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@Rochelle, the wanabee lier,   Fool your self but not me.  You don't impress me. Then I am your Professor!

 GECOM has become a biased  organisation, it is now a political appointment. 

 I guess you all have a corn to pick with Jagdeo, he is a brilliant stateman that can run circles around any of the PNC tribe, his name will always be in your craw. 

 You obviously is a lil gal, I can teach you politics 101 of Guyana and to sum it up, PNC NEVER won an election free and fair, we can't allow that to happen again, the entire world will not allow that to happen, watch me!


@Rochelle I believe the only way Guyana can move forward is for there to be another election date.

Why? Because APNU lost and they want to set up a rigging machine before the election? Wasn't this election fair? Are the international observers wrong and crooked? Who will benefit from another election when the PNC has all its members as ROs and GECOM riggers?

Home >News and events >News >Joint statement from international election observers in Guyana
Election observers address a room, Guyana

Joint statement from international election observers in Guyana

6 March 2020

The international observer missions from the Commonwealth, the Organization of American States, the European Union, and The Carter Center issue the following statement:

The tabulation of results for the election in Region 4 was interrupted and remains incomplete. The law requires that tabulation must be conducted in the presence of party agents and observers. Until this transparent process takes place, the counting of votes recorded for Region 4 remains incomplete.

The transparent tabulation of results for Region 4 must be resumed in order to proceed to the establishment of national results.

A calm and conducive environment must be provided by the police. We urge all political parties to adhere to the codes of conduct signed by them.

The Guyana Elections Commission, including the chairperson, the commissioners, the chief election officer, the returning officer and deputy returning officers in Region 4, must be available and committed to establish the results for Region 4 in accordance with the law.

Until this occurs, the result of these elections cannot be credibly declared.


Most times we who are supporting the PPP would criticize the Coalition which should be no problem since they are public figures. Now, those who don’t like the PPP would start ridiculing us instead of contesting our comments. You would get comments like you are racist, uneducated, etc. Now if that is the kind of interaction they start, why do they cry when it is responded to? Most of the personal attacks are initiated by the ones who don’t like the PPP against the ones who support the PPP. As the esteemed Yugi would say, tek y’all dhal.


The spreadsheet was not used because of discrepancies with the SOPs. It was introduced by the CO after the RO got sick. Had nothing to do with discrepancies with the SOPs


Correct! there was absolutely no discrepancies with the SOPs, they abandon the verification. Was Mingo really sick.. that’s the million $ question. 

He returned and declare the results with Volga signed copy - after Volga shows up with her holligans and the APNU rep was told to stop the verification. 

Everything was caught on camera. It’s for this reasons and more the international community put their feet down and say the process is incomplete. 

All of this was happening and Singh was locked in her office and never came out for a second. 


Serious repercussions for those who participate in this elections fraud

Last edited by Former Member

NOTE ---

1. SOPs are immediately available to each political party, observer group, etc., when the polls are closed and prior to GECOM's tabulating the votes.

2. SOPs reflect the votes cast at each polling station.

3. Results for each of the 10 regions MUST reflect the SOPs.

4. Tabulation of the results MUST confirm to the established process.


Tabulation of results for Region 4 is inconsistent with the prescribed method used for the other 9 Regions.


@Former Member, PPP and APNU had polling agents at all 879 Region 4 polling stations and were the only two parties that had the resources to have such representation.

Yet, the smaller parties are congregating behind Jagdeo to claim that PPP/C's SOPs matched what their polling agents can confirm, when it is impossible for them to have adequate representation at each 879 polling stations. 

They may have issued a letter indicating that they have verifiable sources of PPP/C's count, but this a boldface lie. At the end of the day, GECOM is the first and last officiating body of ANY and ALL counts.


@Former Member on what basis are the SOPs prepared? Is there an automated process in place to accurately reflect the number of voters at each poll that is documented in the SOPs? If not automated, isn't there room for error on the SOPs? I assume someone is physically present to tally the voting that took place at each poll and reflect that on the SOPs. If so, the SOPs are moreso subjected to errors and falsifications than one may assume. 


Regarding Rochelle question about physical counting ballots. Yes! That’s how it’s done in the presence of all political parties representatives, Gecom officials and observers. The  political parties will affixed their signature to the SOPs which has a serial # and every observer, political agents and returning officers has a copy of the SOPs.  The boxed are seals by each party rep and placed in a container which is padlock with each party own locks. 

Those SOPs are then given to Lowenfield and the command centre will then tally the sops in the presence again with  party representative and observers.


Last edited by Former Member

Spread sheet was use back in the days, but these SOPs has serial # which is hard to rig. 

APNU can create fake SOPs after they left and then present a challenge at the command Ctr if the original SOPs are different, but remember, everyone already affixed their signature to the original SOPs and will have a copy each for reference. 

Last edited by Former Member

Spreadsheets are ok to tabulate. But you must have the original document to trace back. And yes, these must be serially controlled.

From what I gather, the election process went well, the polling went well, the tabulation was going well until the PNC saw they lost.  After that, everything went wrong, RasPutin, padded list, invasion of GECOM...dat..dat..dat!


It’s for this reason PPP, APNU and observers knew the same night which party win the election. How the Fck can Russians dip their hand in a manual count as Base say. It’s difficult to rig the election at the place of poll using the SOPs with serial # and everyone signature. 

Last edited by Former Member
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