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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??

That will come next. First let us get past the first abuse and then we will demand that the PPP do the same. See I said it. Now are you big enough to do the same? 

the abuse of the past decade is continuing and the players are alive and active in their evil


only in the mind of a moron or someone completely stripped of any moral moorings could the wickedness of those long dead be a priority over the crimes of those even more wicked being committed TODAY!

It's a cruel cycle all because the two major parties and playing the race card.  It started with the PNC and today the fire is burning brighter with the PPP.


Do you now see why a few of us are asking for an apology from the PNC.




Originally Posted by Chief:

It's a cruel cycle all because the two major parties and playing the race card.  It started with the PNC and today the fire is burning brighter with the PPP.


Do you now see why a few of us are asking for an apology from the PNC.




Redux can't see that far. He is stuck in his coolie/black confused world.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??

That will come next. First let us get past the first abuse and then we will demand that the PPP do the same. See I said it. Now are you big enough to do the same? 

the abuse of the past decade is continuing and the players are alive and active in their evil


only in the mind of a moron or someone completely stripped of any moral moorings could the wickedness of those long dead be a priority over the crimes of those even more wicked being committed TODAY!

It's a cruel cycle all because the two major parties and playing the race card.  It started with the PNC and today the fire is burning brighter with the PPP.


Do you now see why a few of us are asking for an apology from the PNC.

u seem compelled to 'respond' without actually reading what i posted


hmmmm . . .?

Originally Posted by redux:

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

really now?


sounds to me like u drinking deep from a certan cup, and channeling PPP powah hay . . . hmmmm?

You start to sound and behave like the PPP boys. When backed ina corner they respond by saying Iam PNC.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

really now?


sounds to me like u drinking deep from a certan cup, and channeling PPP powah hay . . . hmmmm?

You start to sound and behave like Nehru.

really now? a little beneath u and desperate . . . but whatever


now, chief . . . i don't believe u support the wickedness hatched in Freedom House that is soiling the country of my birth


unfortunately, like many here, you don't think like a Guyanese . . . at the end of the day, y'all think only like Indo-Guyanese, with all the pathologies associated with the tribal path in a multi-racial society


apropos much here . . . Freddie Kissoon is a REAL Guyanese. That's why y'all tribals HATE him so passionately!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

really now?


sounds to me like u drinking deep from a certan cup, and channeling PPP powah hay . . . hmmmm?

You start to sound and behave like Nehru.

really now? . . . i'll suggest u look inwards for a 'real' answer


chief . . . i don't believe u support the wickedness hatched in Freedom House that is soiling the country of my birth


unfortunately, like many here, you don't think like a Guyanese . . . at the end of the day, y'all think only like Indo-Guyanese, with all the pathologies associated with the tribal path in a multi-racial society


Freddie Kissoon is a REAL Guyanese . . . that's why y'all tribals HATE him so much!

You just prove my point that you are no different than the PPP cabals.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

really now?


sounds to me like u drinking deep from a certan cup, and channeling PPP powah hay . . . hmmmm?

You start to sound and behave like Nehru.

really now? a little beneath u and desperate . . . but whatever


now, chief . . . i don't believe u support the wickedness hatched in Freedom House that is soiling the country of my birth


unfortunately, like many here, you don't think like a Guyanese . . . at the end of the day, y'all think only like Indo-Guyanese, with all the pathologies associated with the tribal path in a multi-racial society


apropos much here . . . Freddie Kissoon is a REAL Guyanese. That's why y'all tribals HATE him so passionately!

You just prove my point that you are no different than the PPP cabals.

not so fast bro . . . my spotlight will follow u no matter where u run

Last edited by Former Member

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

average IQ of the thread just dropped 20 points

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

average IQ of the thread just dropped 20 points

Get off the thread and it will increase 40 points.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

average IQ of the thread just dropped 20 points

Get off the thread and it will increase 40 points.

