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Well..whn I started high sch, I found out that many words used in our home had a different name..haha( I guess this was because my Nani came from India n hardly spoke any mom used a lot of Hindi words/terms) so Let us start..

I grew up hearing n using (some of) these  :-



jaaray (shake out as in shaking our mats)

manjay- scouring as in dishes

, manjinnah -coconut husk used as dish sponge

rakhi..ashes from fireside

, baylay ..roll out dough for roti using a. BELNA (rolling pin)

chunkay ..bhunjay

goatay ..using dhal gutney (swizzle)

chaatay- lick yr fingers after eating

saanay..mix food with fingers

joota..eating food that someone else was eating,

korehee -clumsy/lazy


pooharβ€”not doing chores properly

pooknee ..poke’

chimta..tongs for fireside in putting sada roti in fireside to swell up

chilla roti ..chota or as Berbicians say, DOSAY..pancakes

saapie ..pot holder



My mom used words like these..:



pussr pussr


lagu bagu

?sp chooch-wai









jharay/ owchay

pls share yours..thnx


Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Wildflower posted:

When dem ppl cuss and say β€œ ker u stink *****’

Is really that stinky animal 🦨

I think that came from the white man…just like β€˜arse’

I know it’s not anything to do with Hindi words but it’s been on my mind

Lrad have mercy gal!

iz dubday n u mind on stinky$$!!! Gwan b bathe yuh stink skin lol


u gat me laughing my a$$ off here

nah crank up d putts!!

@Wildflower posted:

When dem ppl cuss and say β€œ ker u stink *****’

Is really that stinky animal 🦨

I think that came from the white man…just like β€˜arse’

I know it’s not anything to do with Hindi words but it’s been on my mind

Btw dat ting gat so many names !!
i shud start a guyanese words/slang/terms n ra$$ thread lol

@Wildflower posted:

Why is it that some people who speak Hindi etc cannot pronounce β€˜V’ my. coworkers used to say TWee for TV among other words

Is it Diwali or Divali?

Tell them to say: β€œGrapes of this vine make excellent wine.”

The Hindi sound for ΰ€΅ in Devanagari is between V and W β€”a voiced labiodental, the bottom lip + top teeth. It also differs by regions. Some also pronounces it as B... Bishnu for Vishnu, Bindravan for Vindravan

Last edited by Mitwah
@Wildflower posted:

Oh yes I noticed them saying Bictoria for Victoria

I rem whn Jo was 8 yrs old n a family came to the church with kids her age..she asked me why they say β€˜yeers’ for EARS!!

I work with may Ind..n they come from all States..Punjab, Gujrat, Kerala etc..different accent!, n yes that W sound for V

i rem this GUJ..  lady who used to say β€˜fly’ for took me a long time to get wht she was saying(talking abt FRYING foods)

@Mitwah posted:

Is it Diwali or Divali?

Tell them to say: β€œGrapes of this vine make excellent wine.”

The Hindi sound for ΰ€΅ in Devanagari is between V and W β€”a voiced labiodental, the bottom lip + top teeth. It also differs by regions. Some also pronounces it as B... Bishnu for Vishnu, Bindravan for Vindravan

How bout Wagina?


They would screw up this part if ever trying out for the awesome movie "V for Vendetta" 

When asked who he was V replied;

VoilΓ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

@Lynn posted:

Mits this correct.??

Jatta..u comb out the jatta.(knows from yr hair)

n wht’s the thing that used to be in pillows..harna or harra??

Words ending with "na" are usually verbs. Harna = to loose. Harra is a type of long grass. I know it was used for thatching roofs or for door mats. Jarru grass was used for pillows and Matrasses. Some folks collected Pyra (paddy straws) also.

@Mitwah posted:

Words ending with "na" are usually verbs. Harna = to loose. Harra is a type of long grass. I know it was used for thatching roofs or for door mats. Jarru grass was used for pillows and Matrasses. Some folks collected Pyra (paddy straws) also.

We had pillows with some seedy things inside n we called it harra or harna not sure i it was from grass or corn .  

I am just trying to jog  my brains to rem words used at home before i started high sch..

our mattresses were from coconut fibre i think(it was called fibre mattress before we changed to foam)

@Lynn posted:

We had pillows with some seedy things inside n we called it harra or harna not sure i it was from grass or corn .  

I am just trying to jog  my brains to rem words used at home before i started high sch..

our mattresses were from coconut fibre i think(it was called fibre mattress before we changed to foam)

Harra is sugar cane flowers.


Mattress also had bizzy bizzy grass .Growing up we had rice straw mattress.


