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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:





Black voters comprised 13% of the total votes in 2008--that was 2% larger than the historical average(11%). But Obama is having problems motivating black voters in 2012. Yes! 95% of those who show up at the polling booths will vote for Obama, but there is a strong possibly that black voting percentage will drop from 13% to 11% in 2012. This is bad news for Obama.





Quit yapping like a blustering fool and pretending to speak with authority on black electoral intent when it is the hapless wishes of some republican shill hoping that their schemes can suppress the black vote. 


You speak to your perception of black people; the ignorant, lazy slothful ones of your imagination you racist pig.


Obama will win and his win will be on account of a cross section of the people of these United states voting for him.



Did you read Bob Herbert's recent column blasting Obama ?


Here is what he said:





"It is time(for noise-makers like Stormborn) to stop making excuses for Barack Obama. With so much at stake in this election, his performance at the debate on Wednesday night was indefensible." Bob Herbert


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:





Black voters comprised 13% of the total votes in 2008--that was 2% larger than the historical average(11%). But Obama is having problems motivating black voters in 2012. Yes! 95% of those who show up at the polling booths will vote for Obama, but there is a strong possibly that black voting percentage will drop from 13% to 11% in 2012. This is bad news for Obama.





Quit yapping like a blustering fool and pretending to speak with authority on black electoral intent when it is the hapless wishes of some republican shill hoping that their schemes can suppress the black vote. 


You speak to your perception of black people; the ignorant, lazy slothful ones of your imagination you racist pig.


Obama will win and his win will be on account of a cross section of the people of these United states voting for him.



Did you read Bob Herbert's recent column blasting Obama ?


Here is what he said:





"It is time(for noise-makers like Stormborn) to stop making excuses for Barack Obama. With so much at stake in this election, his performance at the debate on Wednesday night was indefensible." Bob Herbert


The gentleman considers himself an old school reporter speaking his heart. He also never said Obama is incompetent or a racist or a Kenyan or a Muslim as you have so pretending he supports your opinion as well as your spurious "predictive" stats on the behavior of black people is nonsense. Further, everything he said of Obama Caribj habitually say so why is he authoritative for saying it and Caribj  just a pedestrian thinker?


The operant statement here is that the President never made excuses. Others did on their own. The man is clearly no fool and obviously can contest any of the points made in the process of the debate because it is what he do habitually on the campaign reail. If on some adviser advice he was caution to ignore the lies and focus on messaging then he made a mistake. To say he was a dunce etc is for stupid persons like you with an axe to grind and a need to fictionalize the man so you can beat him in your minds.


Well. the real Obama is a shrewd calculating man who is ambitious and concerned about his legacy so look forward for Mit Romney being handed his ass in the next one no less than Gingrich did after being surprised by the flip flopper.  As Huntsman said, Mitt Romney is a well oiled weather vane. He will swing quickly where ever the wind blows since he does not have a fixed sense of self with respect to the presidency of the United States. He simply wants to be the president.








It was the most lopsided presidential debate in American history. Duncy Obama was decimated. Brilliant Romney gave a master class at kicking Obama's a$$. America and the world saw the real Romney and the real Obama. Romney was presidential, while Obama was the president with no clothes.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:





It was the most lopsided presidential debate in American history. Duncy Obama was decimated. Brilliant Romney gave a master class at kicking Obama's a$$. America and the world saw the real Romney and the real Obama. Romney was presidential, while Obama was the president with no clothes.



 For a moron like you being an animated talking head trumps substance. Why dont you who pretend you are so smart bring any portion of the debate transcript you believe to be silly or an answer that you think out of place and illustrate that fact.


Unfortunately, you are just a shallow racist pig whose only input would be to pilfer the most vile bigoted caricature of the president from the hate site and bring them here as though they would make sense. I am sure you have one or two kindred here but in general all think you are an ass and know you as a racist one at that.