Dat Crabdaag don't know better, don't expect him to be any different!!! A PIECE OF RAW SEWAGE like dat must be put to   his rightful place: THE SEWRER!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

average IQ of the thread just dropped 20 points

Get off the thread and it will increase 40 points.

hey punk antiman, aren't u supposed to be busy on a conjugal visit somewhere begging sum imprisoned drug lord to MURDER me?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about 2 hours now and I want begging, waiting for someone to tell I am most Guyanese what they know, they can site or witnessed to CONVINCE us that the PNC today is different from the one in the 80's. Ow Papa we want to give everyone a FAIR chance. It is a simple question I hope. WE are willing and anxious to work will all sides BUT PLEASE, answer our simple question. And I don't want hear what Al YUh think or what like Ms Cleo Al YUh see in the future.

For a smart person you can be very confusing. It is pellucid that history cannot repeat itself in the same way except in controlled experiments. The Present PNC exists in a completely different social ethos. 


We are in a democracy. The national demographics means they can win without Indian Support. There is no on going cold war with Communist/Capitalist dichotomy. The population is more politically sophisticated an information that took weeks to percolate to the villages get there in under a minute. For these and many other reasons the PNC is not the same as the one that existed in the dictatorship.


Most of its members do not know that era. That they are blamed for it is the curse and the dog whistle being used by the PPP. It keeps the idea of the black boogieman on the front burner rather than questions as to what makes for sound honest democratic government. Every time those questions get asked the PPP are on their ass because they are a plague of corruption 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

such nonsense


where is the reciprocal call for a PPP "apology"?


one remembers Raphael Trotman apologizing . . . where is the dividend?


for y'all . . . this man of mixed race remains eternal blackman, eternal PNC, eternally cursed, unfit!


spare me the apology foolishness which only seems to interest those PPP 'clever' bais of a certain age making sure that the PNC-as-bogeyman flame burns brightly for a generation of Indians who knew not Burnham . . . and otherwise couldn't care less

Don't you know that in Guyana blacks are always the devils and Indians the angels?


Yes Burnham was a racist and he did tremendous damage to Guyana, but what of Janet Jagan who was no better?  Its was her blatant anti black behavior in the 1960s which facilitated the growth of a race based PNC.  When Burnham left the PPP not every black left with him.  Eusi Kwayana being an example.  But it was the behavior of the PPP which chased most of them out.  Eusi Kwayana has spoken out about the behavior of the PPP and its supporters in 1961.  People need not be surprised at the backlash which occurred in 1962/63.


So we need and apology from BOTH the PPP and the PNC for their contribution to Guyana's political morass.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief said it well. The adversarial position of yours Redux is not helpful to your cause,.

Every thing in your babble is about making Indians comfortable.  Well did you ever think that if blacks don't trust you what ever you plan will not work?  When last I checked Indians and blacks were two large minority groups in Guyana.



The PNC has a problem and that is it simultaneously has to be an opposition party, and to indicate to its grass roots base that it will defend their interests.  Every thing that I have seen suggests that these people are as badly off as they have ever been.


No put this in your pipe as you smoke.


There is a growing ideology which suggests that Burnham was a hero who defended black people, and  that any attempt to say otherwise is an attempt to disenfranchise them.  Understand something further.  The PPP has been around for 22 years.  Many younger black Guyanese don't remember the Burnham era, and so look at it as a time when blacks were better off.


Ignore this at your peril because these are the people who will come out on the road and set it afire and black all economic activity.\


So continue to believe that you can ignore black people and their concerns and fears as you seek solutions for Guyana.



And please don't think that because you have a few black friends that you are an expert on AfroGuyanese!  There are many conversations which are occurring which you aren't privvy to.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The PPP has the upper hand as long as we're in this mindset and they're laughing all the way to the bank, lirterally.

Nice one Kari!!!

So let them. What should concern you is the growing disenfranchised and impoverished people from places like Agricola, Linden, and many parts of G/twn who see every Indian as a PPP and therefore as a source of their problems.


