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If you have ever gone to Las Vegas--you have probably stayed at one of his resorts--Wynn, Encore, Bellagio, etc, etc


WYNN: I've created about 250,000 direct and indirect jobs according to the state of Nevada's measurement. If the number is 250,000, that's exactly 250,000 more than this president, who I'll be damned if I want to have him lecture me about small business and jobs. I'm a job creator. Guys like me are job creators and we don't like having a bulls-eye painted on our back.

The president is trying to put himself between me and my employees. By class warfare, by deprecating and calling a group that makes money 'billionaires and millionaires who don't pay their share.' I gave 120% of my salary and bonus away last year to charities, as I do most years. I can't stand the idea of being demagogued, that is put down by a president who has never created any jobs and who doesn't even understand how the economy works.












The State department is part of the US intelligence community--and the state department is now saying they never put out any information saying the movie caused the attack in Libya...







Originally Posted by baseman:






Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.

While Kari and others worship Obama and refuse to hold him accountable to represent their interests I am saying that he will get my vote.  Romney is a snake oil sales man who will disappoint many of you when he turns out to the George W Bush II. 


I have already toild you that the stronget job markets occurred under Reagan and Clinton.  They both left with a strong US economy and low unemployment.


I dont need to tell you where Bush left the USA even though people like you seem to want to forget.


I rather a man who did nothing FOR me than another who will do something TO me.


Romney's confusion, ignorance and inability to give us details, his meandering between pretending to be George Bush (tax cuts and no regulation) and Obama (not increasing taxes on the middle class and keeping large parts of Obamacare) should let you know that he is a snake oil sales man with no cre values who will say anything to close the sale.


Obama might be a dreamy professor with a limited ability to understand how the private sector works, but his heart is in the right place. 


Romney----a private equity guy with no recognition of the fact that one cannot run a country like a PE investor.  This is not about cutting costs w/o regard to the social consequences in order to maximize returns to wealthy share holders.  This is about running a country in a manner that maximizes opportunities for all.....especially for the poor and lower middle class who need help in order to do this.


Romney has no idea of how the average American lives.  No Romney your average American does NOT have an additional $2k/per month to pay for health insurance and the ER is not a source of good preventive health care.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.

Ah see yuh tekkin a half wid de Crib man.

Kari its a pity that you cant see the difference between baseman who calls Romney a hero with Caribj he calls him a snake oil sales man who stands a good chance of becoming President because people like you have worshipped Obama.  You all refused to hold him to account when two years ago it became quite obvious that he forgot that a President is held responsible when unemployment is high, w/o regard to whether it was his fault or not. 


Had he made it his business to AGGRESSIVELY face this problem of a very slow receovery, going to the American people with his great eloquence, when the Party of NO blocked him, then even if the economy was no better than it is today at least people would have said that he tried. 


Instead Obama placated the GOP until suddenly he remembered that he had to campaign, then he began to whine about how they dont want him to succeed.  No where in the world will an opposition party cooperate, and one which is as ideologically different from him has no reason to. They want him to fail so they can peddle their own agenda.


Thanks to people like you Obama has developed a level of arrogance which makes him perform well only in front of adoring disciples, causes him to scorn any need for debate, resulted in him refusing to prepare for the debate and then ending up looking quite foolish.


Thanks to Clinton's excellent speech as well as other speeaches like Michelle;s Obama left the Convention with a bounce which Romney failed to get.  Obama's speech as quite tired, and it turns out to be a foprcecast for an even more dismal first debate.


Even his closest friends.......the ones who hold him accountable when he fails....not adoring disciples like you who constantly run to protect him as if he is some wayward little boy.....have roundly criticized him.


Let us hope that he has learnt his lesson.  That he understands that the under performance of the US economy puts him in a weak position..,.that Romney will do anything to win and that unless he does the same (by exposing Romney's lies and his inconsistent behavior) he will lose.


And if on November 6 Obama is giving his concession speech (if he loses FL, VA, and OH) and snake oil sales man Romney is preening like peacock it will be Obama and his disciples like you who are to blame.


You see Kari, in your need to worship this Diety, you cannot tell the difference between those who never liked him (Rev Al) and those who once did but now support Romney (baseman); from people who will vote Obama but feel that Obama should be kept accountable and slammed when he fails.