Images (1)
  • sugarcane-flowers173Normal_200

Gyal Jane this thread bring back lots of memories and I can’t say all of them are good…but it’s life

patkay…well I got lots of those ( only if my dad was not home )

I even got Jharay with pot spoon good and prappa also

ounchay was a β€˜obeah’ kind of thing🀫 where my mom used to put onion n garlic skin with broom ends  pepper and salt, then pass it around the person and burn the stuff in fire after

@Wildflower posted:

Gyal Jane this thread bring back lots of memories and I can’t say all of them are good…but it’s life

patkay…well I got lots of those ( only if my dad was not home )

I even got Jharay with pot spoon good and prappa also

ounchay was a β€˜obeah’ kind of thing🀫 where my mom used to put onion n garlic skin with broom ends  pepper and salt, then pass it around the person and burn the stuff in fire after

Oh lard nat obeah gal!!

it was for bad eye esp lil babies !!
talking abt babies .. my mom used to β€˜haul hasli β€˜ for lil babies!

hasli or hansli .. she massaged the collarbone n muscles around it n neck ..

diagnosed whn baby cries non stop n doesnt drink milk !!
Awhh  the poor babies screamed n got red in face during massage but then tired  out n drank frim the bottle or nursed n fell asleep

2-3 sessions n baby is fine!

my maa hauled  naara too!!
she was a terrific masseuse!!

Last edited by Lynn

Jahray was similar to ounchay

but they used a broom .. guh round u 7 times saying some mantra n then they shake out the broom n put under the bed .. i think this was  to chase our jumbie or spirits.

my dad n ma used to ouchay my sis often as d gal used to get β€˜bad eye’ every-time she go out!!

whn the thing burn in fire n smell high ., u choke n cough .. that meant the bad eye was strong .. lol

i really dont remember if this helped or not ..


Oh those buck beads..

i think it wasnt a good thing as my mom didnt allow use to bring in the house..

but train days .. between Farm n Parika we used to hang out train window n grab handfuls of beafs.. all colours red, yellow, black. Grey. Striped .. we used needles to clear the holes n then made bracelets n necklaces.

we also grabbed wild flowers..

thinking abt it now.. that was dangerous omg !!

@seignet posted:

Iz dem words Hindi or Bhojpuri?

I will let Jane tell you

i don’t have a clue. Perhaps some could be slangs used by past generations

Also, I think we should post the words and explain what they mean or how they were used.

damkahway was used by my β€˜Nani’ when she threatened my mamoo( his nickname was Django) to put a good beating

manahee or kutnee was used in ref to a male in our village who used to be in other ppl β€˜business’ then bring and carry gossip an set strife

korehee was used to ref to some folks who sat around (pasray) and did nothing much


btw Sigztah, I found that old thread with my pic…I’ve regained almost all of the 30 plus lbs I had lost during my grief

@seignet posted:

Iz dem words Hindi or Bhojpuri?

I have no clue..we say hindi for

ic an tell u i have never met an indian here who knows abt BHOUJIE ..they all say Bhabhi..

BAUJI..ive heard on TV n i think it means Father

the say MAMA for mom’s bro, not Mamoo as we say

n Daadi for grandmother

i dont think Putar means  β€œson” only as ive seen on TV..even grandmothers call the grandsons  β€˜putar’..maybe itis a pet name for male kids/grandkids??

@Mitwah posted:

I understood it to emphasize comparative; but I could be wrong.

Dheere - Slow, Dheere Dheere - Slower or more slowly

Chupke - Quiet, Chupke Chupke - Quiter or more quietly.

Makes sense..the how we say β€˜true true’ or β€˜dry dry’..

another 1 is chori chori ..wht does that mean ?(like the song β€˜chori chori koi aaye”..)  is it small/little??

@Lynn posted:

Makes sense..the how we say β€˜true true’ or β€˜dry dry’..

another 1 is chori chori ..wht does that mean ?(like the song β€˜chori chori koi aaye”..)  is it small/little??

I had to look up this one. Chori for means thief. But in the context of the lyrics, it means "secretly".

Chori chori koi aayeSomeone is coming secretly

You can find the full translation here: Chori Chori Koi Aaye Lyrics Translation | Noorie | Hindi Bollywood Songs (

Choti is Small.

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

I had to look up this one. Chori for means thief. But in the context of the lyrics, it means "secretly".

Chori chori koi aayeSomeone is coming secretly

You can find the full translation here: Chori Chori Koi Aaye Lyrics Translation | Noorie | Hindi Bollywood Songs (

Choti is Small.

I know chor??Sp is thief ..ahh secretly !! Thnx Bhaiya

yeah i the song it conveys the meaning of β€˜sneaking up like a thief i guess ..stealthily’

Last edited by Lynn

Ok so the word JHARAY or jaray..imnot sure if it is spelt diff but we used it for 2 diff meanings..