So continue to think that appeasing Indians is the only issue that Guyana has to face.  Guyana is headed into a direction long trodden by Jamaica where there are emerging "no go" areas.  Given our limited road infrastructure there are elements who can block activity and bring every thing crashing, and if you send the GDF to shoot them down you might make it even worse.


So I will suggest to you that strategizing about what to do about our increasing African underclass is an issue vital for Guyana's security. Feel free to call me a racist for warning you about this, but that doesn't change the facts. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. It is the same reason Caribj and I are at odds. He also asks for apologies for Indian prejudices.

Please don't twist my comments.  My demands are made in reaction to baseman and now Kari. He sees the solution in appeasing Indians based on his narrative.  I am saying that there is another narrative so if we go on a demand for apologies than BOTH need to apologize.


On no occasion have I ever demanded that Indians apologize without reciprocal behavior from blacks.


There is a narrative in Guyana based on the "evil black man", and the "saintly Indian".  Until we dump this nonsense there will be NO cooperation because there will be no trust.


Sadly so many buy into the "evil black man" notion, that should an Afro Guyanese suggest that Indians are equally guilty of racism he is damned a racist. Eric Phillips, David Hinds and many others can testify to this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

more nonsense


it is y'all who have designed and 'created' the "trap"


let me be clear . . . what y'all are really calling for is an apology by Afro-Guyanese to Indo-Guyanese and, given our history, THAT is truly offensive!


and, as to "leave the PPP out of this" . . . u have clean lost your freakin mind!

So be it!!!


You are subscribing to  the cruel cycle of " It's awwee time now"

I bet you cant tell me why redux's response to Kari's demands, endorsed by you that Afro Guyanese must apologize to Indians is "awwee time now"? 


It is certain not "ahwe time now" in the many impoverished black communities in Guyana, nor is it for the many black professionals who have been forced to flee Guyana because of the blatant racism against them.  Yes when an Indian employer touches his head and then says "is not Burnham time now".



As we speak the excesses of the Burnham era against Indians is being replicated against blacks.  So why should black people apologize.  And given our race based politics when you say that one party or another should apologize this is what you are actually saying, whether this is your intent or not.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Kzaaaz get out of the last century.

I have. Unfortunately I don't think the PNC have. That is their burden. I have no obligation to trust anyone I feel don't deserve that trust.

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Kzaaaz, I'm reminded of the disclaimer on commercials for stock brokers "past behavior is not a good predictor of future performance".


Your point about it being easier for trust to be given to the PNC than it resorting to bad behavior is true and I agree. But the alternative is to accept that the PPP is going great guns - something that a whole lotta Guyanese living in impoverishment won't agree with. So it's a risk, just like in business you have to take risks before you get returns. You have to ask what mitigating circumstances are there with a PNC in government reverting to bad behavior. This is the 21st century with instant communications and a flatter world, and with civilians possessing arms. The 60s, 70s and 80s ain't gon happen again. Putin for instance may give hope to those who want to destroy this argument, but he will not even venture beyond Crimea. So I don't see the PNC government banning flour and peas, destroying the private sector, and putting all those trade restrictions and destroying freedom of the press (heck the PPP is doing a good job with the economic means of owning media nad press in "Guyna all by themselves).

And this is why I am on record as wanting a representative government in Guyana. Check my posts around the 2011 elections. There was hope for a balanced government with the infusion of the AFC. Unfortunately, the AFC by proxy joined with APNU to stifle the PPP. They would have been more useful had they become bargaining partners for all by 'you give us this, we give you that'. So the experiment did not work. And I am not yet ready for a return of a ruling PNC government. And that is all due to their past actions.

Let's not be naive Kzaaz. The PPP of Jagdeo wanted no part of a Ramjaaataaan (to borrow Nehru's intonation) AFC. You have to live in Guyana to understand these political dynamics. I don't live there but I know how to parse the tea leaves when people talk to me.