Is there a real Romney? Which of the various character he played and to whom his primary mates addressed or any of the ones across his political career that seem to be the stable core. The man is a changeling. He is what he cares to be when he wants to be. As Huntsman said, the "well oiled weather vane" or as Kennedy said, a person identity convoluted that if one leaves him along long enough he would convince himself he is you. Gingrich said it best. The man is a perverse liar.


No one has to make these things up. It is what it is. That is for you the smart one but you are to be shunned if not pitied for your awful toxic racism.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Is there a real Romney?



Of course there is a real Mitt Romney! 70 million Americans saw him slaughter the empty, bumbling, inarticulate fool, Odinga Hussein Obambi.




What was once " HOPE AND CHANGE" is now "MOPE AND BLAME."




The People saw a man pretending to be another man who was impersonating an actor playing a part. There is no real Romney. Probe as deep as you can you will find a Romney under every layer of an endless stream personality traits.





Remember folks--the University of Colorado forecasting model has correctly predicted the winner of every election since 1980.




An update to an election forecasting model announced by two University of Colorado professors in August continues to project that Mitt Romney will win the 2012 presidential election.


According to their updated analysis, Romney is projected to receive 330 of the total 538 Electoral College votes. President Barack Obama is expected to receive 208 votes -- down five votes from their initial prediction -- and short of the 270 needed to win.


riginally Posted by Rev Al:

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Is there a real Romney?



Of course there is a real Mitt Romney! 70 million Americans saw him slaughter the empty, bumbling, inarticulate fool, Odinga Hussein Obambi.




What was once " HOPE AND CHANGE" is now "MOPE AND BLAME."




I think the bumbling inarticulate fool is the one you summon after a few shots of vodka in the morning. It is the same process that beings in the Muslim, Kenyan born Marxist that is Obama. I am not interested in your hallucinations. Check above for the real Romney...does not exist and that is what everyone is coming to understand.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




It is crystal clear that white Americans are hellbent on taking back their country from the racist black guy---he received 43% of the white votes in 2008---he'll be lucky to get 35% in 2012.



Looks like a mini Republican convention. Alas, you are not invited...painting your face and calling yourself an honorary white man will not make it happen.


It takes much self deception to say this is a white people only country.  It is rainbow fool. It even started brown

Originally Posted by Rev Al:





70 million Americans watched the debate, and most now agree with Clint---"you've got to let him go"---the racist Odinga Hussein Obambi, America's first muslim born black marxist president is TOAST.




Obama has become a laughing stock!




I feel that Obama no longer has what it takes to move the country forward due to his lack of political experience. The debate separated the men from the boys and Obama performance was like a real dunce.


It was like Romney threw Obama in the back of his pick up truck and drove him around at 100 miles an hour.


I am deeply embarrasses that I threw my support behind a dunce and man who is clueless. In the end, I hope the people choose the right man to lead America. 


The polls are now showing a dead heat and Romney might chew up the dunce Obama in the second debate. Rev was right all along, we were all wrong. 


Obama depends on teleprompters and lacks basic debating skills. A dull performance is an understatement. Obama is no Bill Clinton. 

Originally Posted by baseman:


The numbers are cooked. 

Examine your silly logic.  If the numbers are cooked why havent they reflected unemployment under 7% since January?


There is indeed a problem with how the laborforce is defined and indeed many "discouraged" workers are not at homw twiddling their thumbs now wishing to work.


But that has nothing to do with politics.


So content yourself with the fact that Clinton and Reagan who RAISED taxes as part of a response to budget deficits enjoyed the strongest labor markets over the past 30 years.


Bush who CUT taxes saw jobs disappearing at a rate of 700k per month as he left office.


So tell me Oh Wise One why will Romney succeed.  We have YET to get a strategy from him.  One day he says that cutting taxes for the "job creators" (which include old ladies and trust fund kids who live off investment income) will magically create 12 million jobs. 


