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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsBollywood Talk
Devdas selections...2008
Former Member I don't remember him carving but the one movie that came to mind with him and Sridevi is Khuda Gawah. He was certainly rich and dressed in fine clothing...a pathan from Afghanistan. The other movie with the 2 of them is Inquilab. Don't recall him being rich though. Hope this helps. [ more ]
Amral Firoz was a handsome one [ more ]
Amral Thanks, here is one for you. Dharmatma - Tumne kisi se kabhi pyar This one brings back memories. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsReligion
Not a Sermon only a Thought
Keith No Greater Love God's intense, protective love is beyond the profound love of human parents for their children. John 15:12-14 One of the most intense expressions of human love is the protective instinct parents have toward their children. There is little that most moms and dads wouldn’t do for their child. Wouldn’t you like to be cared for with that kind of intensity? You are. In fact, the Lord’s love toward you is far deeper and more secure than that of even the most caring, tuned-in human... [ more ]
Keith The Call to Serve We proclaim our love for Christ through our service to one another. 2 Corinthians 9:10-12 When it comes to serving in the church, some people seek prominent positions. Now, there is nothing wrong with heading a committee or teaching a large class, but the Lord calls us to have a servant’s heart. That means living a life that glorifies Him, not ourselves. And while the things we do might go unnoticed by others, our heavenly Father sees them and is pleased by our acts of... [ more ]
Sunil ❀️
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsSocial Club
Lemme tickle allyuh brain
Wildflower πŸ‘πŸ½Small world indeed cainstah too bad we have no way of knowing how Sir Bookstah doing ….I mean Gilly [ more ]
cain Arthur Chungski. I'm all but the high society part. Unless you mean being high around others. [ more ]
Former Member from reading this place, me see you are a Portuguese high society g/town man. you should have de answer at you finger tips [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Mitwah Where is the Rev? [ more ]
Former Member Hey hey, why did you not repost the one where I later raised caution and doubt about a PPP victory. Even Rev called me nervous nilly or something. I picked up the vibes that AFC was pulling PPP votes. [ more ]
Former Member I see rev was as wrong about Guyana as he was about the USA. I guess we will not see him again until 2018. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015
Former Member [ more ]
Former Member Muslim scholar committed to stand trial for alleged rape of boys Feb 23, 2018 News , https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...lleged-rape-of-boys/ Islamic scholar, Neezam Ali has been committed to stand trial in the High Court for rape, following the conclusion of a Preliminary Inquiry (PI) conducted before Magistrate Alex Moore at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court. Islamic scholar, Neezam Ali Yesterday the Court ruled that there was sufficient evidence against Ali for him to stand trial before a... [ more ]
Former Member Contractor trailed from bank, shot in the head Feb 22, 2018 News , https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...nk-shot-in-the-head/ Terry Singh An electrical contractor was shot in the back of the head and robbed of $600,000 some ten minutes after leaving a Republic Bank branch at Triumph, East Coast Demerara. Terry Singh, 38, was shot by a tattooed gunman around 13:00 hrs yesterday, just as he entered the compound of the R. Kissoon Contracting Service at Foulis, East Coast Demerara. The robber and an... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Election in Guyana 2020
Former Member Why weren't these people arrested . [ more ]
Former Member Fool don't troll me. Not because I pounded yuh mother, I am yuh father. Given that she was a runaround sue, there are many other possibilities. You were already crying on the floor when I had my drunken one night mistake with her. Guh look fuh tuh daadee elsewhere and good luck. And while you are at it learn some English. Blacks are the scourge of the world does mean all blacks. You are missing a qualifier but that is expected given how much you were neglected from infancy. [ more ]
Former Member @Former Member Guyana has wasted 50+ years with these 2 partiest. It's time for new blood. Neither will keep each other in check. Each had a chance to alter the constitution for better. Neither did it. Why waste more time with them? Anyway, I'm off to an engagement. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today
Former Member As we can see yuji thought that the Indo vote ALONE determines election results. He didn't factor in what other groups would do, or the fact that a many of the G/T Indo population have fled the PPP plantation. [ more ]