1..jharay/jaray d mat..shake out the mat

2. Dem JARAR/JHARAY u to chase out evil/bad eye with a pointer broom similar to ounchay/owchay (my dad did this n he would chant some mantra under his breath n shake the broom out after each round. Did it 7 times from head to toe making circular motions n the last 1 he shook the tip of broom violently n then laid it under the bed )

i know JHARA is broom, so #2 makes sense..but not  # 1

did anyone else say β€˜jharay d mats’ ??


My dad used to always tell me that i mustnt be β€˜gurmusaha’ ..because i had plenty DULAR n whn i didnt get wht i wanted, I used  to laang me mouth /swell up me mouth ..didnt say anything n even whn he would ask me  wht happened..i wont answer

I was a spoilt kid..the β€˜baby’ ..7 siblings. I mean β€˜stink with dular’ up to abt 11-12 yrs n then i finally grew up whn i started high sch since i had to stay away from home.  So whn I wanted something n didnt get it i used to go where my dad would notice me n β€˜laang me mout’ n β€˜grind 1 foot with the other’ because I knew y dad couldnt stand to see me like this.  He would ask me wht was wrong n i wont answer..he-had to plead with me for a long time n then he would ask me wht i wanted (he knew i always wanted something)Finally he would ask my mom or sisters wht it was that I wanted n tell them to give it to me.  (Yeah i was sly pickney..knew how to get my own-way..hahaha..)


Pookni (poker) n chimta(tongs)

I never cooked at my parents home sisters did n we didnt have stove until my sis got a job in 1975 n she bought a 2 burner kero stove. Once my sister askedme to β€˜blow’ d fire as it was β€˜dying’ . Well nobody toldme how to blow n i mek wan big blow!! Me out-out the fiah n sucked in smoke as nearly choke to death!!  There is an β€˜art’/technique in using the pookni.

As for the chimta..that also is an β€˜art’ to keep the fire going by moving up the firewood n once again i failed as i just shoved the firewood anyhow n -out-out- d fiah!!  

As for chunkay..i was scared to chunkay the it β€˜pitched up’ so high n burn u

saapie (pot holder) sis/mom made these using old rice bags or old cotton clothes ..


Ghotay..again used in 2 diff ways

1. Whn u talk 1 thing over n over ..

2.  Swizzle dhal with dhal gutney

i still have a dhal gutney ..even though i have a hand blender, i prefer the dhal gutney

talking abt Dhal/DAL…when a girl/lady dress up n put on lil powder, dem ole people used to say..’ she dal up’ . Ask β€˜where  u going mek u dal up so much’


Dem ladies does prappa dal (doll) up fo go see matanee ( film) and dem does potay ( rub Lots) lipstick and when dem get together dem does pusur pusur ( I think that is whisper)


Jane lots of the words you wrote few days are new to me…I will go back and get them so u can tell me what they mean


Keera..or white mouth..dem used to fool lil pickney that spider pee pun dem mouth whn dem sleeping!

KINNA..i had plenty kinna to eat food as a kid ( too much β€˜styles’/fuss) nah eat trench fish(sweet water fish like patwah, hoorie etc) except hassar …no goat or mutton, no pork or beef, no karaila, so chkn skin or boney part like back or wings/neck.foot

Bhaji..GY means spinach but Indians call all greens (veggies) bhaji


My nani came from india whn she was a kid n didnt speak english .  She lived with my mamoo but visited us during sch holidays. She used to mutter under her breath but she cussed in hindi .. i rem 1 word makachodo or makachoro lol

Im bot  sure wht it means but my mom scolded her whn she heard nani cussing us .. lol

she was partially blind n my bro thought she was playing trucks so he used to tease her n then she wud cuss! She died whn i was 9 yrs

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@Wildflower posted:

Form what I think I know, churkee is the tail or small pc hair sticking up after the rest of the head is shaved for Hindu religious reasons ( tradition)

Makachoree same as ungrateful or good for nothing…at least in the context it was used in my neighbourhood

πŸ‘Œ @churkee

namak haram is ungrateful

loongayra is good for nothing

Mits bhaiya!!

Malachodo  .. i think it’s cussing yr mudda .. maa ka chodo or choro


Mowr maur?? Wht dulaha wears on head

tikka .. the black dot on forehead to ward off evil eyes

haat/haath .. hand

sirbandi .. ( need help to describe/explain lol)


wht is hindi for bracelet or bangles ?? Churia?
wht r gunghroos .. foot bangle

jhumka is earrings

nafrat .. Hatred

dushman enemy



phool ..flower

haathi elephant


kala black

Zindagi life

Last edited by Lynn

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