Th next day he says that the ricj will pay the same amount in taxes and only the middle class will see reduced taxes...BY THE WAY OBAMA SAYS THE SAME THING!


It is fine to say that Obama is a disappointment and only pas attention to the economy when polls dictate that he ought to.  Finding health insurance and solar panels way more interesting topics.


But to pretend that Romney has the answer when


1.  He changes his plans every day and


2.  Tax cuts have already been a ;proven failure



Originally Posted by Stormborn:




I ust came back from the ground in two of the key states and Romney is getting his clock cleaned.






Not sure that you can say that as you probably were not in red neck country, and so were over exposed to Obama supporters.


As of now we do not know what will happen.  Americans are confused.


Their choices are


1.  A President who is exhausted and unable to defend his record, or to come up with new strategies to quicken the economy, given that his existing ones have clearly failed  AND


2.  An opponent who seems even less capable as he is yet to come up with tangible ideas to show how he will jump start the economy.  More disturbingly, one who is a snake oil salesman who will say anything to "close the deal".  He pretended to hate the poor when he sought money from teh ultra wealthy.  He pretended to be a super conservative to win the Primaries.  Now he is pretended to be super compassionate, even borrowing  a pretended revulsion of the Dodd Frank bill, because "it gives NY banks a sweet heart deal".....the same guys who got a large % of his money from.  This when we know that he just hates regulation period.


Dont be surprised if we see a low turnout by voters who have lost faith in either and will (in true Guyana style) vote on their fears and not their hopes.  This will be like the Bush/Kerry election....this not being a prediction on who will win.


What is obvious is that there is definitely not the excitement for Obama that we saw in 2008.  And when we take into account large numbers of white Americans who lie to pollsters when asked about a "black" candidate we do not know for a fact what his true support will be.  And about how mnay blacks, Hispanics or young college age voters will show up, all three groups suffering mightily since 2008 and not necessarily in a mood to vote. 


And we havent even gotten to the rumors that many black pastors are telling their congregations not to vote because of Obama's support fpor gay marriage. Black pastors who tremendous influence in the South over the female vote.


Obama needs to know Romney off his perch, expose his lies and remind America what Romney said at the convention a mere 6 weeks ago.  If he falls asleep again he is history, because "the Dream is Gone".  People just want a man who is less bad than the other.

Originally Posted by yuji22:




I feel that Obama no longer has what it takes to move the country forward due to his lack of political experience.



While Obama's performance was abysmal and even the blatantly pro Obama SNL had to laugh at him, what did Romney say that was so impressive.


Were I a Romney supporter I would be very confused as he contradicted himself and, aside from screaming about the magic of the market place...looked not that different from Obama  while he swore that he would keep important parts of Obamacare, not change Medicare expenditures, nor will he reduce taxes that "job creators" pay, while cutting taxes for the middle class.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Quit yapping like a blustering fool and pretending to speak with authority on black electoral intent when it is the hapless wishes of some republican shill hoping that their schemes can suppress the black vote. 


Given that Obama is catering to every part of his base, but the African American segment (he runs like a deer fleeing a bear when ever that topic comes up), this is indeed a quietly discussed problem.


Oh yes he will get virtually all of those who do show up.  But then many will not and almost certainly not the numbers who did in 2008 when the increased black vote was instrumental in his victories in several swing states.  Then they showed up for the First Black President, hoping that finally they had some one who would listen to them in the halls of power.


Alas many feel that he hasnt.  This reminds of David Dinkins who lost when the black support he got when he initially won, diminished significantly when he ran for re-election.


The Democratic party thinks that they own the black vote.  They dont.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I feel that Obama no longer has what it takes to move the country forward due to his lack of political experience.



While Obama's performance was abysmal and even the blatantly pro Obama SNL had to laugh at him, what did Romney say that was so impressive.


Were I a Romney supporter I would be very confused as he contradicted himself and, aside from screaming about the magic of the market place...looked not that different from Obama  while he swore that he would keep important parts of Obamacare, not change Medicare expenditures, nor will he reduce taxes that "job creators" pay, while cutting taxes for the middle class.




