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Commonwealth, other observers feel “threatened” by Foreign Affairs Minister


Foreign Affairs Minister Karen Cummings (left) in a meeting with international and local observers and Western diplomats.

International and local election observers told the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karen Cummings that they felt threatened by her remarks that she was told to take away their accreditation.

Although Cummings said she did not agree with that suggestion which was “in my ear”, the observers told her bluntly that they felt threatened.

“They said you have to take away the accreditation and I said no I cannot do that,” she said in the recording posted on Dr. Frank Anthony’s Facebook page. “I am saying I wasn’t in agreement with that,” when told that by an observer of the Guyana Bar Association, Selywn Pieters that her remarks amounted to a threat.

“It does not take away from the fact that you made a threat that you were told to take away accreditation,” she said.

Reacting, in a higher level of voice, the Foreign Affairs Minister insisted that “I wasn’t in agreement with that.”

That remark was among several contained in just-released video of a meeting between Cummings and representatives of the International Observer missions last week.

President of the Guyana Bar Association, Teni Housty called on Cummings to leave. Cummings apologised briefly even as she was handed a mobile phone by Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Roxanne Myers. Cummings was heard telling the other person that “I am coming out.”

Head of the Commonwealth Observer Mission to Guyana, former Barbados Prime Minister Owen Arthur, noting that “I speak on behalf of the Commonwealth – the largest concentration of nations in the world and I am not going to have, not me, the Commonwealth disrespected by a threat to take away their registration of the Commonwealth,” said Arthur as he held his observer identification badge in his hand. Arthur said he would be reporting to Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland. “I have a duty to report to her accurately and I cannot now avoid reporting accurately,” said Arthur.

Cummings said she had just passed around to appeal for “good sense to prevail”, a comment that irked Arthur. He recalled praising the electoral process, but if he had to speak again it would be ‘departure from what I expect.’ He questioned whether the delay in verification of results before declaration was “good sense”.

An unidentifiable woman was heard saying “unacceptable”. “Why were we invited to come here to speak and be threatened to take our badges away if we don’t conduct ourselves properly? This is unacceptable,” the woman said.

Also in that meeting were American Ambassador, Sarah-Ann Lynch; British High Commissioner to Guyana, Greg Quinn, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Lilian Chatterjee and European Union Ambassador to Guyana, Fernando Ponz CantÃģ and other diplomats.

Quinn was heard querying from the Foreign Minister whether it was right for her to meet with the observers and diplomats in the Region Four Returning Office of the Guyana Elections Commission. “This is the GECOM building. Is it appropriate for you to be having this meeting with us in this building?” he asked.

The Foreign Affairs Minister, in her initial remarks, cautioned the observers and diplomats that “I don’t want any aggravation of the situation” by statements that were being made by the observers without giving her A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change an opportunity to respond. “I don’t expect persons to make prejudicial statements without having the facts,” she said.

But Quinn said, “the fact is that you people are going around saying things.”

Housty was very upset with the Foreign Minister when she said, in response to concerns about the non-verification of results for Region Four, that Guyana was yet to catch up technologically with the rest of the world. “We cannot use time and separation of supposed development as an excuse for Guyana. There is a process and the process needs to work,” he said.

The United States, Britain, Canada, European Union, France as well as international observers from the Caribbean Community, Carter Centre, Commonwealth, European Union, and the Organisation of American States have collectively called on the Guyana Elections Commission to abide by the law in verifying the results of Region Four before they are declared.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) believes that it will be declared the winner of the March 2, 2020 general elections if GECOM verifies and declares the results in keeping with the law.


PPP election commissioners to boycott GECOM meetings until court cases end


PPP GECOM Commissioners: (left to right) Sase Gunraj, Robeson Benn and Bibi Safora Shadick

The three pro-People’s Progressive Party (PPP) election commissioners Saturday night vowed to boycott all meetings of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) until the court rules on whether the Region Four election results must be verified before they are declared.

