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* We all know the PNC received 40.8% of the votes in 2011.


* Now! Let's make some assumptions. Let's assume the ethnic breakdown of the 342,236 voters in the 2011 elections was the following:


42% East Indians

32% Blacks

18% Mixed and others

 8% Amerindians




* Given the assumption above here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PNC.


88% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011

60% Mixed voted for the PNC in 2011

14% Amerindians voted for the PNC in 2011

 2% East Indians voted for the PNC in 2011


* Add all that up and you arrive at the PNC receiving 40.8% of the votes in 2011.


* What do you folks say ? Looks like the PNC will forever be a 40% party---they couldn't even pull 90% of the black votes.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I see you're using parenthesis now





* You know this chick ?



* Looks like she is rooting for a PNC win. 


* She'll be hugely disappointed come May 11th.


* She should go back to teaching English/Literature at New School.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I see you're using parenthesis now





* You know this chick ?



* Looks like she is rooting for a PNC win. 


* She'll be hugely disappointed come May 11th.


* She should go back to teaching English/Literature at New School.



Kari and clique honors this lady every year at the QC Ball...

Originally Posted by alena06:

Kari and clique honors this lady every year at the QC Ball...

Alena, this is where you do not know me.


I have never EVER spoken to Alissa. I do not know her. I have never commented on her politics. You don't know if I disagree with her absolutely or partially or what.


I was supposed to go over to your party next door when the formal presentation with the honorees were going on, but I had my classmates from afar whom I was engaged with and I didn't even pay much attention to the speeches (except the Bulby presentation). When it was Alissa's turn I told my pals to look out for mention of politics.




* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member

he great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.





Meh belly buss................

Originally Posted by Rev:



* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



head up ass photo: point_of_view-3004.gif

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Absolutely all indians want to vote for Kwame, Odinga and Joe Hamilton de House of Israel top plantain chip and fudge magnate of Guyana

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011    That is incorrect.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



  PPP sweeping the entire country!!

Last edited by alena06

Thank you allah---thank you Lord Krishna---thank you Jesus---thanks to all---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana are now widely awake---their eyes and senses are now fully alert----they are onto Dirty Moses---they will no longer be bamboozled and hoodwinked by him---they know this opportunistic charlatan wants to put the evil, rotten, stinking PNC back into power---and these good folks would have none of that.



* The photo doesn't lie---the genuine and authentic East Indians are fired up and determined to re-elect the PPP, and come May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will save Guyana from evil Moses and his 40% PNC party.





Originally Posted by Rev:

Thank you allah---thank you Lord Krishna---thank you Jesus---thanks to all---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana are now widely awake---their eyes and senses are now fully alert----they are onto Dirty Moses---they will no longer be bamboozled and hoodwinked by him---they know this opportunistic charlatan wants to put the evil, rotten, stinking PNC back into power---and these good folks would have none of that.



* The photo doesn't lie---the genuine and authentic East Indians are fired up and determined to re-elect the PPP, and come May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will save Guyana from evil Moses and his 40% PNC party.





Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant lies it's a sign of desperation.

Last edited by antabanta
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by kp:

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011    That is incorrect.


* That was a typo---10% blacks voted for the PPP in 2011.



Hey hey hey. Numba bai. 


Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  • Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  • Most corrupt country in the region;
  • Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state sponsored;




Originally Posted by antabanta:

Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant eyes it's a sign of desperation.


* Actually, in that particular photo, the genuine and authentic East Indians were bewitched and captivated by their leader.


* Look at that photo again anta---you can see with your own eyes how enchanted and mesmerized those beautiful  East Indians were.


* Thank you Lord Shiva and Mother Laxshmi for the Persauds and Singhs and Balgobins and Ramsundars, and Ali's and Khans, etc, etc of Guyana.hahahaha




By this Wednesday we should get them licked bad.We wanted the PNC and Moses to have hope and over worked themselves so that they will be too tired to protest and complain on may 12.

Originally Posted by simple:

By this Wednesday we should get them licked bad.We wanted the PNC and Moses to have hope and over worked themselves so that they will be too tired to protest and complain on may 12.

Ok. I wont stop you from asking your gay friends for sexual advise. Carry on.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev:
* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians.

antabanta: Wonder how they lost it...


Listen anta:


* It's like a relationship!


* If you take your wife for granted---if you don't give her the attention she deserves---if you don't treat her with love, kindness, admiration, respect---if you don't seek new experiences with the woman---if you don't adventure with her---then eventually boredom and monotony will set in---and your wife will likely start looking elsewhere.


* The PPP took their supporters for granted and in 2011 and they got what they deserved----they lost their majority---received 48.6% of the votes.