Why should Americans re-elect a failed president who did not provided any help to those who stood in line for hours to vote for him ?


Obama is now seen as a part of the political establishment that he was suppose to change. It does not bode well for his re-election because he failed the people who voted for change.


We need to remember, Obama failed very badly in the debate. Romney now has momentum and in politics momentum is important. 


Romney is now stealing the foreign policy agenda and I am certain that Obama  will not be able to defeat Romney in the next debate. I predict another victory for Romney.


Romney's support is growing among women, another bad sign for Obama.


I do not see an any urgency in the Obama campaign, he still does not get it. Some of his advisers should be fired but they are still intact and providing bad advice. Bad news, very bad news for Obama.


Romney's base is fired up and the crowds that he is attracting is a proof that is evident.


Is Obama now finished ? 


Originally Posted by baseman:

Latest poll: Romney 40%, Obama 45%.


Yujji22, you keching sense.  Obama is a nice guy, no doubt, but clearly his professorial talent does not translate to real action.  He will make for a great professor at Yale.  Time for a doer, enough of great speeches.


Some polls are showing the opposite. Very bad news for Obama. I now predict a Romney victory. Obama's campaign will soon be in tailspin.


Rev was right all along, minus the race thing.


Yes, I said it and I am man enough to do so. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Quit yapping like a blustering fool and pretending to speak with authority on black electoral intent when it is the hapless wishes of some republican shill hoping that their schemes can suppress the black vote. 


Given that Obama is catering to every part of his base, but the African American segment (he runs like a deer fleeing a bear when ever that topic comes up), this is indeed a quietly discussed problem.


Oh yes he will get virtually all of those who do show up.  But then many will not and almost certainly not the numbers who did in 2008 when the increased black vote was instrumental in his victories in several swing states.  Then they showed up for the First Black President, hoping that finally they had some one who would listen to them in the halls of power.


Alas many feel that he hasnt.  This reminds of David Dinkins who lost when the black support he got when he initially won, diminished significantly when he ran for re-election.


The Democratic party thinks that they own the black vote.  They dont.

The democratic party has not and does not take black vote or Hispanic vote lightly. That is why their convention is rainbow and the Republicans pristine white.


Obama has indeed not drifted to the traditional role of a black individual in embracing the formal black political institutions and leaders. He has for reasons of his own and one can sensibly deduce that he is the President and not simply a black president.


We have had this conversation previously and as noted then it is almost  impossible to live in a race neutral world in America but that is his burden. He cannot be seen to be overly pandering to black needs hence he has not had formal alone meetings with the black congressional caucus and for example never visited the black congressional retreat in Tunica to listen to their sessions as a senator or as president.







President Obama keeps saying that economists all agree that Mitt Romneyโ€™s tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class. In a fundraising email they(the Obama folks) named two economists, โ€œHarvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romneyโ€™s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000.โ€ The problem, they didnโ€™t make that concession.



But thatโ€™s not true Princeton professor Harvey Rosen tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email that the Obama campaign is misrepresenting his paper on Romneyโ€™s tax plan:

I canโ€™t tell exactly how the Obama campaign reached that characterization of my workIt might be that they assume that Governor Romney wants to keep the taxes from the Affordable Care Act in place, despite the fact that the Governor has called for its complete repealThe main conclusion of my study is that  under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on taxpayers with incomes above $200,000 about the same That is, an increase in the tax burden on lower and middle income individuals is not required in order to make the overall plan revenue neutral.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I feel that Obama no longer has what it takes to move the country forward due to his lack of political experience.



While Obama's performance was abysmal and even the blatantly pro Obama SNL had to laugh at him, what did Romney say that was so impressive.