Former Member No wonder yuji is so miserable these days! [ more ]
Former Member For all those who claim that corruption began when Joe Harmon assumed power. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
2020 Election Watch - Live
Former Member Both rass. [ more ]
Former Member Sean --- is that DickTakers or DicKtators. -------------------------------------------- Sean Senior Member 4 hours ago All of this charade can come to an end if Granger concedes. They have the SOP and know that they lost but like all DicKtators , they still cling on and create an impression with the violent arm of the PNC that they won. [ more ]
Former Member Re: 2020 Election Watch - Live [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsBollywood Talk
Former Member LATA MANGESHKAR: MAJESTICAL VOICE, UNFORGETTABLE MELODIES MOVIE : DULARI 1949 SINGER: LATA MANGESHKAR MUSIC : NAUSHAD LYRICS : SHAKEEL BADAYUNI 4) TAKDEER JAGAKAR AYEE HOON OoooOoo (Taqadeer Jaga Kar Aai Hoon)2Jaga Kar Aai Hoon My fate has finally taken a turn for the better Main Ek Nai Duniya Basa Kar Laai Hoon I have discovered a new world Duniya Basa Kar Laai Hoon)2 I have discovered a new world (Kise Dil Ka Sunaauun Fasaana Hooo With... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsSocial Club
2011 Lunch Thread
Former Member Okay Chiefy, your call. [ more ]
Former Member Alena, I've had it before. A bit spicy for me. [ more ]
Former Member Like few peeps eating lunch these days...alena had jambalaya pasta from the cheesecake factory. Highly recommended. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsBollywood Talk
Former Member Bump: [ more ]
Former Member [QUOTE]Originally posted by asj: The gorgeous Aishwarya Rai plays the lead role in the film starring as Kiranjit Ahluwalia. QUOTE] Beautiful pic of Ash! [ more ]
Kari Some husbands like being set ablazed...........(: (: [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Let's try and please raise the standard of the board.
Former Member ...nothing to do with me. Looks like this thread drew the attention of the PPP to their racist supporters on this board. Maybe they called off the dogs. [ more ]
Former Member His Schizophrenia disorder he displayed every full moon.. [ more ]
Former Member Too bad you was conceived in Garmont and get drop in the gutter, the stench messed up your brains.. go seek help. I see the big blue moon took control of you. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsBollywood Talk
Former Member GHAZALS: TALAT MAHMOOD: THE GOLDEN VOICE: 18) MAIN TERE NAZAR KA SUROOR HOON: MP 3: Main teri nazar ka suruur huun Tujhe yaad ho ke na yaad ho I am the light in your eyes, whether you remember or not . [ more ]
Former Member GHAZALS: TALAT MAHMOOD: THE GOLDEN VOICE: 17) MERA JEEVAN SAATHI: MP 3: Mera jivan sathi bichhad gaya, lo khatam kahani ho gai My life's partner has left me, the story is ended . [ more ]
Former Member GHAZALS: TALAT MAHMOOD: THE GOLDEN VOICE: 16) HAIN SABSE MADHUR VOH GEET JINHEN: MP 3: Hain Sabse Madhur Voh Geet Jinhen, (Hum Dard Ke Sur Mein Gaate Hai)2 The sweetest songs are those that we sing to the tune of pain . [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Kari Can't argue much with CaribJ on the thesis that Burnham's rule helped small businesses, most of whom were Indians. We also see a situation today where the assets of the State are given to, and run by, a clique - call it an oligarchy if you like, that is anemic to small business. Dr Cheddie Jagan post-1992 was interested in small business development, and especially from diaspora investment - the source of hard currency. Major infrastructure investments obviously lacked native capital... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by baseman: Indians in Guyana would have been much better off than they are today. I don't say he was great for me, but was great for his community. Much of the Indo business class today arose from the Burenham era. When he destroyed the economy it was the speculators who benefitted....many of them being Indians. Now imagine if Cheddi had been around instead of Burnham. Cheddi would have destroyed the small business sector, much of that dominated by Indians. He would have... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by baseman: Burnham was a great leader for the Afro community. Look at the condition of blacks in 1985 and then tell me again that Burnham was a great man. The educational system was the most importnat ladder of upward mobility for blacks. Burnham destroyed that. The result is INCREASED illiteracy among blacks a s many of todays black kids have illiterate parents whose time ws spent on marching to praise Burnham, mass games, etc, instead of education.. THe system of slavery... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsSocial Club
Daily Quote
cain Dat bone one nuff nuff bone around. [ more ]
alena06 There are three important bones in life - backbone, wishbone and your funny this somewhere. [ more ]