* But in 2015 the PPP has learned from their past mistakes and failures and on May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect the PPP.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant eyes it's a sign of desperation.


* Actually, in that particular photo, the genuine and authentic East Indians were bewitched and captivated by their leader.


* Look at that photo again anta---you can see with your own eyes how enchanted and mesmerized those beautiful  East Indians were.


* Thank you Lord Shiva and Mother Laxshmi for the Persauds and Singhs and Balgobins and Ramsundars, and Ali's and Khans, etc, etc of Guyana.hahahaha



Hahaha...y'all dont have the numbers anymore. Y'all must pay the price for failing to securing the people in 1992. Good Riddance!


Today is May 1st. With 12 days to go the PPP has the BIG MO. Proven PNC loser and rigger David Granger and power hungry megalomaniac and opportunistic charlatan Dirty Moses are 100% guaranteed to be rejected by (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate.



* Look at those 2 faces again folks---what do you see ? LOSERS with zero chemistry. In their hearts and minds they despise each other. Did you PNC groupies really believe those two old farts would motivate and inspire the Guyanese electorate to vote the PPP out of office ?





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant eyes it's a sign of desperation.


* Actually, in that particular photo, the genuine and authentic East Indians were bewitched and captivated by their leader.


* Look at that photo again anta---you can see with your own eyes how enchanted and mesmerized those beautiful  East Indians were.


* Thank you Lord Shiva and Mother Laxshmi for the Persauds and Singhs and Balgobins and Ramsundars, and Ali's and Khans, etc, etc of Guyana.hahahaha



Hahaha...y'all dont have the numbers anymore. Y'all must pay the price for failing to securing the people in 1992. Good Riddance!

Nice one TK.  These PPP swines and pork eaters got their pork chops cooked because they were too greedy and too focused on the tiefing and not paying attention to the needs of the people.


TIME UP Ramutar and Jagdeo.


The PPP lacks the vision required to move Guyana to modernity

April 30, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, If one was to listen to the leaders of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) and have no worldview, they would safely conclude that service in the Armed Forces somehow negates one from service after one takes off the uniform. Contrary to its public utterances and histrionics about the support the coalition is getting from military veterans, the PPP has in its employ several ex-military men; Ronald Gajraj, Major Generals, Joe Singh and Michael Atherly, and several other veterans and active duty Officers who all serve at the pleasure of the President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar. That the General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee, whose party’s support base is rapidly dwindling, would choose to waste valuable time at a press conference to extol and misinform on his perception of the decision making of the leadership of the APNU+AFC and the role of Military Veterans in that process, is pathetic. All Guyanese, regardless of where they served previously or where they are currently working, are welcome aboard the APNU+AFC Unity-Train. I am of the firm belief that Rohee and his bosses Jagdeo and Ramotar are not concerned about ‘Ex-Military officers’ in the APNU+AFC coalition, this rhetoric is a ploy, part of the script that will be used to explain their defeat on Monday 11th May. The PPP had hoped that the old song and dance about the military would gain traction and cause persons in what used to be their strongholds to be afraid and cling to the cup. Times have changed and thanks to the World Wide Web; smart phones, television and Social Media only the uneducated and un-wired are wooed by negative PPP propaganda and fear mongering. The people of Guyana know that Granger and the APNU+AFC pose no danger but instead are game changers.  The fear of the PPP leadership and the reason why they see the APNU+AFC movement as a danger is that the APNU+AFC and Granger represent the new politics that is needed to usher in National Unity and National Development. The PPP knows that the only people that Granger is a danger to, are persons involved in criminal activities and those who intend to commit crimes against the state. The real danger to the PPP has been technology; not Granger. Access to information continues to work against them and their messages of doom and gloom. A visit to Wikipedia would show scores of Political leaders who served in the military. The United States of America; of her 44 Presidents, 26 were Military Veteran, 20% of Congress (2013-2014) were Military Veterans, 73% of Congress (1971-1973) were Military Veterans. Four of Great Britain’s Prime Ministers (Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee, Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan) were Military Veterans. Like on so many other issues in these elections, the PPP is again on the wrong side of history and continues to show that it lacks the vision and the forward-looking strategy that is required to move Guyana to modernity. The PPP on this issue, and as reflected by its policies and programmes over the last 23 years, is bent on ‘small-tent’ politics; the politics of subtraction and division, a formula that has left us a broken and divided nation. APNU+AFC is the future; ‘big-tent’ politics, six political parties committed to the formation of a government of National Unity. This is the way forward, this is a winning formula for Guyana. It is Time. Mark Archer



* The day after (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate experience the thrill of victory and (50-1)% experience the agony of defeat there will be peace all across Guyana.


* Life will go on for all Guyanese in Guyana.