Were I a Romney supporter I would be very confused as he contradicted himself and, aside from screaming about the magic of the market place...looked not that different from Obama  while he swore that he would keep important parts of Obamacare, not change Medicare expenditures, nor will he reduce taxes that "job creators" pay, while cutting taxes for the middle class.



What the president did not do was perform or pander or take pot shots a the nonsense from Romney. The one that showed up for the debate was clearly not the one on the campaign trail for the past six years. It takes a special kind of person to walk back that legacy in a 90 mins. 


It takes a special person to say he will kick the ball down t he road on the Israeli/Palestinian question and assert he has sound foreign policy. That special person also said he has written off 47 percent of the People but is for 100 percent of them. Yes Obama needed to call him a liar and tell him he is a loon but that would not have been presidential. He will come close in the next debate








The Pew poll is devastating, just devastating. Before the debate, Obama had a 51 - 43 lead; now, Romney has a 49 - 45 lead. That's a simply unprecedented reversal for a candidate in October. Before Obama had leads on every policy issue and personal characteristic; now Romney leads in almost all of them. Obama's performance gave Romney a 12 point swing! I repeat: a 12 point swing.


Romney's favorables are above Obama's now. Yes, you read that right. Romney's favorables are higher than Obama's right now. That gender gap that was Obama's firewall? Over in one night:


Currently, women are evenly divided (47% Obama, 47% Romney). Last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points (56% to 38%) among women likely voters.


Seriously: has that kind of swing ever happened this late in a campaign? Has any candidate lost 18 points among women voters in one night ever? And we are told that when Obama left the stage that night, he was feeling good.


That's terrifying. On every single issue, Obama has instantly plummeted into near-oblivion. He still has some personal advantages over Romney - even though they are all much diminished. Obama still has an edge on Medicare, scores much higher on relating to ordinary people, is ahead on foreign policy, and on being moderate, consistent and honest (only 14 percent of swing voters believe Romney is honest). But on the core issues of the economy and the deficit, Romney is now kicking the president's ass:








Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by cain:

You need some Gravol Rev

As I told him, this time and for the first time, I am going to brave the weather and watch in person Obama's inauguration this time.




Did you read that Andrew Sullivan article ?


Sullivan is a bigger Obama groupie than you are and right now he is sacred $hit---he knows in his heart and mind Obama is TOAST!


Here is what Sullivan said in that article:-->read slowly:


"A sitting president does not recover from being obliterated on substance, style and likeability in the first debate and get much of a chance to comeback. He(Obama) has, at a crucial moment, deeply depressed his base and his supporters and independents are flocking to Romney in droves." Andrew Sullivan


Listen up Stormy! The first debate was bad for Obama--the next two will be catastrophic.:-)hahahaha



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I feel that Obama no longer has what it takes to move the country forward due to his lack of political experience.



While Obama's performance was abysmal and even the blatantly pro Obama SNL had to laugh at him, what did Romney say that was so impressive.


Were I a Romney supporter I would be very confused as he contradicted himself and, aside from screaming about the magic of the market place...


We need to remember, Obama failed very badly in the debate.


I repeat...apart from telling lies and hiding what his real plans will be once idiots like you vote for him, what did Romney say?


I suggest you wait until the next debate before doing a victory dance.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:




What the president did not do was perform or pander or take pot shots a the nonsense from Romney.

What the Obamamaniacs need to start doing is kicking their Jesus when he messes up.


Obama let Romney tell lies UNCHALLENGED.


Obama let Romney distort Obama's record UNCHALLENGED.


Obama let Romney openly not only contradict his earlier statements but also contradict those of HIS OWN party in Congress w/o openly stating his (Romney's) opposition to what Ryan and his buddies are up to.


The pity is that Romney also didnt debate well.  With his blatant lies and his blaring contradictions he would have made himself an easy target were Obama alert.


How much better would the headlines the day after been that the GOP campaign disavows Romney's remarks and that he "misspoke" AGAIN!!!


