated government is now in power.


Now let us see what you will do if this gov't forces the private sector to recruit only 1 Indian out of 20 new hires.  And yes, while Indos don't want to work as cops and soldiers, and their interest to be low level civil servants is also in doubt, they do want jobs with large private sector companies.


I know that you will sing a different tune, given that its the welfare of Indians ONLY, and not Guyanese overall which you care about.


I can already hear the howls from you, yuji, and the rest of the Indo KKK.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


It is funny how you call Harmon a supremacist, even though even though NINE of the top 18 leaders (cabinet+Granger, Harmon and Trotman) are NOT black, yet you think that a company based in G/T can hire 19 Indians out of a total of 20 hires, and this is not racist.


You prove how fundamentally racist you are with every passing day.


Now resume your championing of Maduros mad bullying rant against Guyana.  Note that NONE of his Latin buddies support him in the way that they support Argentina in the Falkland Islands dispute. 


Its a pity that your racism makes you into a traitor with a deep seated desire to damage Guyana's territorial integrity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.

Interesting comments, given that an African dominated government is now in power.


Now let us see what you will do if this gov't forces the private sector to recruit only 1 Indian out of 20 new hires.  And yes, while Indos don't want to work as cops and soldiers, and their interest to be low level civil servants is also in doubt, they do want jobs with large private sector companies.


I know that you will sing a different tune, given that its the welfare of Indians ONLY, and not Guyanese overall which you care about.


I can already hear the howls from you, yuji, and the rest of the Indo KKK.

Hey, as I said, stop whining from 3,600 miles away.  Pack up yuh grip and go lead the charge for equal employment.  I have been on this site since 2002 and all you do is gripe about the same old shyte over and over and never went down and put yourself out there to further your "cause".  Stop talking and go do something as, apparently, leadership is lacking down there.  Your people need you so bad and as you have reminded us all, "is alyuh days now".

Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, as I said, stop whining from 3,600 miles away. 

And here you are whining and wailing about how "Indians are treated like outsiders and so can be justified to support Maduro"


Listen Indo KKK racist.  Black people spoke out on May 11, 2015 of the fact that they are tired of racism from people like you and your hero HR manager who thinks that Georgetown is located in India.  Granger, Harmon and others will definitely indicate to people like him that such practices will NOT continue.


So why don't YOU permanently migrate to Guyana and help "the poor lost nomadic Indians wandering in a land which rejects them?"


And by the way your buddy Shawn Hinds is now confirming what the PPP did to blacks who protested.  BULLETS!


But then that is the Guyana that you prefer, hence your current rage and support for Maduro.


Why don't you admit that your "Indo whiplash" is because of what you think will result from meetings between the Indo KKK and Maduro?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, as I said, stop whining from 3,600 miles away. 

And here you are whining and wailing about how "Indians are treated like outsiders and so can be justified to support Maduro"


Listen Indo KKK racist.  Black people spoke out on May 11, 2015 of the fact that they are tired of racism from people like you and your hero HR manager who thinks that Georgetown is located in India.  Granger, Harmon and others will definitely indicate to people like him that such practices will NOT continue.


So why don't YOU permanently migrate to Guyana and help "the poor lost nomadic Indians wandering in a land which rejects them?"

Bai, you calling me racist when I welcome and congratulated HE Granger on his victory and hope and wished for a better Guyana for all.  You, on the other hand, never ever even want to acknowledge any Indian as worthy of leading Guyana.  So, examine yourself, your logic and your understanding of racism.


After the election, you even started to put-down Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and other Indians in the Govt.  Banna, you ooze racism.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


It is funny how you call Harmon a supremacist, even though even though NINE of the top 18 leaders (cabinet+Granger, Harmon and Trotman) are NOT black, yet you think that a company based in G/T can hire 19 Indians out of a total of 20 hires, and this is not racist.


You prove how fundamentally racist you are with every passing day.


Now resume your championing of Maduros mad bullying rant against Guyana.  Note that NONE of his Latin buddies support him in the way that they support Argentina in the Falkland Islands dispute. 


Its a pity that your racism makes you into a traitor with a deep seated desire to damage Guyana's territorial integrity.

Listen you racist Shy** head, I have backed Guyana's territorial right and ownership from day one. You need to get some reading glasses, your racism has blinded your good judgement.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you calling me racist when I welcome and congratulated HE Granger on his victory and hope and wished for a better Guyana for all. 

Now did you have good things to say about Nagamootoo BEFORE the election.  When your fellow Indo KKK folks call him all sorts of names do you tell them to stop?


And why would any one, other than a racist think that Jagdeo and Ramotar were suitable?  The vast majority of those who voted for them did so because of their fears of the PNC, not because they liked those two comedians.