Both the PPP & PNC blew a golden opportunity at the last Elections. PPP blew it when they refused to Support Moses Nagamootoo to be Speaker of the House. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PNC (APNU) exposed their hand when the said I will support an AFC candidate but not Moses an Indian. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SO both PPP & PNC has a lot of apologizes to make to the Guyanese People....Everything Kari, Chief, Kzaaaz and CaribJ asking for.
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

Last edited by Former Member

I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.


But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.


But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.  

i deh pan yuh mind nuh bai?


brite sunlite hay . . . scurry, scurry

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.


But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.  

Of course you didn't include the fact that I stated that the PPP is as racist as the PNC was and so this is why any demands that the PNC apologize should also demand the same of the PPP.


Or better yet, just forget about demanding any apology from either.  The sins of each cancels out the other, so I  don't see this is necessary.


Now you in your ignorance can spread your bigoted crap that I am inspiring violence here in NYC.  So pathetic you are to think that any one in NYC can tell people in places like Agricola what they should do when even Granger lacks the ability to control them, once they get worked up.


So kill the messenger, malign him and call him a racist....and when he is proven right what will you say then!


When you think that one side should be appeased, and that all acts should cater to their fears, and then you ignore another this is what happens.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.


But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.  

i deh pan yuh mind nuh bai?


brite sunlite hay . . . scurry, scurry

Nah bai. I don't know you and when I am not on GNI, you don't exist for me. Rigt now I am more involved in watching the NBA playoffs.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

You think all "c00lies" stupid nah.  Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended.  It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011.  I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.


But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.  

And note that this is not the PNC.  These are disenfranchised people who have resorted to this in the past as they feel abandoned by all INCLUDING the PNC.


Now you in your ignorance can spread your bigoted crap that I am inspiring violence here in NYC.  So pathetic you are to think that any one in NYC can tell people in places like Agricola what they should do when even Granger lacks the ability to control them, once they get worked up.


So kill the messenger, malign him and call him a racist....and when he is proven right what will you say then!


When you think that one side should be appeased, and that all acts should cater to their fears, and then you ignore another this is what happens.

So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

You think all "c00lies" stupid nah.  Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended.  It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011.  I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.

yaaaaaaawwwwwn . . . baseman reaching fuh cleverness & tactics, only to squeeze wet shit again


nuff [face saving] back filling going on hay  . . . and it's "hollow" not "hallow" fool


poor u

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?

You don't get my point do you.  Nice middle class people negotiate.  The lumpen proletariat who feel abandoned by the nice middle class people who control APNu and the AFC, don't.


So I suggest that you, Kari, and baseman who think that the future of Guyana lies in appeasing Indians because of what you claim that the PNC did to them FORTY years ago, and ignoring the most impoverished blacks, are doomed to be very disappointed.


Will you wait to negotiate at a time when Granger has COMPLETELY lost control, this when the lumpen proletariat call him David Persaud, because he doesn't fit into some idealized fantasy that many of these youths who know nothing of the 80s have of Burnham?


Guyana is headed in a fearsome direction and it is sad that too many are locked into their own ethnocentric fantasies to notice this.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

You think all "c00lies" stupid nah.  Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended.  It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011.  I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.

yaaaaaaawwwwwn . . . baseman reaching fuh cleverness & tactics, only to squeeze wet shit again


poor u

I guess you out of bullets!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?

You don't get my point do you.  Nice middle class people negotiate.  The lumpen proletariat who feel abandoned by the nice middle class people who control APNu and the AFC, don't.


So I suggest that you, Kari, and baseman who think that the future of Guyana lies in appeasing Indians because of what you claim that the PNC did to them FORTY years ago, and ignoring the most impoverished blacks, are doomed to be very disappointed.


Will you wait to negotiate at a time when Granger has COMPLETELY lost control, this when the lumpen proletariat call him David Persaud, because he doesn't fit into some idealized fantasy that many of these youths who know nothing of the 80s have of Burnham?


