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Guys and Gals ,there is a learning curve with anything new for the first time .There are few tricks to navigate easily.

There are "Home - Topics - Survey , on the left below navigation bar, these are quick shortcuts to pages.

Below that there are "New -Trending-Following, these are links to to Topics.

When on Topics page at left ,below is search bar click on it will give list for selection of pages on site.

All post and reply are in one box ,there are  links "more" and "all replies" play around with it.

Click on blue Topics heading takes you to the entire post on the topic .

Hope this helps.

@Former Member posted:

maybe it's more economical for Jangles. however, it's driving away posters. I don't see many members posting. maybe it's confusing the heck out of people

Nope , had a hunch there will be objections to changes ,I was warned by support from crowdstack.

This version is better for those who use tablets and smart phones. For awhile many sites I have to deal with made changes ,banking ,credit cards ,business ,State and Federal Government. Gradually members will get accustomed to the new version .

Two boxes above makes it easy to find forums and post. First box pop up menu list all forums .Second box are quick links to topics.

@Mitwah posted:

I think I prefer the old format too. I really don't see the benefit of the change.

The older version was more user friendly.

I agree, but I am managing ..

it reminds me of whn windows 10 was introduced..i kept windows 8 until i could no longer use it..hahaha

i even gave away my new HP because of windows 10 n reverted to my old acer for this reason!!

btw i dont use FB app..i use the old format..hahaha

ps..we will soon get used to this new format!

@Django posted:

Nope , had a hunch there will be objections to changes ,I was warned by support from crowdstack.

This version is better for those who use tablets and smart phones. For awhile many sites I have to deal with made changes ,banking ,credit cards ,business ,State and Federal Government. Gradually members will get accustomed to the new version .

Two boxes above makes it easy to find forums and post. First box pop up menu list all forums .Second box are quick links to topics.

I was very confused  at 1st but I figured this out after a while..( ie the drop box under TOPICS) , thus i find it easy to postâ€Ķ(n im using ipad n iphone, not laptop)

Last edited by Lynn
@Mitwah posted:

Welcome Back, Mitwah!

Thanks for being a member of our Crowdstack.

Invite Others

This is what shows up for me. No listing of the Forums. I find it very confusing to find topics or to navigate from forum to forum. Am getting frustrated. I am unable to locate my last post.

Go to HOME

then TOPIC..

At top left of this page there is a DROPBOXâ€Ķ.it says “ALL TOPICS”â€Ķ

U can select “ALL FORUMS” or click on which forum u need..(eg Social or Political)

On the right of this same page, u have option for ‘NEW’ , “TRENDING’ n “FOLLOWING”, so select wht u wantâ€Ķ(I opt for “NEW”)  

I find it easy to post now..but i admitâ€ĶI liked older version better.  Im kind ‘bored’ with this new format ..not as INTERESTING ..

But like Django says..change is inevitable ..n esp with software, it happens frequently n it isnt always as good as previous.

Let us be patient n embrace the change n soon we will get used to it!

CHEERS..â€Ķ.Happy TUESDAY to u all!

I will soon be off to work..Stay safe !

Last edited by Lynn
@Former Member posted:

Very confusing. Maybe it's time I quit this place and move on to the next chapter of my life

Nah ..stick around bai Prezzy!

Go B40449A5-A6BC-43BC-9E13-6EB2077A9BBBto Home Page ..then Topics..pick   Go to Home, the TOPICS as seen at the topâ€Ķ.choose ALL FORUMS in the dropdown box (see attachment above)

As u can see, under each forum , there r 2 topics listed along with “all topics’..

I choose this option to browse thru’ ..unless i need to ‘reply’ to the top 2 topicsâ€Ķ

hope this helps abit..

nah leave bai..staan yahsuh n keep gyaffing


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  • B40449A5-A6BC-43BC-9E13-6EB2077A9BBB

I don't know how I got here but it would be nice if this was on the opening page.

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