Now go and find posts which indicate that I am upset that only 50% of the leadership of the coalition are Africans.  In fact it shows that, even though more 80% of the coalition support was African (the majority of the rest are mixed) it wanted to draw from a diverse pool of competent Guyanese.


As to your commentary about Granger.........Even as you pretended to be supportive of him, you immediately predicted that APNU would resort to Burnham like behavior and that an Indo Holocaust was coming, and in fact you urged Indians to make plans to leave Guyana.  


At what point did you give Granger the opportunity to prove whether he will, or will not be an African supremacist?  So spare me your false claims that you wished Granger well.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you calling me racist when I welcome and congratulated HE Granger on his victory and hope and wished for a better Guyana for all. 

   At what point did you give Granger the opportunity to prove whether he will, or will not be an African supremacist?

During the campaign prior to the election.  Yes, people stuck to their preference but confidence in HE Granger by many was reflected in the "lack of panic" among the Indian masses. This was so obvious that even the US ambassador urged people to come for visas as clearly, there was no panic.


This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you calling me racist when I welcome and congratulated HE Granger on his victory and hope and wished for a better Guyana for all. 

  So spare me your false claims that you wished Granger well.

Go back and check my post when he was announced the winner.  I know it's a bitter pill for you to swallow that YOU are the ONLY unmitigated racist on this board and you are in a lonely world.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, you calling me racist when I welcome and congratulated HE Granger on his victory and hope and wished for a better Guyana for all. 

Now did you have good things to say about Nagamootoo BEFORE the election.  When your fellow Indo KKK folks call him all sorts of names do you tell them to stop?


And why would any one, other than a racist think that Jagdeo and Ramotar were suitable?  The vast majority of those who voted for them did so because of their fears of the PNC, not because they liked those two comedians.


Now go and find posts which indicate that I am upset that only 50% of the leadership of the coalition are Africans.  In fact it shows that, even though more 80% of the coalition support was African (the majority of the rest are mixed) it wanted to draw from a diverse pool of competent Guyanese.


As to your commentary about Granger.........Even as you pretended to be supportive of him, you immediately predicted that APNU would resort to Burnham like behavior and that an Indo Holocaust was coming, and in fact you urged Indians to make plans to leave Guyana.  


At what point did you give Granger the opportunity to prove whether he will, or will not be an African supremacist?  So spare me your false claims that you wished Granger well.

Running a country like Guyana is too much for Granger.  he couldn't even run the army.  There are hundreds of guns stolen from the army and Granger didn't have clue what happened. Now Venezuela  is threatening to invade Guyana and He runs and complain to uncle sam. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

CaribNy why don't you shut yu rass.


This slow down has nothing to do with Indian and black.  It has to do with businessmen has a lower confidence in the economy today that they had last year.


But that has nothing to do with the APNUAFC, but everything to do with the poor management of the economy by the tiefing PPP for most of those 12 months.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
. Now Venezuela  is threatening to invade Guyana and He runs and complain to uncle sam. 

Don't worry.  Venezuela isn't going to install a PPP government, so you can stop breathlessly hoping that this happens.

That's not the point.  You guys are Pussies.  You are too stupid to see the threat Venezuela is hold over Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I know it's a bitter pill for you to swallow that YOU are the ONLY unmitigated racist on this board and you are in a lonely world.

You are a such a racist that you don't understand that your rant that "blacks have to be lucky that they live in a country with hard working Indians" is a racist statement. 


This being a subtler return to your roots when you screamed that we eat ants, that Indians saved Guyana from being "Rawanda". and that blacks are dirty, illiterate, criminal, and devoted to nothing other than feasting off Indians.


Your post told Indians to flee what use is your "congratulations".  You had decided to peddle a message that Guyana "belongs to blacks", and that blacks do nothing other than live off Indians, and so that sensible Indians will flee.  You subsequently boasted about an "Indian whiplash".  Now that you are challenged by Itaname you pretend that you don't know what you were talking about.


When asked about why you think I am a racist, the best that you can come up with is that I don't like Jadgeo and Ramotar (many Indians don't like them either) and that I am skeptical of Nagamootoo (so are many Indians).


Did I make similar remarks about Roopnarine, Bulkan, or Sharma?  I don't have an especially high opinion of Amna Ally, but then I also doubt you do.  She is a loyal PNC person who is being rewarded for her party service.  No one even knows what she is supposed to be doing.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

You know what is funny.  Just the other day you remembered that I told you that Burnham destroyed blacks.  So why would I want a return to that era.


Quit trying to disguise your racism by telling lies.  You are like the emperor with no clothes when it comes to your racism.  Your lies hide nothing.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
. Now Venezuela  is threatening to invade Guyana and He runs and complain to uncle sam. 

Don't worry.  Venezuela isn't going to install a PPP government, so you can stop breathlessly hoping that this happens.

