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Our (Guyanese of all race and creed) President has issued his latest statement:



MARCH 9, 2020

Guyanese, I acknowledge that, one week after General and Regional Elections were held, we have not yet had the final declaration of results and uncertainty and unease have arisen.

I assure the nation that, at all times, I have acted in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.  After the elections on March 2nd, the nation awaited the declaration of the results by the Elections Commission after completing its work.

GECOM is an independent constitutional agency over which I and the Executive have no control. I assure you, that as President, I cannot, did not and will not interfere in the work of GECOM.

The Opposition created an atmosphere of intimidation and fear at the office of the Returning Officer of District Number 4. This led to the interruption of GECOM’s work.

The Opposition then approached the Supreme Court seeking to prevent GECOM from making a declaration of the final results. That matter is now before the Chief Justice who will hear the case tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10th.

Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of GECOM, has indicated that she will await the outcome of that matter. The entire nation, indeed, must await the ruling of the Supreme Court.

The Opposition is disseminating a narrative that is no more than a falsification of reality. It is completely at variance with the official declarations of the Elections Commission for the ten electoral districts.

Guyanese, we have all witnessed the lawlessness and violence that have been unleashed on innocent school children, citizens and police officers in several districts of our country.  Our security forces have been working to quell disorder and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

It is my sworn duty, as President, to uphold the Constitution and keep our citizens safe. I intend to do so. I will not allow political malefactors to hijack our democracy and compromise public order and human safety. Law and order will be maintained.

Guyanese, I appeal to you to remain calm and not to engage in any activity which can lead to the heightening of tensions in society.  I urge you to go about your business in a peaceful manner.  Some damage has already been done to social relations in our communities. We must repair that damage.

Guyanese are asked to contribute to ensuring that we maintain law and order at all costs. Guyana is a lawful state. We must allow the institutions which we revere and on which we rely to work to ensure that there will be a fair outcome to the issue which we now face.

Guyanese will continue to live with each other.  We must not allow ourselves to be provoked into taking any action which will engender hate or disharmony.

I am confident that there will be a peaceful and lawful resolution to this issue in a short period of time.

I appeal to you to join me in allowing the judicial system to perform its functions.

I appeal to you to allow the Elections Commission to execute its mandate to deliver credible elections to the Guyanese people.

I thank you.


@Totaram worst case scenario can either be another election date or extending this further with an appeal to CCJ.

I doubt the latter would occur as I am confident the OFFICIAL results from GECOM would show the incumbent party winning no matter the hearsay, naysay and pontifications of everyone

PONTIFICATION β€”- this is a familiar word used hay by a certain person PONTIN 


So not seeing the woman now equates to her hiding?

Is it safe to assume you and others have acknowledged her signed letter sent to Jagdeo on awaiting the court’s decision before she or GECOM proceeds further?

Dare I say this may be a sign that she is alive and well. She  doesn’t have to make the most noise to be recognized, unlike some in your cohort.


@Rochelle. So why is she in hiding? The election is incomplete and the people of Guyana deserve the declaration of the results.  You just cannot hijack an election and disappear.  That’s not how the world works.

@Bibi he Pontificating all over the place. He now blaming the Russians for hijacking the election, them same Russians he does bitching about. He has no shame.



Each and every statement of David Granger is full of lies. I am not so concerned about what he says. What I am concerned about are his action. I cannot be fooled that easily. Granger’s words are the exact opposite to his actions. My mother always said β€œ judge a person by their actions and not by their words”. A man who can hold a Bible and lie so much can only have the devil as a friend.

At first blush, I thought you would bring truth to this forum. Instead you bring stinking garbage here. You disappointed me. 



Granger is blaming the victims of attempted elections fraud, the PPP/C and other opposition parties. Typical scoundrel. He claims that he has acted in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana. Actually he is acting according HIS SELFISH INTERPRETATION of the said Constitution and Laws. 

Let him continue blissfully with his idiocies. International sanctions are looking his coalition in the face. Dammit. 


@Former Member please see my above comment.

I am a professional woman who has a right to speak my mind as I deem fit. Both my profession and gender was called into question since my arrival, including whether I have any affiliation - prior or current, to former or suspended members of this forum.

I emphatically will reiterate that I do NOT.

Shall we get back to the debates?



Official declaration of the elections for the Ten (10) Electoral Regions are not officially declared by GECOM.

Information from GECOM is circulating about numbers for each region.

Statement that the official declaration of the elections for the Electoral Regions is absolutely incorrect as referenced in the statement issued by David Granger.

Foreign missions, ambassadors, etc, with official accreditation for the elections stated that the results circulating from GECOM do not reflect the SOPs.

Fundamental Issue:

Process adopted by GECOM officials for Region 4 is inconsistent with the proper procedures conducted for the other nine regions.


Our (Guyanese of all race and creed) President has issued his latest statement:



MARCH 9, 2020

Guyanese, I acknowledge that, one week after General and Regional Elections were held, we have not yet had the final declaration of results and uncertainty and unease have arisen.

Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of GECOM, has indicated that she will await the outcome of that matter. The entire nation, indeed, must await the ruling of the Supreme Court.

The Opposition is disseminating a narrative that is no more than a falsification of reality. It is completely at variance with the official declarations of the Elections Commission for the ten electoral districts.

I thank you.


BGMAN, the PNC are so stupid Vulga Vulva placed her dutty vulva on the declaration sheet. I cannot think of a single compelling reason why she would do that but then again, it is vulga vulva.

I think Granger and his gang of criminals misread the response of the world after he dragged out the consequence of the NCV for over a year. Perhaps they thought Vulga Vulva can sign the declaration form and everyone including the overseas observers will just go home. That didn't happen. But worse did. There are word that the US may go as far as freezing the oil proceeds until the PPP are rightfully allowed to assume the seat of government. That will really hurt the PNC because they have not developed one single other avenue of revenue since 2015 while they ave destroyed some. Guyana is so desperate for cash that they would even care that a barrel has gone to about $20. Heck, they will be happy with even a $10 per barrel heist.

In a nutshell, the PNC are fvcked. Good they are fvcked.




MARCH 9, 2020

Guyanese, I acknowledge that, one week after General and Regional Elections were held, we have not yet had the final declaration of results and uncertainty and unease have arisen.


Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of GECOM, has indicated that she will await the outcome of that matter. The entire nation, indeed, must await the ruling of the Supreme Court.

The Opposition is disseminating a narrative that is no more than a falsification of reality. It is completely at variance with the official declarations of the Elections Commission for the ten electoral districts.


I thank you.

This statement is from a liar; one in contravention of our laws, one that thinks we are too dumb to grasp the reality of an "in your face" attempt at fraud. The the actions of  GECOM,  and his administration have been acknowledged by a cadre of international observers to be an attempt at fraud



Granger, the walking dead dictator. Uncle Sam na ready for he rass yet. 

The US Ambassador is vex like rass , she called up Trump on dem rass.

PPP has to get their act together. I insist on seeing Shuman as being a minister of Amerindian Affairs. That Banna has talent. 

Jonas can be a part of the New Administration too. PPP needs to learn to share. PNC supporters are Guyanese too.

Volda can become Minister of Vulgarity.

Last edited by Former Member
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