Instead most Obama supporters are left wondering what went wrong, afraid about how Obama will perform in the next two debates (also there is the Biden "foot in mouth" factor), and terrified about why Obama has just left them to the GOP wolves to gobble up.


It is indeed a fact that the Obama support base is very heavily comprised of people who arent traditional voters, and who, if not excited, might not vote as was their normal behavior prior to 2008.  And especially as this same group are suffering disproportionately from the continued weak job market.


Its not up to the undecided voters to guess whether Obama is fit for the job or not.'


It is up to Obama to prove it to them. This notion that Obama needs to arrive like The Messiah, and all must bow before him, and if they dont, something is wrong with them, needs to stop. 


The GOP want to win and I wonder why this fact shocks so many Obama fans.  Its up to Obama to prove that he is the better man and he didnt in that debate, even though Romney was a very easy target.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:







The Pew poll is devastating, just devastating. Before the debate, Obama had a 51 - 43 lead; now, Romney has a 49 - 45 lead. That's a simply unprecedented reversal for a candidate in October. Before Obama had leads on every policy issue and personal characteristic; now Romney leads in almost all of them. Obama's performance gave Romney a 12 point swing! I repeat: a 12 point swing.


Romney's favorables are above Obama's now. Yes, you read that right. Romney's favorables are higher than Obama's right now. That gender gap that was Obama's firewall? Over in one night:


Currently, women are evenly divided (47% Obama, 47% Romney). Last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points (56% to 38%) among women likely voters.


Seriously: has that kind of swing ever happened this late in a campaign? Has any candidate lost 18 points among women voters in one night ever? And we are told that when Obama left the stage that night, he was feeling good.


That's terrifying. On every single issue, Obama has instantly plummeted into near-oblivion. He still has some personal advantages over Romney - even though they are all much diminished. Obama still has an edge on Medicare, scores much higher on relating to ordinary people, is ahead on foreign policy, and on being moderate, consistent and honest (only 14 percent of swing voters believe Romney is honest). But on the core issues of the economy and the deficit, Romney is now kicking the president's ass:








The Rev has proven that he is a man of numbers and numbers do not lie. I feel like a total fool by supporting Obama. 


Obama is finished. Romney now has tremendous momentum and in politics momentum is what matters. After the debate Obama proved to us that he is a dunce.


Bill Clinton gave Obama the election victory in a silver platter and Obama chose to throw it away. If this man cannot prepare for a debate, then he is definitely not up to the task for handling what lies ahead economically for the most powerfull nation on earth.


The republicans will now take this lead and momentum to the finish line. For those who say that Obama did not want to attack Ronmey are in denial. Look at the negative ads that the Democrats are currently running.


Desperation anyone ? Too little too late ? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The democratic party has not and does not take black vote lightly.


Oh so what do they do to earn the black vote?  I note that the Democrats are openly courting the (white) female vote, the gay vote, the young college white vote, the Hispanic vote.


They just happen to think that blacks will be loyal and will go vote for them as they always do.  Apparently the lesson of 2010 was not forgotten.


Black politicians can do as they wish.  What they think and what they do bores most black people.


And here are two bright ideas.


1.  Obama could have done better than having the WHITEST administration since Ronald Reagan, thus signalling to the USA that there are many competent blacks.  This wopuld reduce a major institutional barrier for blacks..the perception by white employers that few competent black professionals exist. 


You know its a disgrace that when major decisions were being made by the George W administration blacks were in the room, what ever you might think of them.  The only black who comes near to having this power under Obama was the Deputy AG under Clinton so owes his rise more to him than to Obama.


2.  He could have agressively pursued an urban agenda.  Given that every one is now moving to these areas it could not be seen as pandering to one  group.  But given that blacks are disproportionately in urban areas they clearly would benefit.



But you raise a point.  Next time maybe blacks should NOT support a black candidate so when he ignores them they can actually draw attention to that fact.  Surely Bill Clinton paid more attention to the black vote than Obama has since becoming President.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I feel like a total fool 


You should have left it there..........