That's not the point.  You guys are Pussies.  You are too stupid to see the threat Venezuela is hold over Guyana.

Granger and Greenidge have been very vocal about that threat.  Its your PPP who was so dumb and stupid that they handed over 30% of the rice industry to Venezuela rather than finding a market in a country which refuses to relinquish its claims on 2/3 of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

CaribNy why don't you shut yu rass.



Really and yet you say NOTHING to baseman and ramakant who said it was as "hard working Indians" cease investing and flee Guyana, leaving it to "lazy blacks".


You say NOTHING to them but attack my response.


Don't you think it odd.  Clearly your views more closely align to theirs than you will want to publicly admit.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


But that has nothing to do with the APNUAFC, but everything to do with the poor management of the economy by the tiefing PPP for most of those 12 months.



Interestingly I said that.  The Indo KKK said otherwise, but you attack me.


Now sit down and think as to why you do this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

CaribNy why don't you shut yu rass.



Really and yet you say NOTHING to baseman and ramakant who said it was as "hard working Indians" cease investing and flee Guyana, leaving it to "lazy blacks".


You say NOTHING to them but attack my response.


Don't you think it odd.  Clearly your views more closely align to theirs than you will want to publicly admit.

No one can deny that businessmen have lower confidence in the economy in June 2015 compared to June 2014.


Plus the PPP was pumping all sorts of incentives into the economy in 2014 artificially.


That you cannot do forever.


2015 is the wake up year.  We now have to build the economy on a sound foundation.


That is the only reason for the slow down.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is a reflection of the confidence in HE Granger even if one did not vote for him.

So Indians didn't listen to you when you hysterically urged them to pack their bags and flee Guyana. 

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

You know what is funny.  Just the other day you remembered that I told you that Burnham destroyed blacks.  So why would I want a return to that era.


Quit trying to disguise your racism by telling lies.  You are like the emperor with no clothes when it comes to your racism.  Your lies hide nothing.

You say that to hide your shame face because, I'm sure, you were jumping and prancing through the Burnham era.  You always tend to hate dead Afro leaders but also hate any living Indian leader.  You are an unmitigated racist bai.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Wishful thinking. But the racist pricks like Yugi, Cobra, Ramaskont, Skeldon Ape, Nehru, Observer et al might make your dream come true. Because if alyuh intent on selling out to Maduro, villifying blackman continuously after less than 100 days in office, and organizing all kinda "whiplash" operations then maybe, just maybe you might get what you wish for. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Wishful thinking. But the racist pricks like Yugi, Cobra, Ramaskont, Skeldon Ape, Nehru, Observer et al might make your dream come true. Because if alyuh intent on selling out to Maduro, villifying blackman continuously after less than 100 days in office, and organizing all kinda "whiplash" operations then maybe, just maybe you might get what you wish for. 

Now, is Caribj your "jamb lolo" buddy?  You both seem to always be covering each others "flank"!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Wishful thinking. But the racist pricks like Yugi, Cobra, Ramaskont, Skeldon Ape, Nehru, Observer et al might make your dream come true. Because if alyuh intent on selling out to Maduro, villifying blackman continuously after less than 100 days in office, and organizing all kinda "whiplash" operations then maybe, just maybe you might get what you wish for. 

Now, is Caribj your "jamb lolo" buddy?  You both seem to always be covering each others "flank"!

Like the shittings kicking in bai, yuh digging deep into the gutter. The only whiplash going on is the shittings yuh getting. SING RAJPUT, SING!!!! Oh, ah gat lil Imodium. Black market price of course. Yuh want lil?

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Wishful thinking. But the racist pricks like Yugi, Cobra, Ramaskont, Skeldon Ape, Nehru, Observer et al might make your dream come true. Because if alyuh intent on selling out to Maduro, villifying blackman continuously after less than 100 days in office, and organizing all kinda "whiplash" operations then maybe, just maybe you might get what you wish for. 

Now, is Caribj your "jamb lolo" buddy?  You both seem to always be covering each others "flank"!

Like the shittings kicking in bai, yuh digging deep into the gutter. The only whiplash going on is the shittings yuh getting. SING RAJPUT, SING!!!! Oh, ah gat lil Imodium. Black market price of course. Yuh want lil?

Nah bai, I see on another thread you derailed into the "up yuh beetie" talk!  Just a hunch about you!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually had more confidence in HE Granger than of any former PNC leader.  My reservation is whether he could successfully fend-off the "Caribj" clan in the PNC bent on resurrecting the old PNC order.  Confidence has waned a bit whether he can actually do that.  The "Caribj-style" hardliners are very entrenched in the PNC and are pulling the strings more than expected.