Thanks to this there is a real possibility that Obama will lose, when befored teh debate he had the election all but in his hands.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Obambi supporters have lost their voices---has the mourning begun ?







Rev as some one who supports the market economy you ought to know taht prices are set by GLOBAL market conditions and there is little that a President can do to change that fact.


In any case the US is much less dependent on foreign energy and gas is under going a boom. Whether Obama is responsible for it or not the fact remains that we are not in an energy crisis.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.

Ah see yuh tekkin a half wid de Crib man.

Haha, don't worry bro, when this lil cutlass fight over with me and you and Romney in the WH, we gon goa hit a flattie.

Yes you ought to cogratulate Kari if Romney wins.  After it people like him he caused Obama to become so swell headed that he felt that he did not have to listen to any one. He didnt prepare for his debate...he thought that the USA worships him so would never listen to Romney.  So he realized too late and ended up looking like a deer about to be mowed down by a huge truck.


So now even OH is within Romney's grasp.  If Obama cant win OH, which benefitted from his most successful plan...the auto bailout....then how can he win in my hostile states like NC,FL, and NV.


I thought we voted for people to provide effective leadership. not to fall in loove with them.  Thanks to Kari and the other Obama cult worshippers Barack thinks so too, so thought that the debates were all BS and that he didnt have to prepare.



The fundamentals of the election have not changed since the first Presidential debate. Obama screwed up big time by allowing Romney to get away with flip-flops and falsehoods. He has to do better in the remaining debates or he will lose whatever edge he had coming into October. What edge he had in October? He was leading in the polls in ALL 12 States most pundits considered "Swing States". In the path to 270 Electoral College votes, if you counted the States certain to vote Democrat and certain to vote Republican in the Presidential elections, Obama had a lead that meant he only had to win about three of those big Swing States - like Florida and Ohio. While the national polls moved in Romney's favor as a result of Obama's somnambulance by 2 to 3 percentage points, in the swing states there was not much movement. So all this "pants-on-fire" talk by CaribJ shows how unstable a mind he has.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The fundamentals of the election have not changed since the first Presidential debate. Obama screwed up big time by allowing Romney to get away with flip-flops and falsehoods. He has to do better in the remaining debates or he will lose whatever edge he had coming into October. What edge he had in October? He was leading in the polls in ALL 12 States most pundits considered "Swing States". In the path to 270 Electoral College votes, if you counted the States certain to vote Democrat and certain to vote Republican in the Presidential elections, Obama had a lead that meant he only had to win about three of those big Swing States - like Florida and Ohio. While the national polls moved in Romney's favor as a result of Obama's somnambulance by 2 to 3 percentage points, in the swing states there was not much movement. So all this "pants-on-fire" talk by CaribJ shows how unstable a mind he has.

Kari I do not know which planet you are on. 



The folks at MSNBC and NPR , hardly a Romney supporting stations, report that there has been a tightening in the polls.


Note that I offer evidence.  All you offer is your adoration for The One, and your feeling that any one who doesnt feel similarly is either evil or unstable.



You will note that the gap in OH and VA are quite narrow...moreso than two weeks ago. Obama was also leading in every state, even NC.  Now he apparently has lost NC and more disturbingly FL with its 29 electoral college votes.


 Indeed if the black/ young white turn out drops slightly in those states than Obama's lead evaporates.  Note that in 2008 blacks accounted for around 20% of the voters in VA and NC, meaning that approx  40% of Obama's votes came from those groups.  Now with GOP trickery  (ID and other scams), and with widespread malaise that base will not deliver what it did in 2008. Clearly Obama has lost support from many whites as well.



So if Romney wins VA and OH in addition to the states that were once Obama leaning but he now leads (Obama was ahead in all swing states before the debate, even NC), then Romney wins.


Unless there is a 5% gap then the races are a statistically dead heat.  Once you consider that groups that are an important part of Obama's base (young college educated adults and blacks) are not excited this year will they vote?  Hispanics are caught up in whether they fear the GOP, or they distrust Obama, given that he deported way more undocumented migrants than the last two Presidents combined. This might also depress turn out. 


Will new ID laws in many swing states prevent many of these groups from voting?


In addition many ultra rights, who had lost interest when they felt that Romney was inept, have now been re-ignited.  All one needs to do is look on GNI. Basemen and yuji switched from Romney to (reluctantly) Obama.  Now they have gone right back to Romney.



