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Region 4 ,in most Elections are counted last , due the size of the voting block and almost half of the polling stations ,some polling stations have more than one ballot boxes , that's because the voters are large in the sub districts ,tallying the votes of other Regions , which are declared first , shows the PPP always ahead.

GECOM ,try to keep about 300 votes max in each ballot boxes. Large voting districts ,the voters names are split up  alphabetically ,for example A-K and L-Z

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Last edited by Django


Granted they try to keep 300 votes in each box and they count region 4 last. What prompted them to stop counting and produce an unverified spreadsheet that had numbers that did not match the SOP? Did they manufacture votes for the PNC? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to believe that fraud was being perpetrated on the Guyanese citizens. Don't take the PPP statements alone which you might want to consider bias. Let's take the words of the rest of the parties that contested the elections and the INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS. Who would you believe? A bully and fraud or or a crowd of witnesses?



@ Kaz ,spreadsheet was used all the time to tabulate the SOPS ,the election is close and BJ knows that hence the commotion . I have noticed loud mouth Edgehill missing ,ayuh know where he is ?

Spreadsheets are used but not one already populated from which the government controlled GECOM ( that t hey do not control it is a farce) reads its numbers and to which one grants superior credence as to authenticity over certified copies of the original documents.



Django full of crap. The international observers, officials are all wrong. Only the PNC and their cohorts are correct!

PNC not getting away with this. It will be a slap in the face of the entire international community demonstrating they are impotent to a few 100k bullies backed be a 3,000 strong 4th rate military.

PPP won with diverse support. The PNC lost ground in their key base, region 4

Last edited by Former Member


The PNC lost ground in their key base, region 4

 You got to be out of your mind.


then why is APNU afraid to complete the verification. 

all the soos was posted on the walls at polling station and a copy was given to each polling agent and observers. 

You are the one out of your mind 



Django, please don't start with conspiracy theories about contaminating international observers. PNC lost. Period. Time for them to go. Moon pass pon dem. The people have spoken, and not only Indians.

No conspiracy theories, another plot by the kingmaker backfiring. What the Commonwealth head of observers doing around the kingmaker  ? do you all know the connection ?

Last edited by Django

Django, Growing up in Skeldon, there was a joke going around. If you ketch wan mad man carry he to Canje Mad House, they will give you a loaf of bread and a long sleeve shirt. Stop backing the fraud committed on the Guyanese people. Granger wants to stay in power so he can protect all his crooked friends. he wants to prevent the dissemination of their crooked deals and monies received for those deals. Harmon will have to show his goady where the money ($5Mil USD)is hidden.


@Former Member

That’s rite Kaz, I was targeted by Iguana for poor English last nite, that’s personal attack. I just ignored the dummy  and didn’t complain.

Funny how you missed the main point of my post - that your usual ignorant, dotish, pointless, fisherwoman like posts laden with poor English suddenly became well worded articles filled with legal arguments overnight. And you know why. Which PPP member / lawyer did you lend your handle to? 

I am beyond insulting you. It's way too easy. Stick to the point above and ask your handlers to respond when you pull your jaw off the floor.



Very true. PNC backside is on fire. 
I lost all respect for DJ after he deleted many PPP posters comments which revealed  that PPP won and GECOM’s continued wickedness. 
It good to See that Amral remove his moderator title in order for posters to express free speech within the rules of GNI. 

DJ handle should read “I am PNC and I support PNC rigging and raping of the constitution”

He has every right to support any party but he should not pretend that he’s neutral. 


@Former Member

I agree's difficult to read every thread, but feel free to hit the complaint button if you feel you are being personally attacked. Guys, let's not get personal with each other, you can make rational arguments without the attacks

You were on the offensive thread that night viewing first hand the vulgar, obnoxious, abusive, misogynistic posts that were coming from Ksazma. So quit the bull that it's difficult to "read every thread". You were there. You saw it. You didn't even warn him, you just closed the thread.

He has continued to verbally abuse and harass her.  Read earlier posts on this thread he is asking her if she's a whore. He persists. If you are apparently unwilling to engage him then I will. I bet then you or Amral will suddenly find your nuts and suspend me. Sickening shit.

Last edited by Former Member

I made it very clear that he is entitled to his opinion. I was just commenting on his wickedness on deleting pro PPP posts while he was assigned moderator. 
Mitwah, you are soon to be sent back to the pen. Anyway, you now end up on my ignore list of ignorant posters.  

Last edited by Former Member
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