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 Mingo was offered $25 M,  stop posting SHIT if you can't provide the source!!!

 And you want to RUN GNI by posting FAKE information, if the truth hit you , you will never know.

 Of all days,  you are pushing fake theories , a sober mind would say , let's wait for the Chief Justice decision , but maybe you already know the answer  that which you are unwilling to accept.


@Django, you are actually more shameless than I ever would have thought.  PPP critics like D2 and Iggy have not swallowed the PNC story. I’m sure Caribj would have been more nuanced.  You have dug deeper and deeper into the pile of lies.  And to think you will be admin of this forum! You have no credibility for such a role.


Please be kindly reminded that GECOM comprises of:

(a) Three (3) members of APNUAFC; 

(b) Three (3) members of PPP/C; and 

(c) One (1) independent Chairman.

So if you want to blame GECOM for being compromised, include the PPP/C members.

Separately, if the PPP/C members wish to not comply with the Constitution and declare the official results, the law allows for GECOM to continue on with its normal business despite the attempt to obstruct the process.

PPP/C lost the election and they are willing to burn down the whole country in retaliation. You cannot hide behind international observers for long. And that's precisely it: observers are NOT advocates and should remain impartial. But it appears Jagdeo already cloud their judgment. I am confident Mr. Granger will continue to remain calm and lead by example.

Mr. Ali on the other hand pushing down people and banging through doors to get his way. What a model citizen on display for all to follow. 


@Totaram It would be obvious that the numbers being peddled by the PPP for Region 4 are incorrect. 

Hey TOTO, have you seen the original SOPs and memorize the numbers with verified backups so you can share some?  This my friend, will shut all the PPP boys up. Come on, grow a pair and show us. Until then let this "PPP fake numbers" rest or else Canje Mad House fuh you rass.



@Django, you are actually more shameless than I ever would have thought.  PPP critics like D2 and Iggy have not swallowed the PNC story. I’m sure Caribj would have been more nuanced.  You have dug deeper and deeper into the pile of lies.  And to think you will be admin of this forum! You have no credibility for such a role.


Not surprised at you. I don't care one rats ass what folks here think about my views.  ,I am on the side of Facts and truth. I don't condemn any one views ,i present rebuttals ,that's what discussion is all about.

I asked you many times about  the usage of "shameless" the vocabulary mostly use by females.

Last edited by Django


A petition by members should be started by after this is all over, despite who wins, DJ is not suited for the task and it will be an insult to Dr Odeen if he is allowed to take over.


Another plot unraveling , the ownership of the Forum must confirm with PPP-ites.

The individuals who have encouraged Django ,to take over the forum were close friends of Odeen.

Last edited by Django

DJ is a disgrace to all Guyanese who value free and fair elections and for those who demand that their votes be counted. 

USA should include he rass too when they sanction the PNC. Lobby for the government to freeze his assets because he supports PNC Burgery. Chronicle his recent claim and save it.

Last edited by Former Member

LOL @ the "whole world condemn them" comment.

Mr. Trump and Mr. Granger already spoke, everyone. Jagdeo just throwing stones and creating smoke where there is no fire. 

The international community is in support of GECOM and its ability to do its job, so let them.

If PPP/C disagrees with the result, then take it to the courts and CCJ. Granger will be sworn in as the President of Guyana for ALL. If you want to burn down house, schools, rice fields, and rum shops, then do so. Mr. Granger and APNUAFC won and will be in power for the imminent future.

After all is said and done, let us meet and celebrate over some dhal and roti. I bringing the cookup.  


Last edited by Rochelle

Cork Sorry Roach, NOBODY at GNI is advocating violence. PPP even called off peaceful protests. We support free and fair election and a peaceful transition for the NEW administration.

Granger will eventually fall, the sanctions or intervention will make that possible. 

Last edited by Former Member
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