So Kari I dont know where you are getting your info from but every one in the Obama campaign is worried and you ought to be too.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:



Rev as some one who supports the market economy you ought to know taht prices are set by GLOBAL market conditions and there is little that a President can do to change that fact.








On this forum the Rev wears his POLITICAL CAP not his CAPITALIST CAP.


So pointing out the price of gasoline was 1.84 when Obama took office and nearly $4.00 today---that's a political plus for Republicans.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The fundamentals of the election have not changed since the first Presidential debate. Obama screwed up big time by allowing Romney to get away with flip-flops and falsehoods. He has to do better in the remaining debates or he will lose whatever edge he had coming into October. What edge he had in October? He was leading in the polls in ALL 12 States most pundits considered "Swing States". In the path to 270 Electoral College votes, if you counted the States certain to vote Democrat and certain to vote Republican in the Presidential elections, Obama had a lead that meant he only had to win about three of those big Swing States - like Florida and Ohio. While the national polls moved in Romney's favor as a result of Obama's somnambulance by 2 to 3 percentage points, in the swing states there was not much movement. So all this "pants-on-fire" talk by CaribJ shows how unstable a mind he has.

Kari I do not know which planet you are on. 



The folks at MSNBC and NPR , hardly a Romney supporting stations, report that there has been a tightening in the polls.


Note that I offer evidence.  All you offer is your adoration for The One, and your feeling that any one who doesnt feel similarly is either evil or unstable.



You will note that the gap in OH and VA are quite narrow...moreso than two weeks ago. Obama was also leading in every state, even NC.  Now he apparently has lost NC and more disturbingly FL with its 29 electoral college votes.


 Indeed if the black/ young white turn out drops slightly in those states than Obama's lead evaporates.  Note that in 2008 blacks accounted for around 20% of the voters in VA and NC, meaning that approx  40% of Obama's votes came from those groups.  Now with GOP trickery  (ID and other scams), and with widespread malaise that base will not deliver what it did in 2008. Clearly Obama has lost support from many whites as well.



So if Romney wins VA and OH in addition to the states that were once Obama leaning but he now leads (Obama was ahead in all swing states before the debate, even NC), then Romney wins.


Unless there is a 5% gap then the races are a statistically dead heat.  Once you consider that groups that are an important part of Obama's base (young college educated adults and blacks) are not excited this year will they vote?  Hispanics are caught up in whether they fear the GOP, or they distrust Obama, given that he deported way more undocumented migrants than the last two Presidents combined. This might also depress turn out. 


Will new ID laws in many swing states prevent many of these groups from voting?


In addition many ultra rights, who had lost interest when they felt that Romney was inept, have now been re-ignited.  All one needs to do is look on GNI. Basemen and yuji switched from Romney to (reluctantly) Obama.  Now they have gone right back to Romney.



So Kari I dont know where you are getting your info from but every one in the Obama campaign is worried and you ought to be too.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I see Crib continues to be Romney-esque in the use of "Kari" as a bogeyman.......

Kari make this out to be about caribj who doesnt live in a swing state so whose vote doesnt matter.


Typical behavior on forums is when one doesnt have an intelligent response one personalizes the argument, pretending as if the issue is only confined to the person who you disagree with.


Worry about the fact that Obama has lost the lead in NC and FL and is statistically tied with Romney in VA and even in OH, where a mere week ago he had an almost double digit lead.


Better hope all those blacks, who you malign by telling them to solve their own problems and leave Obama alone, and who Obama forgot about since 4 years ago dont forget about him next month.  If they treat him as they treated Kerry....well you know what happened to Kerry even though by 2004 George Bush was an amazingly weak president.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Note that I offer evidence.  All you offer is your adoration for The One, and your feeling that any one who doesnt feel similarly is either evil or unstable.






Kari I see that you are upset as you are unable to show data which proves that Obama's fiasco od a debate has not cost him.


Well the evidence is there, whether or not you want it.






RCP Average:     R 47.3 ; O 46.3.......Romney +1


* Rasmussen:     R 48; O 47..............Romney +1


* Survey USA:    R 47; O 46.............Romney +1


* Fox News:       R 46; O 45.............Romney +1


* Gallup:           R 48; O 47.............Romney +1


* IBD/TIPP:       R 47; O 46..............Romney +1


* Pew Research: R 49; O 45..............Romney +4








Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Typical behavior on forums is when one doesnt have an intelligent response one personalizes the argument, pretending as if the issue is only confined to the person who you disagree with.