Former Member Interestingly, Koi, when put in a fish bowl, will only grow up to three inches. When this same fish is placed in a large tank, it will grow to about nine inches long. In a pond koi can reach lengths of eighteen inches. Amazingly, when placed in a lake, koi can grow to three feet long. - Vince Poscente [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Assault On A PPP Campaign Truck By APNU / AFC Hooligans & Parasites
Former Member Dem like play victim but they are as guilty as hell of racism and the shithole Guyana is. Several years ago, one came to Switzerland ridiculing Indians of Guyana. He knew the Swiss were sensitive to environmental issues. So he sold them a story Indians are plundering the natural resources and shipping it out to the US where we will go. He made it sound that Indians are not from Guyana but are transient and just taking what we could and exploiting Blacks in the process. I was out of town, or... [ more ]
Prashad One of you Fellas who are technology minded please copy these videos on Mr. Jeffery Facebook site so that they can be used as future evidence. One afro woman made the comment in the video "this is black people area so don't come in here". White people do not believe when we respond that many of these people are deep anti-East Indian racists because white people see most of us East Indian people as being dark also so Hinduism untouchables philosophy come to their minds. These Guyanese Afros... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
β€˜Barber shop’ company gets $300 MILLION computer contracts
Prashad Originally Posted by Nehru: I dont understand why the Govt cant purchase directly from Dell or even China or India and give the Contract for installing and servicing to a local. I have to say something is NOT kosher here. Nehru, like you want trouble with the Bookman and friends. [ more ]
cain Bump! So what happening here guys? [ more ]
Nehru July 2011. UH I see things GREAT in Guyana. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Shocking Revelations by Former A.F.C General Secretary
Former Member Originally Posted by Conscience: Conscience, you really think voters will pay attention to this? [ more ]
Former Member Re: Shocking Revelations by Former A.F.C General Secretary [ more ]
Ramakant-P Originally Posted by Conscience: Long live the truly working class party, long live the P.P.P Let Progress reigns.. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Donald Trump is Unstoppable.
Amral you never know out of the ashes via Trump there may rise a 3rd party one day that could have an impact on future elections [ more ]
Former Member Naivete on GNI is astounding. Lol [ more ]
Mars And you expect this from a racist like Trump? Dream on! [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Post Post Election....2020
Former Member New Thread to be started...this one getting out of hand [ more ]
Former Member Mohabir Anil Nandlal l 12 mins Β· PRESS STATEMENT I refer to a Press Release issued by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM’s) Public Relations Officer, Ms. Yoland Ward, a few moments ago. Th e statement reads, β€œIn light of the recent decision to have the remaining Statements of Poll (SOPs) scanned and projected on screen for the Region 4 tabulation exercise, the Guyana Elections Commission has decided to move the exercise from the Office of the Returning Officer to the GECOM Head Office.”... [ more ]
Former Member Sase Gunraj 22 mins 3:30 pm Update! I was just refused entry beyond the barriers outside of GECOM’s High Street headquarters. As I attempted to explain to the Police ranks my enti tlement to be there, my vehicle was surrounded by an angry mob, all dress in and exhibiting APNU+AFC paraphernalia. While doing so, I observed a Press Release from Yolanda Ward, PRO, GECOM. As usual, it mangles the purport and intent of the Order and subsequent orders of the Honourable Chief Justice. After the... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsSocial Club
antabanta Song of the Forever Rains , E.J. Mellow. A fantasy tale that incorporates enough of the ordinary to tell an excellent story of love, hate, and greed for power. While Larkyra and her sisters enjoy their magic, they also employ it in service of good, helping those in need. She soon discovers her magic does not make her immune to normal human emotions. [ more ]
antabanta Bacchanal , Veronica G. Henry. I picked up this novel because of the name which is popular in Guyana and the Caribbean for referring to a party, fair, or carnival. I was delighted to discover a character named Obeah in the beginning, although his presence was short-lived, because obeah is also prominent in Guyana as the English term for voodoo. An intriguing story, relating the ancient superstitions and mystical beliefs of Africa. The story line, dialog, and narrative are fairly... [ more ]
Former Member ❀️
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Barbara Pilgrim correct fit?