* Of course on sites like GNI and FB, whiners and windbags and blabbermouths will continue doing what they do best---complain, condemn and criticize---they'll keep blasting away at the PPP.


* The new mantra of the GNI PPP haters will be---we time coming in 2020---PPP days over.





Originally Posted by Rev:


* The day after (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate experience the thrill of victory and (50-1)% experience the agony of defeat there will be peace all across Guyana.


* Life will go on for all Guyanese in Guyana.


* Of course on sites like GNI and FB, whiners and windbags and blabbermouths will continue doing what they do best---complain, condemn and criticize---they'll keep blasting away at the PPP.


* The new mantra of the GNI PPP haters will be---we time coming in 2020---PPP days over.





The new mantra of the GNI PPP haters will be---we time coming in 2020---PPP days over.





the PPP has in its employ several ex-military men; Ronald Gajraj, Major Generals, Joe Singh and Michael Atherly, and several other veterans and active duty Officers who all serve at the pleasure of the President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar. That the General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee, whose party’s support base is rapidly dwindling, would choose to waste valuable time at a press conference to extol and misinform on his perception of the decision making of the leadership of the APNU+AFC and the role of Military Veterans in that process, is pathetic. All Guyanese, regardless of where they served previously or where they are currently working, are welcome aboard the APNU+AFC Unity-Train.

Last edited by Mitwah




* There will be numerous NEW FACES in Donald Ramotar's administration after he is re-elected for a 2nd term. In his wisdom the president fully understands that new faces have more authority than accustomed faces.


* Misogynist Bheri Ramsarran has already been fired; Chat_3 is likely a goner; and there are a few others who will not make the cut.




* Expect positive signs of new energy, new faces, new direction in Ramotar's 2nd term.





Originally Posted by Rev:




* There will be numerous NEW FACES in Donald Ramotar's administration after he is re-elected for a 2nd term. In his wisdom the president fully understands that new faces have more authority than accustomed faces.


* Misogynist Bheri Ramsarran has already been fired; Chat_3 is likely a goner; and there are a few others who will not make the cut.




* Expect positive signs of new energy, new faces, new direction in Ramotar's 2nd term.






Port Kaituma residents refuse to return Gov’t-issued solar panels

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma, are locked in a battle with the government which is demanding that they return the solar panels given to them last Monday. The residents have vowed not to hand over the panels

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

despite threats from officials to engage the services of the police to retrieve them. The residents believe that the panels are being recalled because of the perceived non-support for the People’s Progressive Party. The panels were given to the about 100 residents on Monday, in keeping with a promise made three years ago, when the Citrus Grove community was without electricity. Kaieteur News understands that since the request for the panels was made, the area was subsequently given electricity by the power company at Port Kaituma. The confusion reportedly arose when the residents were invited to a meeting on Wednesday, a day after government officials visited the area, and were told that since the area is now being powered by the Port Kaituma Power Company, they no longer needed the panels. The residents were told that they would have to return the panels and if they did not it would be forcibly taken from them. One resident who spoke to this newspaper is of the opinion that the people of Citrus Grove are being penalized for not showing support for the government when the officials visited the community. He explained that the reason given for demanding the return of the panels does not hold water, since residents of another location – Oronoque – are not being asked to return theirs although their community too is being powered by company electricity. “Dem ain’t taking back dem own, but dey want we fuh give back we own. De president come hey Tuesday and Wednesday…dey asking we fuh give back de panels,” the resident stated. They are blaming the Chairman of the area’s Interim Management Committee for the current situation. This newspaper understands that the IMC Chairperson did turn up with the police yesterday to recover the solar panels. The police briefly detained the chairman of the community development committee Neville La Rose. He told this newspaper after his release that the police “wisely” decided that the matter was not one for them to deal with. “What is causing the problem is that this whole thing was not explained properly,” La Rose stated. He said that the residents will resist any attempt to repossess the panels especially since the electricity supply from the power company is unreliable. “Right now, the generator break down and we not getting power. So why give back de panels?” a resident questioned.


Amerindians remain loyal and steadfast supporters of the PPP/C. In the 2011 general election nearly 70% of Amerindian voters cast their votes for the PPP.


* Regarding the 30% who are anti-PPP, those who are in leadership positions must be punished. But the rights of the others must be respected.




This is Obama's America not Ramotar's Guyana.



* PNCites have become more civilized---the last time there was violence in Guyana it was triggered by AFC's Moses Nagamootoo and Nigel Hughes.


* But under the leadership of David Granger, the PNC masses have been low-keyed and tranquil---no looting and burning and rioting.


* Following the PPP's 6th consecutive victory on May 11th, the PNC masses are expected to be well behaved. Credit must be given to them.




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