The polls are tightening and the fact that you ignore it doesnt change the fact.


Now feel free to demean yourself by engaging in personal attacks rather then intelligent conversation.  Clearly you have no data to refute my point so you personalize it around caribj.






13% of voters in 2008 were blacks---it's now looking like black turnout in 2012 will revert to the mean--11%--that's bad news for Obambi.




Bad Boy Entertainment rapper Shyne is the latest entertainer to publicly support Mitt Romney for president.

Pink 941reported:

Shyne is the latest entertainer with hip-hop ties to jump on the Mitt Romney bandwagon. But the former Diddy protรฉgรฉ who has converted to Judaism, calls out the president over his policy in Syria.


Like Stacey Dash, who tweeted her approval for the Republican Candidate last week, the former Bad Boy rapper took to social media to make a statement about the present administrationโ€™s foreign policy.


โ€œHow obama put the hit on kadafy but assad murdering tens of thousands of his own people in Syria & nobody doing nothing?โ€

How obama put the hit on kadafy but assad murdering tens of thousands of his own people in Syria & nobody doing nothing?


Not only has the outspoken Jewish rapper challenged President Obama, he also professed his support to Romney.


โ€œIโ€™d vote for Romney,โ€ he told MTVโ€™s RapFix.




Huge Romney crowd in Ohio--not a single darkie--white America is determined to put the white back into the white house.



This is depressing news for the Obama groupies on the gni forum---it's over folks---OBAMA IS TOAST. caribJ is in mourning---practice saying "President Romney" carib.




Rev Bhai


You were right all along. I owe you polo apology for supporting a looser and dunce like Obama.


In light of the terrorist activities of the AFC led by Nigel, Indo Guyanese must now throw their support behind a real man who will support democracy in Guyana.


Romney is now poised for victory and we must throw our support behind him. Enough of dunce Afro leaders in the world.


This election is over folks. Time for the democrats to keep their handkerchiefs  handy to wipe their tears in bidding Obama farewell.


He gave us hope but lost his way. Lack of experience and arrogance cost him the debates. Clint Eastwood was right all along. 


The American people have realized that Obama was dull at the debate and this might as well be a true reflection of who he really is. Momentum is important in politics and Romney is now like a bullet train. No once can stop him now from winning the presidency.


Guyana will have an ally in the fight against terrorists. Someone who is not in any way sympathetic to terrorists.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana will have an ally in the fight against terrorists. Someone who is not in any way sympathetic to terrorists.

best i remember, it was Bush II who put your PPP heroes (Gajie, Raja, Rohee, etc.) on the watch list.


simple or just plain stupid . . . which one are u?


PNC dunce head redux has no shame,then again, what do you expect from a welfare leech. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana will have an ally in the fight against terrorists. Someone who is not in any way sympathetic to terrorists.

best i remember, it was Bush II who put your PPP heroes (Gajie, Raja, Rohee, etc.) on the watch list.


simple or just plain stupid . . . which one are u?


PNC dunce head redux has no shame,then again, what do you expect from a welfare leech. 

poor u . . . wishing hard that U could say i lie


heh heh heh . . . we got a cell warming up for u too; Big Bubba want to know when






7:44PM EDT October 15. 2012 - WASHINGTON โ€” Mitt Romney leads President Obama by four percentage points among likely voters in the nation's top battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and he has growing enthusiasm among women to thank.


As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, the survey of voters in 12 crucial swing states finds female voters much more engaged in the election and increasingly concerned about the deficit and debt issues that favor Romney. The Republican nominee now ties the president among women who are likely voters, 48%-48%, while he leads by 12 points among men.




It will, indeed, be a landslide defeat for Mullah Obama if he loses the women's vote.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:





Obama will lose on Nov 6th--that is now certain--the question is will Obama lose by a landslide ?



It's still even but with the momentum going Romney's way for sure.  The fact that the last debate to come will be on foreign policy and with the domestic economy a mess and Benghazigate still unfolding, it does not bode well for Obama.


There is now a real decisive shift to Romney which is hard to reverse.  Romney has to throttle back, take the middle of the road, and let Obama and his spinners self destruct.


I was at a Guyanese event last week and was surprised how many were favoring Romney over Obama.


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