Guyana is headed in a fearsome direction and it is sad that too many are locked into their own ethnocentric fantasies to notice this.

What racist BULL CRAP from you here CaribNU.


Have you never met an East Indian poor from Pigeon Island or Topoo in Albion?


What about the poorest people who live in the Hinterland, the BUCKman.


Can you understand why people do not take you serious.


Your racism destroy your message.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

You think all "c00lies" stupid nah.  Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended.  It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011.  I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.

yaaaaaaawwwwwn . . . baseman reaching fuh cleverness & tactics, only to squeeze wet shit again


poor u

yes I agree. BORING.  Typical PPP still cant get over what happened 50 years ago.  Granger is no Burnham and so will not be able to pull off the coup that Burnham did, and that is even if he were inclined to, which those who know him say he isn't.


Indeed we have kishan b here calling him a coward because he refuses to put black people in front of PPP bullets.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Can you understand why people do not take you serious.


Your racism destroy your message.

People can say what you wish.  Go look at the youtube when Agricola people came out on the EB highway and tell me if this isn't something which terrifies you.


Oh yes,  these are the people who think that Burnham was a hero and life for black people under him was fantastic.


Note to you.  I have NEVER been to Agricola so attempt to blame me for that incident will make you look quite stupid.  If you don't understand the difference between a poor Indian who suffers, but is at least governed by the party that he voted for, and a poor black man who feels that he will be in perpetual poverty because he will be for ever excluded then its up to you.


But go youtube that Agricola road blockade.  And understand that it can happen in Albouystown, Tiger Bay and any where the next time the community feels that some police activity is harassing them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Kzaaaz get out of the last century.

I have. Unfortunately I don't think the PNC have. That is their burden. I have no obligation to trust anyone I feel don't deserve that trust.

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

This post from Baseman is another set of racist bull shit.


These fly by night palatical analysist.  Notice my misspelling to state they cannot qualify for the right discipline, they are KWAKs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC.  Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day.  When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again.  A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.


The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip.  I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.

the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party


baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic

You think all "c00lies" stupid nah.  Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended.  It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011.  I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.

yaaaaaaawwwwwn . . . baseman reaching fuh cleverness & tactics, only to squeeze wet shit again


nuff [face saving] back filling going on hay  . . . and it's "hollow" not "hallow" fool


poor u

I guess you out of bullets!

nope, no bullets . . . just my whip on your leprous hide

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This post from Baseman is another set of racist bull shit.


These fly by night palatical analysist.  Notice my misspelling to state they cannot qualify for the right discipline, they are KWAKs.

Think what you will but there are indeed elements from the old Burnham regime, the ones who didn't join the PPP, and who feel excluded by people like Granger, who might well embrace elements within these garrison communities to create problems.


So you and others can carry on with your narrative that the only actions which need to be taken is to appease the Indian voter.  There is an emerging security problem in Guyana.  Remember this if and when it happens.


As you appease the Indian, the blacks living in those impoverished communities need also to be appeased.  They have as long a list of grievances as does any other group.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?

You don't get my point do you.  Nice middle class people negotiate.  The lumpen proletariat who feel abandoned by the nice middle class people who control APNu and the AFC, don't.


So I suggest that you, Kari, and baseman who think that the future of Guyana lies in appeasing Indians because of what you claim that the PNC did to them FORTY years ago, and ignoring the most impoverished blacks, are doomed to be very disappointed.


Will you wait to negotiate at a time when Granger has COMPLETELY lost control, this when the lumpen proletariat call him David Persaud, because he doesn't fit into some idealized fantasy that many of these youths who know nothing of the 80s have of Burnham?


Guyana is headed in a fearsome direction and it is sad that too many are locked into their own ethnocentric fantasies to notice this.

You don't have any point. The Indians did not resort to street violence during the PNC rule when they were being marginalized. They waited patiently and continued praying for relief. Eventually Burnham died and Hoyte was forced to make the 1985 elections the last rigged one. Why must you call for blacks to resort to street violence?


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