“We will not respond to any such or further invitations from the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield or Chairman of Guyana Elections Commission, Justice Claudette Singh, while the Court proceedings are still extant,” commissioners Sase Gunraj, Robeson Benn and Bibi Shadick said in a joint statement.

Their decision stemmed from Saturday evening’s email from the Chief Elections Officer informing her that she can summon a meeting of the seven-member Commission to consider his report of declarations from Returning Officers for General and Regional Elections 2020 from all ten of Guyana’s districts. Lowenfield told Singh that in accordance with Cap 1:03 Section 99 of the Laws of Guyana, “I have prepared the final report for submission to the Commission.”

Gunraj, Benn and Shadick said on Thursday, 5 March, 2020, they were individually served with copies of an Order of Court by Marshalls of the Supreme Court of Judicature.

The orders were issued in matters of Reeaz Holladar v Returning Officer for Region Four, Clairmont Mingo; Chief Elections Officer Lowenfield and GECOM Chairman Singh for an Injunction be and is hereby granted restraining them from declaring the votes recorded for each List of Candidates, for the said district before verification, but instead comply with the letter and spirit of Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 1:03., Laws of Guyana, and then to declare the votes recorded for List of Candidates for Region Four; and restraining GECOM from declaring election results in keeping with the law.

The Commissioners said that “in our presence and at the same time, the said Order was also served on all members of the Commission.”

Gunraj, Benn and Shadick said they were also aware that several attempts were made to effect service on the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, the Chief Elections Officer and the Returning Officer. But in any event, an appearance was entered in the Court proceedings on behalf of the Chief Elections Officer and the Returning Officer.

Those PPP-aligned election commissioners said those matters continue to engage the attention of the Chief Justice, Roxanne George, sitting in the High Court.

“We consider this invitation to meet as a flagrant attempt to breach the Order of Court aforesaid and a naked attempt by the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, to suborn us to breach an Order of Court and exposing us to liability for contempt of Court,” they said.

As holders of a constitutional office, they said they are at all times obligated to obey the Constitution and other laws of Guyana and “we consider this invitation to meet as not only a violation of our duty to uphold the Constitution but also an invitation to subvert the course of justice.”

Insisting that the Region Four results must first be verified and declared in accordance with Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03 of the Laws of Guyana, they contended that the purported declaration of the votes recorded for each list of candidates is invalid, null, void and of no effect.

Chief Justice George-Wiltshire is Sunday afternoon at 1:30 expected to deliver her decision on whether the High Court has jurisdiction to hear the case concerning the orders or concerns about the procedure for declaring results through an elections petition.


@Former Member Does the PPP really expect people to believe that Singh and Mingo are being held against their will?  Jagdeo in his latest video said that thing about the door without knob on the outside then proceeds to talk about Amna Ali visiting Singh at Singh's house and lawyers visiting her at her office yesterday.  If she lak up in she office how the hell did she go home and come bak to the office with a door without outside nab?  Nancy story Barat, come again. BS

Mohabir Anil Nandlall
2 hrs Â· 


Those whom are familiar with the outlook of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) know we have always been a fervent advocate for a new governance system and one that promotes a form of executive power sharing even when the PPP/C was in government.

However, this must ONLY be derived from the will of the people and the ballots. Those whom are venturing this approach as an immediate solution to the GECOM-inspired coup d’etat are threading a very perilous course for our nation and one which will not bring lasting stability nor prosperity for the people of Guyana. To venture this road now is giving the current ruling group another opportunity to grab on to power.

Before entertaining any thoughts of executive power sharing, there must be a few things:

1. GECOM resumes the verification process of the ACTUAL SoPs for District 4 and/or total recount of the ballots cast in District 4.

2. The winner is so declared, consistent with the will of the people and sworn in accordance with our Constitution

Let’s not be premature and reward the violation and disregard of our people’s right to elect a government of their choice, and condone the continued flagrant attacks on the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana.

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