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Mark Phillips, the PPP PM candidate, is alleged to have been his body guard as he was escorted out of the country. The Brigadier being reduced to a body guard.

Folks, I am very confident of my source and I share this with you to remind you this is deeper than it may appear. Our oil has attracted folks with shady character. Our President has a battle on his hand but we could not have asked for a better Commander in Chief to be in charge.


You have no bloody shame, ayo invoking Russians into rigging when Guyana electoral system is in the stone age, everything is manually done. You dame ignorant fool. 

The only Russians to thief the election is Granger, Lowenfield and Singh. It was so insulting, that Barbados former PM who is a observer make reference of how backwards Guyana is in this modern times. 

Here is two points to you.

A) Ramjattan say He issue order of deportation ( surprisingly it was a top secrete ) may i remind you fool, this is the same Ramjattan who said he has evidence of Charandass bribery, but the evidence suddenly  disappear.

B) Why did GECOM refuse to continue the count of the SOP. Isn't it strange that APNU/ AFC is the only organization which has not called for a verification of Region 4.   


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They have morphed into the most bare faced crooks on the planet. The world is watching and no one buys their story.  But they have the military in their pocket so, if you want an example of wrong and strong, this is it.  But the PPP has to shoulder blame here.

However, they are clever.

Last edited by Former Member

There are 879 polling stations in Region 4 which translates to 879 statements of polls (SOPs).

Only APNUAFC and PPP/C have the resources to ensure there are polling agents at each polling station, including the 879 in Region 4.

The other parties CLAIM that the statement of polls issued by PPP/C are legitimate but the fact remains that representatives for each of these smaller parties did not and was not present at each polling station to verify the count noted in PPP/C’s copies of the SOPs.

This would mean that they solely relied on PPP/C’s documents without comparing it against the opposing party with the similar resources as PPP/C.

This fight will come down to GECOMs records as the SOPs were found to be wrought with errors.

It amazes me that people cannot see what is going on before their eyes. It isn’t APNUAFC trying to rig an election. Not one APNUAFC representative was trying to break down doors or stampede GECOM offices. 

Empty barrels make the most noise. Just watch and wait how this plays out.


You are beginning to show the real you with your style of writing. BTW, APNU -AFC dont wanna break down the door because they know why the locks were removed and 8 police were guarding the door and it turns out there was other  doors inside this room which leads to Singh hiding. 

Singh suddenly appears yesterday after it was a plot to send her the letter to get a response and she fell for it.


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These people think they are so clever. But Guyanese blacks feel all powerful, an attitude developed during the Burnham era and still there because, in the end, they have a couple thousands troops to back them up.

I still remember that comment from a PNC operative back in 2011.  It never left my mind, but them AFC bais didn’t care. They wanted to see the back of Jagdeo!



Mark Phillips, the PPP PM candidate, is alleged to have been his body guard as he was escorted out of the country. The Brigadier being reduced to a body guard. Folks, I am very confident of my source and I share this with you to remind you this is deeper than it may appear. Our oil has attracted folks with shady character. Our President has a battle on his hand but we could not have asked for a better Commander in Chief to be in charge.



 This idea that Russians et al can influence our elections is bunk. We do not even have electronic counters capable of recognizing SOPS and tabulating them. Where the hell can these people cause disruption. We have no newscycle etc to corrupt. The corruption of it is happening in the APNU and has been happening for a year now.

Money always attract grifteres.  The PPP or the APNU in office would have to deal with that.




What are you trying to sell? How can we the public see tampered SOPs? It is the obligation of GECOM to ensure the officiating persons at the various polling place is amply represented by official folks from each side. If there are occasions where there were only PPP officials why was it so? Were there also places manned only by PNC officials? The SOPS have signatures so these crooks can be ferreted out easily and tampering deduced statistically. 

Sorry, you are either under educated or selling bilge. The average SOP has some person and rarely exceeds 400. It takes a miracle for the PPP to influence the data so much that they planted thousands. That is pure unadulterated crap.


ANUG’s Jonas calls for truce between PPP/C, APNU+AFC

Timothy Jonas
Timothy Jonas

With a tense nation still awaiting the results of the March 2 elections with no clear idea of when this will be revealed, A New and United Guyana (ANUG) executive Timothy Jonas has urged the PPP/C to reach out to the APNU+AFC and agree to a truce before results are announced.


Jonas said that both sides should meet before an announcement of the results as he believes that the APNU+AFC will lose these elections and their supporters will be incensed given that their leaders have already announced a win.  He said the volatility of such a situation will take this country back years developmentally while adding to its “embarrassment” globally.

“If APNU now has to go back to the people and say whatever we told you we are now taking it back, we are recanting and we were wrong or however they want to put it, it places them in such an invidious position; more so if the count is done properly and they lose,” Jonas yesterday told reporters, following the High Court announcement by Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire that the court has jurisdiction to rule in the elections matter before her.

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