Kari evidently white women arent reading your WH press releases.  If Romney has now caught him with Obama with the female vote this means that he now is beating him with the white female vote.


So continue to think that the black vote doesnt matter.  In VA black accounted for 20% of the votes last time, meaning that they accounted for almost 40% of Obama's vote and Obama barely won that state.  So if the black vote drops by 20% he loses and its going to be rough if he loses VA and FL as well.


I warned you two years ago that Obama was playing with fire by not aggressively focusing on the economy.  And now here we are. One bad debate and he is now under pressure to deliver in the next two or he loses.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I warned you two years ago that Obama was playing with fire by not aggressively focusing on the economy. 

You lack of knowledge on how the US economy works is quite evident. Which Congress or US President has not focused on the economy following the 2008 financial and housing collapse?


Anyone with the assertion of the President not aggressively focusing on the economy ignores the following:


  1. TARP to cleans the banking system and allow loans to be made to businesses and consumers. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  2. A fiscal stimulus package that provided tax relief to Americans and States funding to provide unemployment insurance, thus ensuring that the drop-off in consumer spending will be mitigated somewhat. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  3. Providing back-stop to the auto industry bankruptcy process and getting them back on their feet when private capital couldn't jump in or were disinclined to do. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  4. Signing a trade agreement and providing tax incentive for export companies to guarantee one of Obama's 2008 election promise, which he has kept. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  5. A proposal by the Administration to cut spending by $3 trillion over 10 years with $1 trillion in tax raises only on those making over $250,000 a year - the so-called balanced approach. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.

You are a disenchanted Black man (yes I'll introduce your race here as part of my response) who thinks black unemployment at 15% or so is directly related to Obama turning his back on you. If you ain't, it's because you want to be contrarian to every single utterances of mine here.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I warned you two years ago that Obama was playing with fire by not aggressively focusing on the economy. 

You lack of knowledge on how the US economy works is quite evident. Which Congress or US President has not focused on the economy following the 2008 financial and housing collapse?


Anyone with the assertion of the President not aggressively focusing on the economy ignores the following:


  1. TARP to cleans the banking system and allow loans to be made to businesses and consumers. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  2. A fiscal stimulus package that provided tax relief to Americans and States funding to provide unemployment insurance, thus ensuring that the drop-off in consumer spending will be mitigated somewhat. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  3. Providing back-stop to the auto industry bankruptcy process and getting them back on their feet when private capital couldn't jump in or were disinclined to do. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  4. Signing a trade agreement and providing tax incentive for export companies to guarantee one of Obama's 2008 election promise, which he has kept. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  5. A proposal by the Administration to cut spending by $3 trillion over 10 years with $1 trillion in tax raises only on those making over $250,000 a year - the so-called balanced approach. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.

You are a disenchanted Black man (yes I'll introduce your race here as part of my response) who thinks black unemployment at 15% or so is directly related to Obama turning his back on you. If you ain't, it's because you want to be contrarian to every single utterances of mine here.


Another WH press release and a personal insult.  Kari you have nothing to say.  Just admit it.  I told you again that the debate will have repercussions for the undecided voters...but it now looks like even some of the decided for Obama are jumping ship.


I told you so.  Two years ago.


Now go home and hope that the black turn out doesnt drop to what it normally is and ditto for the white youth vote (another devastated group).  If indeed Romney is almost closing the white gender gap he can start selecting his cabinet.  And then of course Hispanics who note that Obama has deported more people than both Bushes and Clinton combined.


As we speak they have Michelle running all over begging black people not to stay home.  Word out is that many dont plan to vote.


And of course GOP inspired ID laws and undue scrutiny in places like FL will lead to long lines and it is indeed possible that many might decide to go to their jobs, which they risk losing, (blacks being the last hired, first fired, and this didnt change with our 50% white President), rather than spending all day to vote for a man who did nothing for them.