Wishful thinking. But the racist pricks like Yugi, Cobra, Ramaskont, Skeldon Ape, Nehru, Observer et al might make your dream come true. Because if alyuh intent on selling out to Maduro, villifying blackman continuously after less than 100 days in office, and organizing all kinda "whiplash" operations then maybe, just maybe you might get what you wish for. 

Now, is Caribj your "jamb lolo" buddy?  You both seem to always be covering each others "flank"!

Like the shittings kicking in bai, yuh digging deep into the gutter. The only whiplash going on is the shittings yuh getting. SING RAJPUT, SING!!!! Oh, ah gat lil Imodium. Black market price of course. Yuh want lil?

Nah bai, I see on another thread you derailed into the "up yuh beetie" talk!  Just a hunch about you!

Ow bhaiya, tell we about operation whiplash nah man? why yuh suh intent fuh talk about beetie today? You is a high falutin' fella. Dat talk is not for you.

Originally Posted by baseman:

You say that to hide your shame face because, I'm sure, you were jumping and prancing through the Burnham era. 

Now what proof do you have that I loved Burnham.  I left Guyana in 1978 and did NOT return for a visit until 1994.


You continue to prance around naked, fooling yourself that your lies can distort that fact.


Now continue to scream that Indians should leave Guyana because of what Granger will do to them.  Your cries were quite hysterical once you realized that the PPP had lost.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Not sure of the relevance of your comment.  You seh you don't visit and don't have any "Guyana-facing" plans, so what's you beef?

I am a Guyanese so have a right to be interested in Guyanese where ever they are,


Now the only people you are interested in are Indians.  Guyana to you is a piece of real estate, and not the 735k who live there and the 500k who live elsewhere.   Those Guyanese who don't identify with India are of no interest to you. 


Now run along and justify a HR manager who hired 19 Indians and one black man, and then find that this can be excused.  This in the G/T if all places. You can then rant that I am an Afrocentric racist for raising this issue.

Hey, if you feel so strongly, go back and protest like the folks in Ferguson.


Bunch of jokers.  He jumping on many limbs at the same time, better watch out he don't get a hernia.  I'm sure he's hoping to get noticed and a call from Congress Place, like some of the other jokers.  It's almost amusing.



It is funny to watch as some of these jokers were totally ignored by Supremacist Harmon.


Some of them are quite these days, wiping their tears and burying their heads in shame as Supremacist Harmon turned his back on them in favour of his own kind.

Where is Harmon deserving of the title a supremacist I though you were the one here trying against reason that the children of Dalitdom trumps children of slaves! 


The PPP feasted on the nation using the friends and family and kind strategy for over two decades and from their ranks of totally impoverished pricks rose fat patricians. I guess that is the kind of "inginuity" you cherish.


They left the nations coffers dry like the old crooks they were and here you are complaining that a destitute nation somehow lost productivity with the crooks gone. I guess you need to cast a backward glance at the years of bootstrapping that was necessary to lift disintegral states of the former Soviet union out of their decades of misrule. Even now we still live with the fall out of corruption of that era/


The only smarts you have is your big mouth to claim smarts.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The rapid decline is worrying. I had no idea that the Guyanese economy was so reliant on drugs smuggling and the price of gold. The PPP did not care about cash crops like rice and sugar.

Rice production went to 700k tons under the PPP and increasing with a target of 1 mil tons in a few years.


Gold, well we knew the risks.


The biggest impediment to the development of the cash-crop economy was the price of energy as accessibility to regional markets are key.  Downstream processing would make this more viable.  How to they access cheap energy?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The rapid decline is worrying. I had no idea that the Guyanese economy was so reliant on drugs smuggling and the price of gold. The PPP did not care about cash crops like rice and sugar.

Rice production went to 700k tons under the PPP and increasing with a target of 1 mil tons in a few years.


Gold, well we knew the risks.


The biggest impediment to the development of the cash-crop economy was the price of energy as accessibility to regional markets are key.  Downstream processing would make this more viable.  How to they access cheap energy?

Rice production was never remotely 700k tons. And even if it were the scheme of oil for rice without setting fair prce for the product up front was using the farmers money for significant periods at no interest to fund the government's business here and it was as usual a family and friend business.


This business made millionaires of shippers who transported the rice and brought back oil ( among other things) It funded the massive gas stations and their overlords as the one who recently paid himself 28 million in wages on his own determination because he could. This was for all intents a poncy scheme. It kept the Farmers on a string as they fund this enterprise wholly on their work. Note the rice farmers funded Hope Canal in part if the PPP is to be believed and they also fund the entire GPL since it is on their backs oil enters the system here to produce electricity.


This regime need to restructure the whole deal here so farmers are paid upfront and buyers of oil locally be independent and pay upfront for the product. It cannot be given on credit when we are broke.


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