Former Member nat-a-rass Also like ... Nag-a-rass-tootoo .. or ... Nag-a-rass-poopoo [ more ]
Former Member Isn’t that just a political appointee? She goes to the opposition if they lose the elections. So it matters not to the other party. I would think they cannot make appointments of key positions which remains after a change of government. I’m thinking like ambassadors, top civil service, top cop, etc. [ more ]
Former Member She looks like no nat-a-rass woman. [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
3 Students shot dead!
Former Member This guy is in college. The victims are in college. Yet they are fighting and killing over a parking space. One would think that that kind of behavior would be more suitable for the more astute RH regulars. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Shaitaan: My Dear Friend, If you must know, I do try to get out from under my rock as often as I can. Permit me to draw a line between the ordinary criminality of individuals committed for individual purposes and individual gains. Our society can handle these individuals. If these individuals even happen to be "Muslim", even that doesn't matter. No one is concerned about Muslim "ordinary crime." Yuh crazy bai. Crime is crime regardless of reason. In a court of law,... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Bruddaman: Shitaan, even you won't shoot someone over a parking spot. Apparently they park in the visitor spots every once in a while. Does that mean one shot go to your private home and shoot you in the head? Complain to the property manager then the police. You don't go shooting people left and right execution style. If that man is not sent to jail for life some crazy person in jail will take him out. My Dear Bruddaman, I hope by now one can safely assume I wouldn't... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Granger Racist comments. Gearing up for Election
Former Member Originally Posted by Rev: Originally Posted by yuji22: ============ TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. Yuji: Folks like Tarron Khemraj(TK), Farouk Samaroo(Joker), Sasenarine Singh, Warrior, etc, etc are what you call in Guyana N*GGER INDIANS ---they would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Nigel Huhes of Guyana. Who vex, vex! Rev OK REV, so what do you call Bharat? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kidmost: I do not believe Granger is racist however , I have heard him make some pretty stupid remarks, which people can and have mis-interpreted. The politics in Guyana is race based, has been and still is so, lets not forget that making statements within that political framework leaves lots of room for such situations. I realize that many Guyanese are struggling with their own racism , including the generation born post Burnham and jagan era , and are trying their... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Stormborn: Granger is racist and the PPP chronicle editorial page was a mistake! what hypocrites! HUH???? [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsBollywood Talk
Lynn Doesnt wrk! page not found [ more ]
Lynn I worked with ASJ bhaiya on these tributes in 2003/06/07 i think.. we did 100 if Mukesh , Rafi n Lata, with song links, lyrics n translation. R u sure these links still work? the 1 st sets we did were from n after a while it didnt work ! [ more ]
Former Member For Bollywood music lovers, I'm bringing up an old thread which has lots of gems. There are probably newer threads on Mukesh but this is all I can find so far. Sit back, rock in your hammock, sip a glass of wine and enjoy... [ more ]
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Guyana Community Discussion ForumsPolitical Discussions
Charrandass Persaud own words
Mitwah Re: Charrandass Persaud own words [ more ]