BTW you clearly dont own a small business because banks are NOT lending to them.  But this is what you get for regurgitating WH press releases. 


And many argue that the fiscal stimulus was not only too little, but too much of it was in tax cuts, which were too small for the average person to notice so they didnt spend it.  Obama should have gotten on Harry Reid's butt and made him to perform.


What happened to the "shovel ready projects" which could have been funded by the Infrastructure Bank, with the bonds purchased by the Feds, therefore not a drain on the budget?  Both Obama ideas which he walked away from.  As soon as his auto bailout began to work, Obama yawned, said fixing this economy is such a bore and walked away. I warned you about this two years ago and now the Pew poll has shown that the gendergap is closing.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I warned you two years ago that Obama was playing with fire by not aggressively focusing on the economy. 

You lack of knowledge on how the US economy works is quite evident. Which Congress or US President has not focused on the economy following the 2008 financial and housing collapse?


Anyone with the assertion of the President not aggressively focusing on the economy ignores the following:


  1. TARP to cleans the banking system and allow loans to be made to businesses and consumers. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  2. A fiscal stimulus package that provided tax relief to Americans and States funding to provide unemployment insurance, thus ensuring that the drop-off in consumer spending will be mitigated somewhat. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  3. Providing back-stop to the auto industry bankruptcy process and getting them back on their feet when private capital couldn't jump in or were disinclined to do. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  4. Signing a trade agreement and providing tax incentive for export companies to guarantee one of Obama's 2008 election promise, which he has kept. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
  5. A proposal by the Administration to cut spending by $3 trillion over 10 years with $1 trillion in tax raises only on those making over $250,000 a year - the so-called balanced approach. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.

You are a disenchanted Black man (yes I'll introduce your race here as part of my response) who thinks black unemployment at 15% or so is directly related to Obama turning his back on you. If you ain't, it's because you want to be contrarian to every single utterances of mine here.


Another WH press release and a personal insult.  Kari you have nothing to say.  Just admit it.  I told you again that the debate will have repercussions for the undecided voters...but it now looks like even some of the decided for Obama are jumping ship.


I told you so.  Two years ago.


Now go home and hope that the black turn out doesnt drop to what it normally is and ditto for the white youth vote (another devastated group).  If indeed Romney is almost closing the white gender gap he can start selecting his cabinet.  And then of course Hispanics who note that Obama has deported more people than both Bushes and Clinton combined.


As we speak they have Michelle running all over begging black people not to stay home.  Word out is that many dont plan to vote.


And of course GOP inspired ID laws and undue scrutiny in places like FL will lead to long lines and it is indeed possible that many might decide to go to their jobs, which they risk losing, (blacks being the last hired, first fired, and this didnt change with our 50% white President), rather than spending all day to vote for a man who did nothing for them.


BTW you clearly dont own a small business because banks are NOT lending to them.  But this is what you get for regurgitating WH press releases. 


And many argue that the fiscal stimulus was not only too little, but too much of it was in tax cuts, which were too small for the average person to notice so they didnt spend it.  Obama should have gotten on Harry Reid's butt and made him to perform.


What happened to the "shovel ready projects" which could have been funded by the Infrastructure Bank, with the bonds purchased by the Feds, therefore not a drain on the budget?  Both Obama ideas which he walked away from.  As soon as his auto bailout began to work, Obama yawned, said fixing this economy is such a bore and walked away. I warned you about this two years ago and now the Pew poll has shown that the gendergap is closing.



Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.





โ€œSo you have to scratch your head when the president spends the last week talking about saving Big Bird. I actually think we need to have a president who talks about saving the American people and saving good jobs and saving our future and also saving the family farm.โ€ โ€“ Mitt Romney





The president of Suffolk Polling tonight told Bill Oโ€™Reilly on The Factor that the company will not be taking any further polls in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. David Paleologos, Suffolk University Political Research Center Director, told Bill these states are clearly going to Romney.









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